예제 #1
파일: skel.py 프로젝트: skwerlman/entropy
    def log_message(self, message):
        Log message string to logfile.

        @param message: message string to log
        @type message: string
        with LogFile(level=SystemSettings()['system']['log_level'],
                     header="[spm]") as log:
예제 #2
    def logger(self):
        Return the Entropy Client Logger instance.
        with self._real_logger_lock:
            if self._real_logger is None:
                real_logger = LogFile(

                const_debug_write(__name__, "Logger loaded")
                self._real_logger = real_logger

        return self._real_logger
예제 #3
파일: client.py 프로젝트: Heather/entropy
    def logger(self):
        Return the Entropy Client Logger instance.
        if self._real_logger is None:
            # once != None, will be always != None
            with self._real_logger_lock:

                if self._real_logger is None:
                    self._real_logger = LogFile(
                        level = self._settings['system']['log_level'],
                        filename = etpConst['entropylogfile'],
                        header = "[client]")
                    const_debug_write(__name__, "Logger loaded")

        return self._real_logger
예제 #4
파일: client.py 프로젝트: Heather/entropy
class Client(Singleton, TextInterface, LoadersMixin, CacheMixin,
             CalculatorsMixin, RepositoryMixin, MiscMixin,
             MatchMixin, NoticeBoardMixin):

    def init_singleton(self, indexing = True, installed_repo = None,
            xcache = True, user_xcache = False, repo_validation = True,
            url_fetcher = None, multiple_url_fetcher = None, **kwargs):
        Entropy Client Singleton interface. Your hitchhikers' guide to the

        @keyword indexing: enable metadata indexing (default is True)
        @type indexing: bool
        @keyword installed_repo: open installed packages repository? (default
            is True). Accepted values: True = open, False = open but consider
            it not available, -1 = do not even try to open
        @type installed_repo: bool or int
        @keyword xcache: enable on-disk cache (default is True)
        @type xcache: bool
        @keyword user_xcache: enable on-disk cache even for users not in the
            entropy group (default is False). Dangerous, could lead to cache
        @type user_xcache: bool
        @keyword repo_validation: validate all the available repositories
            and automatically exclude the faulty ones
        @type repo_validation: bool
        @keyword url_fetcher: override default entropy.fetchers.UrlFetcher
            class usage. Provide your own implementation of UrlFetcher using
            this argument.
        @type url_fetcher: class or None
        @keyword multiple_url_fetcher: override default
            entropy.fetchers.MultipleUrlFetcher class usage. Provide your own
            implementation of MultipleUrlFetcher using this argument.
        self.__post_acquire_hook_idx = None
        self.__instance_destroyed = False
        self._repo_error_messages_cache = set()
        self._repodb_cache = {}
        self._repodb_cache_mutex = threading.RLock()
        self._memory_db_instances = {}
        self._real_installed_repository = None
        self._real_installed_repository_lock = threading.RLock()
        self._treeupdates_repos = set()
        self._can_run_sys_set_hooks = False
        const_debug_write(__name__, "debug enabled")

        self.safe_mode = 0
        self._indexing = indexing
        self._repo_validation = repo_validation

        self._real_cacher = None
        self._real_cacher_lock = threading.Lock()

        # setup package settings (masking and other stuff)
        self._real_settings = None
        self._real_settings_lock = threading.Lock()

        self._real_settings_client_plg = None
        self._real_settings_client_plg_lock = threading.Lock()

        self._real_logger = None
        self._real_logger_lock = threading.Lock()

        self._real_enabled_repos = None
        self._real_enabled_repos_lock = threading.RLock()

        # class init

        self._multiple_url_fetcher = multiple_url_fetcher
        self._url_fetcher = url_fetcher
        if url_fetcher is None:
            self._url_fetcher = UrlFetcher
        if multiple_url_fetcher is None:
            self._multiple_url_fetcher = MultipleUrlFetcher

        self._do_open_installed_repo = True
        self._installed_repo_enable = True
        if installed_repo in (True, None, 1):
            self._installed_repo_enable = True
        elif installed_repo in (False, 0):
            self._installed_repo_enable = False
        elif installed_repo == -1:
            self._installed_repo_enable = False
            self._do_open_installed_repo = False

        self.xcache = xcache
        shell_xcache = os.getenv("ETP_NOCACHE")
        if shell_xcache:
            self.xcache = False

        # now if we are on live, we should disable it
        # are we running on a livecd? (/proc/cmdline has "cdroot")
        if entropy.tools.islive():
            self.xcache = False
        elif (not entropy.tools.is_user_in_entropy_group()) and not user_xcache:
            self.xcache = False

        # Add Entropy Resources Lock post-acquire hook that cleans
        # repository caches.
        hook_ref = EntropyResourcesLock.add_post_acquire_hook(
        self.__post_acquire_hook_idx = hook_ref

        # enable System Settings hooks
        self._can_run_sys_set_hooks = True
        const_debug_write(__name__, "singleton loaded")

    def _settings(self):
        Return a SystemSettings object instance.
        if self._real_settings is None:
            # once != None, will be always != None
            with self._real_settings_lock:

                if self._real_settings is None:
                    self._real_settings = SystemSettings()
                    const_debug_write(__name__, "SystemSettings loaded")

