예제 #1
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: CMGS/eru-core
def list_group_pod(id_or_name):
    if id_or_name.isdigit():
        group = Group.get(int(id_or_name))
        group = Group.get_by_name(id_or_name)
    if not group:
        abort(404, 'Group %s not found' % id_or_name)
    return group.list_pods(g.start, g.limit)
예제 #2
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: BlueKarl/eru-core
def list_group_pod(id_or_name):
    if id_or_name.isdigit():
        group = Group.get(int(id_or_name))
        group = Group.get_by_name(id_or_name)
    if not group:
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'Group %s not found' % id_or_name)
    return group.list_pods(g.start, g.limit)
예제 #3
파일: prepare.py 프로젝트: lcsandy/eru-core
def create_local_test_data(private=False):
    appyaml = {
        'appname': 'blueberry',
        'entrypoints': {
            'web': {
                'cmd': 'python app.py',
                'ports': ['5000/tcp'],
            'daemon': {
                'cmd': 'python daemon.py',
            'service': {
                'cmd': 'python service.py'
        'build': 'pip install -r ./requirements.txt',
    app = App.get_or_create('blueberry', 'http://git.hunantv.com/tonic/blueberry.git', 'token')
    version = app.add_version('abe23812aeb50a17a2509c02a28423462161d306')
    appconfig = version.appconfig

    group = Group.create('group', 'group')
    pod = Pod.create('pod', 'pod')

    c = docker.Client(**kwargs_from_env(assert_hostname=False))
    r = c.info()
    host = Host.create(pod, '', r['Name'], r['ID'], r['NCPU'], r['MemTotal'])

    if private:

    return app, version, group, pod, host
예제 #4
def _create_data(core_share, max_share_core, host_count):
    group = Group.create('group', 'group')
    pod = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', core_share, max_share_core)
    for _ in range(host_count):
        host = Host.create(pod, random_ipv4(), random_string(), random_uuid(), 16, 4096)
    return group, pod
예제 #5
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: CMGS/eru-core
def create_group():
    data = request.get_json()
    if not Group.create(data['name'], data.get('description', '')):
        abort(400, 'Group create failed')
    current_app.logger.info('Group create succeeded (name=%s, desc=%s)',
            data['name'], data.get('description', ''))
    return 201, {'r': 0, 'msg': consts.OK}
예제 #6
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: BlueKarl/eru-core
def create_group():
    data = request.get_json()
    if not Group.create(data['name'], data.get('description', '')):
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Group create failed')
    current_app.logger.info('Group create succeeded (name=%s, desc=%s)',
            data['name'], data.get('description', ''))
    return consts.HTTP_CREATED, {'r':0, 'msg': consts.OK}
예제 #7
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: lcsandy/eru-core
def assign_pod_to_group(pod_name):
    data = request.get_json()

    group = Group.get_by_name(data['group_name'])
    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not group or not pod:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)

    if not pod.assigned_to_group(group):
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
    return {'r':0, 'msg': code.OK}
예제 #8
def test_container_transform(test_db):
    a = App.get_or_create('app', 'http://git.hunantv.com/group/app.git', '')
    assert a is not None

    v = a.add_version(random_sha1())
    v2 = a.add_version(random_sha1())
    assert v is not None
    assert v.app.id == a.id
    assert v.name == a.name
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert len(v.tasks.all()) == 0

    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod')
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    hosts = [Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(prefix='host'),
        random_uuid(), 4, 4096) for i in range(6)]

    for host in hosts[:3]:

    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3, 0) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    containers = []
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        cores_per_container = len(cores) / count
        for i in range(count):
            cid = random_sha1()
            used_cores = {'full': cores['full'][i*cores_per_container:(i+1)*cores_per_container]}
            c = Container.create(cid, host, v, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env')
            assert c is not None
        host.occupy_cores(cores, 0)

