예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        super(NoVaryOnCookieTest, self).setUp()

        #   Create a QSD page associated with the program
        from esp.qsd.models import QuasiStaticData
        from esp.web.models import NavBarCategory

        qsd_rec_new = QuasiStaticData()
        qsd_rec_new.name = "learn:index"
        qsd_rec_new.author = self.admins[0]
        qsd_rec_new.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
        qsd_rec_new.content = "This is the content of the test QSD page"
        qsd_rec_new.title = "Test QSD page"
        qsd_rec_new.description = ""
        qsd_rec_new.keywords = ""
예제 #2
    def setUp(self):

        # Make our users
        self.admin_user, created = ESPUser.objects.get_or_create(
            username='******', first_name='Harry', last_name='Alborez')
        self.qsd_user, created = ESPUser.objects.get_or_create(
            username='******', first_name='Aylik', last_name='Kewesd')

        # Check that a NavBarCategory exists
        if len(NavBarCategory.objects.all()) < 1:
            nbc = NavBarCategory()
            nbc.name = 'default'

        # Make our test page
        qsd_rec_new = QuasiStaticData()
        qsd_rec_new.url = 'test'
        qsd_rec_new.name = 'test'
        qsd_rec_new.author = self.admin_user
        qsd_rec_new.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
        qsd_rec_new.content = ''
        qsd_rec_new.title = 'Test page'
        qsd_rec_new.description = ''
        qsd_rec_new.keywords = ''

        # Set the port that the webdriver will try to access
        self._old_port = self.driver.testserver_port
        self.driver.testserver_port = settings.VARNISH_PORT

        # Add the varnish_purge tag
        Tag.objects.get_or_create(key='varnish_purge', value='true')

        # Set up the correct site
        site = Site.objects.get_current()
        site.domain = settings.VARNISH_HOST + ":" + str(settings.VARNISH_PORT)
예제 #3
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: shway1/ESP-Website
    def testInlineCorrectness(self):

        for user in self.users:
            if user is None:
                self.client.login(username=user[0], password=user[1])

            #   Create an inline QSD
            qsd_rec_new = QuasiStaticData()
            qsd_rec_new.url = 'learn/bar'
            qsd_rec_new.name = "learn:bar"
            qsd_rec_new.author = self.author
            qsd_rec_new.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
            qsd_rec_new.content = "Inline Testing 123"
            qsd_rec_new.title = "Test QSD page"
            qsd_rec_new.description = ""
            qsd_rec_new.keywords = ""

            #   Render a template that uses the inline_qsd template tag
            template_data = """
                {% load render_qsd %}
                {% render_inline_qsd "learn/bar" %}
            template = Template(template_data)
            response_content = template.render(Context({}))
            self.assertTrue("Inline Testing 123" in response_content)

            #   Update the template and check again
            qsd_rec_new.content = "Inline Testing 456"
            response_content = template.render(Context({}))
            self.assertTrue("Inline Testing 456" in response_content)

            response_content = template.render(Context({}))
            self.assertTrue("Inline Testing 456" in response_content)

            #   Delete it so we can start again
예제 #4
    def setUp(self):

        # Make our users
        self.admin_user, created = ESPUser.objects.get_or_create(username='******', first_name='Harry', last_name='Alborez')
        self.qsd_user, created = ESPUser.objects.get_or_create(username='******', first_name='Aylik', last_name='Kewesd')

        # Check that a NavBarCategory exists
        if len(NavBarCategory.objects.all()) < 1:
            nbc = NavBarCategory()
            nbc.name = 'default'

        # Make our test page
        qsd_rec_new = QuasiStaticData()
        qsd_rec_new.url = 'test'
        qsd_rec_new.name = 'test'
        qsd_rec_new.author = self.admin_user
        qsd_rec_new.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
        qsd_rec_new.content = ''
        qsd_rec_new.title = 'Test page'
        qsd_rec_new.description = ''
        qsd_rec_new.keywords    = ''

        # Set the port that the webdriver will try to access
        self._old_port = self.driver.testserver_port
        self.driver.testserver_port = settings.VARNISH_PORT

        # Add the varnish_purge tag
        Tag.objects.get_or_create(key='varnish_purge', value='true')

        # Set up the correct site
        site = Site.objects.get_current()
        site.domain = settings.VARNISH_HOST+":"+str(settings.VARNISH_PORT)
예제 #5
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: shway1/ESP-Website
    def testPageCorrectness(self):

        for user in self.users:
            if user is None:
                self.client.login(username=user[0], password=user[1])

            #   Check that QSD with desired URL does not exist
            response = self.client.get(self.url)
            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)

            #   Create QSD with desired URL
            qsd_rec_new = QuasiStaticData()
            qsd_rec_new.url = 'learn/foo'
            qsd_rec_new.name = "learn:foo"
            qsd_rec_new.author = self.author
            qsd_rec_new.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
            qsd_rec_new.content = "Testing 123"
            qsd_rec_new.title = "Test QSD page"
            qsd_rec_new.description = ""
            qsd_rec_new.keywords = ""

