def test_verify_native(self): """Verify using fast native library""" vk = VerifyingKey.from_dict(VK_STATIC) proof = Proof.from_dict(PROOF_STATIC) wrapper = HashPreimage(native_lib_path('build/src/libhashpreimage'), vk) self.assertTrue(wrapper.verify(proof))
def test_verify_native(self): """Verify using fast native library""" vk = NativeVerifier.from_dict(VK_STATIC) proof = Proof.from_dict(PROOF_STATIC) dll_path = native_lib_path('build/src/libethsnarks_verify') self.assertTrue(vk.verify(proof, dll_path))
import unittest from ethsnarks.mimc import mimc_hash from ethsnarks.field import FQ from ethsnarks.utils import native_lib_path from ethsnarks.merkletree import MerkleTree from mixer import Mixer from hashlib import sha256 NATIVE_LIB_PATH = native_lib_path('../.build/libmixer') VK_PATH = '../.keys/mixer.vk.json' PK_PATH = '../.keys/' def to_hex(intValue): return "{0:#0{1}x}".format(intValue, 66) def get_sha256_hash(left, right): binput = bytes.fromhex(left[2:] + right[2:]) output = sha256(binput).hexdigest() list_output = list(output) list_output[0] = '0' return '0x' + "".join(list_output) class TestMixer(unittest.TestCase): def test_make_proof(self): wrapper = Mixer(NATIVE_LIB_PATH, VK_PATH, PK_PATH) tree_depth = wrapper.tree_depth
import unittest from binascii import hexlify from hashlib import sha256 from os import urandom from ethsnarks.mod.hashpreimage import HashPreimage from ethsnarks.utils import libsnark2python, native_lib_path VK_FILENAME = '.keys/hpi.vk.json' PK_FILENAME = '.keys/' SO_FILENAME = native_lib_path('build/src/libhashpreimage') class HashPreimageTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_prove_verify(self): hpi = HashPreimage(SO_FILENAME, VK_FILENAME, PK_FILENAME) preimage = urandom(64) proof = hpi.prove(preimage) # Verify the proof input matches the expected value postimage = sha256(preimage).digest() inputs = libsnark2python(proof.input) self.assertEqual(inputs[0], '0x' + hexlify(postimage).decode('ascii')) # Ensure proof verifies self.assertTrue(hpi.verify(proof)) # TODO: flip a bit in the proof input, verify it doesn't verify proof.input[0] -= 1 self.assertFalse(hpi.verify(proof))
import unittest from binascii import hexlify from hashlib import sha256 from os import urandom from hashpreimage import HashPreimage from ethsnarks.utils import libsnark2python, native_lib_path VK_FILENAME = '../.keys/hashpreimage.vk.json' PK_FILENAME = '../.keys/' SO_FILENAME = native_lib_path('../.build/libhashpreimage') class HashPreimageTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_prove_verify(self): hpi = HashPreimage(SO_FILENAME, VK_FILENAME, PK_FILENAME) preimage = urandom(64) proof = hpi.prove(preimage) # Verify the proof input matches the expected value postimage = sha256(preimage).digest() inputs = libsnark2python(proof.input) self.assertEqual(inputs[0], '0x' + hexlify(postimage).decode('ascii')) # Ensure proof verifies self.assertTrue(hpi.verify(proof)) # TODO: flip a bit in the proof input, verify it doesn't verify proof.input[0] -= 1 self.assertFalse(hpi.verify(proof))
import unittest from ethsnarks.longsight import random_element, LongsightL12p5_MP from ethsnarks.utils import native_lib_path from ethsnarks.mod.miximus import Miximus from ethsnarks.merkletree import MerkleTree NATIVE_LIB_PATH = native_lib_path('build/src/libmiximus') VK_PATH = 'zksnark_element/miximus.vk.json' PK_PATH = 'zksnark_element/' class TestMiximus(unittest.TestCase): def test_make_proof(self): n_items = 2 << 28 tree = MerkleTree(n_items) for n in range(0, 2): tree.append(random_element()) exthash = random_element() nullifier = random_element() spend_preimage = random_element() spend_hash_IV = 0 spend_hash = LongsightL12p5_MP([spend_preimage, nullifier], spend_hash_IV) leaf_hash_IV = 0 leaf_hash = LongsightL12p5_MP([nullifier, spend_hash], leaf_hash_IV) leaf_idx = tree.append(leaf_hash) self.assertEqual(leaf_idx, tree.index(leaf_hash)) # Verify it exists in true
import hashlib import unittest from ethsnarks.field import FQ from ethsnarks.mimc import mimc_encrypt from ethsnarks.utils import native_lib_path from ethsnarks.merkletree2 import merkle_root from contingent import Contingent NATIVE_LIB_PATH = native_lib_path('../.build/libcontingent') VK_PATH = '../.keys/contingent.vk.json' PK_PATH = '../.keys/' PROOF_PATH = '../.keys/contingent.proof.json' class TestContingent(unittest.TestCase): def test_make_proof(self): num_blocks = 32 wrapper = Contingent(NATIVE_LIB_PATH, num_blocks) # Generate proving and verification keys result = wrapper.genkeys(PK_PATH, VK_PATH) self.assertTrue(result == 0) print('Keygen done!') plaintext = [int(FQ.random()) for n in range(0, num_blocks)] plaintext_root = merkle_root(plaintext) key = int(FQ.random()) key_bytes = key.to_bytes(32, 'little')
import unittest from ethsnarks.field import FQ from ethsnarks.mimc import mimc_hash from ethsnarks.utils import native_lib_path from ethsnarks.merkletree import MerkleTree from ssles import Ssles NATIVE_LIB_PATH = native_lib_path('../.build/libssles') VK_PATH = '../.keys/ssles.vk.json' PK_PATH = '../.keys/' class TestSsles(unittest.TestCase): def test_make_proof(self): n_items = 2 << 28 tree = MerkleTree(n_items) for n in range(0, 2): tree.append(int(FQ.random())) exthash = int(FQ.random()) prehash = int(FQ.random()) secret = int(FQ.random()) msg = int(FQ.random()) leaf_hash = mimc_hash([secret]) sig_msg_hash = mimc_hash([msg]) leaf_idx = tree.append(leaf_hash) self.assertEqual(leaf_idx, tree.index(leaf_hash)) # Verify it exists in true leaf_proof = tree.proof(leaf_idx)