예제 #1
def create_table_for_jet(fpath):
    pce = Eos(1)
    import cStringIO
    output = cStringIO.StringIO()

    fname = os.path.join(fpath, 'bulkinfo.h5')
    with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as h5:
        tau_list = h5['coord/tau'][...]
        x_list = h5['coord/x'][...]
        y_list = h5['coord/y'][...]
        for tau in tau_list:
            tau_str = ('%s' % tau).replace('.', 'p')
            ed = h5['bulk2d/exy_tau%s' % tau_str][...]
            vx = h5['bulk2d/vx_xy_tau%s' % tau_str][...]
            vy = h5['bulk2d/vy_xy_tau%s' % tau_str][...]
            T = pce.f_T(ed)
            QGP_fraction = qgp_fraction(T)

            x, y, ed_new = interp_2d(ed, x_list, y_list)
            x, y, vx_new = interp_2d(vx, x_list, y_list)
            x, y, vy_new = interp_2d(vy, x_list, y_list)
            x, y, T_new = interp_2d(T, x_list, y_list)
            x, y, frac_new = interp_2d(QGP_fraction, x_list, y_list)

            for i, xi in enumerate(x):
                for j, yj in enumerate(y):
                    print >> output, tau, xi, yj, ed_new[i, j], T_new[
                        i, j], vx_new[i, j], vy_new[i, j], frac_new[i, j], 0.0

        with open(os.path.join(fpath, 'bulk.dat'), 'w') as f:
예제 #2
class BulkInfo(object):
    '''The bulk information like:
       ed(x), ed(y), ed(eta), T(x), T(y), T(eta)
       vx, vy, veta, ecc_x, ecc_p'''
    def __init__(self, cfg, ctx, queue, eos_table, compile_options):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.queue = queue
        self.eos_table = eos_table
        self.compile_options = list(compile_options)

        NX, NY, NZ = cfg.NX, cfg.NY, cfg.NZ
        self.h_ev = np.zeros((NX * NY * NZ, 4), cfg.real)
        self.h_pi = np.zeros(10 * NX * NY * NZ, self.cfg.real)

        # one dimensional
        self.ex, self.ey, self.ez = [], [], []
        self.vx, self.vy, self.vz = [], [], []

        # in transverse plane (z==0)
        self.exy, self.vx_xy, self.vy_xy, self.vz_xy = [], [], [], []

        self.pixx_xy, self.piyy_xy, self.pitx_xy = [], [], []

        # in reaction plane
        self.exz, self.vx_xz, self.vy_xz, self.vz_xz = [], [], [], []

        self.ecc2_vs_rapidity = []
        self.ecc1_vs_rapidity = []
        self.time = []
        self.edmax = []
        self.eos = Eos(cfg.eos_type)

        self.x = np.linspace(-floor(NX / 2) * cfg.DX,
                             floor(NX / 2) * cfg.DX,
        self.y = np.linspace(-floor(NY / 2) * cfg.DY,
                             floor(NY / 2) * cfg.DY,
        self.z = np.linspace(-floor(NZ / 2) * cfg.DZ,
                             floor(NZ / 2) * cfg.DZ,

    def __loadAndBuildCLPrg(self):
        #load and build *.cl programs with compile self.compile_options
        edslice_src = '''#include"real_type.h"
            __kernel void get_ed(__global real4 * d_ev,
                                 __global real4 * d_ev_x0,
                                 __global real4 * d_ev_y0,
                                 __global real4 * d_ev_z0,
                                 __global real4 * d_ev_xy,
                                 __global real4 * d_ev_xz,
                                 __global real4 * d_ev_yz) {
                int gid = get_global_id(0);
                if ( gid < NX ) {
                    int j = NY/2; 
                    int k = NZ/2;
                    d_ev_x0[gid] = d_ev[gid*NY*NZ + j*NZ + k];

                    int i = gid;
                    for ( j = 0; j< NY; j ++ ) {
                        d_ev_xy[i*NY+j] = d_ev[i*NY*NZ + j*NZ + k];

                    j = NY/2;
                    for ( k = 0; k < NZ; k ++ ) {
                        d_ev_xz[i*NZ+k] = d_ev[i*NY*NZ + j*NZ + k];

                if ( gid < NY ) {
                    int i = NX/2; 
                    int k = NZ/2;
                    d_ev_y0[gid] = d_ev[i*NY*NZ + gid*NZ + k];
                    int j = gid;
                    for ( k = 0; k < NZ; k ++ ) {
                        d_ev_yz[j*NZ+k] = d_ev[i*NY*NZ + j*NZ + k];

                if ( gid < NZ ) {
                    int i = NX/2; 
                    int j = NY/2;
                    d_ev_z0[gid] = d_ev[i*NY*NZ + j*NZ + gid];

