예제 #1
def compute(audio, pool, options):

    INFO('Computing Tempo extractor...')

    use_onset = options['useOnset']
    use_bands = options['useBands']

    # frameNumber * hopSize ~= about 6 seconds
    hopSize = options['hopSize']
    frameSize = options['frameSize']
    frameNumber = options['frameNumber']
    frameHop = options['frameHop']
    sampleRate = options['sampleRate']
    tolerance = 0.24
    period_tol = 2
    windowType = options['windowType']

    bands_freq = [
        40.0, 413.16, 974.51, 1818.94, 3089.19, 5000.0, 7874.4, 12198.29,
    bands_gain = [2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 2.5]
    maxbpm = 208
    minbpm = 40
    last_beat_interval = 0.025
    frame_time = float(hopSize) / float(sampleRate)

    frames = essentia.FrameGenerator(audio=audio,
    window = essentia.Windowing(size=frameSize, zeroPadding=0, type=windowType)
    if use_onset:
        fft = essentia.FFT(size=frameSize)
        cartesian2polar = essentia.CartesianToPolar()
        onset_hfc = essentia.OnsetDetection(method='hfc',
        onset_complex = essentia.OnsetDetection(method='complex',
    if use_bands:
        espectrum = essentia.Spectrum(size=frameSize)
        tempotapbands = essentia.FrequencyBands(frequencyBands=bands_freq)
        temposcalebands = essentia.TempoScaleBands(bandsGain=bands_gain)
    tempotap = essentia.TempoTap(numberFrames=frameNumber,
    tempotapticks = essentia.TempoTapTicks(hopSize=hopSize,

    frameTime = float(hopSize) / float(sampleRate)
    frameRate = 1. / frameTime

    nframes = 0
    bpm_estimates_list = []
    ticks = []
    matchingPeriods = []
    oldhfc = 0

    fileLength = len(audio) / sampleRate
    startSilence = 0
    oldSilence = 0
    endSilence = round(fileLength * sampleRate / hopSize) + 1

    for frame in frames:
        windowed_frame = window(frame)
        features = []
        if use_onset:
            complex_fft = fft(windowed_frame)
            (spectrum, phase) = cartesian2polar(complex_fft)
            hfc = onset_hfc(spectrum, phase)
            complexdomain = onset_complex(spectrum, phase)
            difhfc = max(hfc - oldhfc, 0)
            oldhfc = hfc
            features += [hfc, difhfc, complexdomain]
        if use_bands:
            spectrum_frame = espectrum(windowed_frame)
            bands = tempotapbands(spectrum_frame)
            (scaled_bands, cumul) = temposcalebands(bands)
            features += list(scaled_bands)

        features = essentia.array(features)
        (periods, phases) = tempotap(features)
        (these_ticks, these_matchingPeriods) = tempotapticks(periods, phases)
        for period in these_matchingPeriods:
            if period != 0:
                matchingPeriods += [period]
        ticks += list(these_ticks)

        if nframes < 5. * sampleRate / hopSize:
            if isSilent(frame) and startSilence == nframes - 1:
                startSilence = nframes

        if nframes > (fileLength - 5.) * sampleRate / hopSize:
            if isSilent(frame):
                if oldSilence != nframes - 1:
                    endSilence = nframes
                oldSilence = nframes

        nframes += 1

    # make sure we do not kill beat too close to music
    if startSilence > 0: startSilence -= 1
    endSilence += 1

    # fill the rest of buffer with zeros
    features = essentia.array([0] * len(features))
    while nframes % frameNumber != 0:
        (periods, phases) = tempotap(features)
        (these_ticks, these_matchingPeriods) = tempotapticks(periods, phases)
        ticks += list(these_ticks)
        matchingPeriods += list(these_matchingPeriods)
        nframes += 1

