예제 #1
    def calc(self, player):
        if self == player or not ac.isConnected(self.id) or ac.isCarInPitline(
            self.isVisible = False

        # we are visible, so it's worth calculating the car's properties
        self.isVisible = True
        x, y, z = self.calcCar()

        # and add the stuff relative to the driver
        self.relativePositionMeters = euclid.Point2(
            x - player.currentWorldPosition.x,
            z - player.currentWorldPosition.y)
        self.playerDistance = player.currentWorldPosition.distance(
            euclid.Point2(x, z))
예제 #2
    def point_to_world( self, p ):
        '''returns an euclid.Vector2 converted to world space

        :rtype: euclid.Vector2
        v = euclid.Point2( p[0], p[1] )
        matrix = self.get_world_transform()
        return matrix *  v
예제 #3
    def point_to_local( self, p ):
        '''returns an euclid.Vector2 converted to local space

        :rtype: euclid.Vector2
        v = euclid.Point2( p[0], p[1] )
        matrix = self.get_world_inverse()
        return matrix *  v
예제 #4
def Transform(Points, Aff):
    import euclid
    if Aff is None:
        return Points
    TPoints = []
    for P in Points:
        P = Aff * euclid.Point2(*P)

        TPoints.append([P[0], P[1]])
    return TPoints
예제 #5
 def __init__(self, pos=euclid.Vector3(0,0,0)):
     self.selected_width = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.3, method="sine")
     self.sorted = False
     self.padding = 15
     points = [(0.0, 0.0), (26.0, 244.0), (184.0, 368.0), (400.0, 226.0)]
     self.path = BezierPath(*[euclid.Point2(v[0], v[1]) for v in points])
     self.visible = anim.animate(0,0,dt=0.3)
     self.layout = self.layout_straight
     self.is_library = False
예제 #6
    def test_add(self):
        a = (3.0, 7.0)
        b = (1.0, 2.0)
        va = eu.Vector2(*a)
        vb = eu.Vector2(*b)
        w = va + vb

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(w, eu.Vector2))
        self.assertEqual((w.x, w.y), (4.0, 9.0))

        c = (11.0, 17.0)
        pc = eu.Point2(*c)
        d = (13.0, 23.0)
        pd = eu.Point2(*d)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(va + pc, eu.Point2))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pc + pd, eu.Vector2))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(va + b, eu.Vector2))
        self.assertEqual(va + vb, va + b)
    def __init__(self, x, y, batch):
        self.position = euclid.Point2(x, y)
        self.velocity = euclid.Point2(0, 0)
        self.angle = math.pi/2

        self.batch = batch
        self.lines = batch.add(6, GL_LINES, primitives.SmoothLineGroup(),
            ('v2f', (0, 0) * 6),
            ('c4B', (255, 255, 255, 255) * 6))

        self.ball_position = euclid.Point2(window.width/2, window.height/4)
        self.ball_velocity = euclid.Point2(0, 0)
        self.ball_lines = primitives.add_circle(batch, 0, 0, 20, (255, 255, 255, 255), 20)
        self._ball_verts = list(self.ball_lines.vertices)

        self.join_active = False
        self.join_line = None

        self.joined = False
예제 #8
    def calcCar(self):
        self.currentSpeed = ac.getCarState(self.id, acsys.CS.SpeedKMH)

        #get the world position and direction
        x, y, z = ac.getCarState(self.id, acsys.CS.WorldPosition)
        self.currentWorldPosition = euclid.Point2(x, z)
        ff, uf, lf = ac.getCarState(self.id, acsys.CS.TyreContactPoint,
        fr, ur, lr = ac.getCarState(self.id, acsys.CS.TyreContactPoint,
        f, u, l = ff - fr, uf - ur, lf - lr  # f,u,l now represents the vector pointing from RL wheel to FL wheel
        self.currentVelocityVector = euclid.Vector2(f, l).normalize()
        self.laps = ac.getCarState(self.id, acsys.CS.LapCount)
        self.splineposition = ac.getCarState(self.id,

        #the relative Position (to the player itself) is 0,0
        self.relativePositionMeters = euclid.Point2(0, 0)
        self.playerDistance = 0

        return x, y, z
예제 #9
    def test_swizzle_get(self):
        xy = (1.0, 2.0)
        v2 = eu.Point2(*xy)
        self.assertEqual(v2.x, xy[0])
        self.assertEqual(v2.y, xy[1])
        self.assertEqual(v2.xy, xy)
        self.assertEqual(v2.yx, (xy[1], xy[0]))

        exception = None
            v2.z == 11.0
        except Exception as a:
            exception = a
        assert isinstance(exception, AttributeError)
예제 #10
    def calcDrawingInformation(self, playerVectorReversed):
        global carWidth, carLength, carBorderWidth
        #the big goal is the determination of the centerPositionGui of this car,
        #as well as the opacity to draw this one

