예제 #1
 def execute(self, database):
     for device in DeviceDomain.get({'hid': 'dummy'}):
             hid = DeviceDomain.hid(device['manufacturer'], device['serialNumber'], device['model'])
             DeviceDomain.update_one_raw(device['_id'], {'$set': {'hid': hid}})
         except KeyError:
             DeviceDomain.update_one_raw(device['_id'], {'$unset': {'hid': ''}, '$set': {'isUidSecured': False}})
예제 #2
def _execute_register(device: dict, created: str, log: list):
    Tries to POST the device and updates the `device` dict with the resource from the database; if the device could
    not be uploaded the `device` param will contain the database version of the device, not the inputting one. This is
    because the majority of the information of a device is immutable (in concrete the fields used to compute
    the ETAG).

    :param device: Inputting device. It is replaced (keeping the reference) with the db version.
    :param created: Set the _created value to be the same for the device as for the register
    :param log: A log where to append the resulting device if execute_register has been successful
    :raise InnerRequestError: any internal error in the POST that is not about the device already existing.
    new = True
        if created:
            device['created'] = created
        db_device = execute_post_internal(Naming.resource(device['@type']),
    except InnerRequestError as e:
        new = False
            db_device = _get_existing_device(e)
            # We add a benchmark todo move to another place?
            device['_id'] = db_device['_id']
            external_synthetic_id_fields = pick(
                device, *DeviceDomain.external_synthetic_ids)
            # If the db_device was a placeholder
            # We want to override it with the new device
            if db_device.get('placeholder', False):
                # Eve do not generate defaults from sub-resources
                # And we really need the placeholder default set, specially when
                # discovering a device
                device['placeholder'] = False
                # We create hid when we validate (wrong thing) so we need to manually set it here as we won't
                # validate in this db operation
                device['hid'] = DeviceDomain.hid(device['manufacturer'],
                DeviceDomain.update_one_raw(db_device['_id'], {'$set': device})
            elif not is_empty(external_synthetic_id_fields):
                # External Synthetic identifiers are not intrinsically inherent
                # of devices, and thus can be added later in other Snapshots
                # Note that the device / post and _get_existing_device() have already validated those ids
                    db_device['_id'], {'$set': external_synthetic_id_fields})
        except DeviceNotFound:
            raise e
    device['new'] = new  # Note that the device is 'cleared' before
    return db_device
예제 #3
    def _validate_type_hid(self, field, _):
        General validation for inserting devices (the name of the function is forced by Cerberus, not a good one).

        - Tries to create hid and validates it.
        - If hid cannot be created:
            - If it has a parent, ensures that the device is unique.
            - If it has not a parent, validates that the device has an user provided _id.
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.component.domain import ComponentDomain
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.exceptions import DeviceNotFound
            from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.domain import DeviceDomain
            # todo this should not be done in the validation. Prove of this is that it needs to be done in
            # register/hooks again for placeholders
            self.document['hid'] = DeviceDomain.hid(
                self.document['manufacturer'], self.document['serialNumber'],
        except KeyError:
            self.document['isUidSecured'] = False
            if '_id' not in self.document:  # We do not validate here the unique constraint of _id
                if 'parent' in self.document:
                    with suppress(KeyError, DeviceNotFound):
                        component = ComponentDomain.get_similar_component(
                            self.document, self.document['parent'])
                                    json_util.dumps({'NotUnique': component}))
                    # If device has no parent and no hid, user needs to: or provide _id or forcing creating it
                    if 'forceCreation' not in self.document or not self.document[
                            '_id', json_util.dumps({'NeedsId': self.document}))
                        # else: user forces us to create the device, it will be assigned an _id
                        # else: user provided _id. We accept this, however is unsecured.
            from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.settings import HID_REGEX
            self._validate_regex(HID_REGEX, field, self.document['hid'])
            self._validate_unique(True, field, self.document['hid'])