예제 #1
파일: nndr.py 프로젝트: soply/sdr_toolbox
def nndr(X, Y, **kwargs):
    N, D = X.shape
    d = kwargs['d']
    return_mat = kwargs.get('return_mat', False)
    whiten = kwargs.get('whiten', False)
    if whiten:
        Z, cov_all_sqrtinv = whiten_data(X)
        reg_net = RegressionNetwork(**kwargs)
        reg_net.train(Z, Y, **kwargs)
        weight_matrix = reg_net.net.layers[0].get_weights()[0]
        opm_matrix = np.zeros((D, D))
        for i in range(weight_matrix.shape[1]):
            opm_matrix += np.outer(weight_matrix[:,i], weight_matrix[:,i])
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(opm_matrix)
        # Apply inverse transformation
        vecs = cov_all_sqrtinv.dot(U[:,:d])
        proj_vecs, dummy = np.linalg.qr(vecs)
        reg_net = RegressionNetwork(**kwargs)
        reg_net.train(X, Y, **kwargs)
        weight_matrix = reg_net.net.layers[0].get_weights()[0]
        opm_matrix = np.zeros((D, D))
        for i in range(weight_matrix.shape[1]):
            opm_matrix += np.outer(weight_matrix[:,i], weight_matrix[:,i])
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(opm_matrix)
        proj_vecs = U[:,:d]
    if return_mat:
        return proj_vecs, opm_matrix
        return proj_vecs
예제 #2
def save(X, Y, **kwargs):
    X : array-like, shape = [N, D]
        Training data, where N is the number of samples and
        D is the number of features.
    Y : array-like, shape = [N]
        Response variable, where n_samples is the number of samples

    Argument dictionary should contain:
    kwargs = {
        'd' : intrinsic dimension (int)
        'n_levelsets' : number of slices to use (int)
        'split_by' : 'dyadic' (dyadic decomposition) or 'stateq' (statistically equivalent blocks) (default: 'dyadic')
        'return_mat' : Boolean whether key SIR matrix should be returned (defaults
                    to False).

    proj_vecs : array-like, shape = [n_features, d]
        Orthonormal system spanning the sufficient dimension subspace, where
        d refers to the intrinsic dimension.

    M : SAVE matrix, only if return_mat option is True
    # Extract arguments from dictionary
    d = kwargs['d']
    n_levelsets = kwargs['n_levelsets']
    split_by = kwargs.get('split_by', 'dyadic')
    return_mat = kwargs.get('return_mat', False)
    N, D = X.shape
    # Standardize X
    Z, cov_all_sqrtinv = whiten_data(X)
    # Create partition
    labels = split(Y, n_levelsets, split_by)
    M = np.zeros((D, D))  # Container for key matrix in SIR
    # Compute SAVE matrix
    empirical_probabilities = np.zeros(n_levelsets)
    for i in range(n_levelsets):
        empirical_probabilities[i] = float(len(
            np.where(labels == i)[0])) / float(N)
        if empirical_probabilities[i] == 0:
        cov_sub = empirical_covariance(
            Z[labels == i, :])  # Covariance of all samples
        M += empirical_probabilities[i] * (np.eye(D) -
                                           cov_sub).dot(np.eye(D) - cov_sub)
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M)
    # Apply inverse transformation
    vecs = cov_all_sqrtinv.dot(U[:, :d])
    proj_vecs, dummy = np.linalg.qr(vecs)
    if return_mat:
        return proj_vecs, M
        return proj_vecs
예제 #3
def directional_regression(X, Y, **kwargs):
    X : array-like, shape = [N, D]
        Training data, where N is the number of samples and
        D is the number of features.
    Y : array-like, shape = [N]
        Response variable, where n_samples is the number of samples

    Argument dictionary should contain:
    kwargs = {
        'd' : intrinsic dimension (int)
        'n_levelsets' : number of slices to use (int)
        'split_by' : 'dyadic' (dyadic decomposition) or 'stateq' (statistically equivalent blocks) (default: 'dyadic')
        'return_mat' : Boolean whether key SIR matrix should be returned (defaults
                    to False).
        't1' : scaling parameter 1 for generalized directional regression (see [2])
        't2' : scaling parameter 2 for generalized directional regression (see [2])

    proj_vecs : array-like, shape = [n_features, d]
        Orthonormal system spanning the sufficient dimension subspace, where
        d refers to the intrinsic dimension.