            #   Check that page now exists and has proper content
            response = self.client.get(self.url)
            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
            self.assertTrue('Testing 123' in response.content)

            #   Edit QSD and check that page content has updated
            qsd_rec_new.content = "Testing 456"
            response = self.client.get(self.url)
            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
            self.assertTrue('Testing 456' in response.content)

            #   Delete the new QSD so we can start again.
예제 #6
def qsd(request, url):

    #   Extract the 'action' from the supplied URL if there is one
    url_parts = url.split('/')
    page_name = url_parts[-1]
    page_name_parts = page_name.split('.')
    if len(page_name_parts) > 1:
        action = page_name_parts[-1]
        page_name_base = '.'.join(page_name_parts[:-1])
        action = 'read'
        page_name_base = page_name
    base_url = '/'.join(url_parts[:-1] + [page_name_base])

    # Detect edit authorizations
    have_read = True

    if not have_read and action == 'read':
        raise Http403, "You do not have permission to access this page."

    # Fetch the QSD object
        qsd_rec = QuasiStaticData.objects.get_by_url(base_url)
        if qsd_rec == None:
            raise QuasiStaticData.DoesNotExist
        if qsd_rec.disabled:
            raise QuasiStaticData.DoesNotExist

    except QuasiStaticData.DoesNotExist:
        have_edit = Permission.user_can_edit_qsd(request.user, base_url)

        if have_edit:
            if action in ('edit','create',):
                qsd_rec = QuasiStaticData()
                qsd_rec.url = base_url
                qsd_rec.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
                qsd_rec.title = 'New Page'
                qsd_rec.content = 'Please insert your text here'
                qsd_rec.create_date = datetime.now()
                qsd_rec.keywords = ''
                qsd_rec.description = ''
                action = 'edit'

            if (action == 'read'):
                edit_link = '/' + base_url + '.edit.html'
                response = render_to_response('qsd/nopage_create.html', request, {'edit_link': edit_link}, use_request_context=False)
                response.status_code = 404 # Make sure we actually 404, so that if there is a redirect the middleware can catch it.
                return response
            if action == 'read':
                raise Http404, 'This page does not exist.'
                raise Http403, 'Sorry, you can not modify <tt>%s</tt>.' % request.path

    if action == 'create':
        action = 'edit'

    # Detect the standard read verb
    if action == 'read':
        if not have_read:
            raise Http403, 'You do not have permission to read this page.'

        # Render response
        response = render_to_response('qsd/qsd.html', request, {
            'title': qsd_rec.title,
            'nav_category': qsd_rec.nav_category,
            'content': qsd_rec.html(),
            'settings': settings,
            'qsdrec': qsd_rec,
            'have_edit': True,  ## Edit-ness is determined client-side these days
            'edit_url': '/' + base_url + ".edit.html" }, use_request_context=False)

#        patch_vary_headers(response, ['Cookie'])
#        if have_edit:
#            add_never_cache_headers(response)
#            patch_cache_control(response, no_cache=True, no_store=True)
#        else:
        patch_cache_control(response, max_age=3600, public=True)

        return response

    # Detect POST
    if 'post_edit' in request.POST:
        have_edit = Permission.user_can_edit_qsd(request.user, base_url)

        if not have_edit:
            raise Http403, "Sorry, you do not have permission to edit this page."

        nav_category_target = NavBarCategory.objects.get(id=request.POST['nav_category'])

        # Since QSD now uses reversion, we want to only modify the data if we've actually changed something
        # The revision will automatically be created upon calling the save function of the model object
        copy_map = {
            'url': base_url,
            'nav_category': nav_category_target,
            'content': request.POST['content'],
            'title': request.POST['title'],
            'description': request.POST['description'],
            'keywords': request.POST['keywords'],
        diff_found = False
        for field, new_value in copy_map.items():
            if getattr(qsd_rec, field) != new_value:
                setattr(qsd_rec, field, new_value)
                diff_found = True

        if diff_found:

            # We should also purge the cache

    # Detect the edit verb
    if action == 'edit':
        have_edit = Permission.user_can_edit_qsd(request.user, base_url)

        # Enforce authorizations (FIXME: SHOW A REAL ERROR!)
        if not have_edit:
            raise Http403, "You don't have permission to edit this page."

