예제 #1
def fastmap(problem, true_population):
    Fastmap function that projects all the points on the principal component
    :param problem: Instance of the problem
    :param population: Set of points in the cluster population

    def list_equality(lista, listb):
        for a, b in zip(lista, listb):
            if a != b: return False
        return True

    from random import choice
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance

    decision_population = [pop.decisionValues for pop in true_population]
    one = choice(decision_population)
    west = furthest(one, decision_population)
    east = furthest(west, decision_population)
    c = euclidean_distance(east, west)
    tpopulation = []
    for one in decision_population:
        a = euclidean_distance(one, west)
        b = euclidean_distance(one, east)
        tpopulation.append([one, projection(a, b, c)])

    for tpop in tpopulation:
        for true_pop in true_population:
            if list_equality(tpop[0], true_pop.decisionValues):
                true_pop.x = tpop[-1]
    temp_list = sorted(true_population, key=lambda pop: pop.x)
    return true_population, temp_list[0], temp_list[-1]
예제 #2
def scores(individual, stars):
    cols = len(stars[0].east.fitness.fitness)
    temp = -1e32
    selected = -1
    individual.anyscore = -1e30
    for count, star in enumerate(stars):
            a = euclidean_distance(individual.decisionValues, star.east.decisionValues)
            b = euclidean_distance(individual.decisionValues, star.west.decisionValues)
            c = euclidean_distance(star.east.decisionValues, star.west.decisionValues)
            x = (a**2 + c**2 - b**2) / (2*c)
            y = (a**2 - x**2)**0.5
            r = len(stars) - 1  # Number of poles - midpoint

            diff = euclidean_distance(star.east.fitness.fitness, star.west.fitness.fitness)
            temp_score = ((a/b) * diff/(y**2))
            temp_score = 1e32

        if temp < temp_score:
            temp = temp_score
            selected = count

    assert(selected > -1), "Something's wrong"
    individual.anyscore = temp
    return selected, individual
예제 #3
def fastmap(problem, true_population):
    Fastmap function that projects all the points on the principal component
    :param problem: Instance of the problem
    :param population: Set of points in the cluster population
    def list_equality(lista, listb):
        for a, b in zip(lista, listb):
            if a != b: return False
        return True

    from random import choice
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance

    decision_population = [pop.decisionValues for pop in true_population]
    one = choice(decision_population)
    west = furthest(one, decision_population)
    east = furthest(west, decision_population)
    c = euclidean_distance(east, west)
    tpopulation = []
    for one in decision_population:
        a = euclidean_distance(one, west)
        b = euclidean_distance(one, east)
        tpopulation.append([one, projection(a, b, c)])

    for tpop in tpopulation:
        for true_pop in true_population:
            if list_equality(tpop[0], true_pop.decisionValues):
                true_pop.x = tpop[-1]
    temp_list = sorted(true_population, key=lambda pop: pop.x)
    return true_population, temp_list[0], temp_list[-1]
def is_near_palindrome(word, lo, hi):
    d1 = euclidean_distance(word[0], word[4])
    d2 = euclidean_distance(word[1], word[3])

