예제 #1
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_create(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (10,20,30) , (1,1,1) , actnum = [0,1,1,2])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (10,20,30) , (1,1,1) , actnum = IntVector(initial_size = 10))
     actnum = IntVector(default_value = 1 , initial_size = 6000)
     actnum[0] = 0
     actnum[1] = 0
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (10,20,30) , (1,1,1) , actnum = actnum)
     self.assertEqual( grid.getNumActive( ) , 30*20*10 - 2)
예제 #2
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
def createContainmentTestBase():
    return [
            (3,  GridGen.createGrid((6,6,6), (1,1,1), offset=1)),
            (10, GridGen.createGrid((3,3,3), (1,1,1), offset=1, concave=True)),
            (4,  GridGen.createGrid((10,10,1), (1,1,1), offset=0., misalign=True)),
                GridGen.createGrid((6,6,6), (1,1,1), offset=0.,
                    escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0),
                    irregular_offset=True, concave=True, irregular=True,
                    scale=1.5, translation=(5,5,0),
예제 #3
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_numpy3D(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 7
     nz = 5
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular((nx,ny,nz) , (1,1,1))
     kw = EclKW( "SWAT" , nx*ny*nz , EclDataType.ECL_FLOAT )
     numpy_3d = grid.create3D( kw )
예제 #4
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
    def test_output_units(self):
        n = 10
        a = 1
        grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (n,n,n), (a,a,a))

        with TestAreaContext("python/ecl_grid/units"):
            grid.save_EGRID( "CASE.EGRID" , output_unit = EclUnitTypeEnum.ECL_FIELD_UNITS )
            f = EclFile("CASE.EGRID")
            g = f["GRIDUNIT"][0]
            self.assertEqual( g[0].strip( ) , "FEET" )
            g2 = EclGrid("CASE.EGRID")
            self.assertFloatEqual( g2.cell_volume( global_index = 0 ) , 3.28084*3.28084*3.28084)

            grid.save_EGRID( "CASE.EGRID" )
            f = EclFile("CASE.EGRID")
            g = f["GRIDUNIT"][0]
            self.assertEqual( g[0].strip( ) , "METRES" )
            grid.save_EGRID( "CASE.EGRID" , output_unit = EclUnitTypeEnum.ECL_LAB_UNITS)
            f = EclFile("CASE.EGRID")
            g = f["GRIDUNIT"][0]
            self.assertEqual( g[0].strip() , "CM" )
            g2 = EclGrid("CASE.EGRID")
            self.assertFloatEqual( g2.cell_volume( global_index = 0 ) , 100*100*100 )
예제 #5
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
    def test_oom_grid(self):
        nx = 2000
        ny = 2000
        nz = 2000

        with self.assertRaises(MemoryError):
            grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz), (1,1,1))
예제 #6
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_dims(self):
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (10,20,30) , (1,1,1) )
     self.assertEqual( grid.getNX() , 10 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.getNY() , 20 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.getNZ() , 30 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.getGlobalSize() , 30*10*20 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.getDims() , (10,20,30,6000) )
예제 #7
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_compressed_copy(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 10
     nz = 10
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz) , (1,1,1) )
     kw1 = EclKW("KW" , 1001 , EclDataType.ECL_INT )
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         cp = grid.compressedKWCopy( kw1 )
예제 #8
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
    def test_concvex_cell_containment(self):
        points = [
            (10, 10, 10),
            (25, 5, 5),
            (5, 25, 5),
            (20, 20, 10),
            (5, 5, 25),
            (20, 10, 20),
            (10, 20, 20),
            (25, 25, 25)

        grid = GridGen.createSingleCellGrid(points)

        assertPoint = lambda p : self.assertTrue(
                grid.cell_contains(p[0], p[1], p[2], 0)

        assertNotPoint = lambda p : self.assertFalse(
                grid.cell_contains(p[0], p[1], p[2], 0)

        # Cell center

        # "Side" center
        assertPoint(average(points[0:8:4] + points[1:8:4]))
        assertPoint(average(points[2:8:4] + points[3:8:4]))

