예제 #1
def calculate_cannabis_tax(doc):
	compliance_items = frappe.get_all('Compliance Item', fields=['item_code', 'enable_cultivation_tax', 'item_category'])
	if not compliance_items:

	if doc.doctype in ("Purchase Order", "Purchase Invoice", "Purchase Receipt"):
		# calculate cultivation tax for buying cycle
		cultivation_taxes = calculate_cultivation_tax(doc)
		for account, tax in cultivation_taxes.items():
			cultivation_tax_row = get_cultivation_tax_row(account, tax)
			set_taxes(doc, cultivation_tax_row)
	elif doc.doctype in ("Quotation", "Sales Order", "Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note"):
		# customer license is required to inspect license type
		if doc.doctype == "Quotation":
			if doc.quotation_to != "Customer":
			default_customer_license = get_default_license("Customer", doc.party_name)
		elif doc.doctype in ("Sales Order", "Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note"):
			default_customer_license = get_default_license("Customer", doc.customer)

		if not default_customer_license:
			frappe.msgprint(_("Please set a default license for {0} to calculate taxes").format(doc.customer))

		license_for = frappe.db.get_value("Compliance Info", default_customer_license, "license_for")
		if license_for == "Distributor":
			# calculate cultivation tax for selling cycle if customer is a distributor
			cultivation_taxes = calculate_cultivation_tax(doc)
			for account, tax in cultivation_taxes.items():
				cultivation_tax_row = get_cultivation_tax_row(account, tax)
				set_taxes(doc, cultivation_tax_row)
		elif license_for == "Retailer":
			# calculate excise tax for selling cycle is customer is a retailer or end-consumer
			excise_tax_row = calculate_excise_tax(doc, compliance_items)
			set_taxes(doc, excise_tax_row)
예제 #2
def get_entity_license(doc, party_type, party_name):
	# get the default license for the given party
	license_record = get_default_license(party_type, party_name)
	if not license_record:

	# show a warning if a license exists and is expired, and only if compliance items are present
	is_compliance = validate_doc_compliance(doc)
	if is_compliance:
		license_expiry_date, license_number = frappe.db.get_value(
			"Compliance Info", license_record, ["license_expiry_date", "license_number"])

		if not license_expiry_date:
			frappe.msgprint(_("We could not verify the status of license number {0}. Proceed with caution.").format(
		elif getdate(license_expiry_date) < getdate(nowdate()):
			frappe.msgprint(_("Our records indicate that the license number {0} has expired on {1}. Proceed with caution.").format(
				frappe.bold(license_number), frappe.bold(formatdate(license_expiry_date))))

	return license_record
예제 #3
def get_party_addresses_and_contact(party_type, party, party_group):
    data = []

    # Build party details
    party_details = frappe._dict()

    if not party_type:
        return []

    filters = {"name": party} if party else None

    party_list = frappe.get_list(party_type,
                                 fields=["name", party_group])
    party_names = [d.get("name") for d in party_list]
    party_groups = {d.get("name"): d.get(party_group) for d in party_list}

    for d in party_names:
        party_details.setdefault(d, frappe._dict())

    party_details = get_party_details(party_type, party_names, party_details)

    # Add a row for each party address and contact, along with party details
    for party, details in iteritems(party_details):
        territory = sales_partner = license_type = license_number = None

        if party_type == "Customer":
            territory = frappe.db.get_value(party_type, party, "territory")
            sales_partner = frappe.db.get_value(party_type, party,

        if party_type in ("Customer", "Supplier"):
            license_record = get_default_license(party_type, party)

            if frappe.db.exists("Compliance Info", license_record):
                license_type, license_number = frappe.db.get_value(
                    "Compliance Info", license_record,
                    ["license_type", "license_number"])

        # If no addresses and contacts exist, add a single row to display the party
        addresses = details.get("address", [])
        contacts = details.get("contact", [])
        max_length = max(len(addresses), len(contacts), 1)

        for idx in range(max_length):
            result = [party]

            if party_type == "Customer":
                result.extend([territory, sales_partner])

            if party_type in ("Customer", "Supplier"):
                result.extend([license_type, license_number])

            address = addresses[idx] if idx < len(
                addresses) else add_blank_columns_for("Address")
            contact = contacts[idx] if idx < len(
                contacts) else add_blank_columns_for("Contact")


    return data
예제 #4
def execute():

    compliance_info = frappe.get_all('Compliance Info', fields=['name'])
    if not compliance_info:

    sales_orders = frappe.get_all("Sales Order", fields=["customer", "name"])
    sales_invoices = frappe.get_all("Sales Invoice",
                                    fields=["customer", "name"])
    delivery_notes = frappe.get_all("Sales Invoice",
                                    fields=["customer", "name"])
    quotations = frappe.get_all("Quotation",
                                fields=["party_name", "name", "quotation_to"])
    supplier_quotations = frappe.get_all("Supplier Quotation",
                                         fields=["supplier", "name"])
    purchase_orders = frappe.get_all("Purchase Order",
                                     fields=["supplier", "name"])
    purchase_invoices = frappe.get_all("Purchase Invoice",
                                       fields=["supplier", "name"])
    purchase_receipts = frappe.get_all("Purchase Receipt",
                                       fields=["supplier", "name"])

    for doc in sales_orders:
        license = get_default_license("Customer", doc.customer)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Sales Order", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in sales_invoices:
        license = get_default_license("Customer", doc.customer)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Sales Invoice", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in delivery_notes:
        license = get_default_license("Customer", doc.customer)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Delivery Note", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in quotations:
        if doc.quotation_to == "Customer":
            license = get_default_license("Customer", doc.party_name)
            if not license:
            frappe.db.set_value("Quotation", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in supplier_quotations:
        license = get_default_license("Supplier", doc.supplier)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Supplier Quotation", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in purchase_orders:
        license = get_default_license("Supplier", doc.supplier)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Purchase Order", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in purchase_invoices:
        license = get_default_license("Supplier", doc.supplier)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Purchase Invoice", doc.name, "license", license)

    for doc in purchase_receipts:
        license = get_default_license("Supplier", doc.supplier)
        if not license:
        frappe.db.set_value("Purchase Receipt", doc.name, "license", license)