    if ((d1 + d2) > lo and (d1 + d2) <= hi):
        return True

    return False
예제 #5
 def one_test():
     dimension = random.randint(1, 100)
     first = [random.randint(-100, 100) for _ in xrange(dimension)]
     second = [random.randint(-100, 100) for _ in xrange(dimension)]
     from scipy.spatial import distance
         assert(round(euclidean_distance(first, second), 6) == round(distance.euclidean(first, second),6)), "Mistakes" \
                                                                                                            " discovered"
         print "First: ", first
         print "Second: ", second
         print "My: ", euclidean_distance(first, second)
         print "Their: ", distance.euclidean(first, second)
         return False
     return True
예제 #6
def find_extreme(one, population):
    temp = []
    for individual in population:
        temp_distance = euclidean_distance(one.decisionValues, individual.decisionValues), individual
        assert(temp_distance > 1), "Something's wrong"
        temp.append([temp_distance, individual])
    return sorted(temp, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)[0][1]
예제 #7
def furthest(individual, population):
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance
    distances = sorted([[euclidean_distance(individual, pop), pop]
                        for pop in population],
                       key=lambda x: x[0],
    return distances[0][-1]
예제 #8
def create_distance_matrix(population):
    global distance_matrix
    weights = [pop.weight for pop in population]
    distance_matrix = [[[0, i] for i, _ in enumerate(xrange(len(weights)))] for _ in xrange(len(weights))]
    for i in xrange(len(weights)):
        for j in xrange(len(weights)):
            distance_matrix[i][j][0] = euclidean_distance(weights[i], weights[j])
예제 #9
 def generate_directions(problem):
     def gen(point):
         r = sum([pp**2 for pp in point])**0.5
         return [round(p/r,3) for p in point]
     coordinates = [gen([random.uniform(0, 1) for _ in xrange(len(problem.decisions))]) for _ in xrange(jmoo_properties.ANYWHERE_POLES * 2)]
     for co in coordinates:
         assert(int(round(euclidean_distance(co, [0 for _ in xrange(len(problem.decisions))]))) == 1), "Something's wrong"
     return coordinates
예제 #10
def IGD(approximation_points, original_points):

    summ = 0
    for o in original_points:
        min_distance = 1e32
        for a in approximation_points:
            min_distance = min(min_distance, euclidean_distance(o, a))
        summ += min_distance
    return summ/len(original_points)
예제 #11
def fastmap(problem, population):
    Fastmap function that projects all the points on the principal component
    :param problem: Instance of the problem
    :param population: Set of points in the cluster population
    from random import choice
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance
    one = choice(population)
    west = furthest(one, population)
    east = furthest(west, population)
    c = euclidean_distance(east, west)
    tpopulation = []
    for one in population:
        a = euclidean_distance(one, west)
        b = euclidean_distance(one, east)
        tpopulation.append([one, projection(a, b, c)])
    population = [pop[0] for pop in sorted(tpopulation, key=lambda l: l[-1])]
    return population, east, west
예제 #12
 def furthest(one, all_members):
     ret = None
     ret_distance = -1 * 1e10
     for member in all_members:
         if equal_list(one, member) is True: continue
             temp = euclidean_distance(one, member)
             if temp > ret_distance:
                 ret = member
                 ret_distance = temp
     return ret
예제 #13
def fastmap(problem, population):
    Fastmap function that projects all the points on the principal component
    :param problem: Instance of the problem
    :param population: Set of points in the cluster population
    from random import choice
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance
    one = choice(population)
    west = furthest(one, population)
    east = furthest(west, population)
    c = euclidean_distance(east, west)
    tpopulation = []
    for one in population:
        a = euclidean_distance(one, west)
        b = euclidean_distance(one, east)
        tpopulation.append([one, projection(a, b, c)])
    population = [pop[0] for pop in sorted(tpopulation, key=lambda l: l[-1])]
    return population, east, west
예제 #14
 def furthest(one, all_members):
     ret = None
     ret_distance = -1 * 1e10
     for member in all_members:
         if equal_list(one, member) is True: continue
             temp = euclidean_distance(one, member)
             if temp > ret_distance:
                 ret = member
                 ret_distance = temp
     return ret
예제 #15
def get_neighbors(training_set, test_instance, k):
    distances = []
    length = len(test_instance) - 1
    for x in range(len(training_set)):
        dist = ed.euclidean_distance(test_instance, training_set[x], length)
        distances.append((training_set[x], dist))
    neighbors = []
    for x in range(k):
    return neighbors
예제 #16
 def closest_vertex(self, lat, long):
     Returns the id of the closest vertex to the specified lat and long
     >>> s = Server()
     >>> s.vertex_locations[29577354] = (5343099.6,-11349133.1)
     >>> s.vertex_locations[29770958] = (5357142.9,-11362729.9)
     >>> s.closest_vertex(5343099,-11349133)
     coords = (lat, long)
     closest = min(self.vertex_locations.items(), key=lambda x: euclidean_distance(coords, x[1]))
     return closest[0]
def find_k_nearest_neighbors(test_point, train_data, k):
    """Function that finds the k nearest neighbors of a test point"""
    #make list of all euclidean distances
    distances = [euclidean_distance(test_point, x) for x in train_data]
    distances = np.array(distances)
    #get indices of k nearest neighbors
    distances = np.argsort(distances)[:k]
    #initialize k_nearest_neighbors and then fill it up
    k_nearest_neighbors = train_data[distances[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(distances)):
        k_nearest_neighbors = np.append(k_nearest_neighbors, \
        train_data[distances[i]], 0)
    return k_nearest_neighbors
예제 #18
def scores2(individual, stars):
    cols = len(stars[0].east.fitness.fitness)
    temp = -1e32
    selected = -1
    individual.anyscore = -1e30
    nearest_contours = []
    for count, star in enumerate(stars):
            a = euclidean_distance(individual.decisionValues, star.east.decisionValues)
            b = euclidean_distance(individual.decisionValues, star.west.decisionValues)
            c = euclidean_distance(star.east.decisionValues, star.west.decisionValues)
            x = (a**2 + c**2 - b**2) / (2*c)
            y = (a**2 - x**2)**0.5
            r = len(stars) - 1  # Number of poles - midpoint