            __kernel void get_pimn(__global real * d_pi,
                                 __global real * d_pixx_xy,
                                 __global real * d_piyy_xy,
                                 __global real * d_pitx_xy)
                int gid_x = get_global_id(0);
                int gid_y = get_global_id(1);

                int oid = gid_x*NY*(NZ/2) + gid_y*(NZ/2) + NZ/2;

                int nid = gid_x*NY + gid_y;

                d_pixx_xy[nid] = d_pi[10*oid + 4];
                d_piyy_xy[nid] = d_pi[10*oid + 7];
                d_pitx_xy[nid] = d_pi[10*oid + 1];
        self.kernel_edslice = cl.Program(
            edslice_src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options))

    def get(self, tau, d_ev1, edmax, d_pi=None):
        mf = cl.mem_flags
        NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ


        h_ev1d = np.zeros((2000, 4), self.cfg.real)
        h_evxy = np.zeros((NX * NY, 4), self.cfg.real)
        h_evxz = np.zeros((NX * NZ, 4), self.cfg.real)
        h_evyz = np.zeros((NY * NZ, 4), self.cfg.real)

        d_evx0 = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_ev1d.nbytes)
        d_evy0 = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_ev1d.nbytes)
        d_evz0 = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_ev1d.nbytes)

        d_evxy = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_evxy.nbytes)
        d_evxz = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_evxz.nbytes)
        d_evyz = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_evyz.nbytes)

        self.kernel_edslice.get_ed(self.queue, (2000, ), None, d_ev1, d_evx0,
                                   d_evy0, d_evz0, d_evxy, d_evxz,

        h_evx0 = np.zeros((NX, 4), self.cfg.real)
        h_evy0 = np.zeros((NY, 4), self.cfg.real)
        h_evz0 = np.zeros((NZ, 4), self.cfg.real)
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_evx0, d_evx0).wait()
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_evy0, d_evy0).wait()
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_evz0, d_evz0).wait()

        self.ex.append(h_evx0[:, 0])
        self.ey.append(h_evy0[:, 0])
        self.ez.append(h_evz0[:, 0])

        self.vx.append(h_evx0[:, 1])
        self.vy.append(h_evy0[:, 2])
        self.vz.append(h_evz0[:, 3])

        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_evxy, d_evxy).wait()
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_evxz, d_evxz).wait()
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_evyz, d_evyz).wait()

        self.exy.append(h_evxy[:, 0].reshape(NX, NY))
        self.vx_xy.append(h_evxy[:, 1].reshape(NX, NY))
        self.vy_xy.append(h_evxy[:, 2].reshape(NX, NY))

        self.exz.append(h_evxz[:, 0].reshape(NX, NZ))
        self.vx_xz.append(h_evxz[:, 1].reshape(NX, NZ))
        self.vy_xz.append(h_evxz[:, 2].reshape(NX, NZ))
        self.vz_xz.append(h_evxz[:, 3].reshape(NX, NZ))

        #logging.debug('d_pi is not None: %s'%(d_pi is not None))
        if d_pi is not None:
            h_pixx = np.zeros(NX * NY, self.cfg.real)
            h_piyy = np.zeros(NX * NY, self.cfg.real)
            h_pitx = np.zeros(NX * NY, self.cfg.real)
            d_pixx = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_pixx.nbytes)
            d_piyy = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_pixx.nbytes)
            d_pitx = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=h_pixx.nbytes)
            self.kernel_edslice.get_pimn(self.queue, (NX, NY), None, d_pi,
                                         d_pixx, d_piyy, d_pitx).wait()

            cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_pixx, d_pixx).wait()
            self.pixx_xy.append(h_pixx.reshape(NX, NY))

            cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_piyy, d_piyy).wait()
            self.piyy_xy.append(h_piyy.reshape(NX, NY))

            cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, h_pitx, d_pitx).wait()
            self.pitx_xy.append(h_pitx.reshape(NX, NY))

    def eccp(self, ed, vx, vy, vz=0.0, pixx=None, piyy=None, pitx=None):
        ''' eccx = <y*y-x*x>/<y*y+x*x> where <> are averaged 
            eccp = <Txx-Tyy>/<Txx+Tyy> '''
        ed[ed < 1.0E-10] = 1.0E-10
        pre = self.eos.f_P(ed)

        vr2 = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz
        vr2[vr2 > 1.0] = 0.999999

        u0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - vr2)
        Tyy = (ed + pre) * u0 * u0 * vy * vy + pre
        Txx = (ed + pre) * u0 * u0 * vx * vx + pre
        T0x = (ed + pre) * u0 * u0 * vx

        v2 = 0.0

        if pixx is not None:
            pi_sum = (pixx + piyy).sum()
            pi_dif = (pixx - piyy).sum()
            v2 = ((Txx - Tyy).sum() + pi_dif) / ((Txx + Tyy).sum() + pi_sum)
            v2 = (Txx - Tyy).sum() / (Txx + Tyy).sum()

