def countingMuTMuWArrowsAtMuHat( opts ): modelSuffix = '' if 'interpCode0' in opts: modelSuffix = '_interpCode0' arrows = [] for c in ['2ph','4l','lvlv']: try: with open("output/atlas_counting/"+c+modelSuffix+"/table_etas.pickle", "rb") as f: etasAll = pickle.load( f ) muHat = { 'muT':etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muT__hat'], 'muW':etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muW__hat'], } arrows = etas.drawArrows( 'fisherInfo', etasAll['fisherInfo'], muHat, lineWidth=2.0 ) container.append(arrows) label = PyROOTUtils.DrawText( muHat['muT'], muHat['muW'], { '2ph':'H#rightarrow#gamma#gamma ', '4l':'H#rightarrowZZ*#rightarrow4l ', 'lvlv':'H#rightarrowWW*#rightarrowl#nul#nu ', }[c], textSize=0.03, halign="right", valign="top", NDC=False ) container.append(label) except IOError: print( "WARNING: Could not open:" ) print( "output/atlas_counting/"+c+modelSuffix+"/table_etas.pickle" ) except: print( "ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!" ) leg = PyROOTUtils.Legend( 0.2,0.9, textSize=0.03 ) for a,p in arrows: leg.AddEntry( a, p.replace("alpha_",""), "L" ) leg.Draw()
def countingMuTMuWArrowsAtMuHat(opts): modelSuffix = '' if 'interpCode0' in opts: modelSuffix = '_interpCode0' arrows = [] for c in ['2ph', '4l', 'lvlv']: try: with open( "output/atlas_counting/" + c + modelSuffix + "/table_etas.pickle", "rb") as f: etasAll = pickle.load(f) muHat = { 'muT': etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muT__hat'], 'muW': etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muW__hat'], } arrows = etas.drawArrows('fisherInfo', etasAll['fisherInfo'], muHat, lineWidth=2.0) container.append(arrows) label = PyROOTUtils.DrawText( muHat['muT'], muHat['muW'], { '2ph': 'H#rightarrow#gamma#gamma ', '4l': 'H#rightarrowZZ*#rightarrow4l ', 'lvlv': 'H#rightarrowWW*#rightarrowl#nul#nu ', }[c], textSize=0.03, halign="right", valign="top", NDC=False) container.append(label) except IOError: print("WARNING: Could not open:") print("output/atlas_counting/" + c + modelSuffix + "/table_etas.pickle") except: print("ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!") leg = PyROOTUtils.Legend(0.2, 0.9, textSize=0.03) for a, p in arrows: leg.AddEntry(a, p.replace("alpha_", ""), "L") leg.Draw()
def countingMuTMuWShifted( opts ): modelSuffix = '' if 'interpCode0' in opts: modelSuffix = '_interpCode0' drawMarker = True if 'etaArrows' in opts: drawMarker = False c68_2ph_f = drawContours( "output/atlas_counting/2ph"+modelSuffix+"/muTmuW_eff_"+opts['model']+"_0.0.root", "muTmuW", color = ROOT.kRed-3, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker ) c68_4l_f = drawContours( "output/atlas_counting/4l"+modelSuffix+"/muTmuW_eff_"+opts['model']+"_0.0.root", "muTmuW", color = ROOT.kBlue, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker ) c68_lvlv_f = drawContours( "output/atlas_counting/lvlv"+modelSuffix+"/muTmuW_eff_"+opts['model']+"_0.0.root", "muTmuW", color = ROOT.kGreen-2, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker ) c68_2ph_s = drawContours( "output/atlas_counting/2ph"+modelSuffix+"/muTmuW_eff_"+opts['model']+"_1.0.root", "muTmuW", color = ROOT.kRed-3, lineStyle=ROOT.kDashed, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker ) c68_4l_s = drawContours( "output/atlas_counting/4l"+modelSuffix+"/muTmuW_eff_"+opts['model']+"_1.0.root", "muTmuW", color = ROOT.kBlue, lineStyle=ROOT.kDashed, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker ) c68_lvlv_s = drawContours( "output/atlas_counting/lvlv"+modelSuffix+"/muTmuW_eff_"+opts['model']+"_1.0.root", "muTmuW", color = ROOT.kGreen-2, lineStyle=ROOT.kDashed, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker ) if 'etaArrows' in opts: arrows = [] for c in ['2ph','4l','lvlv']: try: with open("output/atlas_counting/"+c+modelSuffix+"/table_etas.pickle", "rb") as f: etasAll = pickle.load( f ) muHat = { 'muT':etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muT__hat'], 'muW':etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muW__hat'], } arrows = etas.drawArrows( etasAll['fisherInfo'], muHat, lineWidth=1.0, template=0 ) container.append(arrows) except IOError: print( "WARNING: Could not open:" ) print( "output/atlas_counting/"+c+modelSuffix+"/table_etas.pickle" ) except: print( "ERROR!!!!!!!!!!") leg = PyROOTUtils.Legend( 0.64,0.78, textSize=0.025 ) for a,p in arrows: leg.AddEntry( a, parameterNames[p.replace("alpha_","")], "L" ) leg.Draw() leg = PyROOTUtils.Legend( 0.2, 0.30, textSize=0.025 ) leg.AddEntry( SMMarker, "Standard Model", "P" ) leg.AddEntry( blackSolid, "68% CL with #alpha at nominal", "L" ) leg.AddEntry( blackDashed, "68% CL with #alpha at +1 #sigma", "L" ) leg.Draw() leg2 = PyROOTUtils.Legend( 0.64, 0.90, textSize = 0.025 ) if c68_2ph_f: leg2.AddEntry( c68_2ph_f[0], "H #rightarrow #gamma#gamma", "L" ) if c68_4l_f: leg2.AddEntry( c68_4l_f[0], "H #rightarrow ZZ* #rightarrow 4l", "L" ) if c68_lvlv_f: leg2.AddEntry( c68_lvlv_f[0], "H #rightarrow WW* #rightarrow l#nul#nu", "L" ) leg2.Draw()
def countingMuTMuWShifted(opts): modelSuffix = '' if 'interpCode0' in opts: modelSuffix = '_interpCode0' drawMarker = True if 'etaArrows' in opts: drawMarker = False c68_2ph_f = drawContours("output/atlas_counting/2ph" + modelSuffix + "/muTmuW_eff_" + opts['model'] + "_0.0.root", "muTmuW", color=ROOT.kRed - 3, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker) c68_4l_f = drawContours("output/atlas_counting/4l" + modelSuffix + "/muTmuW_eff_" + opts['model'] + "_0.0.root", "muTmuW", color=ROOT.kBlue, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker) c68_lvlv_f = drawContours("output/atlas_counting/lvlv" + modelSuffix + "/muTmuW_eff_" + opts['model'] + "_0.0.root", "muTmuW", color=ROOT.kGreen - 2, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker) c68_2ph_s = drawContours("output/atlas_counting/2ph" + modelSuffix + "/muTmuW_eff_" + opts['model'] + "_1.0.root", "muTmuW", color=ROOT.kRed - 3, lineStyle=ROOT.kDashed, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker) c68_4l_s = drawContours("output/atlas_counting/4l" + modelSuffix + "/muTmuW_eff_" + opts['model'] + "_1.0.root", "muTmuW", color=ROOT.kBlue, lineStyle=ROOT.kDashed, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker) c68_lvlv_s = drawContours("output/atlas_counting/lvlv" + modelSuffix + "/muTmuW_eff_" + opts['model'] + "_1.0.root", "muTmuW", color=ROOT.kGreen - 2, lineStyle=ROOT.kDashed, drawSmallestBinMarker=drawMarker) if 'etaArrows' in opts: arrows = [] for c in ['2ph', '4l', 'lvlv']: try: with open( "output/atlas_counting/" + c + modelSuffix + "/table_etas.pickle", "rb") as f: etasAll = pickle.load(f) muHat = { 'muT': etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muT__hat'], 'muW': etasAll['generic20_learning'].values()[0]['muW__hat'], } arrows = etas.drawArrows(etasAll['fisherInfo'], muHat, lineWidth=1.0, template=0) container.append(arrows) except IOError: print("WARNING: Could not open:") print("output/atlas_counting/" + c + modelSuffix + "/table_etas.pickle") except: print("ERROR!!!!!!!!!!") leg = PyROOTUtils.Legend(0.64, 0.78, textSize=0.025) for a, p in arrows: leg.AddEntry(a, parameterNames[p.replace("alpha_", "")], "L") leg.Draw() leg = PyROOTUtils.Legend(0.2, 0.30, textSize=0.025) leg.AddEntry(SMMarker, "Standard Model", "P") leg.AddEntry(blackSolid, "68% CL with #alpha at nominal", "L") leg.AddEntry(blackDashed, "68% CL with #alpha at +1 #sigma", "L") leg.Draw() leg2 = PyROOTUtils.Legend(0.64, 0.90, textSize=0.025) if c68_2ph_f: leg2.AddEntry(c68_2ph_f[0], "H #rightarrow #gamma#gamma", "L") if c68_4l_f: leg2.AddEntry(c68_4l_f[0], "H #rightarrow ZZ* #rightarrow 4l", "L") if c68_lvlv_f: leg2.AddEntry(c68_lvlv_f[0], "H #rightarrow WW* #rightarrow l#nul#nu", "L") leg2.Draw()