            diff = euclidean_distance(star.east.fitness.fitness, star.west.fitness.fitness)
            temp_score = ((a/b) * diff/(y**2))
            temp_score = 1e32

        nearest_contours.append([count, temp_score])

    return [x[0] for x in sorted(nearest_contours, key=lambda item:item[-1], reverse=True)[:6]], individual
예제 #19
def find_poles2(problem, population):
    def midpoint(population):
        def median(lst):
            import numpy
            return numpy.median(numpy.array(lst))

        mdpnt = []
        for dec in xrange(len(population[0].decisionValues)):
            mdpnt.append(median([pop.decisionValues[dec] for pop in population]))
        assert(len(mdpnt) == len(population[0].decisionValues)), "Something's wrong"
        # print mdpnt
        return jmoo_individual(problem, mdpnt, None)

    def generate_directions(problem):
        def gen(point):
            r = sum([pp**2 for pp in point])**0.5
            return [round(p/r,3) for p in point]
        coordinates = [gen([random.uniform(0, 1) for _ in xrange(len(problem.decisions))]) for _ in xrange(jmoo_properties.ANYWHERE_POLES * 2)]
        for co in coordinates:
            assert(int(round(euclidean_distance(co, [0 for _ in xrange(len(problem.decisions))]))) == 1), "Something's wrong"
        return coordinates

    # find midpoint
    mid_point = midpoint(population)
    # find directions
    directions = generate_directions(problem)
    # draw a star
    poles =[]
    for direction in directions:
        mine = -1e32
        temp_pole = None
        for pop in population:
            transformed_dec = [(p-m) for p, m in zip(pop.decisionValues, mid_point.decisionValues)]
            y = perpendicular_distance(direction, transformed_dec)
            c = euclidean_distance(transformed_dec, [0 for _ in xrange(len(problem.decisions))])
            # print c, y
            if mine < (c-y):
                mine = c - y
                temp_pole = pop

    stars = rearrange(problem, mid_point, poles)
    return stars
예제 #20
    def cost_distance(self, e):
        cost_distance returns the straight-line distance between the two
        vertices at the endpoints of the edge e.

