예제 #1
    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initiallize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.size = self.settings["world_size"]

        # make 4 walls
        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0, 0))

        # make hero object
        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
                               "hero", self.settings)
        if not self.settings["hero_bounces_off_walls"]:
            self.hero.bounciness = 0.0  # now hero has no bounciness

        self.objects = []
        # spawn 25 friends, 25 enemy
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():  # 2 times run
            for _ in range(number):

        # generate 32 number of antennas
        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []

        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(
        ) + 3  # 2+3 --> maybe [friend, enemy, wall, speed X, Y]

        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(
        ) + 2  # (5 * 32) + 2 ==> 2 is hero's own speed

        self.directions = [
            Vector2(*d) for d in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]
        ]  # there are 4 directions. up down left right
        self.num_actions = len(self.directions)  # so num_actions is 4

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    def __init__(self, settings, gpsFile):
        """Initiallize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.GPS = gpsFile
        self.timeStep = 0
        self.previousOffset = 0
        self.deltaT = 0
        self.size = self.settings["world_size"]
        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0, 0))

        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
                               "hero", self.settings, 0)
        if not self.settings["hero_bounces_off_walls"]:
            self.hero.bounciness = 0.0

        self.objects = []
        count = 0
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():
            count = count + 2
            for _ in range(number):
                self.spawn_object(obj_type, count)

        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []

        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 3
        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed and position.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(
            self.observation_lines) + 2 + 2

        self.directions = [
            Vector2(*d) for d in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [0.0, 0.0]]
        self.num_actions = len(self.directions)

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initialize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.size  = self.settings["world_size"]
        self.walls = [LineSegment2(Point2(0,0),                        Point2(0,self.size[1])),
                      LineSegment2(Point2(0,self.size[1]),             Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
                      LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]), Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
                      LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0),            Point2(0,0))]

        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
        # Hero direction is a number between 0 and num_observation_lines_total - 1 (0 is directly right)
        self.hero_direction = self.settings["hero_initial_direction"]
        self.unit_vectors = []
        for angle in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"], endpoint=False):
            u_vector = Point2(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle))

        self.objects = []
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():
            for _ in range(number):

        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []
        self.just_shot = False
        self.just_got_hit = False

        # every observation_line sees one of objects and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 2
        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(self.observation_lines) + 2

        # self.directions = [Vector2(*d) for d in [[1,0], [0,1], [-1,0],[0,-1]]]
        self.num_actions = 4  # Accelerate, turn clockwise, turn anticlockwise, shoot

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        self.objects_shot = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
예제 #4
 def generate_observation_lines(self):
     """Generate observation segments in settings["num_observation_lines"] directions"""
     result = []
     for i in range(self.hero_direction - (self.settings["num_observation_lines"] / 2),
                    self.hero_direction + (self.settings["num_observation_lines"] / 2) + 1):
         if i < 0: j = 40 + i
         elif i >= 40: j = i - 40
         else: j = i
         result.append( LineSegment2(Point2(0.0, 0.0),
                                     self.unit_vectors[j] * self.settings["observation_line_length"]) )
     return result
예제 #5
 def generate_observation_lines(self):
     """Generate observation segments in settings["num_observation_lines"] directions"""
     result = []
     start = Point2(0.0, 0.0)
     end   = Point2(self.settings["observation_line_length"],
     for angle in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.settings["num_observation_lines"], endpoint=False):
         rotation = Point2(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle))
         current_start = Point2(start[0] * rotation[0], start[1] * rotation[1])
         current_end   = Point2(end[0]   * rotation[0], end[1]   * rotation[1])
         result.append( LineSegment2(current_start, current_end))
     return result
예제 #6
    def update_observation_lines(self):
        observable_distance = self.settings["observable_distance"]

        relevant_objects = [
            obj for obj in self.objects
            if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < observable_distance
            and obj is not self.hero
        # objects sorted from closest to furthest
            key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position))

        for observation_line in self.observation_lines:
            # shift to hero position
            l = LineSegment2(
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p1),
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p2))
            start_l, end_l = l.p1, l.p2

