예제 #1
except ImportError:
    readline = None

    from ptpython.repl import embed
    embed = None

from zope.interface import directlyProvides

from twisted.python import usage, filepath, log
from twisted.python.reflect import qual
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin

from epsilon.hotfix import require
require('twisted', 'filepath_copyTo')

import axiom
from axiom import store, attributes, userbase, dependency, errors
from axiom.substore import SubStore
from axiom.scripts import axiomatic
from axiom.listversions import ListVersions
from axiom import version
from axiom.iaxiom import IVersion

directlyProvides(version, IPlugin, IVersion)

#placate pyflakes

예제 #2
파일: attributes.py 프로젝트: bne/squeal
# -*- test-case-name: axiom.test.test_attributes,axiom.test.test_reference -*-

import os

from decimal import Decimal

from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'filepath_copyTo')

from zope.interface import implements

from twisted.python import filepath
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter

from epsilon.extime import Time

from axiom.slotmachine import Attribute as inmemory

from axiom.errors import NoCrossStoreReferences, BrokenReference

from axiom.iaxiom import IComparison, IOrdering, IColumn, IQuery

_NEEDS_FETCH = object()         # token indicating that a value was not found

__metaclass__ = type

class _ComparisonOperatorMuxer:
    Collapse comparison operations into calls to a single method with varying
예제 #3
# -*- test-case-name: axiom.test.test_attributes -*-

import os

from decimal import Decimal

from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'filepath_copyTo')

from zope.interface import implements

from twisted.python import filepath
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter

from epsilon.extime import Time

from axiom.slotmachine import Attribute as inmemory

from axiom.errors import NoCrossStoreReferences

from axiom.iaxiom import IComparison, IOrdering, IColumn, IQuery


_NEEDS_FETCH = object()  # token indicating that a value was not found

__metaclass__ = type

class _ComparisonOperatorMuxer:
예제 #4
import getpass
import code, os, traceback, sys
    import readline
except ImportError:
    readline = None

from zope.interface import directlyProvides

from twisted.python import usage, filepath, log
from twisted.python.reflect import qual
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin

from epsilon.hotfix import require
require('twisted', 'filepath_copyTo')

import axiom
from axiom import store, attributes, userbase, dependency, errors
from axiom.substore import SubStore
from axiom.scripts import axiomatic
from axiom.listversions import ListVersions
from axiom import version
from axiom.iaxiom import IVersion
from axiom.upgrade import upgradeExplicitOid

directlyProvides(version, IPlugin, IVersion)

#placate pyflakes
예제 #5
from xshtoom.sdp import SDP, MediaDescription
from xshtoom.rtp.formats import PT_PCMU
from sine.test.test_sip import  TaskQueue
from sine import sip, useragent, sipserver
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, task
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
from zope.interface import implements
from axiom import store, userbase, item, attributes
from axiom.dependency import installOn

from epsilon import juice, hotfix
hotfix.require("twisted", "proto_helpers_stringtransport")

exampleInvite = """INVITE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0\r
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP client.com:5060;branch=z9hG4bK74bf9\r
Max-Forwards: 70\r
From: Alice <sip:[email protected]>;tag=9fxced76sl\r
To: Bob <sip:[email protected]>\r
Call-ID: [email protected]\r
CSeq: 1 INVITE\r
Contact: <sip:[email protected]>\r
o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 server.com\r
c=IN IP4\r
t=0 0\r
m=audio 49172 RTP/AVP 0\r
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r
예제 #6
This module includes tests for the L{xmantissa.scrolltable} module.

from re import escape

from epsilon.hotfix import require

require("twisted", "trial_assertwarns")

from zope.interface import implements

from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.trial.util import suppress as SUPPRESS

from axiom.store import Store
from axiom.item import Item
from axiom.attributes import integer, text
from axiom.dependency import installOn
from axiom.test.util import QueryCounter

from xmantissa.webapp import PrivateApplication
from xmantissa.ixmantissa import IWebTranslator, IColumn
from xmantissa.error import Unsortable

from xmantissa.scrolltable import (InequalityModel, ScrollableView,
                                   ScrollingFragment, ScrollingElement,
                                   AttributeColumn, UnsortableColumnWrapper,
예제 #7
from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'delayedcall_seconds')
hotfix.require('twisted', 'timeoutmixin_calllater')

import os, StringIO

from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import error, base
from twisted.python import failure, filepath

