def __init__(self, experiment_params): """ A class that can interact with the ESP service :param experiment_params: the experiment parameters dictionary """ self.experiment_params = experiment_params self.extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() self.experiment_params_as_bytes = self.extension_packaging.to_extension_bytes( experiment_params) self.experiment_id = experiment_params["LEAF"]["experiment_id"] self.version = experiment_params["LEAF"]["version"] # gRPC connection esp_host = experiment_params["LEAF"]["esp_host"] esp_port = experiment_params["LEAF"]["esp_port"] grpc_options = experiment_params["LEAF"].get( "grpc_options", DEFAULT_GRPC_OPTIONS).items() print("ESP service: {}:{}".format(esp_host, esp_port)) print("gRPC options:") for pair in grpc_options: print(" {}: {}".format(pair[0], pair[1])) channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(esp_host, esp_port), options=grpc_options) print("Ready to connect.") self.esp_service = PopulationServiceStub(channel)
def __init__(self, experiment_params, evaluator): self.experiment_params = experiment_params self.extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() self.save_to_dir = self._generate_persistence_directory() # Possible values are all, elites, best, none self.candidates_to_persist = self.experiment_params["LEAF"].get("candidates_to_persist", "best").lower() if self.candidates_to_persist not in ["all", "elites", "best", "none"]: raise ValueError("Unknown value for experiment param [LEAF][candidates_to_persist]: {}".format( self.candidates_to_persist)) self.persist_experiment_params(experiment_params) self.evaluator = evaluator
class EspEvaluator(ABC): """ An abstract class to evaluate ESP populations. """ def __init__(self): self._extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() @abstractmethod def evaluate_candidate(self, candidate): """ Evaluates a single Keras model. :param candidate: a Keras model :return: a dictionary of metrics """ pass @abstractmethod def evaluate_population(self, population_response): """ Evaluates the candidates in an ESP PopulationResponse and updates the PopulationResponse with the candidates fitness. :param population_response: an ESP PopulationResponse :return: nothing. A dictionary containing the metrics is assigned to the candidates metrics as a UTF-8 encoded string (bytes) within the passed response """ pass def _encode_metrics(self, metrics): if not isinstance(metrics, dict): # For backward compatibility: if the evaluation didn't return a dictionary, # convert the returned value to a float and put it in a dictionary. # metric might be a numpy object, like numpy.int64 or numpy.float32. Convert it to float. score = float(metrics) # Create a dictionary metrics = {"score": score} encoded_metrics = self._extension_packaging.to_extension_bytes(metrics) return encoded_metrics def _decode_metrics(self, encoded_metrics): metrics = self._extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes( encoded_metrics) return metrics
def __init__(self): self._extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging()
class EspPersistor: """ A class to persist any kind of information from an experiment. """ def __init__(self, experiment_params, evaluator): self.experiment_params = experiment_params self.extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() self.save_to_dir = self._generate_persistence_directory() # Possible values are all, elites, best, none self.candidates_to_persist = self.experiment_params["LEAF"].get("candidates_to_persist", "best").lower() if self.candidates_to_persist not in ["all", "elites", "best", "none"]: raise ValueError("Unknown value for experiment param [LEAF][candidates_to_persist]: {}".format( self.candidates_to_persist)) self.persist_experiment_params(experiment_params) self.evaluator = evaluator def _generate_persistence_directory(self): timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") persistence_dir = self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["persistence_dir"] experiment_id = self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["experiment_id"] dirname = os.path.join(persistence_dir, experiment_id) version = self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["version"] version = version + "_" + timestamp dirname = os.path.join(dirname, version) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) return dirname def get_persistence_directory(self): """ Returns the name of the directory used for persistence. :return: a string """ return self.save_to_dir def persist_experiment_params(self, experiment_params): """ Persists the passed experiment parameters. :param experiment_params: the experiment parameters to persist :return: nothing. Saves a file called `experiment_params.json` to the persistence directory """ filename = os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, 'experiment_params.json') with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(experiment_params, indent=4)) def persist_response(self, response): """ Persists a generation's information. :param response: an evaluated ESP PopulationResponse :return: nothing. Saves files to the persistence directory """ gen = response.generation_count checkpoint_id = response.checkpoint_id candidates_info = self.persist_generation(response) self.persist_stats(candidates_info, gen, checkpoint_id) self.persist_candidates(candidates_info, gen) stats_file = os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, 'experiment_stats.csv') title = self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["experiment_id"] EspPlotter.plot_stats(stats_file, title) def persist_stats(self, candidates_info, generation, checkpoint_id): """ Collects statistics for the passed generation of candidates. :param candidates_info: the candidates information :param generation: the generation these candidates belong to :param checkpoint_id: the checkpoint id corresponding to this generation :return: nothing. Saves a file called `experiment_stats.csv` to the persistence directory """ filename = os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, 'experiment_stats.csv') file_exists = os.path.exists(filename) metrics_stats = {} for metric_name in candidates_info[0]["metrics"].keys(): metric_values = [candidate["metrics"][metric_name] for candidate in candidates_info] metrics_stats["max_" + metric_name] = max(metric_values) metrics_stats["min_" + metric_name] = min(metric_values) metrics_stats["mean_" + metric_name] = statistics.mean(metric_values) candidates_info.sort(key=lambda k: k["metrics"][metric_name], reverse=False) metrics_stats["cid_min_" + metric_name] = candidates_info[0]["id"] metrics_stats["cid_max_" + metric_name] = candidates_info[-1]["id"] # 'a+' Opens the file for appending; any data written to the file is automatically added to the end. # The file is created if it does not exist. with open(filename, 'a+') as stats_file: writer = csv.writer(stats_file) if not file_exists: headers = ["generation", "checkpoint_id"] headers.extend(metrics_stats.keys()) writer.writerow(headers) generation_stats = [generation, checkpoint_id] generation_stats.extend(metrics_stats.values()) writer.writerow(generation_stats) def persist_generation(self, response): """ Persists the details of a generation to a file. :param response: an evaluated ESP PopulationResponse :return: nothing. Saves a file called `gen.csv` to the persistence directory (e.g. 1.csv for generation 1) """ gen = response.generation_count gen_filename = os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, str(gen) + '.csv') # 'w' to truncate the file if it already exists candidates_info = [] with open(gen_filename, 'w') as stats_file: writer = csv.writer(stats_file) write_header = True for candidate in response.population: # Candidate's details cid = identity = candidate.identity.decode('UTF-8') metrics = self.extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes(candidate.metrics) c = {"id": cid, "identity": identity, "metrics": metrics, "model": candidate.interpretation} candidates_info.append(c) # Write the header if needed if write_header: # Unpack the metric names list writer.writerow(["cid", "identity", *metrics.keys()]) write_header = False # Write a row for this candidate row_values = [cid, identity] row_values.extend(metrics.values()) writer.writerow(row_values) return candidates_info def persist_candidates(self, candidates_info, gen): """ Persists the candidates in the response's population according to the experiment params. Can be "all", "elites", "best", "none" :param candidates_info: a PopulationResponse containing evaluated candidates :param gen: the generation these candidates belong to :return: nothing. Saves the candidates to a generation folder in the persistence directory """ if self.candidates_to_persist == "none": return gen_folder = os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, str(gen)) os.makedirs(gen_folder, exist_ok=True) if self.candidates_to_persist == "all": for candidate in candidates_info: self.persist_candidate(candidate, gen_folder) elif self.candidates_to_persist == "best": # Save the best candidate, per objective objectives = self.experiment_params['evolution'].get("fitness", DEFAULT_FITNESS) for objective in objectives: # Sort the candidates to figure out the best one for this objective metric_name = objective["metric_name"] candidates_info.sort(key=lambda k: k["metrics"][metric_name], reverse=objective["maximize"]) # The best candidate for this objective is the first one self.persist_candidate(candidates_info[0], gen_folder) elif self.candidates_to_persist == "elites": # Save the elites, according to the first objective only nb_elites = self.experiment_params["evolution"]["nb_elites"] objectives = self.experiment_params['evolution'].get("fitness", DEFAULT_FITNESS) objective = objectives[0] metric_name = objective["metric_name"] candidates_info.sort(key=lambda k: k["metrics"][metric_name], reverse=objective["maximize"]) for candidate in candidates_info[len(candidates_info) - nb_elites:]: self.persist_candidate(candidate, gen_folder) else: print("Skipping candidates persistence: unknown candidates_to_persist attribute: {}".format( self.candidates_to_persist)) def persist_candidate(self, candidate, gen_folder): """ Persists a candidates to a file :param candidate: the candidates to persist :param gen_folder: the folder to which to persist it :return: nothing. Saves the candidate to a cid.h5 file in generation folder in the persistence directory (where cid is the candidate id) """ cid = candidate["id"] filename = cid + ".h5" filename = os.path.join(gen_folder, filename) representation = self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["representation"] if representation == "KerasNN": self.persist_keras_nn_model(candidate["model"], filename) elif representation == "NNWeights": self.persist_nn_weights_model(candidate["model"], filename) else: print("Persistor: Unknown representation: {}".format(representation)) @staticmethod