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        assert len(host.get_free_cores()[0]) == 1
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 1
        assert host.count == 1

    assert len(containers) == 3
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 3

    cids = [c.container_id for c in containers]
    for c in containers:
        host = c.host
        cid = c.container_id
        c.transform(v2, random_sha1(), random_string())
        assert c.container_id != cid

    new_cids = [c.container_id for c in containers]
    assert new_cids != cids
예제 #9
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: marswon/eru-core
def group_max_containers(group_name):
    pod_name = request.args.get('pod_name', type=str, default='')
    cores_per_container = request.args.get('ncore', type=int, default=1)

    group = Group.get_by_name(group_name)
    if not group:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not pod:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)

    return {'r':0, 'msg': code.OK, 'data': group.get_max_containers(pod, cores_per_container)}
예제 #10
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: BlueKarl/eru-core
def assign_pod_to_group(pod_name):
    data = request.get_json()

    group = Group.get_by_name(data['group_name'])
    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not group or not pod:
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'No group/pod found')

    if not pod.assigned_to_group(group):
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Assign failed')
    current_app.logger.info('Pod (name=%s) assigned to group (name=%s)',
            pod_name, data['group_name'])
    return {'r':0, 'msg': consts.OK}
예제 #11
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: CMGS/eru-core
def assign_pod_to_group(pod_name):
    data = request.get_json()

    group = Group.get_by_name(data['group_name'])
    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not group or not pod:
        abort(404, 'No group/pod found')

    if not pod.assigned_to_group(group):
        abort(400, 'Assign failed')
    current_app.logger.info('Pod (name=%s) assigned to group (name=%s)',
            pod_name, data['group_name'])
    return {'r':0, 'msg': consts.OK}
예제 #12
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: CMGS/eru-core
def group_max_containers(group_name):
    pod_name = request.args.get('pod_name', default='')
    core_require = request.args.get('ncore', type=float, default=1)

    group = Group.get_by_name(group_name)
    if not group:
        abort(400, 'No group found')
    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not pod:
        abort(400, 'No pod found')

    ncore, nshare = pod.get_core_allocation(core_require)
    return {'r':0, 'msg': consts.OK, 'data': get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore, nshare)}
예제 #13
def test_get_max_container_count_single_host(test_db):
    group = Group.create('group', 'group')
    pod = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', 10, -1)
    host = Host.create(pod, random_ipv4(), random_string(), random_uuid(), 64, 4096)

    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=1, nshare=0) == 64
    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=2, nshare=0) == 32
    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=3, nshare=0) == 21
    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=4, nshare=0) == 16
    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=5, nshare=0) == 12
    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=1, nshare=5) == 42
    assert get_max_container_count(group, pod, ncore=2, nshare=5) == 25
예제 #14
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: lcsandy/eru-core
def assign_host_to_group(addr):
    data = request.get_json()

    group = Group.get_by_name(data['group_name'])
    if not group:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)

    host = Host.get_by_addr(addr)
    if not host:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)

    if not host.assigned_to_group(group):
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
    return {'r':0, 'msg': code.OK}
예제 #15
def test_occupy_and_release_cores(test_db):
    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', 10, -1)
    host = Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(), random_uuid(), 200, 0)
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    assert host.assigned_to_group(g)

    for core in host.cores:
        assert core.host_id == host.id
        assert core.remain == 10

    cores = {
        'full': host.cores[:100],
        'part': host.cores[100:],

    host.occupy_cores(cores, 5)
    for core in host.cores[:100]:
        assert core.remain == 0
    for core in host.cores[100:]:
        assert core.remain == 5

    host.release_cores(cores, 5)
    for core in host.cores:
        assert core.remain == 10

    host.occupy_cores(cores, 8)
    for core in host.cores[:100]:
        assert core.remain == 0
    for core in host.cores[100:]:
        assert core.remain == 2

    host.release_cores(cores, 8)
    for core in host.cores:
        assert core.remain == 10

    cores = {
        'full': host.cores[:50],
        'part': host.cores[50:100],

    host.occupy_cores(cores, 8)
    for core in host.cores[:50]:
        assert core.remain == 0
    for core in host.cores[50:100]:
        assert core.remain == 2

    host.release_cores(cores, 8)
    for core in host.cores:
        assert core.remain == 10
예제 #16
def test_group_pod(test_db):
    g1 = Group.create('group1', 'group1')
    g2 = Group.create('group1', 'group1')
    assert g1 is not None
    assert g1.name == 'group1'
    assert g2 is None