        # Render an edit form
        return render_to_response('qsd/qsd_edit.html', request, {
            'title'        : qsd_rec.title,
            'content'      : qsd_rec.content,
            'keywords'     : qsd_rec.keywords,
            'description'  : qsd_rec.description,
            'nav_category' : qsd_rec.nav_category,
            'nav_categories': NavBarCategory.objects.all(),
            'qsdrec'       : qsd_rec,
            'qsd'          : True,
            'target_url'   : base_url.split("/")[-1] + ".edit.html",
            'return_to_view': base_url.split("/")[-1] + ".html#refresh" },

    # Operation Complete!
    raise Http404('Unexpected QSD operation')
예제 #7
def qsd(request, url):

    #   Extract the 'action' from the supplied URL if there is one
    url_parts = url.split('/')
    page_name = url_parts[-1]
    page_name_parts = page_name.split('.')
    if len(page_name_parts) > 1:
        action = page_name_parts[-1]
        page_name_base = '.'.join(page_name_parts[:-1])
        action = 'read'
        page_name_base = page_name
    base_url = '/'.join(url_parts[:-1] + [page_name_base])

    # Detect edit authorizations
    have_read = True

    if not have_read and action == 'read':
        raise Http403, "You do not have permission to access this page."

    # Fetch the QSD object
        qsd_rec = QuasiStaticData.objects.get_by_url(base_url)
        if qsd_rec == None:
            raise QuasiStaticData.DoesNotExist
        if qsd_rec.disabled:
            raise QuasiStaticData.DoesNotExist

    except QuasiStaticData.DoesNotExist:
        have_edit = Permission.user_can_edit_qsd(request.user, base_url)

        if have_edit:
            if action in ('edit','create',):
                qsd_rec = QuasiStaticData()
                qsd_rec.url = base_url
                qsd_rec.nav_category = default_navbarcategory()
                qsd_rec.title = 'New Page'
                qsd_rec.content = 'Please insert your text here'
                qsd_rec.create_date = datetime.now()
                qsd_rec.keywords = ''
                qsd_rec.description = ''
                action = 'edit'

            if (action == 'read'):
                edit_link = '/' + base_url + '.edit.html'
                response = render_to_response('qsd/nopage_create.html', request, {'edit_link': edit_link}, use_request_context=False)
                response.status_code = 404 # Make sure we actually 404, so that if there is a redirect the middleware can catch it.
                return response
            if action == 'read':
                raise Http404, 'This page does not exist.'
                raise Http403, 'Sorry, you can not modify <tt>%s</tt>.' % request.path

    if action == 'create':
        action = 'edit'

    # Detect the standard read verb
    if action == 'read':
        if not have_read:
            raise Http403, 'You do not have permission to read this page.'

        # Render response
        response = render_to_response('qsd/qsd.html', request, {
            'title': qsd_rec.title,
            'nav_category': qsd_rec.nav_category,
            'content': qsd_rec.html(),
            'settings': settings,
            'qsdrec': qsd_rec,
            'have_edit': True,  ## Edit-ness is determined client-side these days
            'edit_url': '/' + base_url + ".edit.html" }, use_request_context=False)

#        patch_vary_headers(response, ['Cookie'])
#        if have_edit:
#            add_never_cache_headers(response)
#            patch_cache_control(response, no_cache=True, no_store=True)
#        else:
        patch_cache_control(response, max_age=3600, public=True)

        return response

    # Detect POST
    if 'post_edit' in request.POST:
        have_edit = Permission.user_can_edit_qsd(request.user, base_url)

        if not have_edit:
            raise Http403, "Sorry, you do not have permission to edit this page."

        nav_category_target = NavBarCategory.objects.get(id=request.POST['nav_category'])

        # Since QSD now uses reversion, we want to only modify the data if we've actually changed something
        # The revision will automatically be created upon calling the save function of the model object
        copy_map = {
            'url': base_url,
            'nav_category': nav_category_target,
            'content': request.POST['content'],
            'title': request.POST['title'],
            'description': request.POST['description'],
            'keywords': request.POST['keywords'],
        diff_found = False
        for field, new_value in copy_map.items():
            if getattr(qsd_rec, field) != new_value:
                setattr(qsd_rec, field, new_value)
                diff_found = True

        if diff_found:

            # We should also purge the cache

    # Detect the edit verb
    if action == 'edit':
        have_edit = Permission.user_can_edit_qsd(request.user, base_url)

        # Enforce authorizations (FIXME: SHOW A REAL ERROR!)
        if not have_edit:
            raise Http403, "You don't have permission to edit this page."

        # Render an edit form
        return render_to_response('qsd/qsd_edit.html', request, {
            'title'        : qsd_rec.title,
            'content'      : qsd_rec.content,
            'keywords'     : qsd_rec.keywords,
            'description'  : qsd_rec.description,
            'nav_category' : qsd_rec.nav_category,
            'nav_categories': NavBarCategory.objects.all(),
            'qsdrec'       : qsd_rec,
            'qsd'          : True,
            'target_url'   : base_url.split("/")[-1] + ".edit.html",
            'return_to_view': base_url.split("/")[-1] + ".html#refresh" },

    # Operation Complete!
    raise Http404('Unexpected QSD operation')