        v1 = T0x.sum() / (Txx + Tyy).sum()
        return v1, v2

    def mean_vr(self, ed, vx, vy, vz=0.0):
        ''' <vr> = <gamma * ed * sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy)>/<gamma*ed>
        where <> are averaged over whole transverse plane'''
        ed[ed < 1.0E-10] = 1.0E-10
        vr2 = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz
        vr2[vr2 > 1.0] = 0.999999
        u0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - vr2)
        vr = (u0 * ed * np.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy)).sum() / (u0 * ed).sum()
        return vr

    def total_entropy(self, tau, ed, vx, vy, vz=0.0):
        '''get the total entropy as a function of time'''
        ed[ed < 1.0E-10] = 1.0E-10
        vr2 = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz
        vr2[vr2 > 1.0] = 0.999999
        u0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - vr2)
        return (u0 * self.eos.f_S(ed)).sum() * tau * self.cfg.DX * self.cfg.DY

    def ecc_vs_rapidity(self, d_ev):
        NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ
        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.h_ev, d_ev).wait()
        bulk = self.h_ev.reshape(NX, NY, NZ, 4)
        ecc1 = np.empty(NZ)
        ecc2 = np.empty(NZ)
        for k in range(NZ):
            ed = bulk[:, :, k, 0]
            vx = bulk[:, :, k, 1]
            vy = bulk[:, :, k, 2]
            vz = bulk[:, :, k, 3]
            ecc1[k], ecc2[k] = self.eccp(ed, vx, vy, vz)

    def save(self, viscous_on=False):
        # use absolute path incase call bulkinfo.save() from other directory
        path_out = os.path.abspath(self.cfg.fPathOut)

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/ex.dat', np.array(self.ex).T)
        np.savetxt(path_out + '/ey.dat', np.array(self.ey).T)
        np.savetxt(path_out + '/ez.dat', np.array(self.ez).T)

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/Tx.dat', self.eos.f_T(self.ex).T)
        np.savetxt(path_out + '/Ty.dat', self.eos.f_T(self.ey).T)
        np.savetxt(path_out + '/Tz.dat', self.eos.f_T(self.ez).T)

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/vx.dat', np.array(self.vx).T)
        np.savetxt(path_out + '/vy.dat', np.array(self.vy).T)
        np.savetxt(path_out + '/vz.dat', np.array(self.vz).T)

        if len(self.ecc2_vs_rapidity) != 0:
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/ecc2.dat',
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/ecc1.dat',

        entropy = []
        vr = []
        ecc2 = []
        ecc1 = []
        ecc2_visc = []
        for idx, exy in enumerate(self.exy):
            vx = self.vx_xy[idx]
            vy = self.vy_xy[idx]
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/edxy%d.dat' % idx, exy)
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/Txy%d.dat' % idx, self.eos.f_T(exy))
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/vx_xy%d.dat' % idx, vx)
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/vy_xy%d.dat' % idx, vy)
            tmp0, tmp1 = self.eccp(exy, vx, vy)
            vr.append(self.mean_vr(exy, vx, vy))
            tau = self.time[idx]
            entropy.append(self.total_entropy(tau, exy, vx, vy))

            if viscous_on:
                pixx = self.pixx_xy[idx]
                piyy = self.piyy_xy[idx]
                pitx = self.pitx_xy[idx]
                ecc_visc1, ecc_visc2 = self.eccp(exy,


        for idx, exz in enumerate(self.exz):
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/ed_xz%d.dat' % idx, exz)
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/vx_xz%d.dat' % idx, self.vx_xz[idx])
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/vy_xz%d.dat' % idx, self.vy_xz[idx])
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/vz_xz%d.dat' % idx, self.vz_xz[idx])
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/T_xz%d.dat' % idx, self.eos.f_T(exz))

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/eccp.dat',
                   np.array(list(zip(self.time, ecc2))),
                   header='tau  eccp')

        if viscous_on:
            np.savetxt(path_out + '/eccp_visc.dat',
                       np.array(list(zip(self.time, ecc2_visc))),
                       header='tau  eccp_visc')

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/Tmax.dat',
                   np.array(list(zip(self.time, self.eos.f_T(self.edmax)))),
                   header='tau, Tmax')

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/edmax.dat',
                   np.array(list(zip(self.time, self.edmax))),
                   header='tau, edmax')

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/vr.dat',
                   np.array(list(zip(self.time, vr))),
                   header='tau <vr>')

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/entropy.dat',
                   np.array(list(zip(self.time, entropy))),
                   header='tau  entropy')
예제 #3
class BulkInfo(object):
    '''The bulk information like:
       ed(x), ed(y), ed(eta), T(x), T(y), T(eta)
       vx, vy, veta, ecc_x, ecc_p'''
    def __init__(self, cfg, ctx, queue, eos_table, compile_options):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.queue = queue
        self.eos_table = eos_table
        self.compile_options = list(compile_options)