            observed_object = None
            # if end of observation line is outside of walls, we see the wall.
            if end_l.x < 0.0 or end_l.x > 1.0 or end_l.y < 0.0 or end_l.y > 1.0:
                observed_object = "wall"
            for obj in relevant_objects:
                if l.distance(obj.position) < obj.radius:
                    observed_object = obj

            intersection = end_l
            if observed_object == "wall":  # wall seen
                # best candidate is intersection between
                # l and a wall, that's
                # closest to the hero
                for wall in self.walls:
                    candidate = l.intersect(wall)
                    if candidate is not None:
                        if (intersection is None
                                or intersection.distance(self.hero.position) >
                            intersection = candidate
            elif observed_object is not None:  # agent seen
                intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(l)
                if intersection_segment is not None:
                    if (intersection_segment.p1.distance(self.hero.position) <
                        intersection = intersection_segment.pl
                        intersection = intersection_segment.p2

            self.line_end_where[observation_line] = intersection
            self.line_end_who[observation_line] = observed_object
예제 #7
파일: world.py 프로젝트: mortenlj/codetanks
 def _is_hit(self, ray, theta, tank):
     radius = self._calculate_scan_radius(theta)
     center_line = LineSegment2(ray.p, ray.v, radius)
     center_vector = ray.v
     target_line = LineSegment2(ray.p, tank.position)
     tank_circle = Circle(tank.position, float(tank.radius))
     bounds = theta / 2.
     if theta == 0.:
         left = right = center_line
         left = LineSegment2(ray.p, center_vector.rotate(bounds), radius)
         right = LineSegment2(ray.p, center_vector.rotate(-bounds), radius)
         "Checking if %r is inside sector between %r and %r with radius %r",
         tank.position, left, right, radius)
     if self._debug:
         from ibidem.codetanks.server.debug_util import ScanPlot
         ScanPlot(self.arena.width, self.arena.height, left, right,
                  center_line, radius, tank).plot()
     if target_line.length > radius:
             "Outside because %r is %r from center, which is more than radius %r",
             tank.position, target_line.length, radius)
         return False
     for side in left, right:
         intersect = side.intersect(tank_circle)
         if intersect:
                 "Inside because tank intersects side vector (%r) at %r",
                 side, intersect)
             return True
     if target_line.v.angle(center_line.v) > bounds:
             "Outside because %r is further from the center line than %r",
             target_line.v, bounds)
         return False
     LOG.debug("Inside sector")
     return True
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, points):
     self.points = np.array(points)
     self.line_segments = np.array([
         LineSegment2(points[i], points[(i + 1) % len(points)])
         for i in range(len(points))
     for seg_a in self.line_segments:
         for seg_b in self.line_segments:
             if seg_a is not seg_b:
                 intersect_point = seg_a.intersect(seg_b)
                 if intersect_point and intersect_point not in (seg_a.p1,
                     raise IntersectingPolygonError(
                         "{0} intersects {1}".format(seg_a, seg_b))
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, settings):
        super(HeroSimulator, self).__init__(settings)

        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, 1.0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 1.0), Point2(1.0, 1.0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(1.0, 1.0), Point2(1.0, 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(1.0, 0), Point2(0, 0))

        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()
        self.line_end_where = {l: l.p2 for l in self.observation_lines}
        self.line_end_who = {l: None for l in self.observation_lines}

        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(0.5, 0.5),
                               Vector2(0.0, 0.0),