        #the player car is slightly easier. We start at 0,0, add the offset and multiply with zoom
        if self.isPlayer:
            self.centerPositionGui = euclid.Point2((0 + xOff) * guiZoomFactor,
                                                   (0 + xOff) * guiZoomFactor)
            self.maxOpacity = 1.0

            # 计算背景框四个点

            l = carLength / 2 * worldzoom * guiZoomFactor
            w = carWidth / 2 * worldzoom * guiZoomFactor
            borderWidth = carBorderWidth * worldzoom * guiZoomFactor

            #front left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l
            self.guiBorderPtFL = [x, y]
            minIndex = 0
            minPt = [x, y]

            #front right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l
            self.guiBorderPtFR = [x, y]
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 1
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l
            self.guiBorderPtRL = [x, y]
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 2
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l
            self.guiBorderPtRR = [x, y]
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 3
                minPt = [x, y]

            # Maybe it'll be useful.
            # Yesterday I've spent some hours drawing something about circles for my tachometer. I've discovered 2 rules to draw Quads and Triangles (ac.glBegin(2) or ac.glBegin(3)).
            # 1) 1st point ac.glVertex2f(x, y) must have minimal Y coordinate.
            # 2) other 2 or 3 points must be defined counterclockwise (as you look on it) from 1st point.

            # 计算车框四个点位置
            #front left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w + borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l + borderWidth
            self.guiPtFL = [x, y]
            minIndex = 0
            minPt = [x, y]

            #front right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w - borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l + borderWidth
            self.guiPtFR = [x, y]
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 1
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w + borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l - borderWidth
            self.guiPtRL = [x, y]
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 2
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w - borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l - borderWidth
            self.guiPtRR = [x, y]
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 3
                minPt = [x, y]

            # 打印四个点信息:
            # ac.log('Tyres:')
            # ac.log('FL: {}'.format(self.guiPtFL))
            # ac.log('FR: {}'.format(self.guiPtFR))
            # ac.log('RL: {}'.format(self.guiPtRL))
            # ac.log('RR: {}'.format(self.guiPtRR))
            # Maybe it'll be useful.
            # Yesterday I've spent some hours drawing something about circles for my tachometer. I've discovered 2 rules to draw Quads and Triangles (ac.glBegin(2) or ac.glBegin(3)).
            # 1) 1st point ac.glVertex2f(x, y) must have minimal Y coordinate.
            # 2) other 2 or 3 points must be defined counterclockwise (as you look on it) from 1st point.

            #the other cars have to be rotated around the origin, then translated and zoomed

            #Rotation: We need the angle to the reverted playerVector
            angleR = math.atan2(-1, 0) - math.atan2(playerVectorReversed.y,

            cosTheta = math.cos(angleR)
            sinTheta = math.sin(angleR)
            x = cosTheta * self.relativePositionMeters.x - sinTheta * self.relativePositionMeters.y
            y = sinTheta * self.relativePositionMeters.x + cosTheta * self.relativePositionMeters.y

            #Opacity: How far away is the other car - regarding y (we don't want to fade someone out who is on the same height)
            #self.maxOpacity = self.calcAlpha(self.playerDistance) #would be a circle around the player
            self.maxOpacity = self.calcAlpha(y)

            #Overlaping indicator
            if showIndicators == 1:
                self.calcOverlap(-x, y)

            #Translation: Now we add the offsets and multiply with the zoom
            x = x * worldzoom * -1
            y = y * worldzoom * -1
            self.centerPositionGui = euclid.Point2((x + xOff) * guiZoomFactor,
                                                   (y + yOff) * guiZoomFactor)

            # 计算当前车方向向量与玩家车方向向量的夹角
            velocityVectorReverse = euclid.Vector2(
                self.currentVelocityVector.x * -1,
                self.currentVelocityVector.y * -1)
            currentAngleFromPlayer = velocityVectorReverse.angle(

            # 计算叉乘结果 为正代表速度向量在玩家速度向量的顺时针方向
            temp = velocityVectorReverse.x * playerVectorReversed.y - velocityVectorReverse.y * playerVectorReversed.x
            # 如果是需要逆时针旋转绘画点,则为1,顺时针则为-1
            rotateDirection = -1 if temp > 0 else 1

            cosValue = math.cos(currentAngleFromPlayer * rotateDirection)
            sinValue = math.sin(currentAngleFromPlayer * rotateDirection)