        NX, NY, NZ = cfg.NX, cfg.NY, cfg.NZ

        if NX % 2 == 1:
            self.x = np.linspace(-floor(NX / 2) * cfg.DX,
                                 floor(NX / 2) * cfg.DX,
            self.y = np.linspace(-floor(NY / 2) * cfg.DY,
                                 floor(NY / 2) * cfg.DY,
            self.z = np.linspace(-floor(NZ / 2) * cfg.DZ,
                                 floor(NZ / 2) * cfg.DZ,
            #including grid point 0
        elif NX % 2 == 0:
            self.x = np.linspace(-((NX - 1) / 2.0) * cfg.DX,
                                 ((NX - 1) / 2.0) * cfg.DX,
            self.y = np.linspace(-((NY - 1) / 2.0) * cfg.DY,
                                 ((NY - 1) / 2.0) * cfg.DY,
            self.z = np.linspace(-floor(NZ / 2) * cfg.DZ,
                                 floor(NZ / 2) * cfg.DZ,
            #NOT including grid point 0  for trento2D
        self.h_ev = np.zeros((NX * NY * NZ, 4), cfg.real)

        self.a_ed = cl_array.empty(self.queue, NX * NY * NZ, cfg.real)
        self.a_entropy = cl_array.empty(self.queue, NX * NY * NZ, cfg.real)

        # the momentum eccentricity as a function of rapidity
        self.a_eccp1 = cl_array.empty(self.queue, NZ, cfg.real)
        self.a_eccp2 = cl_array.empty(self.queue, NZ, cfg.real)

        # store the data in hdf5 file
        #h5_path = os.path.join(cfg.fPathOut, 'bulkinfo.h5')
        #self.f_hdf5 = h5py.File(h5_path, 'w')

        self.eos = Eos(cfg.eos_type)


        # time evolution for , edmax and ed, T at (x=0,y=0,etas=0)
        self.time = []
        self.edmax = []
        self.edcent = []
        self.Tcent = []

        # time evolution for total_entropy, eccp, eccx and <vr>
        self.energy = []
        self.entropy = []
        self.eccp_vs_tau = []
        self.eccx = []
        self.vr = []

        # time evolution for bulk3D
        self.Tau_tijk = []
        self.X_tijk = []
        self.Y_tijk = []
        self.Z_tijk = []
        self.ED_tijk = []
        self.Tp_tijk = []
        #       self.Frc_tijk = []
        self.Vx_tijk = []
        self.Vy_tijk = []
        self.Vz_tijk = []

        # time evolution for bulk2D
        self.Tau_2d = []
        self.X_2d = []
        self.Y_2d = []
        self.ED_2d = []
        self.Tp_2d = []
        self.Vx_2d = []
        self.Vy_2d = []
        self.Vz_2d = []
        self.Frc_2d = []

    def __load_and_build_cl_prg(self):
        with open(os.path.join(cwd, 'kernel', 'kernel_bulkinfo.cl')) as f:
            prg_src = f.read()
            self.kernel_bulk = cl.Program(
                prg_src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options))

    def get(self, tau, d_ev, edmax, d_pi=None):
        ''' store the bulkinfo to hdf5 file '''
        NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ

        cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.h_ev, d_ev).wait()
        bulk = self.h_ev.reshape(NX, NY, NZ, 4)

        # tau=0.6 changes to tau='0p6'
        time_stamp = ('%s' % tau).replace('.', 'p')

        i0, j0, k0 = NX // 2, NY // 2, NZ // 2

        exy = bulk[:, :, k0, 0]
        vx = bulk[:, :, k0, 1]
        vy = bulk[:, :, k0, 2]
        vz2d = bulk[:, :, k0, 3].flatten()
        exy2d = bulk[:, :, k0, 0].flatten()
        vx2d = bulk[:, :, k0, 1].flatten()
        vy2d = bulk[:, :, k0, 2].flatten()
        Tp2d = self.eos.f_T(exy2d)

        ed_ijk = bulk[:, :, :, 0].flatten()
        vx_ijk = bulk[:, :, :, 1].flatten()
        vy_ijk = bulk[:, :, :, 2].flatten()
        vz_ijk = bulk[:, :, :, 3].flatten()
        Tp_ijk = self.eos.f_T(ed_ijk)

        xline = self.x
        xline2d = np.repeat(xline, NY)
        x_ijk = np.repeat(xline, NY * NZ)

        yline = self.y
        y_ij = np.tile(yline, NX)
        yline2d = np.tile(yline, NX)
        y_ijk = np.repeat(y_ij, NZ)

        zline = self.z
        z_ijk = np.tile(zline, NX * NY)

        tau_ijk = np.repeat(tau, NX * NY * NZ)
        tau2d = np.repeat(tau, NX * NY)
        frac2d = np.repeat(0, NX * NY)



        self.eccp_vs_tau.append(self.eccp(exy, vx, vy)[1])
        self.vr.append(self.mean_vr(exy, vx, vy))

        #self.get_total_energy_and_entropy_on_gpu(tau, d_ev)

        ed_cent = exy[i0, j0]


