def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() '''Model configuration''' parser.add_argument("--input_dim", type=int, default=512) parser.add_argument("--hidden_dim", type=int, default=128) parser.add_argument("--out_dim", type=int, default=128) parser.add_argument("--layer_hidden", type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--layer_output", type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument("--skip_connection_type", type=str, default="gsc") parser.add_argument("--norm_type", type=str, default="no") '''Training configuration''' parser.add_argument("--batch_train", type=int, default=128) parser.add_argument("--batch_test", type=int, default=128) parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=1e-4) parser.add_argument("--lr_decay", type=float, default=0.99) parser.add_argument("--decay_interval", type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument("--iteration", type=int, default=100) parser.add_argument("--loss_type", type=str, default="FocalLoss") parser.add_argument("--load_model_path", help='Write the address if you want to load the model.', type=str, default="") '''Miscellaneous''' parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, help='Choose either train or test', default="train") parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, help='Dataset to use', default="bionsight") parser.add_argument("--model_type", type=str, help='Used to create a folder name', default="GNN") parser.add_argument("--use_augmentation", help='Augmentation using Smiles Enumeration', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument("--radius", type=int, help='The number of times each node ID is updated', default=1) args = parser.parse_args() environment.setup(args) '''Solver for training and testing MolGNN''' solver = Solver()
def main(arguments): cells = arguments.cells speed = get_speed(arguments.speed) num_fail = 0 miner = Miner(row=0, col=0, num_rotate=0, num_move=0) grid, pit_xy, beacon_xy, gold_row, gold_col = setup(miner, cells=cells) while True: grid[miner.row][miner.col] = "-" stuck = miner.forward(cells=cells, grid=grid, level=2) # time.sleep(speed) display(grid, miner, num_fail) if (miner.row == gold_row) and (miner.col == gold_col): break elif [miner.row, miner.col] in pit_xy or stuck: num_fail += 1 miner = Miner(row=0, col=0, num_rotate=0, num_move=0) grid, pit_xy, beacon_xy, gold_row, gold_col = setup(miner, cells=cells) display(grid, miner, num_fail)
def parseArgs(): args = createParser().parse_args() environment.setup(args.lang, args.platform, == 'origins') print 'Language-specific content path: ' + environment.contentPath print 'Platform specified: ' + environment.platform if == 'origins': print 'Silent Hill Origins mode specified' return args
options = None devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w') hostname = socket.gethostname() # binlog_player_protocol_flags defines the flags to use for the binlog players. # A test can overwrite these flags before calling utils.main(). binlog_player_protocol_flags = ['-binlog_player_protocol', 'gorpc'] class TestError(Exception): pass class Break(Exception): pass environment.setup() class LoggingStream(object): def __init__(self): self.line = "" def write(self, value): if value == "\n": # we already printed it self.line = "" return self.line += value"===== " + self.line) if value.endswith("\n"): self.line = ""
options = None devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w') hostname = socket.getaddrinfo(socket.getfqdn(), None, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_CANONNAME)[0][3] class TestError(Exception): pass class Break(Exception): pass environment.setup() class LoggingStream(object): def __init__(self): self.line = '' def write(self, value): if value == '\n': # we already printed it self.line = '' return self.line += value'===== ' + self.line) if value.endswith('\n'): self.line = ''
