def __init__(self, filepath_or_save=None, box=None, pos=None): ''' Creates a new Pokemon object. If filepath_or_save is None, creates a new, blank pokemon. If filepath_or_save is a Savefile object, reads a pokemon from the supplied savefile. The arguments box and pos are required. If filepath_or_save is a filepath, reads the pokemon from a file. ''' self.filepath_or_save = filepath_or_save = box self.pos = pos self._pokemon = c_void_p(None) if filepath_or_save is None: # create a new, blank pokemon ec = epsf_new_pokemon(byref(self._pokemon)) elif isinstance(filepath_or_save, Savefile): # read from opened savefile if box is None or pos is None: raise ValueError("If the pokemon object gets passed a savefile, the arguments " " box and pos are required!") ec = epsf_read_pokemon_from_save(filepath_or_save._save, box, pos, byref(self._pokemon)) else: # read from file ec = epsf_read_pokemon_from_file(filepath_or_save.encode(), byref(self._pokemon)) check_throw_error(ec) self._effort_values = Stats(self, EPSK_EFFORT_VALUE) self._individual_values = Stats(self, EPSK_INDIVIDUAL_VALUE) self._moves = tuple(Move(self, i+1) for i in range(4))
def __init__(self, filepath): ''' Creates a new Savefile object by reading the file from the supplied filepath. ''' self.filepath = filepath self._save = c_void_p(None) ec = epsf_read_save_from_file(filepath.encode(), byref(self._save)) check_throw_error(ec)
def save(self, filepath=None): ''' Saves the Savefile to file. If filepath is specified, saves it to that file. Otherwise it overwrites the file this Savefile object was created from. ''' if filepath is None: filepath = self.filepath ec = epsf_write_save_to_file(self._save, filepath.encode()) check_throw_error(ec)
def save(self, filepath_or_save=None, box=None, pos=None): ''' Saves the pokemon. If filepath_or_save is None, uses whatever was used to create this pokemon object. Same goes for box and pos. If filepath_or_save is a Savefile object, saves the pokemon to that savefile. Otherwise, if it is a filepath, saves the pokemon to that file.''' if filepath_or_save is None: filepath_or_save = self.filepath_or_save if box is None: box = if pos is None: pos = self.pos if isinstance(filepath_or_save, Savefile): ec = epsf_write_pokemon_to_save(filepath_or_save._save, box, pos, self._pokemon) else: ec = epsf_write_pokemon_to_file(self._pokemon, filepath_or_save.encode()) check_throw_error(ec)
def save_slot(self): ec = epsf_current_save_slot(self._save) check_throw_error(ec) return ec
def is_slot_empty(self, slot): ec = epsf_is_save_slot_empty(self._save, slot) check_throw_error(ec) return bool(ec)
def erase_pokemon(self, box, pos): ec = epsf_erase_pokemon_from_save(self._save, box, pos) check_throw_error(ec)
def copy_slot(self, from_, to): ec = epsf_copy_save_slot(self._save, from_, to) check_throw_error(ec)
def erase_slot(self, slot): ec = epsf_erase_save_slot(self._save, slot) check_throw_error(ec)
def operation_mode(self): ec = epsf_current_operation_mode(self._save) check_throw_error(ec) return ec
def operation_mode(self, mode): ec = epsf_select_operation_mode(self._save, mode) check_throw_error(ec) return ec
def fix_checksum(self): ec = epsf_fix_pokemon_checksum(self._pokemon) check_throw_error(ec)
def save_slot(self, slot): ec = epsf_select_save_slot(self._save, slot) check_throw_error(ec)
def _get_pokemon_name(self, ot=False): name = create_string_buffer(12) ec = epsf_get_pokemon_name(self._pokemon, int(ot), name) check_throw_error(ec) return name.value.decode("ascii").replace("<", "\u2642").replace(">", "\u2640")
def _set_value(self, kind, index, value): ec = epsf_set_pokemon_value(self._pokemon, kind, index, value) check_throw_error(ec)
def _get_value(self, kind, index): value = c_uint(0) ec = epsf_get_pokemon_value(self._pokemon, kind, index, byref(value)) check_throw_error(ec) return value.value
def ot_name(self, name): ec = epsf_set_pokemon_name(self._pokemon, 1, name.encode()) check_throw_error(ec)
def name(self, name): name = name.replace("\u2642", "<").replace("\u2640", ">") ec = epsf_set_pokemon_name(self._pokemon, 0, name.encode()) check_throw_error(ec)