    p1 = Pod.create('pod1', 'pod1')
    p2 = Pod.create('pod1', 'pod1')
    assert p1 is not None
    assert p1.name == 'pod1'
    assert p2 is None

    g3 = Group.get_by_name('group1')
    assert g3.id == g1.id

    p3 = Pod.get_by_name('pod1')
    assert p3.id == p1.id

    assert p3.assigned_to_group(g3)
    assert p3.get_free_public_hosts(10) == []
    assert g3.get_max_containers(p3, 1, 2) == 0
    assert g3.get_free_cores(p3, 1, 1, 2) == {}
예제 #17
def test_host(test_db):
    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod')
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    hosts = [Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(prefix='host'),
        random_uuid(), 4, 4096) for i in range(6)]
    for host in hosts:
        assert host is not None
        assert len(host.cores.all()) == 4
        assert len(host.get_free_cores()) == 4

    assert len(g.private_hosts.all()) == 0
    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 1) == 0
    assert g.get_free_cores(p, 1, 1) == {}

    for host in hosts[:3]:
    host_ids1 = {h.id for h in hosts[:3]}
    host_ids2 = {h.id for h in hosts[3:]}

    assert len(g.private_hosts.all()) == 3
    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 1) == 12
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 12, 1)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 4
        assert len(cores) == 4

    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 1
        assert len(cores) == 3

    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 2) == 6
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 4, 2)
    assert len(host_cores) == 2

    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 2
        assert len(cores) == 4
예제 #18
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: BlueKarl/eru-core
def group_max_containers(group_name):
    pod_name = request.args.get('pod_name', type=str, default='')
    core_require = request.args.get('ncore', type=float, default=1)

    group = Group.get_by_name(group_name)
    if not group:
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'No group found')
    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not pod:
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'No pod found')

    core_require = int(core_require * pod.core_share) # 是说一个容器要几个核...
    ncore = core_require / pod.core_share
    nshare = core_require % pod.core_share

    return {'r':0, 'msg': consts.OK, 'data': group.get_max_containers(pod, ncore, nshare)}
예제 #19
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: BlueKarl/eru-core
def assign_host_to_group(addr):
    data = request.get_json()

    group = Group.get_by_name(data['group_name'])
    if not group:
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'No group found')

    host = Host.get_by_addr(addr)
    if not host:
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'No host found')

    if not host.assigned_to_group(group):
        raise EruAbortException(consts.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Assign failed')
    current_app.logger.info('Host (addr=%s) assigned to group (name=%s)',
            addr, data['group_name'])
    return {'r':0, 'msg': consts.OK}
예제 #20
파일: deploy.py 프로젝트: marswon/eru-core
def validate_instance(group_name, pod_name, appname, version):
    group = Group.get_by_name(group_name)
    if not group:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Group `%s` not found' % group_name)

    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not pod:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Pod `%s` not found' % pod_name)

    application = App.get_by_name(appname)
    if not application:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'App `%s` not found' % appname)

    version = application.get_version(version)
    if not version:
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Version `%s` not found' % version)

    return group, pod, application, version
예제 #21
파일: deploy.py 프로젝트: CMGS/eru-core
def validate_instance(group_name, pod_name, appname, version):
    group = Group.get_by_name(group_name)
    if not group:
        abort(400, 'Group `%s` not found' % group_name)

    pod = Pod.get_by_name(pod_name)
    if not pod:
        abort(400, 'Pod `%s` not found' % pod_name)

    app = App.get_by_name(appname)
    if not app:
        abort(400, 'App `%s` not found' % appname)

    version = app.get_version(version)
    if not version:
        abort(400, 'Version `%s` not found' % version)

    return group, pod, app, version
예제 #22
파일: prepare.py 프로젝트: lcsandy/eru-core
def create_test_suite():
    appyaml = {
        'appname': 'app',
        'entrypoints': {
            'web': {
                'cmd': 'python app.py',
                'ports': ['5000/tcp'],
            'daemon': {
                'cmd': 'python daemon.py',
            'service': {
                'cmd': 'python service.py'
        'build': 'pip install -r ./requirements.txt',
    app = App.get_or_create('app', 'http://git.hunantv.com/group/app.git', 'token')
    version = app.add_version(random_sha1())
    appconfig = version.appconfig

