def run(): # Parse the XML file(s) building a collection of Extractor objects module = etgtools.ModuleDef(PACKAGE, MODULE, NAME, DOCSTRING) etgtools.parseDoxyXML(module, ITEMS) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Tweak the parsed meta objects in the module object as needed for # customizing the generated code and docstrings. c = module.find('wxWizardPage') assert isinstance(c, etgtools.ClassDef) tools.fixWindowClass(c, False) module.addPyCode("PyWizardPage = wx.deprecated(WizardPage, 'Use WizardPage instead.')") c = module.find('wxWizardPageSimple') tools.fixWindowClass(c, False) c.addItem(etgtools.WigCode("""\ virtual wxWizardPage* GetNext() const; virtual wxWizardPage* GetPrev() const; """)) c = module.find('wxWizard') tools.fixWindowClass(c, False) # ShowPage is undocumented and labeled "implementation only" but it seems # too useful to ignore, so add a MethodDef for it here. m = MethodDef(name='ShowPage', type='bool', isVirtual=True, briefDoc="Show the given wizard page.", detailedDoc=["""\ Calls TransferDataFromWindow on the current page first, and returns false without changing the page if it returned false. Returns True/False to indicate if the page was actually changed."""], items=[ParamDef(name='page', type='wxWizardPage*'), ParamDef(name='goingForward', type='bool', default='true')]) c.addItem(m) # Same for IsRunning m = MethodDef(name='IsRunning', type='bool', isConst=True) c.addItem(m) c = module.find('wxWizardEvent') tools.fixEventClass(c) module.addPyCode("""\ EVT_WIZARD_BEFORE_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_BEFORE_PAGE_CHANGED, 1) EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED, 1) EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, 1) EVT_WIZARD_CANCEL = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL, 1) EVT_WIZARD_HELP = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_HELP, 1) EVT_WIZARD_FINISHED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_FINISHED, 1) EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN, 1) """) #----------------------------------------------------------------- tools.doCommonTweaks(module) tools.runGenerators(module)
def run(): # Parse the XML file(s) building a collection of Extractor objects module = etgtools.ModuleDef(PACKAGE, MODULE, NAME, DOCSTRING) etgtools.parseDoxyXML(module, ITEMS) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Tweak the parsed meta objects in the module object as needed for # customizing the generated code and docstrings. cls = ClassDef(name='wxPyEvent', bases=['wxEvent'], briefDoc="""\ :class:`PyEvent` can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python. You should derive from this class instead of :class:`Event` because this class is Python-aware and is able to transport its Python bits safely through the wxWidgets event system and have them still be there when the event handler is invoked. Note that since :class:`PyEvent` is taking care of preserving the extra attributes that have been set then you do not need to override the Clone method in your derived classes. :see: :class:`PyCommandEvent`""", items=[ MethodDef(name='wxPyEvent', isCtor=True, items=[ ParamDef(type='int', name='id', default='0'), ParamDef(type='wxEventType', name='eventType', default='wxEVT_NULL'), ]), MethodDef(name='__getattr__', type='PyObject*', items=[ ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='name'),], cppCode=("sipRes = sipCpp->__getattr__(name);", "sip")), MethodDef(name='__delattr__', type='void', items=[ ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='name'),], cppCode=("sipCpp->__delattr__(name);", "sip")), MethodDef(name='__setattr__', type='void', items=[ ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='name'), ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='value'),], cppCode=("sipCpp->__setattr__(name, value);", "sip")), MethodDef(name='Clone', type='wxEvent*', isVirtual=True, isConst=True, factory=True, docsIgnored=True), MethodDef(name='_getAttrDict', type='PyObject*', briefDoc="Gives access to the internal object that is tracking the event's python attributes."), ]) cls.addPyMethod('Clone', '(self)', doc="""\ Make a new instance of the event that is a copy of self. Through the magic of Python this implementation should work for this and all derived classes.""", body="""\ # Create a new instance of the same type as this instance and # then invoke the C++ copy constructor to copy the C++ parts and # any custom attributes. clone = wx.PyEvent.__new__(self.__class__) wx.PyEvent.__init__(clone, self) return clone """) module.addItem(cls) cls.addCppCode("IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPyEvent, wxEvent);") cls.addHeaderCode('#include "pyevent.h"') cls = ClassDef(name='wxPyCommandEvent', bases=['wxCommandEvent'], briefDoc="""\ :class:`PyCommandEvent` can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python. You should derive from this class instead of :class:`CommandEvent` because this class is Python-aware and is able to transport its Python bits safely through the wxWidgets event system and have them still be there when the event handler is invoked. Note that since :class:`PyCommandEvent` is taking care of preserving the extra attributes that have been set then you do not need to override the Clone method in your derived classes. :see: :class:`PyEvent`""", items=[ MethodDef(name='wxPyCommandEvent', isCtor=True, items=[ ParamDef(type='wxEventType', name='eventType', default='wxEVT_NULL'), ParamDef(type='int', name='id', default='0'), ]), MethodDef(name='__getattr__', type='PyObject*', items=[ ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='name'),], cppCode=("sipRes = sipCpp->__getattr__(name);", "sip")), MethodDef(name='__delattr__', type='void', items=[ ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='name'),], cppCode=("sipCpp->__delattr__(name);", "sip")), MethodDef(name='__setattr__', type='void', items=[ ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='name'), ParamDef(type='PyObject*', name='value'),], cppCode=("sipCpp->__setattr__(name, value);", "sip")), MethodDef(name='Clone', type='wxEvent*', isVirtual=True, isConst=True, factory=True, docsIgnored=True), MethodDef(name='_getAttrDict', type='PyObject*', briefDoc="Gives access to the internal object that is tracking the event's python attributes."), ]) cls.addPyMethod('Clone', '(self)', doc="""\ Make a new instance of the event that is a copy of self. Through the magic of Python this implementation should work for this and all derived classes.""", body="""\ # Create a new instance of the same type as this instance and # then invoke the C++ copy constructor to copy the C++ parts and # any custom attributes. clone = wx.PyCommandEvent.