        #ecc1, ecc2 = self.ecc_vs_rapidity(bulk)
        #ecc1, ecc2 = self.ecc_vs_rapidity_on_gpu(tau, d_ev)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/eccp1_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = ecc1)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/eccp2_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = ecc2)

        ## ed_x(y=0, z=0), ed_y(x=0, z=0), ed_z(x=0, y=0)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/ex_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, j0, k0, 0])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/ey_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, :, k0, 0])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/ez_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, j0, :, 0])

        ## vx_x(y=0, z=0), vy_y(x=0, z=0), vz_z(x=0, y=0)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/vx_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, j0, k0, 1])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/vy_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, :, k0, 2])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk1d/vz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, j0, :, 3])

        ## ed_xy(z=0), ed_xz(y=0), ed_yz(x=0)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/exy_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, :, k0, 0])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/exz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, j0, :, 0])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/eyz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, :, :, 0])

        ## vx_xy(z=0), vx_xz(y=0), vx_yz(x=0)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vx_xy_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, :, k0, 1])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vx_xz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, j0, :, 1])
        ##self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vx_yz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, :, :, 1])

        ## vy_xy(z=0), vy_xz(y=0), vy_yz(x=0)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vy_xy_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, :, k0, 2])
        ##self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vy_xz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, j0, :, 2])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vy_yz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, :, :, 2])

        ## vz_xy(z=0), vz_xz(y=0), vz_yz(x=0)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vz_xy_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, :, k0, 3])
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vz_xz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[:, j0, :, 3])
        ##self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('bulk2d/vz_yz_tau%s'%time_stamp, data = bulk[i0, :, :, 3])

    def eccp(self, ed, vx, vy, vz=0.0):
        ''' eccx = <y*y-x*x>/<y*y+x*x> where <> are averaged 
            eccp = <Txx-Tyy>/<Txx+Tyy> '''
        ed[ed < 1.0E-10] = 1.0E-10
        pre = self.eos.f_P(ed)

        vr2 = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz
        vr2[vr2 > 1.0] = 0.999999
        u0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - vr2)

        Tyy = (ed + pre) * u0 * u0 * vy * vy + pre
        Txx = (ed + pre) * u0 * u0 * vx * vx + pre
        T0x = (ed + pre) * u0 * u0 * vx
        v2 = (Txx - Tyy).sum() / (Txx + Tyy).sum()
        v1 = T0x.sum() / (Txx + Tyy).sum()
        return v1, v2

    def mean_vr(self, ed, vx, vy, vz=0.0):
        ''' <vr> = <gamma * ed * sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy)>/<gamma*ed>
        where <> are averaged over whole transverse plane'''
        ed[ed < 1.0E-10] = 1.0E-10
        vr2 = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz
        vr2[vr2 > 1.0] = 0.999999
        u0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - vr2)
        vr = (u0 * ed * np.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy)).sum() / (u0 * ed).sum()
        return vr

    def total_entropy(self, tau, ed, vx, vy, vz=0.0):
        '''get the total entropy (at mid rapidity ) as a function of time'''
        ed[ed < 1.0E-10] = 1.0E-10
        vr2 = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz
        vr2[vr2 > 1.0] = 0.999999
        u0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - vr2)
        return (u0 * self.eos.f_S(ed)).sum() * tau * self.cfg.DX * self.cfg.DY

    def get_total_energy_and_entropy_on_gpu(self, tau, d_ev):
        NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ
        self.kernel_bulk.total_energy_and_entropy(self.queue, (NX, NY, NZ),
                                                  None, self.a_ed.data,
                                                  self.a_entropy.data, d_ev,

        volum = tau * self.cfg.DX * self.cfg.DY * self.cfg.DZ

        e_total = cl_array.sum(self.a_ed).get() * volum
        s_total = cl_array.sum(self.a_entropy).get() * volum


    def ecc_vs_rapidity(self, bulk):
        ''' bulk = self.h_ev.reshape(NX, NY, NZ, 4)'''
        NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ
        ecc1 = np.empty(NZ)
        ecc2 = np.empty(NZ)
        for k in range(NZ):
            ed = bulk[:, :, k, 0]
            vx = bulk[:, :, k, 1]
            vy = bulk[:, :, k, 2]
            vz = bulk[:, :, k, 3]
            ecc1[k], ecc2[k] = self.eccp(ed, vx, vy, vz)
        return ecc1, ecc2

    def ecc_vs_rapidity_on_gpu(self, tau, d_ev):
        NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ
        self.kernel_bulk.eccp_vs_rapidity(self.queue, (NZ * 256, ), (256, ),
                                          self.a_eccp1.data, self.a_eccp2.data,
                                          d_ev, self.eos_table,

        return self.a_eccp1.get(), self.a_eccp2.get()

    def save(self, viscous_on=False):
        # use absolute path incase call bulkinfo.save() from other directory
        path_out = os.path.abspath(self.cfg.fPathOut)