    group = Group.create('group', 'group')
    pod = Pod.create('pod', 'pod')

    hosts = [Host.create(pod, random_ipv4(), random_string(prefix='host'),
        random_uuid(), 4, 4096) for i in range(4)]

    for host in hosts:

    containers = []
    for (host, count), cores in group.get_free_cores(pod, 4, 4, 0).iteritems():
        cores_per_container = len(cores) / count
        for i in range(count):
            cid = random_sha1()
            used_cores = cores['full'][i*cores_per_container:(i+1)*cores_per_container]
            c = Container.create(cid, host, version, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env')
        host.occupy_cores(cores, 0)
    return app, version, group, pod, hosts, containers
예제 #23
파일: fillup.py 프로젝트: lcsandy/eru-core
def fillup_data():
    app, _ = create_app_with_celery()
    with app.app_context():

        group = Group.create('test-group', 'test-group')
        pod = Pod.create('test-pod', 'test-pod')

        r = requests.get('').json()
        host = Host.create(pod, '', r['Name'], r['ID'], r['NCPU'], r['MemTotal'])

        app = App.get_or_create('nbetest', 'http://git.hunantv.com/platform/nbetest.git', 'token')
        version = app.get_version('96cbf8')

        host_cores = group.get_free_cores(pod, 2, 2)
        cores = []
        for (host, cn), coress in host_cores.iteritems():
            print host, cn, coress
            cores = coress
        print cores
        ports = host.get_free_ports(2)
        print ports
        props = {
            'entrypoint': 'web',
            'ncontainer': 2,
            'env': 'PROD',
            'cores': [c.id for c in cores],
            'ports': [p.id for p in ports],
        task = Task.create(1, version, host, props)
        print task.props
        print group.get_free_cores(pod, 1, 1)
예제 #24
def test_container_release_cores(test_db):
    a = App.get_or_create('app', 'http://git.hunantv.com/group/app.git', '')
    v = a.add_version(random_sha1())
    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', 10, -1)
    host = Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(), random_uuid(), 200, 0)
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    assert host.assigned_to_group(g)

    for core in host.cores:
        assert core.host_id == host.id
        assert core.remain == 10

    containers = []
    cores = sorted(host.cores, key=operator.attrgetter('label'))
    for fcores, pcores in zip(chunked(cores[:100], 10), chunked(cores[100:], 10)):
        used_cores = {'full': fcores, 'part': pcores}
        host.occupy_cores(used_cores, 5)
        c = Container.create(random_sha1(), host, v, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env', nshare=5)

    cores = sorted(host.cores, key=operator.attrgetter('label'))
    for fcores, pcores in zip(chunked(cores[:100], 10), chunked(cores[100:], 10)):
        for core in fcores:
            assert core.remain == 0
        for core in pcores:
            assert core.remain == 5

    for c in containers:

    cores = sorted(host.cores, key=operator.attrgetter('label'))
    for fcores, pcores in zip(chunked(cores[:100], 10), chunked(cores[100:], 10)):
        for core in fcores:
            assert core.remain == 10
        for core in pcores:
            assert core.remain == 10
예제 #25
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: lcsandy/eru-core
def create_group():
    data = request.get_json()
    if not Group.create(data['name'], data.get('description', '')):
        raise EruAbortException(code.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
    return {'r':0, 'msg': code.OK}
예제 #26
def test_container(test_db):
    a = App.get_or_create('app', 'http://git.hunantv.com/group/app.git', '')
    assert a is not None
    assert a.id == a.user_id

    v = a.add_version(random_sha1())
    assert v is not None
    assert v.app.id == a.id
    assert v.name == a.name
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert len(v.tasks.all()) == 0

    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', 10, -1)
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    hosts = [Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(prefix='host'),
        random_uuid(), 4, 4096) for i in range(6)]

    for host in hosts[:3]:
    host_ids1 = {h.id for h in hosts[:3]}
    host_ids2 = {h.id for h in hosts[3:]}