__new__(self.__class__) wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(clone, self) return clone """) module.addItem(cls) cls.addCppCode("IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPyCommandEvent, wxCommandEvent);") cls.addHeaderCode('#include "pyevent.h"') # TODO: Temporary testing code, get rid of this later module.addCppCode("""\ wxEvent* testCppClone(wxEvent& evt) { return evt.Clone(); }""") module.addItem(etgtools.WigCode("wxEvent* testCppClone(wxEvent& evt);")) #----------------------------------------------------------------- tools.doCommonTweaks(module) tools.runGenerators(module)
def run(): # Parse the XML file(s) building a collection of Extractor objects module = etgtools.ModuleDef(PACKAGE, MODULE, NAME, DOCSTRING) etgtools.parseDoxyXML(module, ITEMS) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Tweak the parsed meta objects in the module object as needed for # customizing the generated code and docstrings. # The PseudoDC class is not in wxWidgets, so there is no Doxygen XML for # them. That means we'll have to construct the extractor objects here, # from scratch. module.addHeaderCode('#include "pseudodc.h"') module.includeCppCode('src/pseudodc.cpp') cls = ClassDef( name='wxPseudoDC', bases=['wxObject'], briefDoc="""\ A PseudoDC is an object that can be used much like real :class:`wx.DC`, however it provides some additional features for object recording and manipulation beyond what a ``wx.DC`` can provide. All commands issued to the ``PseudoDC`` are stored in a list. You can then play these commands back to a real DC object as often as needed, using the :meth:`DrawToDC` method or one of the similar methods. Commands in the command list can be tagged by an ID. You can use this ID to clear the operations associated with a single ID, redraw the objects associated with that ID, grey them, adjust their position, etc. """, items=[ # ---------------------------------------------- # Constructor and Destructor MethodDef(name='wxPseudoDC', isCtor=True, items=[], briefDoc="""\ Constructs a new Pseudo device context for recording and replaying DC operations."""), MethodDef(name='~wxPseudoDC', isDtor=True), # ---------------------------------------------- # PseudoDC-specific functionality MethodDef( type='void', name='RemoveAll', items=[], briefDoc= "Removes all objects and operations from the recorded list."), MethodDef( type='int', name='GetLen', items=[], briefDoc= "Returns the number of operations in the recorded list."), MethodDef( type='void', name='SetId', items=[ParamDef(type='int', name='id')], briefDoc= "Sets the id to be associated with subsequent operations."), MethodDef( type='void', name='ClearId', items=[ParamDef(type='int', name='id')], briefDoc= "Removes all operations associated with id so the object can be redrawn." ), MethodDef( type='void', name='RemoveId', items=[ParamDef(type='int', name='id')], briefDoc= "Remove the object node (and all operations) associated with an id." ), MethodDef( type='void', name='TranslateId', items=[ ParamDef(type='int', name='id'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='dx'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='dy'), ], briefDoc= "Translate the position of the operations of tag `id` by (`dx`, `dy`)." ), MethodDef( type='void', name='SetIdGreyedOut', items=[ ParamDef(type='int', name='id'), ParamDef(type='bool', name='greyout'), ], briefDoc= "Set whether the set of objects with tag `id` are drawn greyed out or not." ), MethodDef( type='bool', name='GetIdGreyedOut', items=[ParamDef(type='int', name='id')], briefDoc= "Get whether the set of objects with tag `id` are drawn greyed out or not." ), MethodDef(type='PyObject*', name='FindObjects', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='radius', default='1'), ParamDef(type='const wxColour &', name='bg', default='*wxWHITE'), ], briefDoc="""\ Returns a list of all the id's that draw a pixel with color not equal to bg within radius of (x,y). Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id."""), MethodDef(type='PyObject*', name='FindObjectsByBBox', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y') ], briefDoc="""\ Returns a list of all the id's whose bounding boxes include (x,y). Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id."""), MethodDef( type='void', name='DrawIdToDC', items=[ ParamDef(type='int', name='id'), ParamDef(type='wxDC *', name='dc') ], briefDoc="Draw recorded operations tagged with id to dc."), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetIdBounds', items=[ ParamDef(type='int', name='id'), ParamDef(type='wxRect &', name='rect') ], briefDoc="""\ Set the bounding rect of a given object. This will create an object node if one doesn't exist."""), MethodDef(type='wxRect', name='GetIdBounds', items=[ParamDef(type='int', name='id')], briefDoc="""\ Returns the bounding rectangle previously set with `SetIdBounds`. If no bounds have been set, it returns wx.Rect(0,0,0,0).""" ), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawToDCClipped', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxDC *', name='dc'), ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws the recorded operations