def CreatePanel(self): " build (but do not fill in) panel components" wdesc, wrbv, winfo, wdrv = 200, 105, 90, 120 if self._size == 'medium': wdesc, wrbv, winfo, wdrv = 140, 85, 80, 100 elif self._size == 'small': wdesc, wrbv, winfo, wdrv = 50, 60, 25, 80 self.desc = PVText(self, size=(wdesc, 25), style=LTEXT) self.desc.SetForegroundColour("Blue") font = self.desc.GetFont() font.PointSize -= 1 self.desc.SetFont(font) self.rbv = PVText(self, size=(wrbv, 25), fg='Blue', style=RCEN) = wx.StaticText(self, label='', size=(winfo, 25), style=RCEN)"Red") = PVFloatCtrl(self, size=(wdrv, -1), style=wx.TE_RIGHT) try: self.FillPanelComponents() except PyDeadObjectError: return spacer = wx.StaticText(self, label=' ', size=(5, 5), style=RIGHT) if self._size != 'small': self.__sizer.AddMany([(spacer, 0, CEN)]) self.__sizer.AddMany([(self.desc, 1, LCEN), (, 0, CEN), (self.rbv, 0, CEN), (, 0, CEN)]) if self._size == 'full': self.twk_list = ['', ''] self.__twkbox = wx.ComboBox(self, value='', size=(100, -1), choices=self.twk_list, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.__twkbox.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnTweakBoxComboEvent) self.__twkbox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnTweakBoxEnterEvent) self.twr = PVButton(self, label='<', size=(30, 30)) self.twf = PVButton(self, label='>', size=(30, 30)) self.stopbtn = add_button(self, label=' Stop ', action=self.OnStopButton) self.morebtn = add_button(self, label=' More ', action=self.OnMoreButton) self.__sizer.AddMany([(self.twr, 0, CEN), (self.__twkbox, 0, CEN), (self.twf, 0, CEN), (self.stopbtn, 0, CEN), (self.morebtn, 0, CEN)]) self.SetAutoLayout(1) print("create ", self.motor) pack(self, self.__sizer)
def MotorText(self, panel, attr, size=(80, -1)): "PVText for a Motor attribute" pv = self.motor.PV(attr) return PVText(panel, pv=pv, as_string=True, size=size, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.CENTER)
class MotorPanel(wx.Panel): """ MotorPanel a simple wx windows panel for controlling an Epics Motor use psize='full' (defaiult) for full capabilities, or 'medium' or 'small' for minimal version """ __motor_fields = ('SET', 'disabled', 'LLM', 'HLM', 'LVIO', 'TWV', 'HLS', 'LLS', 'SPMG', 'DESC') def __init__(self, parent, motor=None, psize='full', messenger=None, prec=None, **kw): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.parent = parent if hasattr(messenger, '__call__'): self.__messenger = messenger self.format = None if prec is not None: self.format = "%%.%if" % prec self.motor = None self._size = 'full' if psize in ('medium', 'small'): self._size = psize self.__sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.CreatePanel() if motor is not None: try: self.SelectMotor(motor) except PyDeadObjectError: pass @EpicsFunction def SelectMotor(self, motor): " set motor to a named motor PV" if motor is None: return epics.poll() try: if self.motor is not None: for i in self.__motor_fields: self.motor.clear_callback(attr=i) except PyDeadObjectError: return if isinstance(motor, (str, unicode)): self.motor = epics.Motor(motor) elif isinstance(motor, epics.Motor): self.motor = motor self.motor.get_info() if self.format is None: self.format = "%%.%if" % self.motor.PREC self.FillPanel() for attr in self.__motor_fields: self.motor.get_pv(attr).add_callback(self.OnMotorEvent, wid=self.GetId(), field=attr) if self._size == 'full': self.SetTweak(self.format % self.motor.TWV) @EpicsFunction def FillPanelComponents(self): epics.poll() try: if self.motor is None: return except PyDeadObjectError: return'VAL')) self.rbv.SetPV(self.motor.PV('RBV')) self.desc.SetPV(self.motor.PV('DESC')) descpv = self.motor.PV('DESC').get() self.desc.Wrap(45) if self._size == 'full': self.twf.SetPV(self.motor.PV('TWF')) self.twr.SetPV(self.motor.PV('TWR')) elif len(descpv) > 20: font = self.desc.GetFont() font.PointSize -= 1 self.desc.SetFont(font)'') for f in ('SET', 'LVIO', 'SPMG', 'LLS', 'HLS', 'disabled'): uname = self.motor.PV(f).pvname wx.CallAfter(self.OnMotorEvent, pvname=uname, field=f) def CreatePanel(self): " build (but do not fill in) panel components" wdesc, wrbv, winfo, wdrv = 200, 105, 90, 120 if self._size == 'medium': wdesc, wrbv, winfo, wdrv = 140, 85, 80, 100 elif self._size == 'small': wdesc, wrbv, winfo, wdrv = 45, 70, 40, 80 self.desc = PVText(self, size=(wdesc, 25), style=LTEXT) self.desc.SetForegroundColour("Blue") self.rbv = PVText(self, size=(wrbv, 25), fg='Blue', style=RCEN) = wx.StaticText(self, label='', size=(winfo, 25), style=RCEN)"Red") = PVFloatCtrl(self, size=(wdrv, -1), style=wx.TE_RIGHT) try: self.FillPanelComponents() except PyDeadObjectError: return spacer = wx.StaticText(self, label=' ', size=(5, 5), style=RIGHT) self.