    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3, 0)

    containers = []
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        cores_per_container = len(cores['full']) / count
        for i in range(count):
            cid = random_sha1()
            used_cores = {'full': cores['full'][i*cores_per_container:(i+1)*cores_per_container]}
            # not using a port
            c = Container.create(cid, host, v, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env')
            assert c is not None
        host.occupy_cores(cores, 0)

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 1
        assert len(part_cores) == 0
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 1
        assert host.count == 1

    assert len(containers) == 3
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 3

    for c in containers:
        assert c.host_id in host_ids1
        assert c.host_id not in host_ids2
        assert c.app.id == a.id
        assert c.version.id == v.id
        assert c.is_alive
        assert len(c.full_cores.all()) == 3
        assert len(c.part_cores.all()) == 0
        all_core_labels = sorted(['0', '1', '2', '3', ])
        used_full_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.full_cores.all()]
        used_part_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.part_cores.all()]
        free_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.host.get_free_cores()[0]]
        assert all_core_labels == sorted(used_full_core_labels + used_part_core_labels + free_core_labels)

    for c in containers:

    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3, 0) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 4
        assert len(part_cores) == 0
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 0
        assert host.count == 0

    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3, 4)
    containers = []
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        cores_per_container = len(cores['full']) / count
        for i in range(count):
            cid = random_sha1()
            used_cores = {'full':  cores['full'][i*cores_per_container:(i+1)*cores_per_container],
                    'part': cores['part']}
            # not using a port
            c = Container.create(cid, host, v, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env')
            assert c is not None
        host.occupy_cores(cores, 4)

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 0
        assert len(part_cores) == 1
        assert part_cores[0].used == 4
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 1
        assert host.count == 1

    assert len(containers) == 3
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 3

    for c in containers:
        assert c.host_id in host_ids1
        assert c.host_id not in host_ids2
        assert c.app.id == a.id
        assert c.version.id == v.id
        assert c.is_alive
        assert len(c.full_cores.all()) == 3
        assert len(c.part_cores.all()) == 1
        all_core_labels = sorted(['0', '1', '2', '3', ])
        used_full_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.full_cores.all()]
        used_part_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.part_cores.all()]
        free_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.host.get_free_cores()[0]]
        assert all_core_labels == sorted(used_full_core_labels + used_part_core_labels + free_core_labels)

    for c in containers:

    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3, 0) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 4
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 0
        assert host.count == 0

    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 6, 1, 5)
    containers = []
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        cores_per_container = len(cores['full']) / count
        for i in range(count):
            cid = random_sha1()
            used_cores = {'full':  cores['full'][i*cores_per_container:(i+1)*cores_per_container],
                    'part': cores['part'][i:i+1]}
            # not using a port
            c = Container.create(cid, host, v, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env')
            assert c is not None
            host.occupy_cores(used_cores, 5)

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 1
        assert len(part_cores) == 0
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 2
        assert host.count == 2

    assert len(containers) == 6
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 6

    for c in containers:
        assert c.host_id in host_ids1
        assert c.host_id not in host_ids2
        assert c.app.id == a.id
        assert c.version.id == v.id
        assert c.is_alive
        assert len(c.full_cores.all()) == 1
        assert len(c.part_cores.all()) == 1

    for c in containers:

    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3, 0) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 4
        assert len(part_cores) == 0
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 0
        assert host.count == 0
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

from eru.app import create_app_with_celery
from eru.models import db, Group, Pod, Host, App
from tests.utils import random_ipv4, random_string, random_uuid, random_sha1

host_number = int(raw_input("how many hosts: "))

app, _ = create_app_with_celery
app.config['TESTING'] = True
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'mysql://root:@localhost:3306/erutest'

with app.app_context():
    a = App.get_or_create('app', 'http://git.hunantv.com/group/app.git', '')
    v = a.add_version(random_sha1())
    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', 10, -1)
    hosts = [Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(), random_uuid(), 24, 4096) for i in range(host_number)]
    for host in hosts:
예제 #28
파일: sys.py 프로젝트: BlueKarl/eru-core
def list_groups():
    return Group.list_all(g.start, g.limit)
예제 #29
def test_container(test_db):
    a = App.get_or_create('app', 'http://git.hunantv.com/group/app.git', '')
    assert a is not None

    v = a.add_version(random_sha1())
    assert v is not None
    assert v.app.id == a.id
    assert v.name == a.name
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert len(v.tasks.all()) == 0