def persist_keras_nn_model(model_bytes, filename): """ Converts the passed bytes to a Keras model and saves it to a file :param model_bytes: the bytes corresponding to a Keras model :param filename: the name of the file to save to :return: nothing """ # Convert the received bytes to a Keras model import io from keras.models import load_model model_file = io.BytesIO(model_bytes) keras_model = load_model(model_file) # Save the model, without the optimizer (not used), include_optimizer=False) def persist_nn_weights_model(self, weights_bytes, filename): """ Creates a model from the passed weight bytes and saves it to a file :param weights_bytes: the bytes corresponding to a Keras model weights :param filename: the name of the file to save to :return: nothing """ indy_weights = pickle.loads(weights_bytes) model = self.evaluator.get_keras_model(indy_weights) # Save the model, without the optimizer (not used), include_optimizer=False)
def setUp(self): # Executed before each test self.extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() with open(EXPERIMENT_JSON) as json_data: self.experiment_params = json.load(json_data)
class TestEspNNWeightsEvaluator(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Executed before each test self.extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() with open(EXPERIMENT_JSON) as json_data: self.experiment_params = json.load(json_data) # Mock where the class is used, i.e. in esp_evaluator @patch('esp_sdk.v1_0.esp_evaluator.EspService', autospec=True) def test_constructor(self, esp_service_mock): evaluator = EspNNWeightsEvaluatorForTests(self.experiment_params) self.assertIsNotNone(evaluator) # Make sure we called the ESP service mock to get a base model self.assertEqual( 1, esp_service_mock.return_value.request_base_model.call_count) @patch('esp_sdk.v1_0.esp_evaluator.EspService', autospec=True) def test_evaluate_population(self, esp_service_mock): # If nothing is specified in the experiment_params, re-evaluate elites self._evaluate_population(esp_service_mock, reevaluate_elites=True) @patch('esp_sdk.v1_0.esp_evaluator.EspService', autospec=True) def test_reevaluate_elites(self, esp_service_mock): # Reevaluate elites self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["reevaluate_elites"] = True self._evaluate_population(esp_service_mock, reevaluate_elites=True) @patch('esp_sdk.v1_0.esp_evaluator.EspService', autospec=True) def test_do_not_reevaluate_elites(self, esp_service_mock): # Do NOT reevaluate elites self.experiment_params["LEAF"]["reevaluate_elites"] = False self._evaluate_population(esp_service_mock, reevaluate_elites=False) def _evaluate_population(self, esp_service_mock, reevaluate_elites): evaluator = EspNNWeightsEvaluatorForTests(self.experiment_params) # Make sure we called the ESP service mock to get a base model self.assertEqual( 1, esp_service_mock.return_value.request_base_model.call_count) # Create a population response = self._create_population_response() # And evaluate it evaluator.evaluate_population(response) # Check c1 c = response.population[0] metrics_json = self.extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes(c.metrics) score = metrics_json['score'] if reevaluate_elites: # This candidate is an elite: we want to make sure it has been re-evaluated and it's score # is the re-evaluated score, not the elite score. self.assertEqual( C1_SCORE, score, "This elite candidate should have been re-evaluated") else: # This candidate is an elite, and we make sure we have NOT re-evaluated it self.assertEqual( E1_SCORE, score, "This elite candidate should still have its elite score") # Check c2 c = response.population[1] score_json = self.extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes(c.metrics) score = score_json['score'] self.assertEqual(C2_SCORE, score) def _create_population_response(self): population = [] # elite c1 = Candidate() = "1_1" c1.interpretation = pickle.dumps(C1_MODEL) # This is an elite: it has already been evaluated anc already contains a score c1.metrics = self.extension_packaging.to_extension_bytes( {"score": E1_SCORE}) c1.identity = pickle.dumps("C1 identity") population.append(c1) # new candidate c2 = Candidate() = "2_1" c2.interpretation = pickle.dumps(C2_MODEL) # c2.metrics = self.extension_packaging.to_extension_bytes(None) c2.identity = pickle.dumps("C2 identity") population.append(c2) response = PopulationResponse(population=population) return response @patch('esp_sdk.v1_0.esp_evaluator.EspService', autospec=True) def test_evaluate_population_multi_metrics(self, esp_service_mock): evaluator = EspNNWeightsMultiMetricsEvaluatorForTests( self.experiment_params) # Make sure we called the ESP service mock to get a base model self.assertEqual( 1, esp_service_mock.return_value.request_base_model.call_count) # Create a population response = self._create_population_response() # And evaluate it evaluator.evaluate_population(response) # Check c1 c = response.population[0] metrics_json = self.extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes(c.metrics) score = metrics_json['score'] self.assertEqual(C1_SCORE, score) time = metrics_json['time'] self.assertEquals(C1_TIME, time) # Check c2 c = response.population[1] score_json = self.extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes(c.metrics) score = score_json['score'] self.assertEqual(C2_SCORE, score) time = metrics_json['time'] self.assertEquals(C1_TIME, time)
