예제 #1
def make_cluster_tree(tree_file: str,
                      matrix: str,
                      out_file: str,
                      outgroup: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
    """Draw a tree with cluster absence/presence information from an existing
    tree file and absence/presence matrix, and save it as an image under the
    supplied file name.

        tree_file: the name of the file containing the tree to annotate
        matrix:    a comma- or tab-separated absence/presence matrix
        out_file:  the name under which to save the resulting image
        outgroup:  the organism(s) to use as an outgroup, if any
    # ClusterTree needs tab-separated, but that can't be exported cleanly
    matrix = matrix.replace(",", "\t")
    # tree with clustering analysis
    tree = ClusterTree(tree_file, text_array=matrix)

    # rerooting the tree
    if outgroup:
        ancestor = tree.get_common_ancestor(outgroup)

    # set drawing line width to 2
    my_node_style = NodeStyle()
    my_node_style["vt_line_width"] = 2
    my_node_style["hz_line_width"] = 2
    my_node_style["size"] = 5

    # layout function
    def sel_mylayout(node):

        if node.is_leaf():
            # add names in larger font + italics
            species_name = AttrFace("name", fsize=12, fstyle="italic")
            # add absence/presence matrix
            for i, value in enumerate(getattr(node, "profile", [])):
                if value > 0:
                    color = "#FF0000"
                    color = "#EEEEEE"
                my_face = CircleFace(8, color, style="circle")
                my_face.margin_right = 3
                my_face.margin_bottom = 3
                add_face_to_node(my_face, node, position="aligned", column=i)

    # Use my layout to visualize the tree
    my_tree_style = TreeStyle()

    # Add header
    for j, name in enumerate(tree.arraytable.colNames):
        name_face = TextFace(name, fsize=11)
        name_face.rotation = -90
        name_face.hz_align = 1
        name_face.vt_align = 1
        name_face.margin_bottom = 10
        my_tree_style.aligned_header.add_face(name_face, column=j)

    my_tree_style.scale_length = 0.1
    # myTreeStyle.show_branch_support = True
    # don't auto-show leaf names, since we dealt with that above
    my_tree_style.show_leaf_name = False

    # set layout function for my_tree_style
    my_tree_style.layout_fn = sel_mylayout

    #tree.render(out_file, w=183, units="mm", dpi=600, tree_style=my_tree_style)
    tree.render(out_file, dpi=600, tree_style=my_tree_style)
예제 #2
#         |
#         |          /-F
#          \--------|
#                   |          /-G
#                    \--------|
#                              \-H

# Now we can ask the numerical profile associated to each node
A = t.search_nodes(name='A')[0]
print "A associated profile:\n", A.profile
# [-1.23 -0.81  1.79  0.78 -0.42 -0.69  0.58]
# Or we can ask for the mean numerical profile of an internal
# partition, which is computed as the average of all vectors under the
# the given node.
cluster = t.get_common_ancestor("E", "A")
print "Internal cluster mean profile:\n", cluster.profile
#[-1.574 -0.686  1.048 -0.012 -0.118  0.614  0.728]
# We can also obtain the std. deviation vector of the mean profile
print "Internal cluster std deviation profile:\n", cluster.deviation
#[ 0.36565558  0.41301816  0.40676283  0.56211743  0.50704635  0.94949671
#  0.26753691]
# If would need to re-link the tree to a different matrix or use
# different matrix for different sub parts of the tree, we can use the
# link_to_arraytable method()
# Creates a matrix with all values = 1
matrix_ones = """
예제 #3
#         |
#         |          /-F
#          \--------|
#                   |          /-G
#                    \--------|
#                              \-H

# Now we can ask the numerical profile associated to each node
A = t.search_nodes(name='A')[0]
print "A associated profile:\n", A.profile
# [-1.23 -0.81  1.79  0.78 -0.42 -0.69  0.58]
# Or we can ask for the mean numerical profile of an internal
# partition, which is computed as the average of all vectors under the
# the given node.
cluster = t.get_common_ancestor("E", "A")
print "Internal cluster mean profile:\n", cluster.profile
#[-1.574 -0.686  1.048 -0.012 -0.118  0.614  0.728]
# We can also obtain the std. deviation vector of the mean profile
print "Internal cluster std deviation profile:\n", cluster.deviation
#[ 0.36565558  0.41301816  0.40676283  0.56211743  0.50704635  0.94949671
#  0.26753691]
# If would need to re-link the tree to a different matrix or use
# different matrix for different sub parts of the tree, we can use the
# link_to_arraytable method()
# Creates a matrix with all values = 1
matrix_ones = """