    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod')
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    hosts = [Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(prefix='host'),
        random_uuid(), 4, 4096) for i in range(6)]

    for host in hosts[:3]:
    host_ids1 = {h.id for h in hosts[:3]}
    host_ids2 = {h.id for h in hosts[3:]}

    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    containers = []
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        cores_per_container = len(cores) / count
        for i in range(count):
            cid = random_sha1()
            used_cores = cores[i*cores_per_container:(i+1)*cores_per_container]
            # not using a port
            c = Container.create(cid, host, v, random_string(), 'entrypoint', used_cores, 'env')
            assert c is not None

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        assert len(host.get_free_cores()) == 1
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 1
        assert host.count == 1

    assert len(containers) == 3
    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 3

    for c in containers:
        assert c.host_id in host_ids1
        assert c.host_id not in host_ids2
        assert c.app.id == a.id
        assert c.version.id == v.id
        assert c.is_alive
        assert len(c.cores.all()) == 3
        all_core_labels = sorted(['0', '1', '2', '3', ])
        used_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.cores.all()]
        free_core_labels = [core.label for core in c.host.get_free_cores()]
        assert all_core_labels == sorted(used_core_labels + free_core_labels)

    for c in containers:

    assert len(v.containers.all()) == 0
    assert g.get_max_containers(p, 3) == 3
    host_cores = g.get_free_cores(p, 3, 3)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3

    for host in g.private_hosts.all():
        assert len(host.get_free_cores()) == 4
        assert len(host.containers.all()) == 0
        assert host.count == 0
예제 #30
def test_host(test_db):
    g = Group.create('group', 'group')
    p = Pod.create('pod', 'pod', 10, -1)
    assert p.assigned_to_group(g)
    hosts = [Host.create(p, random_ipv4(), random_string(prefix='host'),
        random_uuid(), 4, 4096) for i in range(6)]
    for host in hosts:
        assert host is not None
        assert len(host.cores) == 4
        full_cores, part_cores = host.get_free_cores()
        assert len(full_cores) == 4
        assert len(part_cores) == 0

    assert len(g.private_hosts.all()) == 0
    assert get_max_container_count(g, p, 1, 0) == 0
    assert centralized_schedule(g, p, 1, 1, 0) == {}

    for host in hosts[:3]:
    host_ids1 = {h.id for h in hosts[:3]}
    host_ids2 = {h.id for h in hosts[3:]}

    assert len(g.private_hosts.all()) == 3
    assert get_max_container_count(g, p, 1, 0) == 12
    host_cores = centralized_schedule(g, p, 12, 1, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 4
        assert len(cores['full']) == 4

    assert get_max_container_count(g, p, 3, 0) == 3
    host_cores = centralized_schedule(g, p, 3, 3, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 1
        assert len(cores['full']) == 3

    assert get_max_container_count(g, p, 2, 0) == 6
    host_cores = centralized_schedule(g, p, 4, 2, 0)
    assert len(host_cores) == 2
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 2
        assert len(cores['full']) == 4

    assert get_max_container_count(g, p, 1, 1) == 9
    host_cores = centralized_schedule(g, p, 3, 1, 1)
    assert len(host_cores) == 1
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 3
        assert len(cores['full']) == 3
        assert len(cores['part']) == 3

    assert get_max_container_count(g, p, 2, 3) == 3
    host_cores = centralized_schedule(g, p, 3, 2, 3)
    assert len(host_cores) == 3
    for (host, count), cores in host_cores.iteritems():
        assert host.id in host_ids1
        assert host.id not in host_ids2
        assert count == 1
        assert len(cores['full']) == 2
        assert len(cores['part']) == 1