예제 #1
def browse(request):
    "Browse postcards and display thumbnail images."
    repo = Repository()
    repo.default_object_type = ImageObject
    # TEMPORARY: restrict to postcards by pidspace
    # NOTE: tests rely somewhat on restriction by pidspace...
    search_opts = {'relation': settings.RELATION }
    number_of_results = 15
    context = {}

    if 'subject' in request.GET:
        context['subject'] = request.GET['subject']
        search_opts['subject'] = request.GET['subject']

    postcards = repo.find_objects(**search_opts)
    postcard_paginator = Paginator(list(postcards), number_of_results)
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1
    # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results.
        postcard_page = postcard_paginator.page(page)
    except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
        postcard_page = postcard_paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
    context['postcards_paginated'] = postcard_page
    return render_to_response('postcards/browse.html', context,
예제 #2
def search(request):
    # rough fedora-based postcard search (borrowed heavily from digital masters)
    form = SearchForm(request.GET)
    response_code = None
    context = {'search': form}
    number_of_results = 5
    if form.is_valid(): 
        # adding wildcards because fedora has a weird notion of what 'contains' means

        # TODO: terms search can't be used with with field search
        # -- how to allow a keyword search but restrict to postcards?
        #keywords = '%s*' % form.cleaned_data['keyword'].rstrip('*')
        # TEMPORARY: restrict to postcards by pidspace
        search_opts = {'relation': settings.RELATION }
        if 'title' in form.cleaned_data:
            search_opts['title__contains'] = '%s*' % form.cleaned_data['title'].rstrip('*')
        if 'description' in form.cleaned_data:
            search_opts['description__contains'] = '%s*' % form.cleaned_data['description'].rstrip('*')
            repo = Repository()          
            found = repo.find_objects(type=ImageObject, **search_opts)
            search_paginator = Paginator(list(found), number_of_results)
                page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
            except ValueError:
                page = 1
            # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results.
                search_page = search_paginator.page(page)
            except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
                search_page = search_paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
            context['postcards_paginated'] = search_page   
            context['title'] = form.cleaned_data['title']
            context['description'] = form.cleaned_data['description']
        except Exception as e:
            response_code = 500
            context['server_error'] = 'There was an error ' + \
                    'contacting the digital repository. This ' + \
                    'prevented us from completing your search. If ' + \
                    'this problem persists, please alert the ' + \
                    'repository administrator.'

    response = render_to_response('postcards/search.html', context,
    if response_code is not None:
        response.status_code = response_code
    return response
예제 #3
def remove_test_objects():
    # remove any leftover test object before or after running tests
    # NOTE: This method expects to be called only when FEDORA_PIDSPACE has been
    # switched to a test pidspace
    # use test fedora credentials if they are set
    repo = Repository(username=getattr(settings, 'FEDORA_TEST_USER', None),
                            password=getattr(settings, 'FEDORA_TEST_PASSWORD', None))
    test_objects = repo.find_objects(pid__contains='%s:*' % settings.FEDORA_PIDSPACE)
    count = 0
    for obj in test_objects:
        # if objects are unexpectedly not being cleaned up, pid/label may help
        # to isolate which test is creating the leftover objects
        logger.info('Purging test object %s - %s' % (obj.pid, obj.label))
        repo.purge_object(obj.pid, "removing test object")
        count += 1
    if count:
        print "Removed %s test object(s) with pidspace %s" % (count, settings.FEDORA_PIDSPACE)
예제 #4
def summary(request):
    '''Postcard summary/about page with information about the postcards and
    various entry points for accessing them.'''

    # get a list of all the postcards by searching in fedora
    # - used to get total count, and to display a random postcard
    # NOTE: this may be inefficient when all postcards are loaded; consider caching
    repo = Repository()
    search_opts = {'relation': settings.RELATION }
    postcards = list(repo.find_objects(**search_opts))
    count = len(postcards)
    # TODO: get categories from fedora collection object
    categories = PostcardCollection.get().interp.content.interp_groups
    return render_to_response('postcards/index.html', {
                               'categories' : categories,
                               'count' : count,
                               'postcards': postcards,