def update_guid(guid): # check to see if set is new if not r.sismember('eol-image-sets', guid): print "Found new photos" # get photo ids link = eol.SETURL_BASE.format(guid=guid) photos = eol.scrape_photos(link) # push into redis for photo in photos: r.lpush('eol-' + str(guid), json.dumps(photo)) r.lpush('eol-image-set-list', guid) r.sadd('eol-image-sets', guid)
def update_guid(guid): # check to see if set is new if not r.sismember('eol-image-sets', guid): print "Found new photos" # get photo ids link = eol.SETURL_BASE.format(guid=guid) photos = eol.scrape_photos(link) # push into redis for photo in photos: r.lpush('eol-'+str(guid), json.dumps(photo)) r.lpush('eol-image-set-list', guid) r.sadd('eol-image-sets', guid)
REDIS_URL = os.getenv('REDISTOGO_URL', 'redis://localhost:6379') r = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(REDIS_URL) print "Checking EOL for updates" url = "" d = feedparser.parse(url) # Find the new image RSS entry in the list for entry in d.entries: if '-Images' in entry.guid: guid = int(entry.guid[-15:-7]) # check to see if set is new if not r.sismember('eol-image-sets', guid): print "Found new photos" # get photo ids link = eol.SETURL_BASE.format(guid=guid) photos = eol.scrape_photos(link) # push into redis for photo in photos: r.lpush('eol-'+str(guid), json.dumps(photo)) r.lpush('eol-image-set-list', guid) r.sadd('eol-image-sets', guid) print "Finished"