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/avg.dat',
                           zip(self.time, self.eccp_vs_tau, self.edcent,
                               self.entropy, self.energy, self.vr))),
                   header='tau, eccp, ed(0,0,0), stotal, Etotal, <vr>')

        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('coord/tau', data = self.time)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('coord/x', data = self.x)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('coord/y', data = self.y)
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('coord/etas', data = self.z)

        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('avg/eccp', data = np.array(self.eccp_vs_tau))
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('avg/edcent', data = np.array(self.edcent))
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('avg/Tcent', data = self.eos.f_T(np.array(self.edcent)))
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('avg/entropy', data = np.array(self.entropy))
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('avg/energy', data = np.array(self.energy))
        #self.f_hdf5.create_dataset('avg/vr', data = np.array(self.vr))


        #np.savetxt(path_out + '/bulk3D.dat', \
        #np.array(zip(self.Tau_tijk, self.X_tijk, self.Y_tijk, self.Z_tijk, \
        #self.ED_tijk, self.Tp_tijk, self.Vx_tijk, self.Vy_tijk, self.Vz_tijk)), \
        #fmt='%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e',header = 'tau x y z Ed T vx vy veta')

        np.savetxt(path_out + '/bulk2D.dat', \
        np.array(zip(self.Tau_2d, self.X_2d, self.Y_2d, \
        self.ED_2d, self.Tp_2d, self.Vx_2d, self.Vy_2d, self.Vz_2d , self.Frc_2d)), \
        fmt='%.2f %.2f %.2f %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.1f',header = 'tau x y Ed T vx vy veta frc')
예제 #4
파일: HPP.py 프로젝트: PowerfulDC/HPP
class HPP(object):
    def __init__(self, path):
        data_path = path
        print('Loading data file,please wait for a minuts!')
        datafile = os.path.join(data_path, 'bulk3D.dat')
        self.data_t = np.loadtxt(datafile)
        print('Data file loading complete!')
        self.NX0 = 70
        self.NY0 = 70
        self.NZ0 = 41
        self.TAU0 = 0.6
        self.DX0 = 0.3
        self.DY0 = 0.3
        self.DZ0 = 0.3
        self.DT = 0.3
        self.NT = self.data_t.shape[0] // (self.NX0 * self.NY0 * self.NZ0)
        print("steps of Time is %i" % self.NT)
        self.NX = self.NX0
        self.NY = self.NY0
        self.NZ = self.NZ0
        self.DX = self.DX0
        self.DY = self.DY0
        self.DZ = self.DZ0

        # Switchs
        self.Dim_Switch = 3
        self.Grids_Switch = False
        self.sEd = True
        self.sT = False
        self.sVt = True
        self.sVz = True
        self.sFrac = False

        self.IEOS = 1
        self.eos = Eos(self.IEOS)

        self.OutPutPath = None

        # self.Ed_txyz = self.data_t[:,0].reshape(self.NT,self.NX0,self.NY0,self.NZ0)
        # self.Vx_txyz = self.data_t[:,1].reshape(self.NT,self.NX0,self.NY0,self.NZ0)
        # self.Vy_txyz = self.data_t[:,2].reshape(self.NT,self.NX0,self.NY0,self.NZ0)
        # self.Vz_txyz = self.data_t[:,3].reshape(self.NT,self.NX0,self.NY0,self.NZ0)
        self.Block_txyz = np.zeros(self.NT * self.NX0 * self.NY0 * self.NZ0 *
                                   4).reshape(self.NT, self.NX0, self.NY0,
                                              self.NZ0, 4)
        self.Block_txyz[:, :, :, :,
                        0] = self.data_t[:,
                                         0].reshape(self.NT, self.NX0,
                                                    self.NY0, self.NZ0)  # Ed
        self.Block_txyz[:, :, :, :,
                        1] = self.data_t[:,
                                         1].reshape(self.NT, self.NX0,
                                                    self.NY0, self.NZ0)  # Vx
        self.Block_txyz[:, :, :, :,
                        2] = self.data_t[:,
                                         2].reshape(self.NT, self.NX0,
                                                    self.NY0, self.NZ0)  # Vy
        self.Block_txyz[:, :, :, :,
                        3] = self.data_t[:,
                                         3].reshape(self.NT, self.NX0,
                                                    self.NY0, self.NZ0)  # Vz

        #		self.OutPut_col_shape = []

        self.Ed_newGrids = []
        self.T_newGrids = []
        self.Frac_newGrids = []
        self.Vt_newGrids = []
        self.Vz_newGrids = []
        self.Grids = []
        self.Hotel = []
        self.todo = []

