예제 #1
파일: bio.py 프로젝트: sweettea/ESP-Website
def bio_edit_user_program(request, founduser, foundprogram, external=False):
    """ Edits a teacher bio, given user and program """

    if founduser is None:
        if external:
            raise ESPError(), 'No user given.'
            raise Http404

    if not founduser.isTeacher():
        raise ESPError(False), '%s is not a teacher of ESP.' % \

    if request.user.id != founduser.id and request.user.is_staff != True:
        raise ESPError(False), 'You are not authorized to edit this biography.'

    lastbio = TeacherBio.getLastBio(founduser)

    # if we submitted a newly edited bio...
    from esp.web.forms.bioedit_form import BioEditForm
    if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.has_key('bio_submitted'):
        form = BioEditForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

        if form.is_valid():
            if foundprogram is not None:
                # get the last bio for this program.
                progbio = TeacherBio.getLastForProgram(founduser, foundprogram)
                progbio = lastbio

            # the slug bio and bio
            progbio.slugbio = form.cleaned_data['slugbio']
            progbio.bio = form.cleaned_data['bio']

            # save the image
            if form.cleaned_data['picture'] is not None:
                progbio.picture = form.cleaned_data['picture']
                progbio.picture = lastbio.picture
            if external:
                return True
            return HttpResponseRedirect(progbio.url())

        formdata = {
            'slugbio': lastbio.slugbio,
            'bio': lastbio.bio,
            'picture': lastbio.picture
        form = BioEditForm(formdata)

    return render_to_response(
        'users/teacherbioedit.html', request, GetNode('Q/Web/myesp'), {
            'form': form,
            'institution': settings.INSTITUTION_NAME,
            'user': founduser,
            'picture_file': lastbio.picture
예제 #2
파일: bio.py 프로젝트: shway1/ESP-Website
def bio_edit_user_program(request, founduser, foundprogram, external=False,
    """ Edits a teacher bio, given user and program """

    if founduser is None or not founduser.isTeacher():
        return bio_not_found(request)

    if request.user.id != founduser.id and not request.user.isAdministrator():
        # To prevent querying whether a username exists, just return not found
        # here as well.
        return bio_not_found(request)

    lastbio      = TeacherBio.getLastBio(founduser)

    if old_url:
        # TODO(benkraft): after these URLs have been redirecting for a while,
        # remove them.
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(lastbio.edit_url())

    # if we submitted a newly edited bio...
    from esp.web.forms.bioedit_form import BioEditForm
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'bio_submitted' in request.POST:
        form = BioEditForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

        if form.is_valid():
            if foundprogram is not None:
                # get the last bio for this program.
                progbio = TeacherBio.getLastForProgram(founduser, foundprogram)
                progbio = lastbio

            progbio.hidden = form.cleaned_data['hidden']
            # the slug bio and bio
            progbio.slugbio  = form.cleaned_data['slugbio']
            progbio.bio      = form.cleaned_data['bio']

            # save the image
            if form.cleaned_data['picture'] is not None:
                progbio.picture = form.cleaned_data['picture']
                progbio.picture = lastbio.picture
            if external:
                return True
            return HttpResponseRedirect(progbio.url())

        formdata = {'hidden': lastbio.hidden, 'slugbio': lastbio.slugbio,
                    'bio': lastbio.bio, 'picture': lastbio.picture}
        form = BioEditForm(formdata)

    return render_to_response('users/teacherbioedit.html', request, {'form':    form,
                                                   'institution': settings.INSTITUTION_NAME,
                                                   'user':    founduser,
                                                   'picture_file': lastbio.picture})
예제 #3
def userview(request):
    """ Render a template displaying all the information about the specified user """
        user = ESPUser.objects.get(username=request.GET['username'])
        raise ESPError(False), "Sorry, can't find anyone with that username."