def setUp(self): if self.vttop is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTTOP not defined") if self.vtroot is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTROOT not defined") try: os.makedirs(environment.tmproot) except OSError: pass environment.setup() framework.execute('go install', verbose=utils.options.verbose, cwd=self.vttop+'/go/cmd/vtocc') framework.execute('go install', verbose=utils.options.verbose, cwd=self.vttop+'/go/cmd/mysqlctl') # start mysql res =[ self.vtroot+"/bin/mysqlctl", "-tablet-uid", self.tabletuid, "-port", str(self.vtoccport), "-mysql-port", str(self.mysqlport), "init" ]) if res != 0: raise EnvironmentError("Cannot start mysql") res =[ "mysql", "-S", self.mysqldir+"/mysql.sock", "-u", "vt_dba", "-e", "create database vt_test_keyspace ; set global read_only = off"]) if res != 0: raise Exception("Cannot create vt_test_keyspace database") self.mysql_conn = self.mysql_connect() mcu = self.mysql_conn.cursor() self.clean_sqls = [] self.init_sqls = [] clean_mode = False with open(os.path.join(self.vttop, "test", "test_data", "test_schema.sql")) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line == "# clean": clean_mode = True if line=='' or line.startswith("#"): continue if clean_mode: self.clean_sqls.append(line) else: self.init_sqls.append(line) try: for line in self.init_sqls: mcu.execute(line, {}) finally: mcu.close() customrules = '/tmp/customrules.json' self.create_customrules(customrules) schema_override = '/tmp/schema_override.json' self.create_schema_override(schema_override) occ_args = [ self.vtroot+"/bin/vtocc", "-port", "9461", "-customrules", customrules, "-schema-override", schema_override, "-db-config-app-charset", "utf8", "-db-config-app-dbname", "vt_test_keyspace", "-db-config-app-host", "localhost", "-db-config-app-unixsocket", self.mysqldir+"/mysql.sock", "-db-config-app-uname", 'vt_dba', # use vt_dba as some tests depend on 'drop' "-db-config-app-keyspace", "test_keyspace", "-db-config-app-shard", "0" ] if self.memcache: memcache = self.mysqldir+"/memcache.sock" occ_args.extend(["-rowcache-bin", "memcached"]) occ_args.extend(["-rowcache-socket", memcache]) occ_args.extend(["-enable-rowcache"]) if self.sensitive_mode: occ_args.extend(['-queryserver-config-sensitive-mode']) self.vtstderr = open("/tmp/vtocc_stderr.log", "a+") self.vtstdout = open("/tmp/vtocc_stdout.log", "a+") self.vtocc = subprocess.Popen(occ_args, stdout=self.vtstdout, stderr=self.vtstderr) for i in range(30): try: self.conn = self.connect() self.txlogger = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/txlog'], stdout=open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log', 'w')) self.txlog = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log', 'r')) def flush():['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/flushlogs'], trap_output=True) self.log = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc.INFO'), flush=flush) utils.run_bg(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/querylog?full=true'], stdout=open('/tmp/vtocc_streamlog_9461.log', 'w')) self.querylog = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc_streamlog_9461.log'), sleep=0.1) return except dbexceptions.OperationalError: if i == 29: raise time.sleep(1)
def setUp(self): utils.zk_setup() environment.setup() if self.vttop is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTTOP not defined") if self.vtroot is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTROOT not defined") framework.execute('go install', verbose=utils.options.verbose, cwd=self.vttop+'/go/cmd/mysqlctl') utils.wait_procs([self.tablet.init_mysql()]) self.tablet.mquery("", ["create database vt_test_keyspace", "set global read_only = off"]) self.mysql_conn, mcu = self.tablet.connect('vt_test_keyspace') self.clean_sqls = [] self.init_sqls = [] clean_mode = False with open(os.path.join(self.vttop, "test", "test_data", "test_schema.sql")) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line == "# clean": clean_mode = True if line=='' or line.startswith("#"): continue if clean_mode: self.clean_sqls.append(line) else: self.init_sqls.append(line) try: for line in self.init_sqls: mcu.execute(line, {}) finally: mcu.close() utils.run_vtctl('CreateKeyspace -force /zk/global/vt/keyspaces/test_keyspace') self.tablet.init_tablet('master', 'test_keyspace', '0') customrules = '/tmp/customrules.json' self.create_customrules(customrules) schema_override = '/tmp/schema_override.json' self.create_schema_override(schema_override) if self.memcache: self.tablet.start_vttablet(memcache=True, customrules=customrules, schema_override=schema_override, sensitive_mode=self.sensitive_mode) else: self.tablet.start_vttablet(customrules=customrules, schema_override=schema_override, sensitive_mode=self.sensitive_mode) # FIXME(szopa): This