    # Extract arguments from dictionary
    d = kwargs['d']
    n_levelsets = kwargs['n_levelsets']
    split_by = kwargs.get('split_by', 'dyadic')
    return_mat = kwargs.get('return_mat', False)
    t1 = kwargs.get(
        0.5)  # Generalized directional regression parameter 1 (default is DR)
    t2 = kwargs.get(
        1.0)  # Generalized directional regression parameter 1 (default is DR)
    N, D = X.shape
    # Standardize X
    Z, cov_all_sqrtinv = whiten_data(X)
    # Create partition
    labels = split(Y, n_levelsets, split_by)
    # Containers for DR matrices
    sum_1 = np.zeros((D, D))
    sum_2 = np.zeros((D, D))
    sum_3 = 0
    empirical_probabilities = np.zeros(n_levelsets)
    for i in range(n_levelsets):
        empirical_probabilities[i] = float(len(
            np.where(labels == i)[0])) / float(N)
        if empirical_probabilities[i] == 0:
        U_h = np.mean(Z[labels == i, :], axis=0)
        cov_local = empirical_covariance(Z[labels == i, :])
        V_h = cov_local - np.eye(D)
        # Compute sums
        sum_1 += empirical_probabilities[i] * V_h.dot(V_h)
        sum_2 += empirical_probabilities[i] * np.outer(U_h, U_h)
        sum_3 += empirical_probabilities[i] * np.dot(U_h, U_h)
    F = t1 * sum_1 + (1.0 - t1) * sum_2.dot(sum_2) + (1.0 -
                                                      t1) * t2 * sum_3 * sum_2
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(F)
    # Apply inverse transformation
    vecs = cov_all_sqrtinv.dot(U[:, :d])
    # Get Projection from vecs (don't need to be norm 1 anymore)
    proj_vecs, dummy = np.linalg.qr(vecs)
    if return_mat:
        return proj_vecs, F
        return proj_vecs
예제 #4
def iht(X, Y, **kwargs):
    X : array-like, shape = [N, D]
        Training data, where N is the number of samples and
        D is the number of features.
    Y : array-like, shape = [N]
        Response variable, where n_samples is the number of samples

    Argument dictionary should contain:
    kwargs = {
        'd' : intrinsic dimension (int)
        'use_residuals' : If True, creates PHDs from the use_residuals of linear regression
                    (defaults to False)
        'return_mat' : Boolean whether key PHD matrix should be returned (defaults
                    to False).

    proj_vecs : array-like, shape = [n_features, d]
        Orthonormal system spanning the sufficient dimension subspace, where
        d refers to the intrinsic dimension.
    # Extract arguments from dictionary
    d = kwargs['d']
    n_iter = kwargs.get('n_iter', 20)
    use_residuals = kwargs.get('use_residuals', False)
    return_mat = kwargs.get('return_mat', False)
    N, D = X.shape
    # Standardize X
    Z, cov_all_sqrtinv = whiten_data(X)
    # Compute OLS vector
    ols_vector = np.mean((Z.T * (Y - np.mean(Y))).T, axis=0)
    # Compute Hessian matrix
    mean_all = np.mean(X, axis=0)
    cov_all = empirical_covariance(X)
    weighted_cov = np.zeros(cov_all.shape)
    if use_residuals:
        linreg = LinearRegression()
        linreg = linreg.fit(X, Y)
        res = Y - linreg.predict(X)
        Y = res
        Ymean = np.mean(Y)
        Y = Y - Ymean
    for i in range(N):
        weighted_cov += Y[i] * np.outer(X[i, :] - mean_all, X[i, :] - mean_all)
    weighted_cov = weighted_cov / float(N)
    # Apply iterative transformations
    M = np.zeros((D, D))  # critical mat for IHT
    iterative_matrix = np.eye(D)
    for i in range(d):
        M += np.outer(iterative_matrix.dot(ols_vector),
        iterative_matrix = iterative_matrix.dot(iterative_matrix)
    # Compute eigendecomposition
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M)
    # Apply inverse transformation
    vecs = cov_all_sqrtinv.dot(U[:, :d])
    proj_vecs, dummy = np.linalg.qr(vecs)
    if return_mat:
        return proj_vecs, M
        return proj_vecs
예제 #5
파일: rclr.py 프로젝트: soply/sdr_toolbox
def rclr(X, Y, **kwargs):

    X : array-like, shape = [N, D]
        Training data, where N is the number of samples and
        D is the number of features.
    Y : array-like, shape = [N]
        Response variable, where N is the number of samples