    teacherbio = TeacherBio.getLastBio(user)
    if not teacherbio.picture:
        teacherbio.picture = 'images/not-available.jpg'
    from esp.users.forms.user_profile import StudentInfoForm
    if 'graduation_year' in request.GET:
        student_info = user.getLastProfile().student_info
        student_info.graduation_year = int(request.GET['graduation_year'])
    change_grade_form = StudentInfoForm(user=user)
    if 'disabled' in change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].widget.attrs:
        del change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].widget.attrs['disabled']
    change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].initial = ESPUser.YOGFromGrade(user.getGrade())
    change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].choices = filter(lambda choice: bool(choice[0]), change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].choices)
    context = {
        'user': user,
        'taught_classes' : user.getTaughtClasses().order_by('parent_program', 'id'),
        'enrolled_classes' : user.getEnrolledSections().order_by('parent_class__parent_program', 'id'),
        'taken_classes' : user.getSections().order_by('parent_class__parent_program', 'id'),
        'teacherbio': teacherbio,
        'domain': settings.SITE_INFO[1],
        'change_grade_form': change_grade_form,
    return render_to_response("users/userview.html", request, context )
예제 #4
def userview(request):
    """ Render a template displaying all the information about the specified user """
        user = ESPUser.objects.get(username=request.GET['username'])
        raise ESPError("Sorry, can't find anyone with that username.", log=False)

    teacherbio = TeacherBio.getLastBio(user)
    if not teacherbio.picture:
        teacherbio.picture = 'images/not-available.jpg'

    from esp.users.forms.user_profile import StudentInfoForm

    if 'graduation_year' in request.GET:

    change_grade_form = StudentInfoForm(user=user)
    if 'disabled' in change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].widget.attrs:
        del change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].widget.attrs['disabled']
    change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].initial = user.getYOG()
    change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].choices = filter(lambda choice: bool(choice[0]), change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].choices)

    context = {
        'user': user,
        'taught_classes' : user.getTaughtClasses().order_by('parent_program', 'id'),
        'enrolled_classes' : user.getEnrolledSections().order_by('parent_class__parent_program', 'id'),
        'taken_classes' : user.getSections().order_by('parent_class__parent_program', 'id'),
        'teacherbio': teacherbio,
        'domain': settings.SITE_INFO[1],
        'change_grade_form': change_grade_form,
        'printers': StudentRegCore.printer_names(),
    return render_to_response("users/userview.html", request, context )
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: shway1/ESP-Website
def userview(request):
    """ Render a template displaying all the information about the specified user """
        user = ESPUser.objects.get(username=request.GET['username'])
    except ESPUser.DoesNotExist:
        raise ESPError("Sorry, can't find anyone with that username.",

    if 'program' in request.GET:
            program = Program.objects.get(id=request.GET['program'])
        except Program.DoesNotExist:
            raise ESPError("Sorry, can't find that program.", log=False)
        program = user.get_last_program_with_profile()

    teacherbio = TeacherBio.getLastBio(user)
    if not teacherbio.picture:
        teacherbio.picture = 'images/not-available.jpg'

    from esp.users.forms.user_profile import StudentInfoForm

    if 'graduation_year' in request.GET:

    change_grade_form = StudentInfoForm(user=user)
    if 'disabled' in change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].widget.attrs:
        del change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].widget.attrs[
    change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].initial = user.getYOG()
    change_grade_form.fields['graduation_year'].choices = filter(
        lambda choice: bool(choice[0]),

    context = {
        user.getTaughtClasses().order_by('parent_program', 'id'),
        user.getSections().order_by('parent_class__parent_program', 'id'),
    return render_to_response("users/userview.html", request, context)
예제 #6
파일: bio.py 프로젝트: sweettea/ESP-Website
def bio_user(request, founduser):
    """ Display a teacher bio for a given user """

    if founduser is None:
        raise Http404

    if founduser.is_active == False:
        raise Http404

    if not founduser.isTeacher():
        raise ESPError(False), '%s is not a teacher of ESP.' % \

    teacherbio = TeacherBio.getLastBio(founduser)
    if not teacherbio.picture:
        teacherbio.picture = 'images/not-available.jpg'

    if teacherbio.slugbio is None or len(teacherbio.slugbio.strip()) == 0:
        teacherbio.slugbio = 'ESP Teacher'
    if teacherbio.bio is None or len(teacherbio.bio.strip()) == 0:
        teacherbio.bio = 'Not Available.'