        self.observation_size = self.settings["num_observation_lines"] * (
            len(self.settings["observable_objects"]) + 4)
예제 #10
 def perform_action(self, action_id):
     """Change speed or direction of hero"""
     assert 0 <= action_id < self.num_actions
     if action_id == 0:  # Accelerate in direction hero is facing
         self.just_shot = False
         self.hero.speed *= self.settings["hero_momentum"]
         self.hero.speed += self.unit_vectors[self.hero_direction] * self.settings["delta_v"]
     if action_id == 1:  # Turn clockwise
         self.just_shot = False
         self.hero_direction += 1
         if self.hero_direction > 39: self.hero_direction = 0
         self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()
     if action_id == 2:  # Turn anticlockwise
         self.just_shot = False
         self.hero_direction -= 1
         if self.hero_direction < 0: self.hero_direction = 39
         self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()
     if action_id == 3:  # Shoot laser
         self.just_shot = True
         shooting_distance = self.settings["laser_line_length"]
         relevant_objects = [obj for obj in self.objects
                             if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < shooting_distance]
         shooting_line = LineSegment2(self.hero.position,
                                      self.hero.position +
                                         (self.unit_vectors[self.hero_direction] * shooting_distance))
         # Sort relevant objects from closest to hero to farthest
         relevant_objects.sort(key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position))
         for obj in relevant_objects:
             if shooting_line.distance(obj.position) < obj.radius:
                 self.objects_shot[obj.obj_type] += 1
                 if obj.obj_type == 'asteroids':
                     # Split up large asteroids and spawn gems
                     if (obj.radius / 2) > self.settings["min_asteroid_radius"]:
                         self.spawn_cluster(2, 2, obj.radius, obj.position, obj.speed)
                 respawnable = ['asteroids']
                 if (obj.obj_type in respawnable and
                     len([thing for thing in self.objects if thing.obj_type == obj.obj_type])
                     < self.settings["num_objects"][obj.obj_type]):
예제 #11
    def observe(self):
        """Return observation vector. For all the observation directions it returns representation
        of the closest object to the hero - might be nothing or an object.
        Representation of observation for all the directions will be concatenated.
        num_obj_types = len(self.settings["objects"])
        max_speed_x, max_speed_y = self.settings["maximum_speed"]
        max_speed = ((max_speed_x ** 2) + (max_speed_y ** 2)) ** 0.5

        observable_distance = self.settings["observation_line_length"]

        relevant_objects = [obj for obj in self.objects
                            if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < observable_distance]
        # objects sorted from closest to furthest
        relevant_objects.sort(key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position))

        observation        = np.zeros(self.observation_size)
        observation_offset = 0
        for i, observation_line in enumerate(self.observation_lines):
            # shift to hero position
            observation_line = LineSegment2(self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p1),
                                            self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p2))
            # Unit vector for observation line:
            line_direction = self.hero_direction - (self.settings["num_observation_lines"] / 2) + i
            if line_direction < 0:
                line_direction += self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]
            elif line_direction >= self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]:
                line_direction -= self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]
            line_vector = self.unit_vectors[line_direction]
            # Get unit vector perpendicular to observation line:
            p_line_direction = line_direction + (self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"] / 4)
            if p_line_direction < 0:
                p_line_direction += self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]
            elif p_line_direction >= self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]:
                p_line_direction -= self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]
            p_line_vector = self.unit_vectors[p_line_direction]

            observed_object = None
            for obj in relevant_objects:
                if observation_line.distance(obj.position) < obj.radius:
                    observed_object = obj
            object_type_id = None
            speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0
            rel_speed_along_line = 0.0
            rel_speed_across_line = 0.0
            proximity = 0
            if observed_object is not None: # object seen
                object_type_id = self.settings["objects"].index(observed_object.obj_type)
                speed_x, speed_y = tuple(observed_object.speed)
                rel_speed_along_line = line_vector.dot(Vector2(speed_x - self.hero.speed[0], speed_y - self.hero.speed[1]))
                rel_speed_across_line = p_line_vector.dot(Vector2(speed_x - self.hero.speed[0], speed_y - self.hero.speed[1]))
                intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(observation_line)
                assert intersection_segment is not None
                    proximity = min(intersection_segment.p1.distance(self.hero.position),
                except AttributeError:
                    proximity = observable_distance
            for object_type_idx_loop in range(num_obj_types):
                observation[observation_offset + object_type_idx_loop] = 1.0
            if object_type_id is not None:
                observation[observation_offset + object_type_id] = proximity / observable_distance
            # rel_speed_across_line = ((speed_x ** 2) + (speed_y ** 2) - (rel_speed_along_line ** 2)) ** 0.5
            observation[observation_offset + num_obj_types] =     rel_speed_along_line / max_speed
            observation[observation_offset + num_obj_types + 1] = rel_speed_across_line / max_speed
            assert num_obj_types + 2 == self.eye_observation_size, "{} and {}".format(num_obj_types, self.eye_observation_size)
            observation_offset += self.eye_observation_size