__sizer.AddMany([(spacer, 0, CEN), (self.desc, 1, LCEN), (, 1, CEN), (self.rbv, 0, CEN), (, 0, CEN)]) if self._size == 'full': self.twk_list = ['', ''] self.__twkbox = wx.ComboBox(self, value='', size=(100, -1), choices=self.twk_list, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.__twkbox.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnTweakBoxComboEvent) self.__twkbox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnTweakBoxEnterEvent) self.twr = PVButton(self, label='<', size=(30, 30)) self.twf = PVButton(self, label='>', size=(30, 30)) self.stopbtn = add_button(self, label=' Stop ', action=self.OnStopButton) self.morebtn = add_button(self, label=' More ', action=self.OnMoreButton) self.__sizer.AddMany([(self.twr, 0, CEN), (self.__twkbox, 0, CEN), (self.twf, 0, CEN), (self.stopbtn, 0, CEN), (self.morebtn, 0, CEN)]) self.SetAutoLayout(1) pack(self, self.__sizer) @EpicsFunction def FillPanel(self): " fill in panel components for motor " try: if self.motor is None: return self.FillPanelComponents() self.desc.Update() self.rbv.Update() if self._size == 'full': self.twk_list = self.make_step_list() self.UpdateStepList() except PyDeadObjectError: pass @EpicsFunction def OnStopButton(self, event=None): "stop button" if self.motor is None: return curstate = str(self.stopbtn.GetLabel()).lower().strip() self.motor.StopNow() epics.poll() val = 3 if curstate == 'stop': val = 0 self.motor.put('SPMG', val) @EpicsFunction def OnMoreButton(self, event=None): "more button" if self.motor is not None: MotorDetailFrame(parent=self, motor=self.motor) @DelayedEpicsCallback def OnTweakBoxEnterEvent(self, event=None): val = float(self.__twkbox.GetValue()) wx.CallAfter(self.motor.PV('TWV').put, val) @DelayedEpicsCallback def OnTweakBoxComboEvent(self, event=None): val = float(self.__twkbox.GetValue()) wx.CallAfter(self.motor.PV('TWV').put, val) @DelayedEpicsCallback def OnMotorEvent(self, pvname=None, field=None, event=None, **kws): if pvname is None: return None field_val = self.motor.get(field) field_str = self.motor.get(field, as_string=True) if field == 'LLM': elif field == 'HLM': elif field in ('LVIO', 'HLS', 'LLS'): s = 'Limit!' if field_val == 0: s = '' elif field == 'SET': label, color = 'Set:', 'Yellow' if field_val == 0: label, color = '', 'White' = color elif field == 'disabled': label = ('', 'Disabled')[field_val] elif field == 'DESC': font = self.rbv.GetFont() if len(field_str) > 20: font.PointSize -= 1 self.desc.SetFont(font) elif field == 'TWV' and self._size == 'full': self.SetTweak(field_str) elif field == 'SPMG' and self._size == 'full': label, info, color = 'Stop', '', 'White' if field_val == 0: label, info, color = ' Go ', 'Stopped', 'Yellow' elif field_val == 1: label, info, color = ' Resume ', 'Paused', 'Yellow' elif field_val == 2: label, info, color = ' Go ', 'Move Once', 'Yellow' self.stopbtn.SetLabel(label) self.stopbtn.SetBackgroundColour(color) self.stopbtn.Refresh() else: pass @EpicsFunction def SetTweak(self, val): if not isinstance(val, str): val = self.format % val try: if val not in self.twk_list: self.UpdateStepList(value=val) self.__twkbox.SetValue(val) except PyDeadObjectError: pass def make_step_list(self): """ create initial list of motor steps, based on motor range and precision""" if self.motor is None: return [] return [self.format % i for i in self.motor.make_step_list()] def UpdateStepList(self, value=None): "add a value and re-sort the list of Step values" if value is not None: self.twk_list.append(value) x = [float(i) for i in self.twk_list] x.sort() self.twk_list = [self.format % i for i in x] # remake list in TweakBox self.__twkbox.Clear() self.__twkbox.AppendItems(self.twk_list)