    now = datetime.now()

    # Only show classes that were approved and that have already run
    # If we show classes that are yet to run, it's possible that
    # the corresponding course catalog isn't up yet, in which case
    # the teacher-bio pages leak information.
    # Also, sort by the order of the corresponding program's DataTree node.
    # This should roughly order by program date; at the least, it will
    # cluster listed classes by program.
    recent_classes = founduser.getTaughtClassesAll(

    # Ignore archived classes where we still have a log of the original class
    # Archives lose information; so, display the original form if we still have it
    cls_ids = [x.id for x in recent_classes]
    classes = ArchiveClass.getForUser(founduser).exclude(

    return render_to_response(
        'users/teacherbio.html', request, GetNode('Q/Web/Bio'), {
            'biouser': founduser,
            'bio': teacherbio,
            'classes': classes,
            'recent_classes': recent_classes,
            'institution': settings.INSTITUTION_NAME
예제 #7
파일: bio.py 프로젝트: shway1/ESP-Website
def bio_user(request, founduser, old_url=False):
    """ Display a teacher bio for a given user """

    if (not founduser or not founduser.is_active or not founduser.isTeacher()):
        return bio_not_found(request)

    teacherbio = TeacherBio.getLastBio(founduser)
    if teacherbio.hidden:
        return bio_not_found(request, founduser, teacherbio.edit_url())

    if old_url:
        # TODO(benkraft): after these URLs have been redirecting for a while,
        # remove them.
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(teacherbio.url())

    if not teacherbio.picture:
        teacherbio.picture = 'images/not-available.jpg'

    if teacherbio.slugbio is None or len(teacherbio.slugbio.strip()) == 0:
        teacherbio.slugbio = 'ESP Teacher'
    if teacherbio.bio is None or len(teacherbio.bio.strip()) == 0:
        teacherbio.bio     = 'Not Available.'

    now = datetime.now()

    # Only show classes that were approved and that have already run
    # If we show classes that are yet to run, it's possible that
    # the corresponding course catalog isn't up yet, in which case
    # the teacher-bio pages leak information.
    # Also, sort by the order of the corresponding program's id.
    # This should roughly order by program date; at the least, it will
    # cluster listed classes by program.
    recent_classes = founduser.getTaughtClassesAll().filter(status__gte=10).exclude(meeting_times__end__gte=now).exclude(sections__meeting_times__end__gte=now).filter(sections__resourceassignment__resource__res_type__name="Classroom").distinct().order_by('-parent_program__id')

    # Ignore archived classes where we still have a log of the original class
    # Archives lose information; so, display the original form if we still have it
    cls_ids = [x.id for x in recent_classes]
    classes = ArchiveClass.getForUser(founduser).exclude(original_id__in=cls_ids)

    return render_to_response('users/teacherbio.html', request,
                              {'biouser': founduser,
                               'bio': teacherbio,
                               'classes': classes,
                               'recent_classes': recent_classes,
                               'institution': settings.INSTITUTION_NAME})
예제 #8
 def isCompleted(self):
     #   TeacherBio.getLastForProgram() returns a new bio if one already exists.
     #   So, mark this step completed if there is an existing (i.e. non-empty) bio.
     lastBio = TeacherBio.getLastForProgram(get_current_request().user, self.program)
     return ((lastBio.id is not None) and lastBio.bio and lastBio.slugbio)