# load customized grids

    def FormatCFG(self,
        self.NX = NX
        self.NY = NY
        self.NZ = NZ
        self.DX = DeltX
        self.DY = DeltY
        self.DZ = DeltZ
        self.Dim_Switch = Dim_Switch
        self.Grids_Switch = Grids_Switch
        self.sEd = sEd
        self.sT = sT
        self.sFrac = sFrac
        self.sVt = sV
        self.sVz = sV
        self.OutPutPath = Outputpath
        if Dim_Switch == 3:
            # self.OutPut_col_shape = np.zeros(self.NT*NX*NY*NZ)
            # self.Vt_newGrids = np.zeros((self.NT*NX*NY*NZ,2))
            self.Hotel = np.zeros((self.NT * self.NX * self.NY * self.NZ, 10))
#			if Grids_Switch:
#			    self.Grids = np.zeros((self.NT*NX*NY*NZ,4))
        elif Dim_Switch == 2:
            self.sVz = False
            # self.OutPut_col_shape = np.zeros(self.NT*NX*NY)
            #   self.Vt_newGrids = np.zeros((self.NT*NX*NY,2))
            self.Hotel = np.zeros((self.NT * self.NX * self.NY, 10))
# if Grids_Switch:
#     self.Grids = np.zeros((self.NT*NX*NY,3))

# give the final time

    def Finaltimestep(self):
        return self.NT, self.TAU0, self.DT

# give the fraction of QGP and Hadron

    def Frac(self, Temp):
        if Temp > 0.22:
            frac = 1.0
        elif Temp < 0.18:
            frac = 0.0
            frac = (Temp - 0.18) / (0.22 - 0.18)
        return frac

# change 3D to 2D directly

    def change3Dto2D(self):
        OutPut2D = self.Block_txyz[:, :, :, self.NZ0 // 2,
                                   0:3].reshape(self.NT * self.NX0 * self.NY0,
        # np.savetxt(filepath+'new_bulk2D.dat',OutPut2D,\
        # header = 'ED,T,frac,VX,VY'+' NT=%i'%self.NT+' NX=%i'%self.NX0+' NY=%i'%self.NY0)
        return OutPut2D

# return the hydro imformation of the input location

    def loc(self, t=0.6, x=0, y=0, z=0):
        # (x,y,z)should loacted in the range of (xmin,xmax)&(ymin,ymax)and so on
        # This peculiar part is because the trento's grid cannot get the 0 points at the transverse plane
        X_min = -self.DX * (self.NX0 - 1) / 2.0
        X_max = -X_min
        Y_min = -self.DY * (self.NY0 - 1) / 2.0
        Y_max = -Y_min

        Z_min = -(self.NZ0 // 2) * self.DZ
        Z_max = -Z_min
        if x > X_max or x < X_min or y > Y_max or y < Y_min or z > Z_max or z < Z_min:
            return np.zeros(4)
            L_NX_L = int((x - X_min) / self.DX)
            L_NY_L = int((y - Y_min) / self.DY)
            L_NZ_L = int((z - Z_min) / self.DZ)
            L_NT_L = int((t - self.TAU0) / self.DT)
            rt = abs((t - self.TAU0) / self.DT - L_NT_L)
            if rt < 1e-6:
                L_NT = L_NT_L
            elif (rt - 1) < 1e-6:
                L_NT = L_NT_L + 1

            # bi mian ge dian shang de quzhi dao zhi fushu
            rx = abs((x - X_min) / self.DX - L_NX_L)
            ry = abs((y - Y_min) / self.DY - L_NY_L)
            rz = abs((z - Z_min) / self.DZ - L_NZ_L)

            return self.Int3D(rx, ry, rz, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, L_NZ_L, L_NT)

    # 2D
    # (x,y,z)should loacted in the range of (xmin,xmax)&(ymin,ymax)and so on
    # This peculiar part is because the trento's grid cannot get the 0 points at the transverse plane
    def loc2D(self, t=0.6, x=0, y=0):
        X_min = -self.DX * (self.NX0 - 1) / 2.0
        X_max = -X_min
        Y_min = -self.DY * (self.NY0 - 1) / 2.0
        Y_max = -Y_min
        if x > X_max or x < X_min or y > Y_max or y < Y_min:
            return np.zeros(3)
            L_NX_L = int((x - X_min) / self.DX)
            L_NY_L = int((y - Y_min) / self.DY)
            L_NT_L = int((t - self.TAU0) / self.DT)
            rt = abs((t - self.TAU0) / self.DT - L_NT_L)
            if rt < 1e-6:
                L_NT = L_NT_L
            elif (rt - 1) < 1e-6:
                L_NT = L_NT_L + 1
            # bi mian ge dian shang de quzhi dao zhi fushu
            rx = abs((x - X_min) / self.DX - L_NX_L)
            y = abs((y - Y_min) / self.DY - L_NY_L)
            return self.Int2D(rx, ry, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, L_NT)