            # 计算背景框四个点

            l = carLength / 2 * worldzoom * guiZoomFactor
            w = carWidth / 2 * worldzoom * guiZoomFactor
            borderWidth = carBorderWidth * worldzoom * guiZoomFactor

            #front left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l
            self.guiBorderPtFL = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                             cosValue, sinValue)
            minIndex = 0
            minPt = [x, y]

            #front right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l
            self.guiBorderPtFR = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                             cosValue, sinValue)
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 1
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l
            self.guiBorderPtRL = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                             cosValue, sinValue)
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 2
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l
            self.guiBorderPtRR = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                             cosValue, sinValue)
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 3
                minPt = [x, y]

            # Maybe it'll be useful.
            # Yesterday I've spent some hours drawing something about circles for my tachometer. I've discovered 2 rules to draw Quads and Triangles (ac.glBegin(2) or ac.glBegin(3)).
            # 1) 1st point ac.glVertex2f(x, y) must have minimal Y coordinate.
            # 2) other 2 or 3 points must be defined counterclockwise (as you look on it) from 1st point.

            # 计算车框四个点位置
            #front left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w + borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l + borderWidth
            self.guiPtFL = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                       cosValue, sinValue)
            minIndex = 0
            minPt = [x, y]

            #front right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w - borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y - l + borderWidth
            self.guiPtFR = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                       cosValue, sinValue)
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 1
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear left
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x - w + borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l - borderWidth
            self.guiPtRL = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                       cosValue, sinValue)
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 2
                minPt = [x, y]

            #rear right
            x = self.centerPositionGui.x + w - borderWidth
            y = self.centerPositionGui.y + l - borderWidth
            self.guiPtRR = rotatePoint([x, y], self.centerPositionGui,
                                       cosValue, sinValue)
            if y < minPt[1]:
                minIndex = 3
                minPt = [x, y]

            # Maybe it'll be useful.
            # Yesterday I've spent some hours drawing something about circles for my tachometer. I've discovered 2 rules to draw Quads and Triangles (ac.glBegin(2) or ac.glBegin(3)).
            # 1) 1st point ac.glVertex2f(x, y) must have minimal Y coordinate.
            # 2) other 2 or 3 points must be defined counterclockwise (as you look on it) from 1st point.
예제 #11
    def _update_position(self):
        """updates vertex list"""
        if not self._visible:
            self._vertex_list.vertices[:] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        img = self._texture
        if self.transform_anchor_x == self.transform_anchor_y == 0:

            if self._rotation:
                x1 = -self._image_anchor_x * self._scale
                y1 = -self._image_anchor_y * self._scale
                x2 = x1 + img.width * self._scale
                y2 = y1 + img.height * self._scale
                x = self._x
                y = self._y

                r = -math.radians(self._rotation)
                cr = math.cos(r)
                sr = math.sin(r)
                ax = int(x1 * cr - y1 * sr + x)
                ay = int(x1 * sr + y1 * cr + y)
                bx = int(x2 * cr - y1 * sr + x)
                by = int(x2 * sr + y1 * cr + y)
                cx = int(x2 * cr - y2 * sr + x)
                cy = int(x2 * sr + y2 * cr + y)
                dx = int(x1 * cr - y2 * sr + x)
                dy = int(x1 * sr + y2 * cr + y)

                self._vertex_list.vertices[:] = [
                    ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy
            elif self._scale != 1.0:
                x1 = int(self._x - self._image_anchor_x * self._scale)
                y1 = int(self._y - self._image_anchor_y * self._scale)
                x2 = int(x1 + img.width * self._scale)
                y2 = int(y1 + img.height * self._scale)
                self._vertex_list.vertices[:] = [
                    x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2
                x1 = int(self._x - self._image_anchor_x)
                y1 = int(self._y - self._image_anchor_y)
                x2 = x1 + img.width
                y2 = y1 + img.height
                self._vertex_list.vertices[:] = [
                    x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2
            x1 = int(-self._image_anchor_x)
            y1 = int(-self._image_anchor_y)
            x2 = x1 + img.width
            y2 = y1 + img.height
            m = self.get_local_transform()
            p1 = m * euclid.Point2(x1, y1)
            p2 = m * euclid.Point2(x2, y1)
            p3 = m * euclid.Point2(x2, y2)
            p4 = m * euclid.Point2(x1, y2)

            self._vertex_list.vertices[:] = [
    def update(self, dt):
        self.angle += (keyboard[key.LEFT] - keyboard[key.RIGHT]) * math.pi * dt
        r = euclid.Matrix3.new_rotate(self.angle)
        if keyboard[key.UP]:
            thrust = r * euclid.Vector2(600, 0)
            thrust = euclid.Vector2(0, 0)