to dc, unless the operation is known to be outside of rect."""), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawToDCClippedRgn', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxDC *', name='dc'), ParamDef(type='const wxRegion &', name='region') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws the recorded operations to dc, unless the operation is known to be outside the given region.""" ), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawToDC', items=[ParamDef(type='wxDC *', name='dc')], briefDoc="Draws the recorded operations to dc."), #---------------------------------------------- # Methods which mirror the wxDC API MethodDef(type='void', name='FloodFill', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='const wxColour &', name='col'), ParamDef(type='wxFloodFillStyle', name='style', default='wxFLOOD_SURFACE') ], briefDoc="""\ Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using the current brush colour, and using a style: - ``wx.FLOOD_SURFACE``: the flooding occurs until a colour other than the given colour is encountered. - ``wx.FLOOD_BORDER``: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given colour. """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='FloodFill', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='const wxColour &', name='col'), ParamDef(type='wxFloodFillStyle', name='style', default='wxFLOOD_SURFACE') ]), ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawLine', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x1'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y1'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x2'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y2') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with the behaviour of many other toolkits). """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawLine', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt1'), ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt2') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='CrossHair', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y') ], briefDoc="""\ Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the given point.""", overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='CrossHair', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawArc', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x1'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y1'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x2'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y2'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='xc'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='yc'), ], briefDoc="""\ Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point. """, overload=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawArc', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x1'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='xc'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='yc'), ]), ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawCheckMark', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='width'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='height') ], briefDoc="Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle", overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawCheckMark', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawEllipticArc', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='w'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='h'), ParamDef(type='double', name='start'), ParamDef(type='double', name='end') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and the current brush is used for drawing the pie. The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn.""", overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawEllipticArc', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='const wxSize &', name='sz'), ParamDef(type='double', name='start'), ParamDef(type='double', name='end') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawPoint', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y') ], briefDoc="Draws a point using the current pen.", overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawPoint', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRectangle', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='width'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='height') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRectangle', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect') ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRectangle', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='const wxSize &', name='sz') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRoundedRectangle', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='width'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='height'), ParamDef(type='double', name='radius') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRoundedRectangle', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect'), ParamDef(type='double', name='radius') ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRoundedRectangle', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='const wxSize &', name='sz'), ParamDef(type='double', name='radius') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawCircle', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='radius'), ], briefDoc="""\ Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. :see: `DrawEllipse` """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawCircle', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='radius') ]), ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawEllipse', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='width'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='height') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.", " :see: `DrawCircle` """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawEllipse', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect') ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawEllipse', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='const wxSize &', name='sz') ]) ]), MethodDef( type='void', name='DrawIcon', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxIcon &', name='icon'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y') ], briefDoc="Draw an icon on the display at the given position.", overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawIcon', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxIcon &', name='icon'), ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawBitmap', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxBitmap &', name='bmp'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='bool', name='useMask', default='false') ], briefDoc="""\ Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If *useMask* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will be drawn transparently. When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground colour will be used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the current text background colour to draw the background (all bits set to 0). :see: `SetTextForeground`, `SetTextBackground` and `wx.MemoryDC` """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawBitmap', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxBitmap &', name='bmp'), ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='bool', name='useMask', default='false') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawText', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxString &', name='text'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font, and the current text foreground and background colours. The coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the rectangle bounding the string. See `wx.DC.GetTextExtent` for how to get the dimensions of a text string, which can be used to position the text more precisely, (you will need to use a real DC with GetTextExtent as wx.PseudoDC does not implement it.) **NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used *by this function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you *should avoid using logical functions with this function *in portable programs.", " :see: `DrawRotatedText` """, overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawText', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxString &', name='text'), ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt') ]) ]), MethodDef( type='void', name='DrawRotatedText', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxString &', name='text'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='x'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='y'), ParamDef(type='double', name='angle') ], briefDoc= "Draws the text rotated by *angle* degrees, if supported by the platform.", overloads=[ MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawRotatedText', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxString &', name='text'), ParamDef(type='const wxPoint &', name='pt'), ParamDef(type='double', name='angle') ]) ]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawLabel', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxString &', name='text'), ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect'), ParamDef(type='int', name='alignment', default='wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP'), ParamDef(type='int', name='indexAccel', default='-1'), ], briefDoc="""\ Draw *text* within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if it is not -1. """, overloads=[ MethodDef( type='void', name='DrawLabel', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxString &', name='text'), ParamDef(type='const wxBitmap &', name='image'), ParamDef(type='const wxRect &', name='rect'), ParamDef(type='int', name='alignment', default='wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP'), ParamDef(type='int', name='indexAccel', default='-1'), ], briefDoc="""\ Draw *text* and an image (which may be ``wx.NullBitmap`` to skip drawing it) within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if it is not -1. """) ]), MethodDef( type='void', name='Clear', items=[], briefDoc= "Clears the device context using the current background brush.", overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetFont', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxFont &', name='font')], briefDoc="""\ Sets the current font for the DC. It must be a valid font, in particular you should not pass ``wx.NullFont`` to this method. :see: `wx.Font` """, overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetPen', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxPen &', name='pen')], briefDoc="""\ Sets the current pen for the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullPen``, the current pen is selected out of the device context, and the original pen restored. :see: `wx.Pen` """, overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetBrush', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxBrush &', name='brush')], briefDoc="""\ Sets the current brush for the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullBrush``, the current brush is selected out of the device context, and the original brush restored, allowing the current brush to be destroyed safely. :see: `wx.Brush` """, overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetBackground', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxBrush &', name='brush')], briefDoc="Sets the current background brush for the DC.", overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetBackgroundMode', items=[ParamDef(type='int', name='mode')], briefDoc="""\ The *mode* parameter may be one of ``wx.SOLID`` and ``wx.TRANSPARENT``. This setting determines whether text will be drawn with a background colour or not. """, overloads=[]), MethodDef( type='void', name='SetTextForeground', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxColour &', name='colour')], briefDoc="Sets the current text foreground colour for the DC.", overloads=[]), MethodDef( type='void', name='SetTextBackground', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxColour&', name='colour')], briefDoc="Sets the current text background colour for the DC.", overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='SetLogicalFunction', items=[ ParamDef(type='wxRasterOperationMode', name='function') ], briefDoc="""\ Sets the current logical function for the device context. This determines how a source pixel (from a pen or brush colour, combines with a destination pixel in the current device context. The possible values and their meaning in terms of source and destination pixel values are defined in the :ref:`wx.RasterOperationMode` enumeration. The default is wx.COPY, which simply draws with the current colour. The others combine the current colour and the background using a logical operation. wx.INVERT is commonly used for drawing rubber bands or moving outlines, since drawing twice reverts to the original colour. """, overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawLines', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPointList *', name='points'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='xoffset', default='0'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='yoffset', default='0') ], briefDoc="""\ Draws lines using a sequence of `wx.Point` objects, adding the optional offset coordinate. The current pen is used for drawing the lines. """, overloads=[]), MethodDef(type='void', name='DrawPolygon', items=[ ParamDef(type='const wxPointList *', name='points'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='xoffset', default='0'), ParamDef(type='wxCoord', name='yoffset', default='0'), ParamDef(type='wxPolygonFillMode', name='fillStyle', default='wxODDEVEN_RULE'), ], briefDoc="""\ Draws a filled polygon using a sequence of `wx.Point` objects, adding the optional offset coordinate. The last argument specifies the fill rule: ``wx.ODDEVEN_RULE`` (the default) or ``wx.WINDING_RULE``. The current pen is used for drawing the outline, and the current brush for filling the shape. Using a transparent brush suppresses filling. Note that wxWidgets automatically closes the first and last points. """, overloads=[]), MethodDef( type='void', name='DrawSpline', items=[ParamDef(type='const wxPointList *', name='points')], briefDoc="""\ Draws a spline between all given control points, (a list of `wx.Point` objects) using the current pen. The spline is drawn using a series of lines, using an algorithm taken from the X drawing program 'XFIG'. """, overloads=[]), ]) # add deprecation warnings for the old method names cls.addPyCode("""\ PseudoDC.BeginDrawing = wx.deprecated(lambda *args: None, 'BeginDrawing has been removed.') PseudoDC.EndDrawing = wx.deprecated(lambda *args: None, 'EndDrawing has been removed.') PseudoDC.FloodFillPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.FloodFill, 'Use FloodFill instead.') PseudoDC.DrawLinePoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawLine, 'Use DrawLine instead.') PseudoDC.CrossHairPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.CrossHair, 'Use CrossHair instead.') PseudoDC.DrawArcPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawArc, 'Use DrawArc instead.') PseudoDC.DrawCheckMarkRect = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawCheckMark, 'Use DrawArc instead.') PseudoDC.DrawEllipticArcPointSize = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawEllipticArc, 'Use DrawEllipticArc instead.') PseudoDC.DrawPointPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawPoint, 'Use DrawPoint instead.') PseudoDC.DrawRectangleRect = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawRectangle, 'Use DrawRectangle instead.') PseudoDC.DrawRectanglePointSize = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawRectangle, 'Use DrawRectangle instead.') PseudoDC.DrawRoundedRectangleRect = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawRoundedRectangle, 'Use DrawRectangle instead.') PseudoDC.DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawRoundedRectangle, 'Use DrawRectangle instead.') PseudoDC.DrawCirclePoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawCircle, 'Use DrawCircle instead.') PseudoDC.DrawEllipseRect = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawEllipse, 'Use DrawEllipse instead.') PseudoDC.DrawEllipsePointSize = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawEllipse, 'Use DrawEllipse instead.') PseudoDC.DrawIconPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawIcon, 'Use DrawIcon instead.') PseudoDC.DrawBitmapPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawBitmap, 'Use DrawBitmap instead.') PseudoDC.DrawTextPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawText, 'Use DrawText instead.') PseudoDC.DrawRotatedTextPoint = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawRotatedText, 'Use DrawRotatedText instead.') PseudoDC.DrawImageLabel = wx.deprecated(PseudoDC.DrawLabel, 'Use DrawLabel instead.') """) # Other stuff not wrapped yet # // Figure out a good typemap for this... # // Convert the first 3 args from a sequence of sequences? # // void DrawPolyPolygon(int n, int count[], wxPoint points[], # // wxCoord xoffset = 0, wxCoord yoffset = 0, # // int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE); # # # DocDeclStr( # virtual void , SetPalette(const wxPalette& palette), # "If this is a window DC or memory DC, assigns the given palette to the # window or bitmap associated with the DC. If the argument is # ``wx.NullPalette``, the current palette is selected out of the device # context, and the original palette restored.", " # # :see: `wx.Palette`"); module.addItem(cls) #----------------------------------------------------------------- tools.doCommonTweaks(module) tools.runGenerators(module)