        # Corners
        for p in points:

        # Edges
        edges = ([(i, i+1) for i in range(0, 8, 2)] +
                 [(i, i+2) for i in [0, 1, 4, 5]] +
                 [(i, i+4) for i in range(4)] +
                 [(1,2), (2,7), (1,7), (4,7), (2,4), (4,1)])
        for a,b in edges:
            assertPoint(average([points[a], points[b]]))

        # Epsilon inside from corners
        middle_point = average(points)
        for p in points:
            assertPoint(average(20*[p] + [middle_point]))

        # Espilon outside
        middle_point[2] = 0
        for p in points[0:4:]:
            assertNotPoint(average(20*[p] + [middle_point]))

        middle_point[2] = 30
        for p in points[4:8:]:
            assertNotPoint(average(20*[p] + [middle_point]))
예제 #9
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
    def test_cell_corner_containment_compatability(self):
        grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (3,3,3), (1,1,1) )

        for x, y, z in itertools.product(range(4), repeat=3):
            for i in range(27):
                if grid.cell_contains(x, y, z, i):
예제 #10
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
    def test_cell_corner_containment(self):
        n = 4
        d = 10
        grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (n, n, n), (d, d, d))

        for x, y, z in itertools.product(range(0, n*d+1, d), repeat=3):
                    [grid.cell_contains(x, y, z, i) for i in range(n**3)].count(True)
예제 #11
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_dxdydz(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 10
     nz = 10
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz) , (2,3,4) )
     (dx,dy,dz) = grid.getCellDims( active_index = 0 )
     self.assertEqual( dx , 2 )
     self.assertEqual( dy , 3 )
     self.assertEqual( dz , 4 )
예제 #12
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_truncated_file(self):
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (10,20,30) , (1,1,1) )
     with TestAreaContext("python/ecl_grid/truncated"):
         grid.save_EGRID( "TEST.EGRID")
         size = os.path.getsize( "TEST.EGRID")
         with open("TEST.EGRID" , "r+") as f:
             f.truncate( size / 2 )
         with self.assertRaises(IOError):
예제 #13
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_posXY1(self):
     nx = 4
     ny = 1
     nz = 1
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz) , (1,1,1) )
     (i,j) = grid.findCellXY( 0.5 , 0.5, 0 )   
     self.assertEqual(i , 0)
     self.assertEqual(j , 0)
     (i,j) = grid.findCellXY( 3.5 , 0.5, 0 )   
     self.assertEqual(i , 3)
     self.assertEqual(j , 0)
예제 #14
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_len(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 11
     nz = 12
     actnum = EclKW( "ACTNUM" , nx*ny*nz , EclDataType.ECL_INT )
     actnum[0] = 1
     actnum[1] = 1
     actnum[2] = 1
     actnum[3] = 1
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz) , (1,1,1), actnum = actnum)
     self.assertEqual( len(grid) , nx*ny*nz )
     self.assertEqual( grid.getNumActive( ) , 4 )
예제 #15
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_node_pos(self):
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (10,20,30) , (1,1,1) )
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
     p0 = grid.getNodePos(0,0,0)
     self.assertEqual( p0 , (0,0,0))
     p7 = grid.getNodePos(10,20,30)
     self.assertEqual( p7 , (10,20,30))
예제 #16
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
    def test_cell_face_containment(self):
        n = 4
        d = 10
        grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (n, n, n), (d, d, d))

        for x, y, z in itertools.product(range(d/2, n*d, d), repeat=3):
            for axis, direction in itertools.product(range(3), [-1, 1]):
                p = [x, y, z]
                p[axis] = p[axis] + direction*d/2
                        [grid.cell_contains(p[0], p[1], p[2], i) for i in range(n**3)].count(True)
예제 #17
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_repr_and_name(self):
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular((2,2,2), (10,10,10), actnum=[0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1])
     pfx = 'EclGrid('
     rep = repr(grid)
     self.assertEqual(pfx, rep[:len(pfx)])
     self.assertEqual(type(rep), type(''))
     self.assertEqual(type(grid.getName()), type(''))
     with TestAreaContext("python/ecl_grid/repr"):
         g2 = EclGrid("CASE.EGRID")
         r2 = repr(g2)
         self.assertEqual(pfx, r2[:len(pfx)])
         self.assertEqual(type(r2), type(''))
         self.assertEqual(type(g2.getName()), type(''))
예제 #18
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_init_ACTNUM(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 23
     nz = 7
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz) , (1,1,1) )
     actnum = grid.exportACTNUM()
     self.assertEqual( len(actnum) , nx*ny*nz )
     self.assertEqual( actnum[0] , 1 )
     self.assertEqual( actnum[nx*ny*nz - 1] , 1 )
     actnum_kw = grid.exportACTNUMKw( )
     self.assertEqual(len(actnum_kw) , len(actnum))
     for a1,a2 in zip(actnum, actnum_kw):
         self.assertEqual(a1, a2)
예제 #19
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
def createWrapperGrid(grid):
    Creates a grid that occupies the same space as the given grid,
    but that consists of a single cell.