                    # add our SystemSettings plugin
                    # Make sure we connect Entropy Client plugin
                    # AFTER client db init

        return self._real_settings

    def _settings_client_plugin(self):
        Return the SystemSettings Entropy Client plugin.
        if self._real_settings_client_plg is None:
            # once != None, will be always != None
            with self._real_settings_client_plg_lock:

                if self._real_settings_client_plg is None:
                    plugin = ClientSystemSettingsPlugin(self)
                    self._real_settings_client_plg = plugin

        return self._real_settings_client_plg

    def _cacher(self):
        Return an EntropyCacher object instance.
        if self._real_cacher is None:
            # once != None, will be always != None
            with self._real_cacher_lock:

                if self._real_cacher is None:
                    self._real_cacher = EntropyCacher()
                    const_debug_write(__name__, "EntropyCacher loaded")

                    # needs to be started here otherwise repository
                    # cache will be always dropped
                    if self.xcache:
                        # disable STASHING_CACHE or we leak
                        EntropyCacher.STASHING_CACHE = False

        return self._real_cacher

    def logger(self):
        Return the Entropy Client Logger instance.
        if self._real_logger is None:
            # once != None, will be always != None
            with self._real_logger_lock:

                if self._real_logger is None:
                    self._real_logger = LogFile(
                        level = self._settings['system']['log_level'],
                        filename = etpConst['entropylogfile'],
                        header = "[client]")
                    const_debug_write(__name__, "Logger loaded")

        return self._real_logger

    def _enabled_repos(self):
        if self._real_enabled_repos is None:
            with self._real_enabled_repos_lock:

                if self._real_enabled_repos is None:
                    self._real_enabled_repos = []

                    if self._repo_validation:
                            enabled_repos = self._real_enabled_repos)

        return self._real_enabled_repos

    def _resources_post_hook(self):
        Hook running after Entropy Resources Lock acquisition.
        This method takes care of the repository memory caches, by
        invalidating it.
        with self._real_installed_repository_lock:
            if self._real_installed_repository is not None:

        with self._repodb_cache_mutex:
            for repo in self._repodb_cache.values():

    def destroy(self, _from_shutdown = False):
        Destroy this Singleton instance, closing repositories, removing
        SystemSettings plugins added during instance initialization.
        This method should be always called when instance is not used anymore.
        self.__instance_destroyed = True

        if self.__post_acquire_hook_idx is not None:
            self.__post_acquire_hook_idx = None

        if hasattr(self, '_installed_repository'):
            inst_repo = self.installed_repository()
            if inst_repo is not None:
                inst_repo.close(_token = InstalledPackagesRepository.NAME)

        if hasattr(self, '_real_logger_lock'):
            with self._real_logger_lock:
                if self._real_logger is not None:

        if not _from_shutdown:
            if hasattr(self, '_real_settings') and \
                    hasattr(self._real_settings, 'remove_plugin'):

                # shutdown() will terminate the whole process
                # so there is no need to remove plugins from
                # SystemSettings, it wouldn't make any diff.
                if self._real_settings is not None:
                    except KeyError:

        self.close_repositories(mask_clear = False)

    def shutdown(self):
        This method should be called when the whole process is going to be
        killed. It calls destroy() and stops any running thread
        self._cacher.sync()  # enforce, destroy() may kill the current content
        self.destroy(_from_shutdown = True)

    def repository_packages_spm_sync(self, repository_identifier, repo_db,
        force = False):
        Service method used to sync package names with Source Package Manager
        via metadata stored in Repository dbs collected at server-time.
        Source Package Manager can change package names, categories or slot
        and Entropy repositories must be kept in sync.

        In other words, it checks for /usr/portage/profiles/updates changes,
        of course indirectly, since there is no way entropy.client can directly
        depend on Portage.

        @param repository_identifier: repository identifier which repo_db
            parameter is bound
        @type repository_identifier: string
        @param repo_db: repository database instance
        @type repo_db: entropy.db.EntropyRepository
        @return: bool stating if changes have been made
        @rtype: bool
        inst_repo = self.installed_repository()

        if not inst_repo:
            # nothing to do if client db is not availabe
            return False


        do_rescan = False
        shell_rescan = os.getenv("ETP_TREEUPDATES_RESCAN")
        if shell_rescan:
            do_rescan = True

        # check database digest
        stored_digest = repo_db.retrieveRepositoryUpdatesDigest(
        if stored_digest == -1:
            do_rescan = True

        # check stored value in client database
        client_digest = "0"
        if not do_rescan:
            client_digest = \

        if do_rescan or (str(stored_digest) != str(client_digest)) or force:

