def acquireNew(self, **kwargs): timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", self.api().timeout) kw = {"timeout":timeout} if "purge" in kwargs: kw["purge"] = kwargs["purge"] tId = self.tId() result = self.api().ipc.getTransactionManager().acquireNew(tId, **kw) result = ApiTransportResponse.decode(result) # Now either raise or return the result: if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result return result
def _executeAction(self): ns = self.namespace args = self.args() kwargs = self.kwargs() ipc = self.ipc transactionManager = ipc.getTransactionManager() data = ApiTransportItem(ns, args, kwargs) # Now decide how to handle the call - synchronous is different to asynchronous. data.async((self.sync == eSync.SYNCHRONOUS)) callback = self.callback if self.sync == eSync.SYNCHRONOUS: # Send the data: solicited = self.solicited wrapper = ApiCallbackWrapper.callback(callback) tId = ipc.sendData(data, solicited=solicited, callback=wrapper) dId = self._debugSync(tId=tId, timeout=self.timeout, data=data, solicited=solicited, callback=wrapper) # For solicited calls, we must wait for the response - unless a callback is set. if solicited: if callback == None: result = transactionManager.acquireNew(tId, timeout=self.timeout, purge=True) result = ApiTransportResponse.decode(result) self._debugResult(dId, result) if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result else: return result else: self._startCallbackTimeoutTimer(dId, tId, transactionManager) return AsyncResult(self, tId) # WTF - this is synchronous ?!?!! # By definition, unsolicited calls are fire-and-forget, so no return value necessary. else: # Send the data: solicited = self.solicited wrapper = ApiCallbackWrapper.callback(callback) tId = ipc.sendData(data, solicited, callback=wrapper) dId = self._startCallbackTimeoutTimer(dId, tId, transactionManager) # Now return an object which we can use to later wait for the response. result = AsyncResult(self, tId) self._debugAsync(dId, result, timeout=self.timeout, data=data, solicited=solicited, callback=wrapper) return result
def _cb(self, tId, result): originalResult = result result = ApiTransportResponse.decode(result) ApiCallbackWrapper.logger.debug("Decoded %(T)s." % {"T":tId, "O":originalResult, "N":result}) # Now call the original callback: return self._callback(tId, result)