예제 #1
def main():
    # This cli object takes the documentation comment at the top of this file (__doc__) and parses it against the
    # command line arguments (sys.argv).  Supported commands are create and deploy. The deploy function works fine as
    # is. ConsulStackController overrides the create action to include an Consul.io stack as an additional template.
    cli = CLI(doc=__doc__)
    env_config = EnvConfig(config_handlers=[ConsulTemplate])
    ConsulStackController(view=cli, env_config=env_config)
예제 #2
            'preferred_maintenance_window': 'sun:03:00-sun:04:00',
            # Name of vm snapshot to use, empty string ('') means don't use an old snapshot
            # Note: 'master_db_name' value will be overridden if snapshot_id is non-empty
            'snapshot_id': '',
            'password': '******'
        'label2': {
            'db_instance_type_default': 'db.m1.small',
            'rds_user_name': 'defaultusername',
            # Actual database name, cannot include non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. '-')
            'master_db_name': 'mydb2',
            'volume_size': 100,
            'backup_retention_period': 30,
            'rds_engine': 'MySQL',
            # 5.6.19 is no longer supported
            'rds_engine_version': '5.6.22',
            'preferred_backup_window': '02:00-02:30',
            'preferred_maintenance_window': 'sun:03:00-sun:04:00',
            # Name of vm snapshot to use, empty string ('') means don't use an old snapshot
            # Note: 'master_db_name' value will be overridden if snapshot_id is non-empty
            'snapshot_id': '',
            'password': '******'

    my_config = res.FACTORY_DEFAULT_CONFIG
    my_config['db'] = db_config

    env_config = EnvConfig(config_handlers=[RDS])
    Controller(env_config=env_config, config_file_override=my_config)
    def get_factory_defaults():
        return {'my_child_template': {'favorite_color': 'blue'}}

    # When the user request to 'create' a new template the config.json file is read in. This file is checked to
    # ensure all required values are present. Because MyChildTemplate has additional requirements beyond that of
    # EnvironmentBase this function is used to add additional validation checks.
    def get_config_schema():
        return {'my_child_template': {'favorite_color': 'str'}}

class GrandchildTemplate(Template):
    def build_hook(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # EnvConfig holds references to handler classes used to extend certain functionality
    # of EnvironmentBase. The config_handlers list takes any class that implements
    # get_factory_defaults() and get_config_schema().
    env_config = EnvConfig(config_handlers=[ChildTemplate])
