workflows = [] wfs = [] for wf in [w for w in sys.argv[1].split(",") if w]: wfs.append(wf) while wfs: queryInfo["workflows"] = " OR ".join(wfs[0:50]) wfs = wfs[50:] wf_hits = es_query( index='relvals_stats_*', query=format( 'release:%(release_cycle)s AND architecture:%(architecture)s AND (%(workflows)s)', **queryInfo), start_time=int(time() * 1000) - int(86400 * 1000 * 7), end_time=int(time() * 1000)) stats = es_workflow_stats(wf_hits) for wf in stats: wf_weight = 0 for step in stats[wf]: stat = stats[wf][step] wf_weight += stat["cpu"] workflows.append({"workflow": wf, "weight": wf_weight}) order_workflows = [] for item in sorted(workflows, key=itemgetter("weight"), reverse=True): order_workflows.append([item["workflow"], item["weight"]]) wfs = [] for x in splitWorkflows(order_workflows, 100): wfs.append(x) wf_count = len(wfs)
architecture=arch, workflows=wf_query[4:]), start_time=1000 * int(time() - (86400 * 30)), end_time=1000 * int(time()), scroll=True) if (not 'hits' in stats) or (not 'hits' in stats['hits']) or ( not stats['hits']['hits']): xrelease_cycle = str.lower("_".join(cmssw_ver.split("_", 4)[0:3]) + "_X") if xrelease_cycle != release_cycle: release_cycle = xrelease_cycle print("Retry: Setting release cycle to ", release_cycle) continue break wf_stats = es_workflow_stats(stats) #Create Jobs print("Creating jobs.json file ....") jobs = {} jobs["final_job"] = "echo All Done" jobs["final_per_group"] = { "command": SCRIPT_DIR + "/ %(jobs_results)s", "cpu": 10, "rss": 10 * 1024 * 1024, "time": 30 } jobs["env"] = {} jobs["jobs"] = [] e, o = run_cmd("find . -name workflow.log -type f | sed 's|^./||'") for cmds_log in o.split("\n"):
query=format('(NOT cpu_max:0) AND exit_code:0 AND release:%(release_cycle)s AND architecture:%(architecture)s AND (%(workflows)s)', release_cycle=release_cycle+"_*", architecture=arch, workflows=wf_query[4:] ), start_time=1000*int(time()-(86400*30)), end_time=1000*int(time())) if (not 'hits' in stats) or (not 'hits' in stats['hits']) or (not stats['hits']['hits']): xrelease_cycle = str.lower("_".join(cmssw_ver.split("_",4)[0:3])+"_X") if xrelease_cycle!=release_cycle: release_cycle=xrelease_cycle print "Retry: Setting release cycle to ",release_cycle continue break wf_stats = es_workflow_stats(stats) #Create Jobs print "Creating jobs.json file ...." jobs = {} jobs["final_job"] = "echo All Done" jobs["final_per_group"] = {"command": SCRIPT_DIR+"/ %(jobs_results)s", "cpu": 10, "rss": 10*1024*1024, "time" : 30} jobs["env"]={} jobs["jobs"]=[] e , o = getstatusoutput ("find . -name workflow.log -type f | sed 's|^./||'") for cmds_log in o.split("\n"): cmds = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cmds_log),"wf_steps.txt") wf = cmds.split("_")[0] group ={"name": wf, "commands":[]} if os.path.exists(cmds): e, o = getstatusoutput ("cat %s | grep ^step" % cmds)