from epsilon.scripts import benchmark

from epsilon import juice

class DiskstatTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def testDiskLineParser(self):
        Test the parsing of a single line into a single diststat instance.
        s = ("3    0 hda 267481 3913 3944418 1625467 3392405 3781877 58210592 "
             "150845143 0 6136300 153333793")
        device, stat = benchmark.parseDiskStatLine(s)
        self.assertEquals(device, 'hda')
        self.assertEquals(stat.readCount, 267481)
        self.assertEquals(stat.mergedReadCount, 3913)
        self.assertEquals(stat.readSectorCount, 3944418)
        self.assertEquals(stat.readMilliseconds, 1625467)
        self.assertEquals(stat.writeCount, 3392405)
        self.assertEquals(stat.mergedWriteCount, 3781877)
        self.assertEquals(stat.writeSectorCount, 58210592)
예제 #8
# -*- test-case-name: xquotient.test.test_grabber -*-

from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'deferredgenerator_tfailure')

import time, datetime

from twisted.mail import pop3, pop3client
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, ssl, error
from twisted.python import log, components, failure
from twisted.protocols import policies

from nevow import loaders, tags, athena
from nevow.flat import flatten
from nevow.athena import expose

from epsilon import descriptor, extime

from axiom import item, attributes, iaxiom
from axiom.dependency import dependsOn
from axiom.upgrade import registerUpgrader

from xmantissa import ixmantissa,  webtheme, liveform
from xmantissa.webapp import PrivateApplication

from xmantissa.scrolltable import ScrollingFragment, AttributeColumn, TYPE_FRAGMENT
from xmantissa.stats import BandwidthMeasuringFactory

from xquotient.mail import DeliveryAgent

예제 #9
# -*- test-case-name: xquotient.test.test_grabber -*-

from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'deferredgenerator_tfailure')

import time, datetime

from twisted.mail import pop3, pop3client
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, ssl, error
from twisted.python import log, components, failure
from twisted.protocols import policies

from nevow import loaders, tags, athena
from nevow.flat import flatten
from nevow.athena import expose

from epsilon import descriptor, extime

from axiom import item, attributes, iaxiom
from axiom.dependency import dependsOn
from axiom.upgrade import registerUpgrader

from xmantissa import ixmantissa, webtheme, liveform
from xmantissa.webapp import PrivateApplication

from xmantissa.scrolltable import ScrollingFragment, AttributeColumn, TYPE_FRAGMENT
from xmantissa.stats import BandwidthMeasuringFactory

from xquotient.mail import DeliveryAgent

예제 #10
from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'trial_assertwarns')

import sha

from zope.interface import implements
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject

    from cssutils import CSSParser
except ImportError:
    CSSParser = None

from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.trial import util
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath

from nevow import tags
from nevow.flat import flatten
from nevow.context import WebContext
from nevow.testutil import FakeRequest
from nevow.url import URL
from nevow.inevow import IResource, IRequest
from nevow.rend import WovenContext, NotFound
from nevow.athena import LivePage, LiveElement, AthenaModule, jsDeps
from nevow.guard import LOGIN_AVATAR
from nevow.loaders import stan
예제 #11
from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'trial_assertwarns')

from hashlib import sha1

from zope.interface import implements
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject

    from cssutils import CSSParser
except ImportError:
    CSSParser = None

from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.trial import util
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath

from nevow import tags
from nevow.flat import flatten
from nevow.context import WebContext
from nevow.testutil import FakeRequest
from nevow.url import URL
from nevow.inevow import IResource, IRequest
from nevow.rend import WovenContext, NotFound
from nevow.athena import LivePage, LiveElement, AthenaModule, jsDeps
from nevow.guard import LOGIN_AVATAR
from nevow.loaders import stan
예제 #12
from epsilon.hotfix import require

require("twisted", "trial_assertwarns")

from axiom.store import Store
from axiom.item import Item
from axiom.attributes import integer, text, AND
from twisted.trial import unittest

from xmantissa import tdb, scrolltable

class X(Item):
    typeName = 'test_tdb_model_dummy'
    schemaVersion = 1

    number = integer()
    textNumber = text()
    phoneticDigits = text()

digits = ['zero',
예제 #13
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: bne/squeal
# Copyright (c) 2008 Divmod.  See LICENSE for details.

Package for plugins for interfaces in Axiom.

from epsilon.hotfix import require
require('twisted', 'plugin_package_paths')

from twisted.plugin import pluginPackagePaths
__all__ = []
예제 #14
from epsilon import hotfix
hotfix.require('twisted', 'delayedcall_seconds')
hotfix.require('twisted', 'timeoutmixin_calllater')

import os, io

from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import error, base
from twisted.python import failure, filepath

from epsilon.scripts import benchmark

from epsilon import juice

except IOError:
    hasProc = False
    hasProc = True

class DiskstatTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    if not hasProc:
        skip = 'epsilon.benchmark requires access to /proc'

예제 #15
# Copyright (c) 2008 Divmod.  See LICENSE for details.
Package for plugins for interfaces in Axiom.

from epsilon.hotfix import require
require('twisted', 'plugin_package_paths')

from twisted.plugin import pluginPackagePaths
__all__ = []