    x, y, z = grid.getNX()-1, grid.getNY()-1, grid.getNZ()-1
    corner_pos = [
                    (0, 0, 0), (x, 0, 0), (0, y, 0), (x, y, 0),
                    (0, 0, z), (x, 0, z), (0, y, z), (x, y, z)

    corners = [
                grid.getCellCorner(i, ijk=pos)
                for i, pos in enumerate(corner_pos)

    return GridGen.createSingleCellGrid(corners)
예제 #20
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_posXYEdge(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 11
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,1) , (1,1,1) )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(0,0,0)  , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(nx,0,0) , nx)
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(0 , ny , 0) , (nx + 1 ) * ny )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(nx,ny,0) , (nx + 1 ) * (ny + 1) - 1)
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(0.25,0,0)  , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(0,0.25,0)  , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(nx - 0.25,0,0)  , nx )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(nx , 0.25,0)  , nx )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(0 , ny - 0.25, 0) , (nx + 1 ) * ny )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(0.25 , ny , 0) , (nx + 1 ) * ny )
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(nx -0.25 ,ny,0) , (nx + 1 ) * (ny + 1) - 1)
     self.assertEqual( grid.findCellCornerXY(nx , ny - 0.25,0) , (nx + 1 ) * (ny + 1) - 1)
예제 #21
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
 def test_posXY(self):
     nx = 10
     ny = 23
     nz = 7
     grid = GridGen.createRectangular( (nx,ny,nz) , (1,1,1) )
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
         grid.findCellXY( 1 , 1, -1 )   
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
         grid.findCellXY( 1 , 1, nz + 1 )   
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         grid.findCellXY(15 , 78 , 2)
     i,j = grid.findCellXY( 1.5 , 1.5 , 2 )
     self.assertEqual(i , 1)
     self.assertEqual(j , 1)
     for i in range(nx):
         for j in range(ny):
             p = grid.findCellXY(i + 0.5 , j+ 0.5 , 0)
             self.assertEqual( p[0] , i )
             self.assertEqual( p[1] , j )
     c = grid.findCellCornerXY( 0.10 , 0.10 , 0 )
     self.assertEqual(c , 0)
     c = grid.findCellCornerXY( 0.90 , 0.90 , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( c , (nx + 1) + 1 )
     c = grid.findCellCornerXY( 0.10 , 0.90 , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( c , (nx + 1) )
     c = grid.findCellCornerXY( 0.90 , 0.90 , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( c , (nx + 1) + 1 )
     c = grid.findCellCornerXY( 0.90 , 0.10 , 0 )
     self.assertEqual( c , 1 )
예제 #22
 def test_EclRegion_properties(self):
     grid = EclGridGenerator.createRectangular((10, 10, 10), (1, 1, 1))
     region = EclRegion(grid, False)
예제 #23
파일: test_grid.py 프로젝트: kgreg1/ert
def createVolumeTestGridBase(dim, dV, offset=1):
    return [
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=0),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, irregular_offset=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, concave=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, irregular=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, concave=True, irregular=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, irregular_offset=True, concave=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=0, faults=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, faults=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0), scale=2),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0), scale=0.5),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0), translation=(50,50,0)),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0), rotate=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0), misalign=True),
            GridGen.createGrid(dim, dV, offset=offset, escape_origo_shift=(100, 100, 0),
                irregular_offset=True, concave=True, irregular=True,
                scale=1.5, translation=(5,5,0), rotate=True,
예제 #24
 def test_EclRegion_properties(self):
     grid = EclGridGenerator.createRectangular( (10,10,10) , (1,1,1))
     region = EclRegion( grid , False )