def xml(self): root = Element("Timestamp", ns=wsuns) created = Element('Created', ns=wsuns) created.setText(str(UTC(self.created))) expires = Element('Expires', ns=wsuns) expires.setText(str(UTC(self.expires))) root.append(created) root.append(expires) return root
def body(self, content): """ Build the B{<Body/>} for an soap outbound message. @param content: The body content. @type content: L{Element} @return: the soap body fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ body = Element('Body', ns=envns) body.append(content) return body
def header(self, content): """ Build the B{<Body/>} for an soap outbound message. @param content: The header content. @type content: L{Element} @return: the soap body fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ header = Element('Header', ns=envns) header.append(content) return header
def xml(self): """ Get xml representation of the object. @return: The root node. @rtype: L{Element} """ root = Element('Security', ns=wssens) root.set('mustUnderstand', str(self.mustUnderstand).lower()) for t in self.tokens: root.append(t.xml()) return root
def startElement(self, name, attrs): top = node = Element(unicode(name), parent=top) for a in attrs.getNames(): n = unicode(a) v = unicode(attrs.getValue(a)) attribute = Attribute(n, v) if self.mapPrefix(node, attribute): continue node.append(attribute) node.charbuffer = [] top.append(node) self.push(node)
def startElement(self, name, attrs): top = node = Element(unicode(name), parent=top) for a in attrs.getNames(): n = unicode(a) v = unicode(attrs.getValue(a)) attribute = Attribute(n,v) if self.mapPrefix(node, attribute): continue node.append(attribute) node.charbuffer = [] top.append(node) self.push(node)
def envelope(self, header, body): """ Build the B{<Envelope/>} for an soap outbound message. @param header: The soap message B{header}. @type header: L{Element} @param body: The soap message B{body}. @type body: L{Element} @return: The soap envelope containing the body and header. @rtype: L{Element} """ env = Element('Envelope', ns=envns) env.addPrefix(Namespace.xsins[0], Namespace.xsins[1]) env.append(header) env.append(body) return env
def build_soap_client(self): if self.endpoint is None: self.endpoint = self.determineStack() self.authObj = {'oAuth' : {'oAuthToken' : self.internalAuthToken}} self.authObj['attributes'] = { 'oAuth' : { 'xmlns' : '' }} self.soap_client = et_suds.client.Client(self.wsdl_file_url, faults=False, cachingpolicy=1) self.soap_client.set_options(location=self.endpoint) element_oAuth = Element('oAuth', ns=('etns', '')) element_oAuthToken = Element('oAuthToken').setText(self.internalAuthToken) element_oAuth.append(element_oAuthToken) self.soap_client.set_options(soapheaders=(element_oAuth)) security = et_suds.wsse.Security() token = et_suds.wsse.UsernameToken('*', '*') security.tokens.append(token) self.soap_client.set_options(wsse=security)
def xml(self): """ Get xml representation of the object. @return: The root node. @rtype: L{Element} """ root = Element('UsernameToken', ns=wssens) u = Element('Username', ns=wssens) u.setText(self.username) root.append(u) p = Element('Password', ns=wssens) p.setText(self.password) root.append(p) if self.nonce is not None: n = Element('Nonce', ns=wssens) n.setText(self.nonce) root.append(n) if self.created is not None: n = Element('Created', ns=wsuns) n.setText(str(UTC(self.created))) root.append(n) return root