예제 #1
    def load_refjson(self, refjson_fname):
            self.refjson = RefJsonParser(refjson_fname)
        except ValueError:
            self.cfg.exit_user_error("ERROR: Invalid json file format!")

        #validate input json format
        (valid, err) = self.refjson.validate()
        if not valid:
                "ERROR: Parsing reference JSON file failed:\n%s", err)

        self.rate = self.refjson.get_rate()
        self.node_height = self.refjson.get_node_height()
        self.origin_taxonomy = self.refjson.get_origin_taxonomy()
        self.tax_tree = self.refjson.get_tax_tree()
        self.cfg.compress_patterns = self.refjson.get_pattern_compression()

        self.bid_taxonomy_map = self.refjson.get_branch_tax_map()
        if not self.bid_taxonomy_map:
            # old file format (before 1.6), need to rebuild this map from scratch
            th = TaxTreeHelper(self.cfg, self.origin_taxonomy)
            self.bid_taxonomy_map = th.get_bid_taxonomy_map()

        self.write_bid_tax_map(self.bid_taxonomy_map, final=False)

        reftree_str = self.refjson.get_raxml_readable_tree()
        self.reftree = Tree(reftree_str)
        self.reftree_size = len(self.reftree.get_leaves())

        # IMPORTANT: set EPA heuristic rate based on tree size!
        # If we're loading the pre-optimized model, we MUST set the same rate het. mode as in the ref file
        if self.cfg.epa_load_optmod:
            self.cfg.raxml_model = self.refjson.get_ratehet_model()

        self.classify_helper = TaxClassifyHelper(self.cfg,
                                                 self.rate, self.node_height)
        self.taxtree_helper = TaxTreeHelper(self.cfg, self.origin_taxonomy,

        tax_code_name = self.refjson.get_taxcode()
        self.tax_code = TaxCode(tax_code_name)

        self.taxonomy = Taxonomy(prefix=EpacConfig.REF_SEQ_PREFIX,
        self.tax_common_ranks = self.taxonomy.get_common_ranks()
        #        print "Common ranks: ", self.tax_common_ranks

        self.mislabels_cnt = [0] * TaxCode.UNI_TAX_LEVELS
        self.rank_mislabels_cnt = [0] * TaxCode.UNI_TAX_LEVELS
예제 #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.testfile_dir = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "testfiles")
        self.tax_fname = os.path.join(self.testfile_dir, "test_clean.tax")
        cfg = EpacClassifierConfig()

        map_fname = os.path.join(self.testfile_dir, "bid_tax_map2.txt")
        self.bid_tax_map = {}
        with open(map_fname) as inf:
            for line in inf:
                bid, rank_id, rdiff, brlen = line.strip().split("\t")
                self.bid_tax_map[bid] = (rank_id, int(rdiff), float(brlen))

        self.classify_helper = TaxClassifyHelper(cfg, self.bid_tax_map)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, config, args):
        self.cfg = config
        self.jplace_fname = args.jplace_fname
        self.ignore_refalign = args.ignore_refalign

        self.tmp_refaln = config.tmp_fname("%NAME%.refaln")
        #here is the final alignment file for running EPA
        self.epa_alignment = config.tmp_fname("%NAME%.afa")
        self.hmmprofile = config.tmp_fname("%NAME%.hmmprofile")
        self.tmpquery = config.tmp_fname("%NAME%.tmpquery")
        self.noalign = config.tmp_fname("%NAME%.noalign")
        self.seqs = None

        assign_fname = args.output_name + ".assignment.txt"
        self.out_assign_fname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, assign_fname)
        jplace_fname = args.output_name + ".jplace"
        self.out_jplace_fname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, jplace_fname)

            self.refjson = RefJsonParser(config.refjson_fname)
        except ValueError:
            self.cfg.exit_user_error("Invalid json file format: %s" %
        #validate input json format
        self.reftree = self.refjson.get_reftree()
        self.rate = self.refjson.get_rate()
        self.node_height = self.refjson.get_node_height()
        self.cfg.compress_patterns = self.refjson.get_pattern_compression()

        self.bid_taxonomy_map = self.refjson.get_branch_tax_map()
        if not self.bid_taxonomy_map:
            # old file format (before 1.6), need to rebuild this map from scratch
            th = TaxTreeHelper(self.cfg, self.refjson.get_origin_taxonomy())
            self.bid_taxonomy_map = th.get_bid_taxonomy_map()

        self.cfg.log.info("Loaded reference tree with %d taxa\n" %

        self.classify_helper = TaxClassifyHelper(self.cfg,
                                                 self.rate, self.node_height)
예제 #4
    def run_final_epa_test(self):
        self.reftree_outgroup = self.refjson.get_outgroup()

        pruned_reftree = self.prune_mislabels_from_tree(
            self.reftree, "reference")
        pruned_taxtree = self.prune_mislabels_from_tree(
            self.reftree, "taxonomic")