        # Realign hero speed to be relative to the direction it is facing:
        facing_uv = self.unit_vectors[self.hero_direction]
        sideways_dir = self.hero_direction + (self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"] / 4)
        if sideways_dir >= self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]:
            sideways_dir -= self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"]
        sideways_uv = self.unit_vectors[sideways_dir]
        forward_v = facing_uv.dot(self.hero.speed)
        sideways_v = sideways_uv.dot(self.hero.speed)
        # sideways_v = ((self.hero.speed[0] ** 2) + (self.hero.speed[1] ** 2) - (forward_v ** 2)) ** 0.5
        observation[observation_offset]     = forward_v / max_speed
        observation[observation_offset + 1] = sideways_v / max_speed
        assert observation_offset + 2 == self.observation_size

        return observation
예제 #12
    def observe(self):
        """Return observation vector. For all the observation directions it returns representation
        of the closest object to the hero - might be nothing, another object or a wall.
        Representation of observation for all the directions will be concatenated.
        num_obj_types = len(
            self.settings["objects"]) + 1  # 3 == (friend, enemy and wall)
        max_speed_x, max_speed_y = self.settings["maximum_speed"]

        observable_distance = self.settings[
            "observation_line_length"]  # length of antenna == 120

        relevant_objects = [
            obj for obj in self.objects
            if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < observable_distance
        # recall the objects near from hero with given that length

        # objects sorted from closest to furthest
            key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position))

        observation = np.zeros(
        )  # 32*5 (objects * features) + 2 ( hero's speed)
        observation_offset = 0
        for i, observation_line in enumerate(
                self.observation_lines):  # for 32 lines
            # shift the antenna's center to hero position
            observation_line = LineSegment2(
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p1),
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p2))

            observed_object = None
            # if end of observation line is outside of walls, we see the wall.
            if not self.inside_walls(
                    observation_line.p2):  # p1 is start, p2 is end of the line
                observed_object = "**wall**"
                # defaulyt see the wall,

            for obj in relevant_objects:  # for near objects from hero, sorted from nearst to furtherst
                if observation_line.distance(obj.position) < self.settings[
                        "object_radius"]:  # the distance between line and point < radius
                    # this means, the line touch that object
                    observed_object = obj  # so that is observed_object
                    break  # this mean, one line can see only one object

            object_type_id = None
            speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0
            proximity = 0  # closetness

            if observed_object == "**wall**":  # wall is seen
                object_type_id = num_obj_types - 1  # object type id of all == 2
                # a wall has fairly low speed...
                speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0
                # best candidate is intersection between observation_line and a wall, that's closest to the hero
                best_candidate = None

                for wall in self.walls:  # for all wall about each lines (32 * 4 times)
                    candidate = observation_line.intersect(
                        wall)  # LineSegment2 has intersect function
                    # so this calculate the intersected point with wall
                    if candidate is not None:
                        if (best_candidate is None
                                or best_candidate.distance(self.hero.position)
                                > candidate.distance(self.hero.position)):
                            best_candidate = candidate  # change the best candidate

                if best_candidate is None:
                    # assume it is due to rounding errors and wall is barely touching observation line
                    proximity = observable_distance
                    proximity = best_candidate.distance(self.hero.position)

            elif observed_object is not None:  # agent seen
                object_type_id = self.settings["objects"].index(
                )  # index of that obj_type, -> 0:friend, 1:enemy
                speed_x, speed_y = tuple(
                    observed_object.speed)  # speed is 2dim vector
                intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(
                    observation_line)  # what is obj? relevant obj?
                assert intersection_segment is not None
                    proximity = min(
                except AttributeError:
                    proximity = observable_distance

            for object_type_idx_loop in range(
                    num_obj_types):  # for (friend, enemy, wall)
                    observation_offset +
                    object_type_idx_loop] = 1.0  # initialize each object's distance ratio feature with 1 ( 1 is maximum )

            if object_type_id is not None:  # this is always true
                observation[observation_offset +
                            object_type_id] = proximity / observable_distance
                # the ratio of distance with hero on observed object

            # the 4th -> speed X ratio / 5th -> speed Y ratio of observed object
            observation[observation_offset +
                        num_obj_types] = speed_x / max_speed_x
            observation[observation_offset + num_obj_types +
                        1] = speed_y / max_speed_y

            assert num_obj_types + 2 == self.eye_observation_size  # maximum feature for each object is 5
            observation_offset += self.eye_observation_size  # this means feature of observed object == 5

        # the last two observation is hero's own speed ratio
        observation[observation_offset] = self.hero.speed[0] / max_speed_x
        observation[observation_offset + 1] = self.hero.speed[1] / max_speed_y
        assert observation_offset + 2 == self.observation_size

        return observation
예제 #13
    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initiallize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.size = self.settings["world_size"]
        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0, 0))

        self.num_active = [
        ]  #number of [prey, pred] controlling movement

        self.objects = []

        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():
            for _ in range(number):

        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = np.zeros(self.num_active[0] + self.num_active[1])
        self.collected_rewards = []

        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and
        # two numbers representing velocity of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 3
        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own velocity and position.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(
            self.observation_lines) + 2 + 2

        #Four possible movement directions plus stationary
        self.directions = [
            Vector2(*d) for d in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [0.0, 0.0]]

        self.num_actions = len(self.directions)
        print('num_actions ', self.num_actions)

        #self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        self.objects_eaten = {
            'prey': {
                'prey': 0,
                'pred': 0
            'pred': {
                'prey': 0,
                'pred': 0
        self.num_acts_so_far = 0
        self.list_to_remove = []

        tests = float(self.settings["maximum_velocity"]['prey'])

        self.max_velocity = max(
예제 #14
    def observe(self, obj_type):
        """Return observation vector. For all the observation directions it returns representation
        of the closest object to the hero - might be nothing, another object or a wall.
        Representation of observation for all the directions will be concatenated.
        num_obj_types = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 1  # and wall
        #max_velocity_x, max_velocity_y = self.settings["maximum_velocity"]

        observable_distance = self.settings["observation_line_length"]

        observation = np.zeros(
            (self.num_active[obj_type], self.observation_size), dtype=float)

        for ind, active_ind in enumerate(self.get_list(obj_type)):
            #test = self.objects[active_ind].position[0] #to delete

            relevant_objects = [
                obj for obj in self.objects[:active_ind] +
                self.objects[active_ind + 1:] if obj.position.distance(
                    self.objects[active_ind].position) < observable_distance

            # objects sorted from closest to furthest
            relevant_objects.sort(key=lambda x: x.position.distance(

            observation_offset = 0
            for i, observation_line in enumerate(
                # shift to hero position
                observation_line = LineSegment2(
                    self.objects[active_ind].position +
                    self.objects[active_ind].position +
                observed_object = None
                # if end of observation line is outside of walls, we see the wall.
                if not self.inside_walls(observation_line.p2):
                    observed_object = "**wall**"
                for obj in relevant_objects:
                    if observation_line.distance(
                            obj.position) < self.settings["object_radius"]:
                        observed_object = obj
                object_type_id = None
                velocity_x, velocity_y = 0, 0
                proximity = 0
                if observed_object == "**wall**":  # wall seen
                    object_type_id = num_obj_types - 1
                    # a wall has no velocity
                    velocity_x, velocity_y = 0, 0
                    # best candidate is intersection between
                    # observation_line and a wall, that's
                    # closest to the individual
                    best_candidate = None
                    for wall in self.walls:
                        candidate = observation_line.intersect(wall)
                        if candidate is not None:
                            if (best_candidate is None
                                    or best_candidate.distance(
                                        self.objects[active_ind].position) >
                                best_candidate = candidate
                    if best_candidate is None:
                        # assume it is due to rounding errors
                        # and wall is barely touching observation line
                        proximity = observable_distance
                        proximity = best_candidate.distance(
                elif observed_object is not None:  # agent seen
                    object_type_id = self.settings["objects"].index(
                    velocity_x, velocity_y = tuple(observed_object.velocity)
                    intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(
                    assert intersection_segment is not None
                        proximity = min(
                    except AttributeError:
                        proximity = observable_distance
                for object_type_idx_loop in range(num_obj_types):
                    observation[ind, observation_offset +
                                object_type_idx_loop] = 1.0
                if object_type_id is not None:
                        ind, observation_offset +
                        object_type_id] = proximity / observable_distance

                    ind, observation_offset +
                    num_obj_types] = velocity_x / self.max_velocity  #constant velocities now
                observation[ind, observation_offset + num_obj_types +
                            1] = velocity_y / self.max_velocity
                assert num_obj_types + 2 == self.eye_observation_size
                observation_offset += self.eye_observation_size