        # attempt join on spacebar press
        s_b = self.position - self.ball_position
        if keyboard[key.SPACE] and abs(s_b) < 100:
            self.join_active = True

        if not self.joined:
            # simulation is just the ship

            # apply thrust to the ship directly
            thrust.y += GRAVITY

            # now figure my new velocity
            self.velocity += thrust * dt

            # calculate new line endpoints
            self.position += self.velocity * dt

            # simulation is of a rod with ship and one end and ball at other
            n_v = s_b.normalized()
            n_t = thrust.normalized()

            # figure the linear acceleration, velocity & move
            d = abs(n_v.dot(n_t))
            lin = thrust * d
            lin.y += GRAVITY
            self.velocity += lin * dt
            self.cog += self.velocity * dt

            # now the angular acceleration
            r90 = euclid.Matrix3.new_rotate(math.pi/2)
            r_n_t = r90 * n_t
            rd = n_v.dot(r_n_t)
            self.ang_velocity -= abs(abs(thrust)) * rd * 0.0001
            self.join_angle += self.ang_velocity * dt

            # vector from center of gravity our to either end
            ar = euclid.Matrix3.new_rotate(self.join_angle)
            a_r = ar * euclid.Vector2(self.join_length/2, 0)

            # set the ship & ball positions
            self.position = self.cog + a_r
            self.ball_position = self.cog - a_r


        if self.join_active:
            if abs(s_b) >= 100 and not self.joined:
                self.joined = True
                h_s_b = s_b / 2
                self.cog = self.position - h_s_b
                self.join_angle = math.atan2(s_b.y, s_b.x)
                self.join_length = abs(s_b)

                # mass just doubled, so slow linear velocity down
                self.velocity /= 2

                # XXX and generate some initial angular velocity based on
                # XXX ship current velocity
                self.ang_velocity = 0

            # render the join line
            l = [
                self.position.x, self.position.y,
                self.ball_position.x, self.ball_position.y
            if self.join_line:
                self.join_line.vertices[:] = l
                self.join_line = self.batch.add(2, GL_LINES, primitives.SmoothLineGroup(),
                    ('v2f', l), ('c4B', (255, 255, 255, 255) * 2))

        # update the ship verts
        bl = r * euclid.Point2(-25, 25)
        t = r * euclid.Point2(25, 0)
        br = r * euclid.Point2(-25, -25)
        x, y = self.position
        self.lines.vertices[:] = [
            x+bl.x, y+bl.y, x+t.x, y+t.y,
            x+t.x, y+t.y, x+br.x, y+br.y,
            x+br.x, y+br.y, x+bl.x, y+bl.y,
예제 #13
 def addBallEv(self, worldPos):
     ball = world.Ball(euclid.Point2(*worldPos))
예제 #14
import euclid
problem_point = euclid.Point2(0.0, 30.0)

problem_line = euclid.Line2(euclid.Point2(0.0, 0.0), euclid.Point2(0.0, 50.0))
예제 #15
        blist = [b[i // 4, i % 4] for i in range(16)]
        if not all(qvl(v, w) for v, w in zip(alist, blist)):
            print('Error (' + label + '):', alist, 'vs', blist)
    print(type(a), 'vs', type(b))
    raise Exception('Unsupported types!')

ev1 = euclid.Point2(1, 2)
nv1 = npeuclid.Vec2(1, 2)
aseq(ev1, nv1, '1. Point')

raff = np.random.random(6)

em1 = euclid.Matrix3.new_affine(raff)
nm1 = npeuclid.Affine2.new_affine(raff)
aseq(em1, nm1, '1. aff')

aseq(euclid.Matrix3.new_rotate(1), npeuclid.Affine2.new_rotate(1), '2. rotate')

    euclid.Matrix3.new_rotate(np.pi / 3) * ev1,
    npeuclid.Affine2.new_rotate(np.pi / 3) * nv1, '3. rotate apply')
예제 #16
 def point2(self):
     return euclid.Point2(self.x, self.y)
예제 #17
import euclid
problem_point = euclid.Point2(1.0, 2.0)

problem_line = euclid.Line2(euclid.Point2(1.0, 0.0), euclid.Point2(2.0, 2.0))

print problem_line.distance(problem_point)