    Argument dictionary should contain:
    kwargs = {
        'd' : intrinsic dimension (int)
        'n_levelsets' : number of slices to use (int)
        'split_by' : 'dyadic' (dyadic decomposition) or 'stateq' (statistically equivalent blocks) (default: 'dyadic')
        'return_mat' : Boolean whether SIR matrix should be returned (default: False)
        'whiten' : If true, the data is whitened before applying the method (default: False)
        'return_proxy' : If true, a data-driven guess for the projection error is returned.

    proj_vecs : array-like, shape = [n_features, d]
        Orthonormal system spanning the sufficient dimension subspace, where
        d refers to the intrinsic dimension.

    M : SIR matrix, only if return_mat option is True
    # Extract arguments from dictionary
    d = kwargs['d']
    n_levelsets = kwargs['n_levelsets']
    split_by = kwargs.get('split_by', 'dyadic')
    return_proxy = kwargs.get('return_proxy', False)
    whiten = kwargs.get('whiten', False)
    N, D = X.shape
    data_driven_proxy = 0
    if whiten:
        # Standardize X
        Z, cov_all_sqrtinv = whiten_data(X)
        copy_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
        copy_kwargs['whiten'] = False
        if return_proxy:
            transformed_vecs, data_driven_proxy = rclr(Z, Y, **copy_kwargs)
            transformed_vecs = rclr(Z, Y, **copy_kwargs)
        # Apply inverse transformation
        vecs = cov_all_sqrtinv.dot(transformed_vecs)
        proj_vecs, dummy = np.linalg.qr(vecs)
        # Create partition
        labels = split(Y, n_levelsets, split_by)
        M = np.zeros((D, D))  # Container for key matrix in SIR
        # Compute SIR matrix
        empirical_probabilities = np.zeros(n_levelsets)
        for i in range(n_levelsets):
            empirical_probabilities[i] = float(len(
                np.where(labels == i)[0])) / float(N)
            if empirical_probabilities[i] == 0:
            sigma_j = empirical_covariance(X[labels == i, :])
            sigma_j_inv = np.linalg.pinv(sigma_j)
            rhs = np.mean((X[labels == i, :] - np.mean(X[labels == i, :])).T *
                          (Y[labels == i] - np.mean(Y[labels == i])),
            local_ols = sigma_j_inv.dot(rhs)
            M += empirical_probabilities[i] * np.outer(local_ols, local_ols)
            # Compute proxy error if desired
            if return_proxy:
                if empirical_probabilities[i] * N > 5.0 * D and np.linalg.norm(
                        local_ols) > 0.0:
                    # Projections
                    normalized_ols = local_ols / np.linalg.norm(local_ols)
                    P = np.outer(normalized_ols, normalized_ols)
                    Q = np.eye(D) - P
                    # Compute spectral norms
                    PSP = P.dot(sigma_j).dot(P)
                    PSDP = P.dot(sigma_j_inv).dot(P)
                    QSQ = Q.dot(sigma_j).dot(Q)
                    QSDQ = Q.dot(sigma_j_inv).dot(Q)
                    # Compute variance
                    local_var_y = np.var(Y[labels == i])
                    n_PSP = np.linalg.norm(PSP, 2)
                    n_QSQ = np.linalg.norm(QSQ, 2)
                    n_PSDP = np.linalg.norm(PSDP, 2)
                    n_QSDQ = np.linalg.norm(QSDQ, 2)
                    local_kappa = np.maximum(n_PSP * n_PSDP, n_QSQ * n_QSDQ)
                    local_eta_q = np.sqrt(local_var_y * n_QSDQ)
                    # Removing some uncertainty by using only sufficiently populated level sets
                    data_driven_proxy += np.sqrt(
                        empirical_probabilities[i] *
                        local_kappa) * np.linalg.norm(local_ols) * local_eta_q
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M)
        if return_proxy:
            if data_driven_proxy == 0:
                # This just means that on no level set there we enough samples to compute the proxy quantity, thus
                # we effectively do not have a proxy
                data_driven_proxy = 1e16
            data_driven_proxy = data_driven_proxy * np.sqrt(
                1 + np.log(n_levelsets)) * 1.0 / S[d - 1]
        # Apply inverse transformation
        proj_vecs = U[:, :d]
    if return_proxy:
        return proj_vecs, data_driven_proxy
        return proj_vecs