            #add velocity information about the focal individual
            observation[ind, observation_offset] = self.objects[
                active_ind].velocity[0] / self.max_velocity
                ind, observation_offset +
                1] = self.objects[active_ind].velocity[1] / self.max_velocity
            observation_offset += 2

            # add normalized locaiton of the focal individual in environment
                observation_offset] = self.objects[active_ind].position[0] / (
                    self.size[0] / 2) - 1.0  #originally was / 350.0
            observation[ind, observation_offset +
                        1] = self.objects[active_ind].position[1] / (
                            self.size[1] / 2) - 1.0  # orginally was / 250.0

            assert observation_offset + 2 == self.observation_size

        return observation
예제 #15
 def test_intersect(self):
     line_segment = LineSegment2(Point2(1, 5), Point2(5, 1))
     square = Polygon(self.points)
     intersect_points = square.intersect(line_segment)
     desired = [Point2(2, 4), Point2(4, 2)]
     self.assertListEqual(desired, intersect_points)
예제 #16
    def observe(self):
        """Return observation vector. For all the observation directions it returns representation
        of the closest object to the hero - might be nothing, another object or a wall.
        Representation of observation for all the directions will be concatenated.
        num_obj_types = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 1  # and wall
        max_speed_x, max_speed_y = self.settings["maximum_speed"]

        observable_distance = self.settings["observation_line_length"]

        relevant_objects = [
            obj for obj in self.objects
            if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < observable_distance
        # objects sorted from closest to furthest
            key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position))

        observation = np.zeros(self.observation_size)
        observation_offset = 0
        for i, observation_line in enumerate(self.observation_lines):
            # shift to hero position
            observation_line = LineSegment2(
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p1),
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p2))

            observed_object = None
            # if end of observation line is outside of walls, we see the wall.
            if not self.inside_walls(observation_line.p2):
                observed_object = "**wall**"
            for obj in relevant_objects:
                if observation_line.distance(
                        obj.position) < self.settings["object_radius"]:
                    observed_object = obj
            object_type_id = None
            speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0
            proximity = 0
            if observed_object == "**wall**":  # wall seen
                object_type_id = num_obj_types - 1
                # a wall has fairly low speed...
                speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0
                # best candidate is intersection between
                # observation_line and a wall, that's
                # closest to the hero
                best_candidate = None
                for wall in self.walls:
                    candidate = observation_line.intersect(wall)
                    if candidate is not None:
                        if (best_candidate is None
                                or best_candidate.distance(self.hero.position)
                                > candidate.distance(self.hero.position)):
                            best_candidate = candidate
                if best_candidate is None:
                    # assume it is due to rounding errors
                    # and wall is barely touching observation line
                    proximity = observable_distance
                    proximity = best_candidate.distance(self.hero.position)
            elif observed_object is not None:  # agent seen
                object_type_id = self.settings["objects"].index(
                speed_x, speed_y = tuple(observed_object.speed)
                intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(
                assert intersection_segment is not None
                    proximity = min(
                except AttributeError:
                    proximity = observable_distance
            for object_type_idx_loop in range(num_obj_types):
                observation[observation_offset + object_type_idx_loop] = 1.0
            if object_type_id is not None:
                observation[observation_offset +
                            object_type_id] = proximity / observable_distance
            observation[observation_offset +
                        num_obj_types] = speed_x / max_speed_x
            observation[observation_offset + num_obj_types +
                        1] = speed_y / max_speed_y
            assert num_obj_types + 2 == self.eye_observation_size
            observation_offset += self.eye_observation_size

        observation[observation_offset] = self.hero.speed[0] / max_speed_x
        observation[observation_offset + 1] = self.hero.speed[1] / max_speed_y
        observation_offset += 2

        # add normalized locaiton of the hero in environment
        observation[observation_offset] = self.hero.position[0] / 350.0 - 1.0
        observation[observation_offset +
                    1] = self.hero.position[1] / 250.0 - 1.0

        assert observation_offset + 2 == self.observation_size

        return observation
예제 #17
def line(p1, p2):
    return LineSegment2(point(p1), point(p2))