    # make 3D chazhi for different observer
    def Int3D(self, rx, ry, rz, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, L_NZ_L, L_NT):
        int100 = self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, L_NZ_L, :] * (
            1 - rx) + self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L + 1, L_NY_L, L_NZ_L, :] * rx
        int101 = self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, L_NZ_L + 1, :] * (
            1 - rx) + self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L + 1, L_NY_L,
                                      L_NZ_L + 1, :] * rx
        int110 = self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L, L_NY_L + 1, L_NZ_L, :] * (
            1 - rx) + self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L + 1, L_NY_L + 1,
                                      L_NZ_L, :] * rx
        int111 = self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L, L_NY_L + 1, L_NZ_L + 1, :] * (
            1 - rx) + self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L + 1, L_NY_L + 1,
                                      L_NZ_L + 1, :] * rx
        intA = int101 * rz + int100 * (1 - rz)
        intB = int111 * rz + int110 * (1 - rz)
        intF = intB * ry + intA * (1 - ry)

        return intF  # intF[0]=Ed , intF[1]=Vx ........

    def Int2D(self, rx, ry, rz, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, L_NT):
        int10 = self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L, L_NY_L, self.NZ0 // 2, :] * (
            1 - rx) + self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L + 1, L_NY_L,
                                      self.NZ0 // 2, :]
        int11 = self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L, L_NY_L + 1, self.NZ0 // 2, :] * (
            1 - rx) + self.Block_txyz[L_NT, L_NX_L + 1, L_NY_L + 1,
                                      self.NZ0 // 2, :]
        intF2D = int11 * ry + int10 * (1 - ry)
        return intF2D[0:3]

    # save data file with required format
    def save(
    ):  #, sGrids = False, sEd = True, sT = False, sFrac = False, sVt = True, sVz = True):
        m = 0
        qmark = np.zeros(10, bool)
        sGrids_t = False
        sGrids_z = False
        if self.Grids_Switch:
            sGrids_t = True
            sGrids_z = True
        if self.Dim_Switch == 2:
            sGrids_z = False
            self.sVz = False
        for quant in (sGrids_t, sGrids_t, sGrids_t, sGrids_z, self.sEd,
                      self.sT, self.sFrac, self.sVt, self.sVt,
                      self.sVz):  #(t,x,y,z,ed,T,frac,vx,vy,vz)
            qmark[m] = quant
            m += 1
        if self.Grids_Switch:
            if self.NX % 2 == 1:
                xline = np.linspace(-np.floor(self.NX / 2) * self.DX,
                                    np.floor(self.NX / 2) * self.DX,
                yline = np.linspace(-np.floor(self.NY / 2) * self.DY,
                                    np.floor(self.NY / 2) * self.DY,
            elif self.NX % 2 == 0:
                xline = np.linspace(-((self.NX - 1) / 2.0) * self.DX,
                                    ((self.NX - 1) / 2.0) * self.DX,
                yline = np.linspace(-((self.NY - 1) / 2.0) * self.DY,
                                    ((self.NY - 1) / 2.0) * self.DY,
            tau = np.linspace(self.TAU0,
                              self.TAU0 + (self.NT - 1) * self.DT,
            x_t = np.tile(xline, self.NT)
            y_tx = np.tile(yline, self.NT * self.NX)
            if self.Dim_Switch == 2:
                self.Hotel[:, 0] = np.repeat(tau, self.NX * self.NY)
                self.Hotel[:, 1] = np.repeat(x_t, self.NY)
                self.Hotel[:, 2] = y_tx
            if self.Dim_Switch == 3:
                zline = np.linspace(-np.floor(self.NZ / 2) * self.DZ,
                                    np.floor(self.NZ / 2) * self.DZ,
                blocksize = self.NX * self.NY * self.NZ * self.NT
                self.Hotel[:, 0] = np.repeat(tau, blocksize / self.NT)
                self.Hotel[:, 1] = np.repeat(x_t, self.NY * self.NZ)
                self.Hotel[:, 2] = np.repeat(y_tx, self.NZ)
                self.Hotel[:, 3] = np.tile(zline, blocksize / self.NZ)
        if self.sEd:
            self.Hotel[:, 4] = self.todo[:, 0]
        if self.sT:
            self.Hotel[:, 5] = self.eos.f_T(self.Hotel[:, 4])  #T
        if self.sFrac:
            self.Hotel[:, 6] = np.array(map(self.Frac, self.Hotel[:,
                                                                  5]))  #Frac
        if self.sVt:
            self.Hotel[:, 7] = self.todo[:, 1]
            self.Hotel[:, 8] = self.todo[:, 2]
        if self.sVz:
            self.Hotel[:, 9] = self.todo[:, 3]

        OutPutData = self.Hotel[:, qmark]
        if Dim_Switch == 3:
            header = 'ED,VX,VY,VEta'+' NT=%i '%self.NT+' NX=%i'%self.NX+' NY=%i'%self.NY+' NZ=%i'%self.NZ)
            print("new_bulk3D.dat Finished")
        elif Dim_Switch == 2:
            header = 'ED,VX,VY'+' NT=%i'%self.NT+' NX=%i'%self.NX+' NY=%i'%self.NY)
            print("new_bulk2D.dat Finished")