            # reset database tables

            # load updates
            update_actions = repo_db.retrieveTreeUpdatesActions(
            # now filter the required actions
            update_actions = inst_repo.filterTreeUpdatesActions(

            if update_actions:

                mytxt = "%s: %s." % (
                    red(_("forcing packages metadata update")),
                    importance = 1,
                    level = "info",
                    header = darkred(" * ")
                mytxt = "%s %s." % (
                    red(_("Updating system database using repository")),
                    importance = 1,
                    level = "info",
                    header = darkred(" * ")
                # run stuff

            # store new digest into database
                repository_identifier, stored_digest)
            # store new actions
                InstalledPackagesRepository.NAME, update_actions,
            # clear client cache
            return True

    def is_destroyed(self):
        return self.__instance_destroyed
예제 #5
파일: client.py 프로젝트: dMaggot/entropy
    def init_singleton(self, indexing = True, installed_repo = None,
            xcache = True, user_xcache = False, repo_validation = True,
            url_fetcher = None, multiple_url_fetcher = None, **kwargs):
        Entropy Client Singleton interface. Your hitchhikers' guide to the

        @keyword indexing: enable metadata indexing (default is True)
        @type indexing: bool
        @keyword installed_repo: open installed packages repository? (default
            is True). Accepted values: True = open, False = open but consider
            it not available, -1 = do not even try to open
        @type installed_repo: bool or int
        @keyword xcache: enable on-disk cache (default is True)
        @type xcache: bool
        @keyword user_xcache: enable on-disk cache even for users not in the
            entropy group (default is False). Dangerous, could lead to cache
        @type user_xcache: bool
        @keyword repo_validation: validate all the available repositories
            and automatically exclude the faulty ones
        @type repo_validation: bool
        @keyword url_fetcher: override default entropy.fetchers.UrlFetcher
            class usage. Provide your own implementation of UrlFetcher using
            this argument.
        @type url_fetcher: class or None
        @keyword multiple_url_fetcher: override default
            entropy.fetchers.MultipleUrlFetcher class usage. Provide your own
            implementation of MultipleUrlFetcher using this argument.
        self.__instance_destroyed = False
        self._repo_error_messages_cache = set()
        self._repodb_cache = {}
        self._repodb_cache_mutex = threading.RLock()
        self._memory_db_instances = {}
        self._installed_repository = None
        self._treeupdates_repos = set()
        self._can_run_sys_set_hooks = False
        const_debug_write(__name__, "debug enabled")
        self.sys_settings_client_plugin_id = \

        self._enabled_repos = []
        self.safe_mode = 0
        self._indexing = indexing
        self._repo_validation = repo_validation

        # setup package settings (masking and other stuff)
        self._settings = SystemSettings()
        const_debug_write(__name__, "SystemSettings loaded")

        # class init

        self.logger = LogFile(
            level = self._settings['system']['log_level'],
            filename = etpConst['entropylogfile'], header = "[client]")

        self._multiple_url_fetcher = multiple_url_fetcher
        self._url_fetcher = url_fetcher
        if url_fetcher is None:
            self._url_fetcher = UrlFetcher
        if multiple_url_fetcher is None:
            self._multiple_url_fetcher = MultipleUrlFetcher

        self._cacher = EntropyCacher()

        # backward compatibility, will be removed after 2011
        if "noclientdb" in kwargs:
            noclientdb = kwargs.get("noclientdb")
            self._do_open_installed_repo = True
            self._installed_repo_enable = True
            if noclientdb in (True, 1):
                self._installed_repo_enable = False
            elif noclientdb in (False, 0):
                self._installed_repo_enable = True
            elif noclientdb == 2:
                self._installed_repo_enable = False
                self._do_open_installed_repo = False
            self._do_open_installed_repo = True
            self._installed_repo_enable = True
            if installed_repo in (True, None, 1):
                self._installed_repo_enable = True
            elif installed_repo in (False, 0):
                self._installed_repo_enable = False
            elif installed_repo == -1:
                self._installed_repo_enable = False
                self._do_open_installed_repo = False

        self.xcache = xcache
        shell_xcache = os.getenv("ETP_NOCACHE")
        if shell_xcache:
            self.xcache = False

        do_validate_repo_cache = False
        # now if we are on live, we should disable it
        # are we running on a livecd? (/proc/cmdline has "cdroot")
        if entropy.tools.islive():
            self.xcache = False
        elif (not entropy.tools.is_user_in_entropy_group()) and not user_xcache:
            self.xcache = False
        elif not user_xcache:
            do_validate_repo_cache = True

        if not self.xcache and (entropy.tools.is_user_in_entropy_group()):

        if self._do_open_installed_repo:

        # create our SystemSettings plugin
        self.sys_settings_client_plugin = ClientSystemSettingsPlugin(
            self.sys_settings_client_plugin_id, self)

        # needs to be started here otherwise repository cache will be
        # always dropped
        if self.xcache:
            # disable STASHING_CACHE or we leak
            EntropyCacher.STASHING_CACHE = False

        if do_validate_repo_cache:

        if self._repo_validation:

        # add our SystemSettings plugin
        # Make sure we connect Entropy Client plugin AFTER client db init

        # enable System Settings hooks
        self._can_run_sys_set_hooks = True
        const_debug_write(__name__, "singleton loaded")