    if len(ticks) > 2:
        # fill up to end of file
        if fileLength > ticks[-1]:
            lastPeriod = ticks[-1] - ticks[-2]
            while ticks[-1] + lastPeriod < fileLength - last_beat_interval:
                if ticks[-1] > fileLength - last_beat_interval:
                ticks.append(ticks[-1] + lastPeriod)
    if len(ticks) > 1:
        # remove all negative ticks
        i = 0
        while i < len(ticks):
            if ticks[i] < startSilence / sampleRate * hopSize: ticks.pop(i)
            else: i += 1
        # kill all ticks from 350ms before the end of the song
        i = 0
        while i < len(ticks):
            if ticks[i] > endSilence / sampleRate * hopSize: ticks.pop(i)
            else: i += 1
        # prune values closer than tolerance
        i = 1
        while i < len(ticks):
            if ticks[i] - ticks[i - 1] < tolerance: ticks.pop(i)
            else: i += 1
        # prune all backward offbeat
        i = 3
        while i < len(ticks):
            if    abs( (ticks[i] - ticks[i-2]) - 1.5 * (ticks[i]   - ticks[i-1]) ) < 0.100 \
              and abs( (ticks[i] - ticks[i-1]) -       (ticks[i-2] - ticks[i-3]) ) < 0.100 :
                ticks.pop(i - 2)
                i += 1

    for period in matchingPeriods:
        if period != 0:
            bpm_estimates_list += [lagtobpm(period, sampleRate, hopSize)]
        #  bpm_estimates_list += [ 0 ]

    # bpm estimates
    for bpm_estimate in bpm_estimates_list:
        pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'bpm_estimates', bpm_estimate)

    # estimate the bpm from the list of candidates
    if len(bpm_estimates_list) > 0:
        estimates = [bpm / 2. for bpm in bpm_estimates_list]
        closestBpm = argmax(bincount(estimates)) * 2.
        matching = []
        for bpm in bpm_estimates_list:
            if abs(closestBpm - bpm) < period_tol:
        if (len(matching) < 1):
            # something odd happened
            bpm = closestBpm
            bpm = mean(matching)
        bpm = 0.
    # convert to floats, as python bindings yet not support numpy.float32
    ticks = [float(tick) for tick in ticks]
    pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'bpm', bpm)  #, pool.GlobalScope)
    pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'beats_position', ticks)  #, pool.GlobalScope

    bpm_intervals = [ticks[i] - ticks[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(ticks))]
    pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'bpm_intervals',
             bpm_intervals)  #, pool.GlobalScope

    from numpy import histogram
    tempotap_bpms = [60. / i for i in bpm_intervals]
    if len(tempotap_bpms) > 0:
        weight, values = histogram(tempotap_bpms,
                                   range=(0, 250),
        weight, values = [0.], [0.]
    first_peak_weights = [0] * 250
    secnd_peak_weights = [0] * 250

    for i in range(max(argmax(weight) - 4, 0),
                   min(argmax(weight) + 5, len(weight))):
        first_peak_weights[i] = weight[i]
        weight[i] = 0.
    for i in range(max(argmax(weight) - 4, 0),
                   min(argmax(weight) + 5, len(weight))):
        secnd_peak_weights[i] = weight[i]
        weight[i] = 0.

    pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'first_peak_bpm',
             values[argmax(first_peak_weights)])  #, pool.GlobalScope
        namespace + '.' + 'first_peak_weight',
        first_peak_weights[argmax(first_peak_weights)])  #, pool.GlobalScope
    if sum(first_peak_weights) != 0.:
        pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'first_peak_spread',
                 1. - first_peak_weights[argmax(first_peak_weights)] /
                 sum(first_peak_weights))  #, pool.GlobalScope
        pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'first_peak_spread',
                 0.)  #, pool.GlobalScope
    pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'second_peak_bpm',
             values[argmax(secnd_peak_weights)])  #, pool.GlobalScope
        namespace + '.' + 'second_peak_weight',
        secnd_peak_weights[argmax(secnd_peak_weights)])  #, pool.GlobalScope
    if sum(secnd_peak_weights) != 0.:
        pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'second_peak_spread',
                 1. - secnd_peak_weights[argmax(secnd_peak_weights)] /
                 sum(secnd_peak_weights))  #, pool.GlobalScope
        pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'second_peak_spread',
                 0.)  #, pool.GlobalScope
    def rubato(ticks):
        bpm_rubato_python = []
        tolerance = 0.08
        i = 5
        tmp1 = 60./ float(ticks[i  ] - ticks[i-1])
        tmp2 = 60./ float(ticks[i-1] - ticks[i-2])
        tmp3 = 60./ float(ticks[i-2] - ticks[i-3])
        tmp4 = 60./ float(ticks[i-3] - ticks[i-4])
        tmp5 = 60./ float(ticks[i-4] - ticks[i-5])
        for i in range(6, len(ticks)):
            if (  abs(1. - tmp1 / tmp4) >= tolerance
              and abs(1. - tmp2 / tmp5) >= tolerance
              and abs(1. - tmp2 / tmp4) >= tolerance
              and abs(1. - tmp1 / tmp5) >= tolerance
              and abs(1. - tmp1 / tmp2) <= tolerance
              and abs(1. - tmp4 / tmp5) <= tolerance ):
            tmp5 = tmp4; tmp4 = tmp3; tmp3 = tmp2; tmp2 = tmp1
            tmp1 = 60./ (ticks[i] - ticks[i-1])
        print bpm_rubato_python
        return bpm_rubato_python
    # FIXME we need better rubato algorithm
    #rubato = essentia.BpmRubato()
    #bpm_rubato_start, bpm_rubato_stop = rubato(ticks)
    #pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'rubato_start', bpm_rubato_start)#, pool.GlobalScope
    #pool.add(namespace + '.' + 'rubato_stop',  bpm_rubato_stop)#,  pool.GlobalScope)

    INFO('100% done...')
def compute(audio, pool, options):

    sampleRate = options['sampleRate']
    frameSize = options['frameSize']
    hopSize = options['hopSize']
    zeroPadding = options['zeroPadding']
    windowType = options['windowType']

    frameRate = float(sampleRate) / float(frameSize - hopSize)

    INFO('Computing Onset Detection...')

    frames = essentia.FrameGenerator(audio=audio,
    window = essentia.Windowing(size=frameSize,
    fft = essentia.FFT()
    cartesian2polar = essentia.CartesianToPolar()
    onsetdetectionHFC = essentia.OnsetDetection(method="hfc",
    onsetdetectionComplex = essentia.OnsetDetection(method="complex",
    onsets = essentia.Onsets(frameRate=frameRate)

    total_frames = frames.num_frames()
    n_frames = 0
    start_of_frame = -frameSize * 0.5

    hfc = []
    complex = []

    progress = Progress(total=total_frames)

    for frame in frames:

        if essentia.instantPower(frame) < 1.e-4:
            total_frames -= 1
            start_of_frame += hopSize

        windowed_frame = window(frame)
        complex_fft = fft(windowed_frame)
        (spectrum, phase) = cartesian2polar(complex_fft)
        hfc.append(onsetdetectionHFC(spectrum, phase))
        complex.append(onsetdetectionComplex(spectrum, phase))

        # display of progress report

        n_frames += 1
        start_of_frame += hopSize

    # The onset rate is defined as the number of onsets per seconds
    detections = numpy.concatenate(

    # prune all 'doubled' detections
    time_onsets = list(onsets(detections, essentia.array([1, 1])))
    t = 1
    while t < len(time_onsets):
        if time_onsets[t] - time_onsets[t - 1] < 0.080: time_onsets.pop(t)
        else: t += 1

    onsetrate = len(time_onsets) / (len(audio) / sampleRate)

    pool.add(namespace + '.' + "onset_times",
             essentia.array(time_onsets))  #, pool.GlobalScope)
    pool.add(namespace + '.' + "onset_rate", onsetrate)  #, pool.GlobalScope)