        >>> s = Server()
        >>> s.vertex_locations[29577354] = (400,-400)
        >>> s.vertex_locations[29770958] = (500,-500)
        >>> tcompare(100 * math.sqrt(2), s.cost_distance((29577354, 29770958)))
        #print('cost_distance: e = {}'.format(e))
        v1 = self.vertex_locations[e[0]]
        v2 = self.vertex_locations[e[1]]
        #print('cost_distance: v1 = {}; v2 = {}'.format(v1, v2))

        return euclidean_distance(v1, v2)
예제 #21
def kNN_classification(test_point, in_features, targets, k):
    distances = euclidean_distance(test_point, in_features)
    (val, ind) = tf.nn.top_k(-distances,
                             k)  # find closest neighbours in training set

    candidates = tf.gather(
        ind)  # Find the classifications for these neighbours
    length = tf.shape(candidates)[0]
    class_list = []
    count_list = []

    # Count the frequency of nearest neighbours and put them into matrices
    # (reduced class list and count list)
    for i in range(0, length.eval()):
        (temp_class, __, temp_count) = tf.unique_with_counts(candidates[i])
        padding = tf.concat(
             tf.constant([k]) - tf.shape(temp_class)], 0)
        class_list.append(tf.pad(temp_class, [padding]))
        count_list.append(tf.pad(temp_count, [padding]))

    red_class_list = tf.stack(class_list)
    red_count_list = tf.stack(count_list)

    # Create an iterator for each test_point
    iterator = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0.,
                                   length.eval() - 1., length.eval()),
    iterator = tf.reshape(iterator, [length, 1])

    # Combine the iterator with the indices of the highest counts in the
    # reduced count list (red_count_list)
    count_loc = tf.concat(
         tf.reshape(tf.argmax(red_count_list, 1), [length, 1])], 1)

    outputs = tf.gather_nd(red_class_list, count_loc)

    return (outputs, ind)
예제 #22
    def classify(self, features):
        classify a new set of features
        :param features: 1D numpy.ndarray of features
        :return: a tagging of the given features (1 or 0)

        # iterate through train data set and obtain the euclidean
        # distances between the sample we want to classify and every sample in the train data set.
        distances = np.asarray([
            euclidean_distance(features, train_feature)
            for train_feature in self._train_features.tolist()

        # partition the distances s.t k'th element in his final location if we were sorting the array
        # (all elements before it are smaller or equal)
        # idx contains the indexes of the re-ordered array
        idx = np.argpartition(distances, self._k)

        # get indexes of first k smallest distances (related to k nearest nearest neighbors)
        k_minimal_distances_idx = idx[:self._k]

        # get labels of k nearest neighbors
        k_minimal_distances_labels = self._train_labels[

        # get the majority vote
        count_label_zero = 0
        count_label_one = 0
        for label in k_minimal_distances_labels:
            if label == 0:
                count_label_zero += 1
            if label == 1:
                count_label_one += 1

        if count_label_zero > count_label_one:
            return 0
            return 1
예제 #23
from tag_list import critics
from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance
from pearson_corretation import pearson_corretation
from top_match import topMatch
from film_recommendation import getRecommendation
from film_relation import filmRelate, watchWith

print euclidean_distance(critics, 'Lisa Rose', 'Gene Seymour')
print pearson_corretation(critics, 'Lisa Rose', 'Gene Seymour')
print topMatch(critics, 'Toby', pearson_corretation)
print getRecommendation(critics, 'Toby', pearson_corretation)
print filmRelate(critics, 'Superman Returns', pearson_corretation)
print watchWith(critics, 'Just My Luck', pearson_corretation)
예제 #24
def furthest(individual, population):
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance
    distances = sorted([[euclidean_distance(individual, pop), pop] for pop in population], key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
    return distances[0][-1]
예제 #25
def fastmap(problem, true_population):
    Fastmap function that projects all the points on the principal component
    :param problem: Instance of the problem
    :param population: Set of points in the cluster population

    def list_equality(lista, listb):
        for a, b in zip(lista, listb):
            if a != b: return False
        return True

    from random import choice
    from euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance

    decision_population = [pop.decisionValues for pop in true_population]
    one = choice(decision_population)
    west = furthest(one, decision_population)
    east = furthest(west, decision_population)

    west_indi = jmoo_individual(problem,west, None)
    east_indi = jmoo_individual(problem,east, None)

