예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        # ensure pipelines do not get deleted on APM Server startup, otherwise `overwrite` flag cannot be tested
        self.skip_clean_pipelines = True

        # Ensure all pipelines are deleted before test
        es = Elasticsearch([self.get_elasticsearch_url()])

        # Ensure `apm` pipeline is already registered in ES before APM Server is started
        self.pipeline_apm = "apm"
        es.ingest.put_pipeline(id=self.pipeline_apm, body={"description": "empty apm test pipeline", "processors": []})
        wait_until_pipelines(es, ["apm"])

        # When starting APM Server pipeline `apm` is already registered, the other pipelines are not
        super(PipelineOverwriteBase, self).setUp()
예제 #2
 def setUp(self):
     # ensure environment is clean before cmd is run
     self.es = Elasticsearch([self.get_elasticsearch_url()])
     # pipelines are setup when running the command
     super(SetupCmdPipelinesDefaultTest, self).setUp()