예제 #1
def test_no_requirements(lambda_paths, environments, context_modified_environ,
                         monkeypatch, glob_ignore_worked):
    lambda_path = lambda_paths['no_requirements']
    lambda_env = environments['no_requirements']
    with context_modified_environ(**lambda_env):
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", lambda: lambda_path)
        # Lets create the zip
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 0

        # Now to do some testing on the zipfile itself.
        zip_file_name = os.getenv('ARTIFACT_NAME', 'deployment.zip')
        workspace = os.getenv('CI_WORKSPACE', os.getcwd())
        code_dir = os.getenv('LAMBDA_CODE_DIR', 'src')
        glob_ignore = os.getenv('GLOB_IGNORE', "*.pyc,__pycache__")
        build_dir = os.getenv('CONTAINER_BUILD_DIRECTORY', '/build')

        with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(workspace, zip_file_name)) as f:
            root_level_files = {e.split('/')[0] for e in f.namelist()}

        assert glob_ignore_worked(workspace, build_dir, glob_ignore)

        # Making sure all root level files and directories are inside the zip file.
        _, directories, files = next(os.walk(lambda_path))
        files = set(files)
        directories = set(directories)
        assert 'deployment.zip' in files
        root_level_files = root_level_files - files
        root_level_files = root_level_files - directories
        assert not root_level_files
예제 #2
def test_too_big(erroring_lambda_paths, erroring_environments,
                 context_modified_environ, monkeypatch, caplog):
    lambda_path = erroring_lambda_paths['too_big']
    lambda_env = erroring_environments['too_big']
    with context_modified_environ(**lambda_env):
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", lambda: lambda_path)
        # Lets create the zip
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
        assert "deployment.zip is to big to fit in a lambda." in caplog.text
예제 #3
def test_simple_with_reqs_txt_flip_ssh(lambda_paths, environments,
                                       context_modified_environ, monkeypatch,
                                       glob_ignore_worked, caplog):
    lambda_path = lambda_paths['simple_requirements_ssh_flip']
    lambda_env = environments['simple_requirements_ssh_flip']
    with context_modified_environ(**lambda_env):
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", lambda: lambda_path)
        # Lets create the zip
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        # The zip will fail because the ssh/https url won't actually work.
        assert 'exit status 128: git clone --filter=blob:none -q https' in caplog.text or (
            'git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet https' in caplog.text
            and 'exit code: 128' in caplog.text)
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
예제 #4
def test_local_path_pip_install(lambda_paths, environments,
                                context_modified_environ, monkeypatch,
    lambda_path = lambda_paths['local_path_pip_install']
    lambda_env = environments['local_path_pip_install']
    with context_modified_environ(**lambda_env):
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", lambda: lambda_path)
        # Lets create the zip
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 0

        # Now to do some testing on the zipfile itself.
        zip_file_name = os.getenv('ARTIFACT_NAME', 'deployment.zip')
        workspace = os.getenv('CI_WORKSPACE', os.getcwd())
        code_dir = os.getenv('LAMBDA_CODE_DIR', 'src')
        glob_ignore = os.getenv('GLOB_IGNORE', "*.pyc,__pycache__")
        build_dir = os.getenv('CONTAINER_BUILD_DIRECTORY', '/build')

        # List all root level directories and files within the zip file.
        with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(workspace, zip_file_name)) as f:
            root_level_files = {e.split('/')[0] for e in f.namelist()}

        # If we glob ignored, make sure we don't have those
        assert glob_ignore_worked(workspace, build_dir, glob_ignore)

        # Making sure all root level files and directories are inside the zip file.
        # Get all files and directories in the code directory
        _, __, files = next(os.walk(lambda_path))
        assert 'deployment.zip' in files
        _, directories, files = next(
            os.walk(os.path.join(lambda_path, 'simple_lambda')))
        directories, files = set(directories), set(files)
        root_level_files, files = root_level_files - files, files - root_level_files
        root_level_files, directories = root_level_files - directories, directories - root_level_files

        assert len(
        ) > 3  # Are there more files then the stuff we explicitly listed?
        assert not files  # Are all files in the zip?
        assert not directories  # Are all directories in the zip?
예제 #5
def test_code_directory(lambda_paths, environments, context_modified_environ,
                        monkeypatch, glob_ignore_worked):
    lambda_path = lambda_paths['code_directory_example']
    lambda_env = environments['code_directory_example']
    with context_modified_environ(**lambda_env):
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, "getcwd", lambda: lambda_path)
        # Lets create the zip
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 0

        # Now to do some testing on the zipfile itself.
        zip_file_name = os.getenv('ARTIFACT_NAME', 'deployment.zip')
        workspace = os.getenv('CI_WORKSPACE', os.getcwd())
        code_dir = os.getenv('LAMBDA_CODE_DIR', 'src')
        glob_ignore = os.getenv('GLOB_IGNORE', "*.pyc,__pycache__")
        build_dir = os.getenv('CONTAINER_BUILD_DIRECTORY', '/build')

        with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(workspace, zip_file_name)) as f:
            root_level_files = {e.split('/')[0] for e in f.namelist()}

        assert glob_ignore_worked(workspace, build_dir, glob_ignore)

        # Making sure all root level files and directories are inside the zip file.
        _, directories, files = next(os.walk(os.path.join(lambda_path,
        for f in files:
        for d in directories:
        assert len(
        ) > 3  # Are there more files then the stuff we explicitly listed?

        _, dirs, __ = next(os.walk(lambda_path))
        assert 'zip_files' in dirs
        _, __, zip_files = next(os.walk(os.path.join(lambda_path,
        assert 'code.zip' in zip_files