is necessary here only because of a bug that # makes the qs reload its config only after an action. utils.run_vtctl('Ping ' + self.tablet.zk_tablet_path) for i in range(30): try: self.conn = self.connect() self.txlogger = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/txlog'], stdout=open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log', 'w')) self.txlog = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log'), flush=self.tablet.flush) self.log = framework.Tailer(open(os.path.join(environment.vtlogroot, 'vttablet.INFO')), flush=self.tablet.flush) querylog_file = '/tmp/vtocc_streamlog_%s.log' % self.tablet.port utils.run_bg(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/querylog?full=true'], stdout=open(querylog_file, 'w')) time.sleep(1) self.querylog = framework.Tailer(open(querylog_file), sleep=0.1) return except dbexceptions.OperationalError: if i == 29: raise time.sleep(1)
def main(): global epsilon, time_start, total_steps, learning_rate # Initialize lists costs = [] rewards = [] values = [] memory = [] # Parse arguments parser = build_parser() options = parser.parse_args() load_parser(options) # epsilon and learning rate decrement epsilon_decr = (epsilon - epsilon_) / epsilon_steps lr_decr = (learning_rate - lr_final) / lr_steps tf.set_random_seed(1) seed = 0 # Initialize TF variables and graph X, Y = create_placeholders(state_dim, action_dim) # (state_dim, action_dim) param_online, param_target = initialize_parameters() onlineNN, targetNN = forward_propagation(X, param_online, param_target) cost = compute_cost(onlineNN, Y) # Target network updater operation target_update_op = update_target_weights(param_online, param_target) # Backpropagation # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost) # With clipping gradients: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate) gradients, variables = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(cost)) gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 1.0) optimize = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, variables)) # visualize tf.global_norm(gradients) to see the usual range, then choose the clipping threshold (initial guess 2.0) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() ### MAIN PROGRAM config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) # seems it is faster with CPU with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # Run the initialization if load_model: print('Restoring model ...') ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state('dqn/') saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) else: # Initialize environment and clock env.setup() time_start = time.clock() # Perform the training loop for e in range(num_episodes): # Setup new episode (initialize environment) env.setup() # Initial state s = env.get_state() t = 0 rewEp = 0 valueEp = 0 costEp = 0 if e % 50 == 0: print(e, ' episode starting') while not env.race_finished( ): # initialization of environment automatically when this method returns true #print(t) ### SEQUENCE / SIMULATION STEP --- START ### # Create current sequence seq = [s] # Simulate and obtain info from the environment Q = onlineNN.eval(feed_dict={X: [s]}) # Pick action, epsilon-greedy if np.random.random() > epsilon: # greedy policy a = np.argmax(Q) elif on_policy: # hard-coded policy a = env.get_next_action() else: # random policy a = np.random.randint(action_dim) # Get reward and new state after performing action 'a', updating simulation r, s = env.action(a) # Save rest of sequence seq.extend([a, r, s]) if len(memory) < memo_max: memory.append(seq) else: memory.pop(0) memory.append(seq) ### SEQUENCE / SIMULATION STEP --- END ### """ LEARN ON NEURAL NETWORK WITH DDQN """ # When there's enough memory and every 4 iterations if len( memory ) >= memo_min and t % 4 == 0: # set min_memo proportional to batch_size # Creation of minibatch used for learning replays = np.array(random.sample(memory, batch_size)) state = np.vstack(np.array( replays[:, 0])) # shape batch_size, state_dim action = np.vstack(np.array(replays[:, 1])) reward = np.vstack(np.array(replays[:, 2])) state_ = np.vstack(np.array(replays[:, 3])) """ DOUBLE DQN ALGORITHM """ # calculate y_DoubleQ (y_Q) a_max = np.argmax(onlineNN.eval(feed_dict={X: state_}), axis=1) # y_Q = reward + gamma * Q(S',target_network)[a_max_Q(S',online_network)] y_Q = reward.squeeze() + gamma * targetNN.eval( feed_dict={X: state_})[np.arange(batch_size), a_max] # This is the evaluation of current online neural network of the state (for all actions) Q_eval = onlineNN.eval(feed_dict={X: state}) # Value to which the network is going to aim at its output for the action taken Q_update = y_Q - Q_eval[np.arange(batch_size), action.squeeze()] # The full vector of outputs with the the index of the action taken updated Q_eval[np.arange(batch_size), action.squeeze()] += alpha * Q_update # Create the minibatch used for learning batch_X = state batch_Y = Q_eval """ UPDATE ONLINE NEURAL NETWORK """ # Train on minibatch generated _, batch_cost =[optimize, cost], feed_dict={ X: batch_X, Y: batch_Y }) costEp += batch_cost / batch_size """ UPDATE TARGET NEURAL NETWORK """ # END OF TIMESTEP t += 1 total_steps += 1 rewEp += r valueEp += np.mean(Q) # Hyperparameters update if len(memory) >= memo_min and epsilon > epsilon_: epsilon -= epsilon_decr if total_steps > lr_start and learning_rate > lr_final: learning_rate -= lr_decr # Print progress if e % 50 == 0 and t % 10 == 0: print('=', end='', flush=True) ### END OF EPISODE (next e in for loop after this ident finishes) if e % 50 == 0: print('> ' + str(t) + ' steps') print('%i timesteps in episode %i' % (t, e)) costs.append(costEp / t * 4) rewards.append(rewEp / t) values.append(valueEp / t) np.random.seed(seed) seed += 1 # Show metrics every few episodes if print_metrics and e % 100 == 0: #print ("Cost after episode %i: %f" % (e, costs[e])) print("Reward after episode %i: %f" % (e, rewards[e])) print("Value after episode %i: %f" % (e, values[e])) #print ("-- memory length ", len(memory)) # And plots plotter(costs, rewards, values) if animations and e % 1000 == 0: acts = np.array(memory)[len(memory) - t:len(memory) - 1, 1] env.save_animation(acts.tolist(), e) # Save model if save_model and e > 0 and e % 2000 == 0: print('Saving model ...'), path_model + 'model' + str(e) + '.ckpt') # END OF PROGRAM # plot metrics, save model if save_model: print('Saving model ...'), path_model + 'model' + str(e) + '.ckpt') if animations: acts = np.array(memory)[len(memory) - t:len(memory) - 1, 1] env.save_animation(acts.tolist()) plotter(costs, rewards, values, final=True)
def setUp(self): if self.vttop is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTTOP not defined") if self.vtroot is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTROOT not defined") try: os.makedirs(environment.tmproot) except OSError: pass environment.setup() framework.execute('go install', verbose=utils.options.verbose, cwd=self.vttop+'/go/cmd/vtocc') framework.execute('go install', verbose=utils.options.verbose, cwd=self.vttop+'/go/cmd/mysqlctl') # start mysql res =[ self.vtroot+"/bin/mysqlctl", "-tablet-uid", self.tabletuid, "-port", str(self.vtoccport), "-mysql-port", str(self.mysqlport), "init" ]) if res != 0: raise EnvironmentError("Cannot start mysql") res =[ "mysql", "-S", self.mysqldir+"/mysql.sock", "-u", "vt_dba", "-e", "create database vt_test_keyspace ; set global read_only = off"]) if res != 0: raise Exception("Cannot create vt_test_keyspace database") self.mysql_conn = self.mysql_connect() mcu = self.mysql_conn.cursor() self.clean_sqls = [] self.init_sqls = [] clean_mode = False with open(os.path.join(self.vttop, "test", "test_data", "test_schema.sql")) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line == "# clean": clean_mode = True if line=='' or line.startswith("#"): continue if clean_mode: self.clean_sqls.append(line) else: self.init_sqls.append(line) try: for line in self.init_sqls: mcu.execute(line, {}) finally: mcu.close() customrules = '/tmp/customrules.json' self.create_customrules(customrules) schema_override = '/tmp/schema_override.json' self.create_schema_override(schema_override) occ_args = [ self.vtroot+"/bin/vtocc", "-port", "9461", "-customrules", customrules, "-schema-override", schema_override, "-db-config-app-charset", "utf8", "-db-config-app-dbname", "vt_test_keyspace", "-db-config-app-host", "localhost", "-db-config-app-unixsocket", self.mysqldir+"/mysql.sock", "-db-config-app-uname", 'vt_dba', # use vt_dba as some tests depend on 'drop' "-db-config-app-keyspace", "test_keyspace", "-db-config-app-shard", "0" ] if utils.options.memcache: memcache = self.mysqldir+"/memcache.sock" occ_args.extend(["-rowcache-bin", "memcached"]) occ_args.extend(["-rowcache-socket", memcache]) occ_args.extend(["-enable-rowcache"]) self.vtstderr = open("/tmp/vtocc_stderr.log", "a+") self.vtstdout = open("/tmp/vtocc_stdout.log", "a+") self.vtocc = subprocess.Popen(occ_args, stdout=self.vtstdout, stderr=self.vtstderr) for i in range(30): try: self.conn = self.connect() self.txlogger = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/txlog'], stdout=open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log', 'w')) self.txlog = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log', 'r')) def flush():['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/flushlogs'], trap_output=True) self.log = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc.INFO'), flush=flush) utils.run_bg(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/querylog?full=true'], stdout=open('/tmp/vtocc_streamlog_9461.log', 'w')) self.querylog = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc_streamlog_9461.log'), sleep=0.1) return except dbexceptions.OperationalError: if i == 29: raise time.sleep(1)
def setUp(self): utils.zk_setup() environment.setup() if self.vttop is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTTOP not defined") if self.vtroot is None: raise EnvironmentError("VTROOT not defined") framework.execute('go install', verbose=utils.options.verbose, cwd=self.vttop+'/go/cmd/mysqlctl') utils.wait_procs([self.tablet.init_mysql()]) self.tablet.mquery("", ["create database vt_test_keyspace", "set global read_only = off"]) self.mysql_conn, mcu = self.tablet.connect('vt_test_keyspace') self.clean_sqls = [] self.init_sqls = [] clean_mode = False with open(os.path.join(self.vttop, "test", "test_data", "test_schema.sql")) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line == "# clean": clean_mode = True if line=='' or line.startswith("#"): continue if clean_mode: self.clean_sqls.append(line) else: self.init_sqls.append(line) try: for line in self.init_sqls: mcu.execute(line, {}) finally: mcu.close() utils.run_vtctl('CreateKeyspace -force /zk/global/vt/keyspaces/test_keyspace') self.tablet.init_tablet('master', 'test_keyspace', '0') customrules = '/tmp/customrules.json' self.create_customrules(customrules) schema_override = '/tmp/schema_override.json' self.create_schema_override(schema_override) if utils.options.memcache: self.tablet.start_vttablet(memcache=True, customrules=customrules, schema_override=schema_override) else: self.tablet.start_vttablet(customrules=customrules, schema_override=schema_override) # FIXME(szopa): This is necessary here only because of a bug that # makes the qs reload its config only after an action. utils.run_vtctl('Ping ' + self.tablet.zk_tablet_path) for i in range(30): try: self.conn = self.connect() self.txlogger = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/txlog'], stdout=open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log', 'w')) self.txlog = framework.Tailer(open('/tmp/vtocc_txlog.log'), flush=self.tablet.flush) self.log = framework.Tailer(open(os.path.join(environment.vtlogroot, 'vttablet.INFO')), flush=self.tablet.flush) querylog_file = '/tmp/vtocc_streamlog_%s.log' % self.tablet.port utils.run_bg(['curl', '-s', '-N', 'http://localhost:9461/debug/querylog?full=true'], stdout=open(querylog_file, 'w')) time.sleep(1) self.querylog = framework.Tailer(open(querylog_file), sleep=0.1) return except dbexceptions.OperationalError: if i == 29: raise time.sleep(1)
import environment, variables, processing from os import path from tools import counter workfolder = r'D:\My_files\Meus_artigos\Em_andamento\Artigo_de_solos_2019\Projetos\EMBRAPA' DEM = path.join(workfolder, 'dem.tif') soil_obs = path.join(workfolder, 'OBS_SOIL.shp') basins = path.join(workfolder, 'watersheds.tif') e = environment.setup(workfolder, DEM, soil_obs, basins) i = variables.initialize(e) c = counter.count(DEM) d = 0 while True: q = raw_input("Which one do you prefer to use? (0=relative; 1=absolute; 2=cancel): ") if q == "0": px = int((float(raw_input("Enter the percentage of data to use (%): "))/100) * elif q == "1": px = int(raw_input("Enter the number of data pixels to use: ")) elif q == "2": px = 0 break if q in ["0", "1"]: print "Using %s pixels to process..." % (px) d = raw_input("Is that correct? (0=NO; 1=YES; 2=cancel): ") if d == "1": break elif d == "2": px = 0 break if px > 0: