def __init__(self, training_ds, cf): self.training_ds = training_ds = cf t = "" self.esdc_structures = [ ExtendedSdc(esdcType="PATH", entireText=t, r=[TextStandoff(t, (0, 0))], l=[ ExtendedSdc(esdcType="OBJECT", f=[TextStandoff(t, (0, 0))]) ]), #ExtendedSdc(esdcType="EVENT", entireText=t, # r=[TextStandoff(t, (0, 0))], # l=[TextStandoff(t, (0, 0))], # l2=[TextStandoff(t, (0, 0))]) ] self.esdc_field_to_texts = {} groundings = set([]) for ex in self.training_ds.observations: for sdc in ex.sdcs: for field in ExtendedSdc.fieldNames: self.esdc_field_to_texts.setdefault(field, []) text = sdc.childText(field) if text != "": self.esdc_field_to_texts[field].append(text) if len(groundings) < 10: for glist in ex.annotation.groundings: groundings.update(glist) self.groundings = list(groundings)
def testBreadthFirstTraverseLoop(self): cmd = "Move in front of the pallet of boxes in the center and wait." esdc = ExtendedSdc( 'EVENT', r=[TextStandoff(cmd, (0, 4)), TextStandoff(cmd, (5, 7))], l2=[], f=[TextStandoff(cmd, (8, 13))]) esdc.l = [esdc] def callback(esdcFromParent): print "callback" dataStructures.breadthFirstTraverse(esdc, callback)
def fromYaml(entireText, esdcsYaml, use_ids=False): """ Reads a list of esdcs as yaml (maps, lists, strings, as recovered from yaml.load), and makes them into proper ESDCs. It makes the following conversions: * Landmarks that are strings are converted to OBJECT esdcs automatically. * It parses tokens with ranges, to build standoff tags. * Tokens without ranges are automatically converted to standoffs. An error is raised if this cannot be done uniquely. Then the token must be specified with a range. """ esdcsYaml = wrapValueInList(esdcsYaml) esdcs = [] for esdcYaml in esdcsYaml: try: esdcType, outputDict = handleEsdc(esdcYaml, entireText) esdcs.append(ExtendedSdc(esdcType, **outputDict)) except: print "Trouble with", esdcYaml print "entire text", entireText raise objectifyLandmarks(esdcs) objectifyFiguresOfEvents(esdcs) addEmptyFigures(esdcs) return ExtendedSdcGroup(esdcs, entireText, use_ids=use_ids)
def testCandidate(self): cmd = "turn and move to the truck on the right" esdcg = ExtendedSdcGroup([ExtendedSdc('EVENT', r=[TextStandoff(cmd, (0, 4))],l2=[],l=[ExtendedSdc('PATH', r=[TextStandoff(cmd, (14, 16))],l2=[],l=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[TextStandoff(cmd, (27, 29))],l2=[],l=[TextStandoff(cmd, (30, 33)), TextStandoff(cmd, (34, 39))],f=[TextStandoff(cmd, (17, 20)), TextStandoff(cmd, (21, 26))])],f=[])],f=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[], entireText=cmd)]), ExtendedSdc('EVENT', r=[TextStandoff(cmd, (9, 13))],l2=[],l=[],f=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[], entireText=cmd)])], cmd) candidates = esdcCandidates.makeCandidatesForEsdcGroup(esdcg) self.assertEqual(len(candidates), 5)
def recipesToDataset(recipes): observations = [] task_planner = nodeSearch.BeamSearch(CostFnRandom()) fe = kitchen_features.GGGFeatures() for recipe in recipes: print "training", for idx in range(recipe.num_instructions): instruction = recipe.idx_to_instruction(idx) esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", instruction, r=TextStandoff(instruction, (0, len(instruction)))) ggg = ggg_from_esdc(esdc) states = recipe.idx_to_states(idx) example_id = "%s_%d" % (, idx) features = fe.features(ggg, ggg.factors[0], states) obs = dataset.ContinuousObservation(example_id, True, True, features, sdcs=[esdc]) observations.append(obs) negative_obs = negativeExamples(task_planner, fe, recipe.idx_to_start_state(idx), esdc, ggg, example_id, states) observations.extend(negative_obs) return dataset.ContinuousDataset(observations)
def fromRouteDirectionSdc(sdcs): from routeDirectionCorpusReader import childrenMap, ancestorMap sdc_to_children = childrenMap(sdcs) sdc_to_esdc = {} i = 0 while len(sdc_to_esdc) < len(sdcs): for parent, children in sdc_to_children.iteritems(): if not parent in sdc_to_esdc: if all([child in sdc_to_esdc for child in children]): esdcType = computeEsdcType(parent) field_to_child = fieldToChild(parent, children, sdc_to_esdc) esdcFields = toEsdcFields(field_to_child) sdc_to_esdc[parent] = ExtendedSdc(esdcType=esdcType, **esdcFields) i += 1 sdc_to_ancestors = ancestorMap(sdcs) esdcList = [] for sdc in sdcs: if len(sdc_to_ancestors[sdc]) == 0: esdc = sdc_to_esdc[sdc] esdcList.append(esdc) #print sdc #print esdc #print objectifyLandmarks(esdcList) return ds.ExtendedSdcGroup(esdcList), sdc_to_esdc
def toEsdcFields(field_to_child): outMap = {} if field_to_child["verb"] != None: outMap["r"] = field_to_child["verb"] if field_to_child["spatialRelation"] != None: if field_to_child["spatialRelation"] in ["at", "on", "in"]: esdcType = "PLACE" else: esdcType = "PATH" outMap["l"] = [ ExtendedSdc(esdcType=esdcType, r=field_to_child["spatialRelation"], l=field_to_child["landmark"], l2=field_to_child["landmark2"]) ] elif field_to_child["spatialRelation"] != None: outMap["r"] = field_to_child["spatialRelation"] outMap["f"] = field_to_child["figure"] if not "l" in outMap: outMap["l"] = field_to_child["landmark"] outMap["l2"] = field_to_child["landmark2"] return outMap
def testRep(self): esdc = ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText="Robots are awesome.") self.assertEqual(eval(repr(esdc)), esdc) esdcGroup = ExtendedSdcGroup([esdc], esdc.entireText) print repr(esdcGroup)
def testNestedRepeatedStrings(self): from esdcs.dataStructures import ExtendedSdc, ExtendedSdcGroup from standoff import TextStandoff txt = "Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait." esdcs = [ExtendedSdc('EVENT', r=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (0, 4))],l2=[],l=[ExtendedSdc('PATH', r=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (5, 7))],l2=[],l=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (23, 25))],l2=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (41, 44)), TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (45, 52))])],l=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (26, 29)), TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (30, 37))])],f=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (8, 11)), TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (12, 17)), TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (18, 22))])])],f=[])],f=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[], entireText='Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.')]), ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (53, 55))],l2=[],l=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (56, 59)), TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (60, 65))])],f=[ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[],l2=[],l=[],f=[TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (41, 44)), TextStandoff("Move to the right side of the trailer of the trailer on the right and wait.", (45, 52))])])] entireText, yamlData = esdcIo.toYaml(ExtendedSdcGroup(esdcs)) rereadAnnotations = esdcIo.fromYaml(entireText, yamlData) try: self.assertEqual(list(rereadAnnotations), esdcs) except: print "start with", [e.asPrettyMap() for e in esdcs] print "ended with", [e.asPrettyMap() for e in rereadAnnotations] raise
def esdcGroupFromDependencies(self, sentence, dependencies): if len(dependencies.dependencies) == 0: return ExtendedSdcGroup( [ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=dependencies.tokens[0])], entireText=sentence, score=dependencies.score, metadata=dependencies) else: esdcList = self.extractEsdcList(sentence, dependencies) hierarchicalEsdcs = self.extractHierarchy(dependencies, esdcList) objectifyLandmarks(hierarchicalEsdcs) objectifyFiguresOfEvents(hierarchicalEsdcs) addEmptyFigures(hierarchicalEsdcs) hierarchicalEsdcs.sort(key=lambda e: e.startIdx) return ExtendedSdcGroup(hierarchicalEsdcs, entireText=sentence, score=dependencies.score, metadata=dependencies)
def setUp(self): self.sentence = "Pick up the tire pallet." self.esdc1 = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 7)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (8, 23))) self.esdc2 = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 7)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (8, 23))) self.esdc3 = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 7)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (8, 22))) self.sentence2 = "Pick up the tire pallet near the truck." self.childEsdc = ExtendedSdc("OBJECT", f=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (8, 23)), r=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (24, 28)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (29, 38))) self.parentEsdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (0, 7)), l=self.childEsdc)
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.sentence = "Pick up the tire pallet." self.esdc1 = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 7)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (8, 23))) self.esdc2 = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 7)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (8, 23))) self.esdc3 = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 7)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence, (8, 22))) self.sentence2 = "Pick up the tire pallet near the truck." self.childEsdc = ExtendedSdc("OBJECT", f=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (8, 23)), r=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (24, 28)), l=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (29, 38))) self.parentEsdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=TextStandoff(self.sentence2, (0, 7)), l=self.childEsdc) def testEqual(self): self.assertEqual(self.esdc1, self.esdc1) self.assertEqual(self.esdc1, self.esdc2) self.assertNotEqual(self.esdc1, self.esdc3) def testSetter(self): newL = [TextStandoff(self.sentence, (0, 4))] self.esdc1.l = newL self.assertEqual(self.esdc1.fields['l'], newL) self.assertNotEqual(self.esdc1, self.esdc2) def testFlatBreadthFirstTraverse(self): esdcs = [] def callback(esdc): esdcs.append(esdc) dataStructures.breadthFirstTraverse(self.esdc1, callback) self.assertEqual(esdcs, [self.esdc1]) def testAccessingFields(self): self.assertEqual(" ".join([x.text for x in self.childEsdc.f]), "the tire pallet") self.assertEqual(" ".join([x.text for x in self.childEsdc.r]), "near") self.assertEqual(" ".join([x.text for x in self.childEsdc.l]), "the truck") def testBreadthFirstTraverse(self): esdcs = [] def callback(esdc): esdcs.append(esdc) dataStructures.breadthFirstTraverse(self.parentEsdc, callback) self.assertEqual(esdcs, [self.parentEsdc, self.childEsdc]) def testEntireText(self): self.assertEqual(_getEntireText(self.parentEsdc), self.parentEsdc.entireText) def testChildTypeChecking(self): self.assertEqual(self.parentEsdc.childIsEsdcs("l"), True) self.assertEqual(self.parentEsdc.childIsListOfWords("l"), False) self.assertEqual(self.parentEsdc.childIsEmpty("l"), False) self.assertEqual(self.parentEsdc.childIsEsdcs("f"), False) self.assertEqual(self.parentEsdc.childIsListOfWords("f"), False) self.assertEqual(self.parentEsdc.childIsEmpty("f"), True) def testIsEmptyObjectEsdc(self): from esdcs import esdcIo esdcs = esdcIo.fromYaml("to the truck", {"PATH": { "r": "to", "l": "the truck" }}) self.assertEqual(esdcs[0].l[0].isLeafObject(), True) self.assertEqual(esdcs[0].isLeafObject(), False) def testRep(self): esdc = ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText="Robots are awesome.") self.assertEqual(eval(repr(esdc)), esdc) esdcGroup = ExtendedSdcGroup([esdc], esdc.entireText) print repr(esdcGroup) def testEqual1(self): e1 = ExtendedSdc( 'EVENT', r=[TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (0, 4))], l2=[ ExtendedSdc( 'PATH', r=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (18, 22)) ], l2=[], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (23, 26)), TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (27, 34)) ]) ], f=[]) ], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (5, 8)), TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (9, 17)) ]) ], f=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText='Load the forklift onto the trailer.') ]) e2 = ExtendedSdc( 'EVENT', r=[TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (0, 4))], l2=[ ExtendedSdc( 'PATH', r=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (18, 22)) ], l2=[], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (23, 26)), TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (27, 34)) ]) ], f=[]) ], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (5, 8)), TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (9, 17)) ]) ], f=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText='Load the forklift onto the trailer.') ]) self.assertEqual(e1, e2) self.assertFalse(e1 != e2) self.assertTrue(e1 in [e2]) self.assertTrue(e2 in [e1]) def testBreadthFirstTraverseLoop(self): cmd = "Move in front of the pallet of boxes in the center and wait." esdc = ExtendedSdc( 'EVENT', r=[TextStandoff(cmd, (0, 4)), TextStandoff(cmd, (5, 7))], l2=[], f=[TextStandoff(cmd, (8, 13))]) esdc.l = [esdc] def callback(esdcFromParent): print "callback" dataStructures.breadthFirstTraverse(esdc, callback) def testParentsToChildren(self): esdcs = dataStructures.parentsToChildren(self.parentEsdc) print[str(e) for e in esdcs] self.assertEqual(esdcs, [self.parentEsdc, self.childEsdc]) def testAllObjectArguments(self): esdcGroup = fromYaml( "the pallets on the right of you", yaml.load(""" - OBJECT: f: the pallets r: 'on' l: OBJECT: f: the right r: of l: you """)) esdc = esdcGroup[0] self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc), True) self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc.f[0]), True) self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc.l[0]), True) esdcGroup = fromYaml( "Pick up the pallet", yaml.load(""" - EVENT: r: Pick up l: the pallet """)) esdc = esdcGroup[0] self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc), True) self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc.l[0]), True) esdcGroup = fromYaml( "Go to the pallet", yaml.load(""" - EVENT: r: Go l: PATH: r: to l: the pallet """)) esdc = esdcGroup[0] self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc), False) self.assertEqual(all_object_arguments(esdc.l[0]), True)
def make_ggg_for_instruction(self, text): esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", text, r=TextStandoff(text, (0, len(text)))) ggg = ggg_from_esdc(esdc) return esdc, ggg
ExtendedSdc('EVENT', r=[ TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (45, 50)) ], l2=[ ExtendedSdc('PLACE', r=[ TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (56, 58)) ], l2=[], l=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[ TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (71, 73)) ], l2=[], l=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (74, 77)), TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (78, 82)) ]) ], f=[ TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (59, 62)), TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (63, 70)) ]) ], f=[]) ], l=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff( "Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.", (51, 55)) ]) ], f=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText='Pick up the pallet of tires on the right and place them on the trailer on the left.') ]): [
def testEqual1(self): e1 = ExtendedSdc( 'EVENT', r=[TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (0, 4))], l2=[ ExtendedSdc( 'PATH', r=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (18, 22)) ], l2=[], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (23, 26)), TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (27, 34)) ]) ], f=[]) ], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (5, 8)), TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (9, 17)) ]) ], f=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText='Load the forklift onto the trailer.') ]) e2 = ExtendedSdc( 'EVENT', r=[TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (0, 4))], l2=[ ExtendedSdc( 'PATH', r=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (18, 22)) ], l2=[], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (23, 26)), TextStandoff( "Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (27, 34)) ]) ], f=[]) ], l=[ ExtendedSdc( 'OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[ TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (5, 8)), TextStandoff("Load the forklift onto the trailer.", (9, 17)) ]) ], f=[ ExtendedSdc('OBJECT', r=[], l2=[], l=[], f=[], entireText='Load the forklift onto the trailer.') ]) self.assertEqual(e1, e2) self.assertFalse(e1 != e2) self.assertTrue(e1 in [e2]) self.assertTrue(e2 in [e1])
def merge(esdc1, esdc2, verbose=False): # event with more than one landmark if esdc1 == esdc2: return esdc1 esdc1.updateRep() esdc2.updateRep() if esdc1.hasCycle() or esdc2.hasCycle(): return None if verbose: print "*****************************" print esdc1 print esdc2 #if (esdc1.r == esdc2.r): if (all(r in esdc2.r for r in esdc1.r) or all(r in esdc1.r for r in esdc2.r)): firstEsdc, secondEsdc = firstAndSecond(esdc1, esdc2) newEsdc = ExtendedSdc.copy(firstEsdc) if verbose: print "merge 1" if len(firstEsdc.r) < len(secondEsdc.r): newEsdc.r = secondEsdc.r if firstEsdc.childIsEmpty("l"): newEsdc.l = secondEsdc.l elif firstEsdc.childIsEmpty("l2"): newEsdc.l2 = secondEsdc.l if newEsdc.childIsEmpty("l2"): newEsdc.l2 = secondEsdc.l2 if firstEsdc.childIsEmpty("f"): newEsdc.f = secondEsdc.f else: newEsdc.f = firstEsdc.f if verbose: print newEsdc return newEsdc elif (esdc1.f == esdc2.f and esdc1.type == "OBJECT" and esdc2.type == "OBJECT"): if verbose: print "merge 2" firstEsdc, secondEsdc = firstAndSecond(esdc1, esdc2) newEsdc = ExtendedSdc.copy(secondEsdc) newEsdc.f = [firstEsdc] if verbose: print newEsdc return newEsdc elif (esdc1.type == "OBJECT" and baseFigureStandoff(esdc1) == baseLandmarkStandoff(esdc2) and not esdc1 in esdc2.l): if verbose: print "merge 3" newEsdc = ExtendedSdc.copy(esdc2) newEsdc.l = [esdc1] if verbose: print newEsdc return newEsdc else: return None
def extractEsdcList(self, sentence, dependencies): """ Returns a list of ESDCs, without hierarchy. """ esdcs = [] child_esdcs = [] leftover_deps = [] for relation, gov, dep in dependencies.dependencies: #print "Relation:", relation if relation == "root": continue if relation == "prep": esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=gov, l=ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=dep)) elif relation.startswith("prep"): prepStandoff, prep = standoffForString(relation, sentence) govTag = dependencies.tagForTokenStandoff(gov) if prep in [ "on", "in", "at", "near", "next to", "in front of", "behind", "away from", "close to", "closer to" ]: esdcType = "PLACE" else: esdcType = "PATH" #if relation.startswith("prepc"): if not govTag in ["NN", "NNS", "NNP"]: esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=gov, l=ExtendedSdc(esdcType, r=prepStandoff, l=dep)) child_esdcs.extend(esdc.l) esdcs.append(esdc) else: if govTag in ["NN", "NNS", "NNP"]: esdc = ExtendedSdc("OBJECT", f=gov, r=prepStandoff, l=dep) else: esdc = ExtendedSdc( "EVENT", r=gov, l=[ExtendedSdc(esdcType, r=prepStandoff, l=dep)]) child_esdcs.extend(esdc.l) esdcs.append(esdc) elif relation == "conj_and": esdcs.append(ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=[gov])) esdcs.append(ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=[dep])) elif self.sdh.isa(relation, "arg"): esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=gov, l=dep) esdcs.append(esdc) elif self.sdh.isa(relation, "subj"): esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", f=dep, r=gov) esdcs.append(esdc) elif relation == "conj_and": pass elif relation == "dep": esdc = ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=[dep, gov]) esdcs.append(esdc) else: leftover_deps.append((relation, gov, dep)) for relation, gov, dep in leftover_deps: for esdc in flattenedEsdcs(esdcs): #chain(esdcs, child_esdcs): for key, valueList in esdc: if gov in valueList: valueList.append(dep) freeze(esdcs) esdcs = list(sorted(set(esdcs))) unfreeze(esdcs) esdcs = mergeAll(esdcs) esdcs = mergeAll(esdcs) #esdcs = mergeAll(esdcs) #for esdc in flattenedEsdcs(esdcs): # esdc.updateRep() for esdc in flattenedEsdcs(esdcs): esdc.updateRep() if len(esdcs) == 0: print "sentence", sentence, sentence.__class__ sentence_standoff = TextStandoff(sentence, (0, len(sentence))) return [ExtendedSdc("EVENT", r=sentence_standoff)] return esdcs