class EspService(object): def __init__(self, experiment_params): """ A class that can interact with the ESP service :param experiment_params: the experiment parameters dictionary """ self.experiment_params = experiment_params self.extension_packaging = ExtensionPackaging() self.experiment_params_as_bytes = self.extension_packaging.to_extension_bytes( experiment_params) self.experiment_id = experiment_params["LEAF"]["experiment_id"] self.version = experiment_params["LEAF"]["version"] # gRPC connection esp_host = experiment_params["LEAF"]["esp_host"] esp_port = experiment_params["LEAF"]["esp_port"] grpc_options = experiment_params["LEAF"].get( "grpc_options", DEFAULT_GRPC_OPTIONS).items() print("ESP service: {}:{}".format(esp_host, esp_port)) print("gRPC options:") for pair in grpc_options: print(" {}: {}".format(pair[0], pair[1])) channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(esp_host, esp_port), options=grpc_options) print("Ready to connect.") self.esp_service = PopulationServiceStub(channel) def get_next_population(self, prev_response): """ Returns a new generation for a given experiment. :param prev_response: the previous generation, *with* evaluation metrics for each Candidate :return: a new generation, as a PopulationResponse object """ # Prepare a request for next generation request_params = { 'version': self.version, 'experiment_id': self.experiment_id } request = ParseDict(request_params, PopulationRequest()) request.config = self.experiment_params_as_bytes if prev_response: request.evaluated_population_response.CopyFrom(prev_response) # Ask for next generation response = self._next_population_with_retry(request) return response def get_previous_population(self, experiment_id, checkpoint_id): """ Returns the population corresponding to the passed experiment_id and checkpoint_id :param experiment_id: the experiment id :param checkpoint_id: the checkpoint id returned by a previous call to get_next_population :return: a previous generation, as a PopulationResponse object """ # Prepare a GetPopulation request request_params = { 'version': self.version, 'experiment_id': experiment_id, 'checkpoint_id': checkpoint_id } request = ParseDict(request_params, ExistingPopulationRequest()) # Ask for a previous generation response = self.esp_service.GetPopulation(request) return response @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(NB_RETRIES), wait=wait_random(1, 3), retry=retry_if_exception_type(grpc.RpcError)) def _next_population_with_retry(self, request): print("Sending NextPopulation request") response = self.esp_service.NextPopulation(request) print("NextPopulation response received.") return response @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(NB_RETRIES), wait=wait_random(1, 3), retry=retry_if_exception_type(grpc.RpcError)) def _get_population_with_retry(self, request): print("Sending GetPopulation request") response = self.esp_service.GetPopulation(request) print("GetPopulation response received.") return response def request_base_model(self): # Update the request to query for 1 Keras model params = copy.deepcopy(self.experiment_params) params["evolution"] = {"population_size": 1} params["LEAF"]["representation"] = "KerasNN" # Prepare a request for next generation request_params = { 'version': self.version, 'experiment_id': self.experiment_id } request = ParseDict(request_params, PopulationRequest()) request.config = self.extension_packaging.to_extension_bytes(params) # Ask for the base model response = self._next_population_with_retry(request) # Convert the received bytes to a Keras model model_bytes = response.population[0].interpretation model_file = io.BytesIO(model_bytes) keras_model = load_model(model_file) # return the base model return keras_model def extract_candidates_info(self, response): """ Prints Candidate details from a population :param response: a PopulationResponse from the ESP service :return: a dictionary representing a candidate """ candidates_info = [] for candidate in response.population: c = { "id":, "identity": candidate.identity.decode('UTF-8'), "metrics": self.extension_packaging.from_extension_bytes( candidate.metrics), "model": candidate.interpretation } candidates_info.append(c) return candidates_info @staticmethod def print_population_response(response): """ Prints out the details of a population represented by a PopulationResponse object :param response: a PopulationResponse object returned by the ESP API """ print("PopulationResponse:") print(" Generation: {}".format(response.generation_count)) print(" Population size: {}".format(len(response.population))) print(" Checkpoint id: {}".format(response.checkpoint_id)) print(" Evaluation stats: {}".format( response.evaluation_stats.decode('UTF-8'))) def print_candidates(self, response, sort_candidates=True): """ Prints the candidates details :param response: an evaluated PopulationResponse :param sort_candidates: if True, sort the candidates by score, lowest first, to always see the best candidates at the bottom of the logs """ # Interpret the response received from the ESP service candidates_info = self.extract_candidates_info(response) if sort_candidates: # Sort the candidates by score, lowest first to always see the best candidates at the bottom of the log candidates_info = sorted(candidates_info, key=lambda k: k["metrics"]["score"], reverse=False) print("Evaluated candidates:") for candidate in candidates_info: print("Id: {} Identity: {} Metrics: {}".format( candidate["id"], candidate["identity"], candidate["metrics"])) print("")