        # remove unifurcation at the root
        if len(pruned_reftree.children) == 1:
            pruned_reftree = pruned_reftree.children[0]

        self.mislabels = []

        th = TaxTreeHelper(self.cfg, self.origin_taxonomy)

        reftree_epalbl_str = None
        if self.cfg.final_jplace_fname:
            if os.path.isdir(self.cfg.final_jplace_fname):
                jplace_fmask = os.path.join(self.cfg.final_jplace_fname,
                jplace_fmask = self.cfg.final_jplace_fname

            jplace_fname_list = glob.glob(jplace_fmask)
            placements = []
            for jplace_fname in jplace_fname_list:
                jp = EpaJsonParser(jplace_fname)
                placements += jp.get_placement()
                if not reftree_epalbl_str:
                    reftree_epalbl_str = jp.get_std_newick_tree()

            config.log.debug("Loaded %d final epa placements from %s\n",
                             len(placements), jplace_fmask)
            epa_result = self.run_epa_once(pruned_reftree)
            reftree_epalbl_str = epa_result.get_std_newick_tree()
            placements = epa_result.get_placement()

        # update branchid-taxonomy mapping to account for possible changes in branch numbering
        reftree_tax = Tree(reftree_epalbl_str)
        bid_tax_map = th.get_bid_taxonomy_map()

        self.write_bid_tax_map(bid_tax_map, final=True)

        cl = TaxClassifyHelper(self.cfg, bid_tax_map, self.rate,

        #        newtax_fname = self.cfg.subst_name("newtax_%NAME%.tre")
        #        th.get_tax_tree().write(outfile=newtax_fname, format=3)

        final_ass = {}
        for place in placements:
            seq_name = place["n"][0]

            # get original taxonomic label
            orig_ranks = self.taxtree_helper.get_seq_ranks_from_tree(seq_name)

            # EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE - disabled for now!
            # It could happen that certain ranks were present in the "original" reference tree, but
            # are completely missing in the pruned tree (e.g., all seqs of a species were considered "suspicious"
            # after the leave-one-out test and thus pruned)
            # In this case, EPA has no chance to infer full original taxonomic annotation (=species) since the corresponding clade
            # is now missing. To account for this fact, we amend the original taxonomic annotation and set ranks missing from
            # pruned tree to "Undefined".
            #            orig_ranks = th.strip_missing_ranks(orig_ranks)
            #            print orig_ranks

            # get EPA tax label
            ranks, lws = cl.classify_seq(place["p"])
            final_ass[seq_name] = (ranks, lws)

            #print seq_name, ": ", orig_ranks, "--->", ranks

            # check if they match
            mis_rec = self.check_seq_tax_labels(seq_name, orig_ranks, ranks,

        self.write_assignments(final_ass, final=True)
예제 #5
    def run_final_epa_test(self):
        self.reftree_outgroup = self.refjson.get_outgroup()

        tmp_reftree = self.reftree.copy(method="newick")
        name2refnode = {}
        for leaf in tmp_reftree.iter_leaves():
            name2refnode[leaf.name] = leaf

        tmp_taxtree = self.tax_tree.copy(method="newick")
        name2taxnode = {}
        for leaf in tmp_taxtree.iter_leaves():
            name2taxnode[leaf.name] = leaf

        for mis_rec in self.mislabels:
            rname = mis_rec['name']
            #            rname = EpacConfig.REF_SEQ_PREFIX + name

            if rname in name2refnode:
                print "Node not found in the reference tree: %s" % rname

            if rname in name2taxnode:
                print "Node not found in the taxonomic tree: %s" % rname

        # remove unifurcation at the root
        if len(tmp_reftree.children) == 1:
            tmp_reftree = tmp_reftree.children[0]

        self.mislabels = []

        th = TaxTreeHelper(self.cfg, self.origin_taxonomy)

        epa_result = self.run_epa_once(tmp_reftree)

        reftree_epalbl_str = epa_result.get_std_newick_tree()
        placements = epa_result.get_placement()

        # update branchid-taxonomy mapping to account for possible changes in branch numbering
        reftree_tax = Tree(reftree_epalbl_str)
        bid_tax_map = th.get_bid_taxonomy_map()

        self.write_bid_tax_map(bid_tax_map, final=True)

        cl = TaxClassifyHelper(self.cfg, bid_tax_map, self.rate,

        #        newtax_fname = self.cfg.subst_name("newtax_%NAME%.tre")
        #        th.get_tax_tree().write(outfile=newtax_fname, format=3)

        final_ass = {}
        for place in placements:
            seq_name = place["n"][0]

            # get original taxonomic label
            orig_ranks = self.taxtree_helper.get_seq_ranks_from_tree(seq_name)

            # EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE - disabled for now!
            # It could happen that certain ranks were present in the "original" reference tree, but
            # are completely missing in the pruned tree (e.g., all seqs of a species were considered "suspicious"
            # after the leave-one-out test and thus pruned)
            # In this case, EPA has no chance to infer full original taxonomic annotation (=species) since the corresponding clade
            # is now missing. To account for this fact, we amend the original taxonomic annotation and set ranks missing from
            # pruned tree to "Undefined".
            #            orig_ranks = th.strip_missing_ranks(orig_ranks)
            #            print orig_ranks

            # get EPA tax label
            ranks, lws = cl.classify_seq(place["p"])
            final_ass[seq_name] = (ranks, lws)

            #print seq_name, ": ", orig_ranks, "--->", ranks

            # check if they match
            mis_rec = self.check_seq_tax_labels(seq_name, orig_ranks, ranks,

        self.write_assignments(final_ass, final=True)