    # Score the poles
    n = len(problem.decisions)
    weights = []
    for obj in problem.objectives:
        # w is negative when we are maximizing that objective
        if obj.lismore:
    weightedWest = [c * w for c, w in zip(west_indi.fitness.fitness, weights)]
    weightedEast = [c * w for c, w in zip(east_indi.fitness.fitness, weights)]
    westLoss = loss(weightedWest, weightedEast, mins=[obj.low for obj in problem.objectives],
                    maxs=[obj.up for obj in problem.objectives])
    eastLoss = loss(weightedEast, weightedWest, mins=[obj.low for obj in problem.objectives],
                    maxs=[obj.up for obj in problem.objectives])

    # Determine better Pole
    if eastLoss < westLoss:
        SouthPole, NorthPole = east_indi, west_indi
        SouthPole, NorthPole = west_indi, east_indi

    east = SouthPole.decisionValues
    west = NorthPole.decisionValues

    c = euclidean_distance(east, west)
    tpopulation = []
    for one in decision_population:
        a = euclidean_distance(one, west)
        b = euclidean_distance(one, east)
        tpopulation.append([one, projection(a, b, c)])

    for tpop in tpopulation:
        for true_pop in true_population:
            if list_equality(tpop[0], true_pop.decisionValues):
                true_pop.x = tpop[-1]
    temp_list = sorted(true_population, key=lambda pop: pop.x)
    ranklist = [t.id for t in temp_list]
    return true_population, ranklist, temp_list[0], temp_list[-1]
예제 #26
left_eye = [[(i.x, i.y) for i in eye] for eye in left_eye]
left_eye = left_eye[0][0]
left_eye_x = left_eye[0]
left_eye_y = left_eye[1]
if left_eye_y < right_eye_y:
    point_3rd = (right_eye_x, left_eye_y)
    direction = -1  #rotate same direction to clock
    print("rotate to clock direction")
    point_3rd = (left_eye_x, right_eye_y)
    direction = 1  #rotate inverse direction of clock
    print("rotate to inverse clock direction")
    print("rotate to inverse clock direction")
#Thread 2,3,4
t2 = threading.Thread(target=lambda e, arg1, arg2: e.put(
    euclidean_distance.euclidean_distance(arg1, arg2)),
                      args=(a, left_eye, point_3rd))
t3 = threading.Thread(target=lambda e, arg1, arg2: e.put(
    euclidean_distance.euclidean_distance(arg1, arg2)),
                      args=(b, right_eye, left_eye))
t4 = threading.Thread(target=lambda e, arg1, arg2: e.put(
    euclidean_distance.euclidean_distance(arg1, arg2)),
                      args=(c, right_eye, point_3rd))
for t in threads_list:
예제 #27
                good = SouthPole.decisionValues[attr]
                bad = NorthPole.decisionValues[attr]
                dec = problem.decisions[attr]

                # Find direction to mutate (Want to mutate towards good pole)
                if me > good: d = -1
                if me < good: d = +1
                if me == good: d = 0

                row.decisionValues[attr] = min(
                        (me + me * g * d) * Configurations["GALE"]["DELTA"]))

            # Project the Mutant
            a = euclidean_distance(NorthPole.decisionValues,
            b = euclidean_distance(SouthPole.decisionValues,
            c = euclidean_distance(SouthPole.decisionValues,
            x = (a**2 + c**2 - b**2) / (2 * c + 0.00001)

