예제 #1
    def __init__(self, topology, tags):

        # construct the underlying network generator
        if topology == 'ER':
            self._gen = ERNetwork()
        elif topology == 'BA':
            self._gen = BANetwork()
        elif topology == 'PLC':
            self._gen = PLCNetwork()
            raise Exception(f'Unrecognised topology {topology}')
        self._generator = None
        self._tags = tags
예제 #2
    def testTopologyMarker(self):
        '''Test we capture the topology of the network.'''
        param = dict()
        param[SIR.P_INFECT] = 0.1
        param[SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.01
        param[SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0  # so no running time

        gen = FixedNetwork(networkx.gnp_random_graph(1000, 0.001))
        param_g = param.copy()
        e = StochasticDynamics(SIR(), gen)
        rc = e.set(param_g).run()
        ps = rc[Experiment.PARAMETERS]
        self.assertIn(NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY, ps)
        self.assertEqual(ps[NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY], gen.topology())

        gen = ERNetwork()
        param_er = param.copy()
        param_er[ERNetwork.N] = 1000
        param_er[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = 20
        e = StochasticDynamics(SIR(), gen)
        rc = e.set(param_er).run()
        ps = rc[Experiment.PARAMETERS]
        self.assertIn(NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY, ps)
        self.assertEqual(ps[NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY], gen.topology())

        gen = BANetwork()
        param_ba = param.copy()
        param_ba[BANetwork.N] = 1000
        param_ba[BANetwork.M] = 20
        e = StochasticDynamics(SIR(), gen)
        rc = e.set(param_ba).run()
        ps = rc[Experiment.PARAMETERS]
        self.assertIn(NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY, ps)
        self.assertEqual(ps[NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY], gen.topology())

        gen = PLCNetwork()
        param_plc = param.copy()
        param_plc[PLCNetwork.N] = 1000
        param_plc[PLCNetwork.EXPONENT] = 2
        param_plc[PLCNetwork.CUTOFF] = 5
        e = StochasticDynamics(SIR(), gen)
        rc = e.set(param_plc).run()
        ps = rc[Experiment.PARAMETERS]
        self.assertIn(NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY, ps)
        self.assertEqual(ps[NetworkGenerator.TOPOLOGY], gen.topology())
# network topological parameters (for an ER network)
N = int(1e5)
kmean = 50

if not nb.already('er'):
    # run the simulations
    lab[ERNetwork.N] = N
    lab[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = kmean
    lab[SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0.001
    lab[SIR.P_INFECT] = 0.0001
    lab[SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.001
    lab[Monitor.DELTA] = 1
    lab['repetitions'] = range(10)

    e = StochasticDynamics(ProcessSequence([SIR(), Monitor()]), ERNetwork())

# figure 1: mean I size with error bars
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))

# sub-sampling in time and space
maxt = 5000
step = 200

# wrangle the time series fore observations and infected component size
df = lab.dataframe()
ts = df.loc[(df[Monitor.OBSERVATIONS].apply(len) == df[
infecteds = DataFrame(df[Monitor.timeSeriesForLocus(
    SIR.INFECTED)].values.tolist()).rename(columns=lambda i: ts[i])
예제 #4
    def testER(self):
        '''Test we can generate ER networks with all parameter combinations.'''
        param = dict()
        param[ERNetwork.N] = 1000

        # test using <k>
        param[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = 20
        gen = ERNetwork(param)
        _ = gen.generate()

        # test using phi
        del param[ERNetwork.KMEAN]
        param[ERNetwork.PHI] = 0.02
        gen = ERNetwork(param)
        __ = gen.generate()

        # test working with both
        param[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = 20
        gen = ERNetwork(param)
        _ = gen.generate()

        # test failing with neither
        del param[ERNetwork.KMEAN]
        del param[ERNetwork.PHI]
        gen = ERNetwork(param)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            _ = gen.generate()
예제 #5
# epydemic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with epydemic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.

import cProfile
from pstats import Stats, SortKey
from epydemic import SIR, ERNetwork, StochasticDynamics

profile = "profile.pstats"

N = int(1e5)
kmean = 10

params = dict()
params[SIR.P_INFECT] = 0.05
params[SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.01
params[SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0.001
params[ERNetwork.N] = N
params[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = kmean

e = StochasticDynamics(SIR(), ERNetwork())
cProfile.run('e.set(params).run()', profile)

p = Stats(profile)
예제 #6
# network topological parameters
N = 10000
kmean = 20
alpha = 2.0
kappa = 20

params = dict()
params[ERNetwork.N] = N
params[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = kmean
params[PLCNetwork.N] = N
params[PLCNetwork.EXPONENT] = alpha
params[PLCNetwork.CUTOFF] = kappa

# construct networks
g_er = ERNetwork().set(params).generate()
g_plc = PLCNetwork().set(params).generate()

# bond-percolate the networks
e_er = BondPercolation(g_er)
rc_er = e_er.set(params).run()
e_plc = BondPercolation(g_plc)
rc_plc = e_plc.set(params).run()

# figure 1a: the bond percolation behaviour of an ER network
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))

xs = rc_er[Experiment.RESULTS][BondPercolation.P]
ys = [gcc / N for gcc in rc_er[Experiment.RESULTS][BondPercolation.GCC]]
plt.plot(xs, ys, 'g-')
lab = Lab(nb)

# network topological parameters (for an ER network)
N = int(1e5)
kmean = 50

# set up the simulations
lab[ERNetwork.N] = N
lab[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = kmean
lab[SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0.001
lab[SIR.P_INFECT] = 0.0001
lab[SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.001
lab[Monitor.DELTA] = 50

# run the simulations
p = ProcessSequence([MonitoredSIR(), Monitor()])
if not nb.already('sto'):
    e = StochasticDynamics(p, ERNetwork())
if not nb.already('syn'):
    f = SynchronousDynamics(p, ERNetwork())

# figure 1: stochastic dynamics
doFigure('sto', 'stochastic dynamics',

# figure 2: synchronous dynamics
doFigure('syn', 'synchronous dynamics',
예제 #8

# network topological parameters (ER network)
N = 10000
kmean = 3

params = dict()
params[ERNetwork.N] = N
params[ERNetwork.KMEAN] = kmean
params[SIR.P_INFECT] = pInfect
params[SIR.P_REMOVE] = pRecover
params[SIR.P_INFECTED] = pInfected
params[Monitor.DELTA] = 10

e = StochasticDynamics(ProcessSequence([MonitoredSIR(),
                                        Monitor()]), ERNetwork())
rc = e.set(params).run()

res = rc[Experiment.RESULTS]
ts = res[Monitor.OBSERVATIONS]
er_sss = list(
    map(lambda v: v / N, res[Monitor.timeSeriesForLocus(SIR.SUSCEPTIBLE)]))
er_iis = list(
    map(lambda v: v / N, res[Monitor.timeSeriesForLocus(SIR.INFECTED)]))
er_rrs = list(
    map(lambda v: v / N, res[Monitor.timeSeriesForLocus(SIR.REMOVED)]))

# figure 2: same epidemic on ER network
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.gca()