def update_unmodified(self, finished_proposals):
     "records the md5 if it matches the one of the file in the fs"
     finished_filepaths = set((proposal.get_file_path() for proposal in finished_proposals))
     expected_md5s =  PortageInterface.get_md5_from_vdb(finished_filepaths)
     for (path, expected_md5) in expected_md5s.iteritems():
     for path in (finished_filepaths - set(expected_md5s.keys())):
 def runTest(self):
     """Testing vdb access"""
     nonexsistantfile = '/some nonexsistant file'
     issue = '/etc/issue'
     hostname = '/etc/conf.d/hostname'
     files = set([issue, hostname, nonexsistantfile])
     md5s = PortageInterface.get_md5_from_vdb(files)
     self.failIf(md5s.has_key(nonexsistantfile), 'Found an entry in the pkgdb that shouldnt be there: "%s".' % nonexsistantfile )
     self.failUnless(md5s.has_key(issue), 'Didnt find an entry in the pkgdb: "%s"' % issue)
     self.failUnless(md5s.has_key(hostname), 'Didnt find an entry in the pkgdb: "%s"' % hostname)