            # print abs(cx-x), (cx + (g * configuration["GALE"]["GAMMA"]))
            if abs(x - cx) > (g * Configurations["GALE"]["GAMMA"]
                              ) or problem.evalConstraints(
                                  row.decisionValues):  # reject it
                # print "reject it", i
                row = copy
                row.x = x
                # print "Changed Number: ", count, g * Configurations["GALE"]["GAMMA"]
예제 #28
                # just some naming shortcuts
                me = row.decisionValues[attr]
                good = SouthPole.decisionValues[attr]
                bad = NorthPole.decisionValues[attr]
                dec = problem.decisions[attr]

                # Find direction to mutate (Want to mutate towards good pole)
                if me > good:  d = -1
                if me < good:  d = +1
                if me == good: d = 0

                row.decisionValues[attr] = min(dec.up, max(dec.low, (me + me * g * d) * Configurations["GALE"]["DELTA"]))

            # Project the Mutant
            a = euclidean_distance(NorthPole.decisionValues, row.decisionValues)
            b = euclidean_distance(SouthPole.decisionValues, row.decisionValues)
            c = euclidean_distance(SouthPole.decisionValues, NorthPole.decisionValues)
            x = (a ** 2 + c ** 2 - b ** 2) / (2 * c + 0.00001)

            # print abs(cx-x), (cx + (g * configuration["GALE"]["GAMMA"]))
            if abs(x - cx) > (g * Configurations["GALE"]["GAMMA"]) or problem.evalConstraints(row.decisionValues):  # reject it
                # print "reject it", i
                row = copy
                row.x = x
                # print "Changed Number: ", count, g * Configurations["GALE"]["GAMMA"]
                count = count + 1
                # print "Before: ", copy.decisionValues
                # print "After : ", row.decisionValues
                # print "Difference: ", euclidean_distance(copy.decisionValues, row.decisionValues)
예제 #29
def fastmap(problem, true_population):
    Fastmap function that projects all the points on the principal component
    :param problem: Instance of the problem
    :param population: Set of points in the cluster population
    def list_equality(lista, listb):
        for a, b in zip(lista, listb):
            if a != b: return False
        return True

    from random import choice
    from Techniques.euclidean_distance import euclidean_distance

    decision_population = [pop.decisionValues for pop in true_population]
    one = choice(decision_population)
    west = furthest(one, decision_population)
    east = furthest(west, decision_population)

    west_indi = jmoo_individual(problem, west, None)
    east_indi = jmoo_individual(problem, east, None)

    for true_pop in true_population:
        if list_equality(true_pop.decisionValues, west_indi.decisionValues):
            true_pop.fitness.fitness = west_indi.fitness.fitness
        if list_equality(true_pop.decisionValues, east_indi.decisionValues):
            true_pop.fitness.fitness = east_indi.fitness.fitness

    # Score the poles
    n = len(problem.decisions)
    weights = []
    for obj in problem.objectives:
        # w is negative when we are maximizing that objective
        if obj.lismore:
    weightedWest = [c * w for c, w in zip(west_indi.fitness.fitness, weights)]
    weightedEast = [c * w for c, w in zip(east_indi.fitness.fitness, weights)]
    westLoss = loss(weightedWest,
                    mins=[obj.low for obj in problem.objectives],
                    maxs=[obj.up for obj in problem.objectives])
    eastLoss = loss(weightedEast,
                    mins=[obj.low for obj in problem.objectives],
                    maxs=[obj.up for obj in problem.objectives])

    # Determine better Pole
    if eastLoss < westLoss:
        SouthPole, NorthPole = east_indi, west_indi
        SouthPole, NorthPole = west_indi, east_indi

    east = SouthPole.decisionValues
    west = NorthPole.decisionValues

    c = euclidean_distance(east, west)
    tpopulation = []
    for one in decision_population:
        a = euclidean_distance(one, west)
        b = euclidean_distance(one, east)
        tpopulation.append([one, projection(a, b, c)])

    for tpop in tpopulation:
        for true_pop in true_population:
            if list_equality(tpop[0], true_pop.decisionValues):
                true_pop.x = tpop[-1]
    temp_list = sorted(true_population, key=lambda pop: pop.x)
    return temp_list