예제 #1
def problem113():
    DIGITS = 100
    increasing = eulerlib.binomial(DIGITS + 9, 9) - 1
    decreasing = eulerlib.binomial(DIGITS + 10, 10) - (DIGITS + 1)
    flat = DIGITS * 9
    ans = increasing + decreasing - flat
    return ans
예제 #2
파일: p106.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
def problem106():
    SET_SIZE = 12

    def catalan(n):
        return eulerlib.binomial(n * 2, n) // (n + 1)

    ans = sum(
        eulerlib.binomial(SET_SIZE, i * 2) *
        (eulerlib.binomial(i * 2, i) // 2 - catalan(i))
        for i in range(2, SET_SIZE // 2 + 1))
    return ans
예제 #3
파일: p493.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
    def explore(remain, limit, history):
        if remain == 0:
            hist = list(history)
            while len(hist) < num_colors:

            histogram = [0] * (balls_per_color + 1)
            for _ in hist:
                histogram[_] += 1

            count = math.factorial(num_colors)
            for _ in histogram:
                count = divide_exactly(count, math.factorial(_))

            for _ in hist:
                count *= eulerlib.binomial(balls_per_color, _)

            distinctcolors = len(history)
            numerator[0] += count * distinctcolors

        elif len(history) < num_colors:
            for i in range(min(limit, remain), 0, -1):
                explore(remain - i, i, history)
예제 #4
파일: p053.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
def problem053():

    There are exactly ten ways of selecting three from five, 12345:

                  123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 145, 234, 235, 245, and 345

       In combinatorics, we use the notation, ^5C[3] = 10.

       In general,

          ^nC[r] =    n!    ,where r ≤ n, n! = n×(n−1)×...×3×2×1, and 0! = 1.

       It is not until n = 23, that a value exceeds one-million: ^23C[10] =

       How many, not necessarily distinct, values of  ^nC[r], for 1 ≤ n ≤ 100,
       are greater than one-million?

    ans = sum(1 for n in range(1, 101) for k in range(0, n + 1)
              if eulerlib.binomial(n, k) > 1000000)
    return ans
예제 #5
파일: p323.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
def problem323():
    SIZE = 32
    DECIMALS = 10
    assert SIZE >= 0
    assert DECIMALS >= 0

    # Calculate the answer
    expect = [fractions.Fraction(0)]
    for n in range(1, SIZE + 1):
        temp = sum(eulerlib.binomial(n, k) * expect[k] for k in range(n))
        expect.append((2**n + temp) / (2**n - 1))
    ans = expect[-1]

    # Round the fraction properly. This is the pedantically
    # correct version of doing "{:.10f}".format(float(ans))
    assert ans >= 0
    scaled = ans * 10**DECIMALS
    whole = scaled.numerator // scaled.denominator
    frac = scaled - whole
    assert 0 <= frac < 1
    HALF = fractions.Fraction(1, 2)
    if frac > HALF or (frac == HALF and whole % 2 == 1):
        whole += 1
    temp = str(whole)
    if DECIMALS == 0:
        return temp
    temp = temp.zfill(DECIMALS + 1)
    return "{}.{}".format(temp[:-DECIMALS], temp[-DECIMALS:])
예제 #6
파일: p015.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
def problem015():
    Starting in the top left corner of a 2×2 grid, and only being able to move
       to the right and down, there are exactly 6 routes to the bottom right

       How many such routes are there through a 20×20 grid?

    This is a classic combinatorics problem. To get from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of an N*N grid,
    it involves making exactly N moves right and N moves down in some order. Because each individual down or right move
    is indistinguishable, there are exactly 2N choose N (binomial coefficient) ways of arranging these moves.


    return eulerlib.binomial(40, 20)
예제 #7
파일: p203.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
def problem203():
    # Collect unique numbers in Pascal's triangle
    numbers = set(eulerlib.binomial(n, k) for n in range(51) for k in range(n + 1))
    maximum = max(numbers)

    # Prepare list of squared primes
    primes = eulerlib.list_primes(eulerlib.sqrt(maximum))
    primessquared = [p * p for p in primes]

    def is_squarefree(n):
        for p2 in primessquared:
            if p2 > n:
            if n % p2 == 0:
                return False
        return True

    # Sum up the squarefree numbers
    ans = sum(n for n in numbers if is_squarefree(n))
    return ans
예제 #8
def problem267():
    # Heuristic sampling algorithm.
    # At level 1 we test {1/2}. At level 2 we test {1/4, 3/4}.
    # At level 3 we test {1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8}. Et cetera.
    TRIALS = 1000
    maxindex = -1
    prevchangelevel = 1
    level = 1
    while level - prevchangelevel <= 8:
        scaler = 0.5**level
        for i in range(1, 1 << level, 2):
            index = calc_billionaire_probability(i * scaler, TRIALS)
            if index > maxindex:
                maxindex = index
                prevchangelevel = level
        level += 1

    # Calculate the cumulative probability: binomialSum = sum (n choose k) for 0 <= k < maxIndex
    binomialsum = sum(eulerlib.binomial(TRIALS, i) for i in range(maxindex))
    return round_to_decimal(fractions.Fraction(binomialsum, 1 << TRIALS), 12)
예제 #9
파일: p493.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
def problem493():
    num_colors = 7
    balls_per_color = 10
    num_picked = 20
    decimals = 9

    numerator = [0]

    def explore(remain, limit, history):
        if remain == 0:
            hist = list(history)
            while len(hist) < num_colors:

            histogram = [0] * (balls_per_color + 1)
            for _ in hist:
                histogram[_] += 1

            count = math.factorial(num_colors)
            for _ in histogram:
                count = divide_exactly(count, math.factorial(_))

            for _ in hist:
                count *= eulerlib.binomial(balls_per_color, _)

            distinctcolors = len(history)
            numerator[0] += count * distinctcolors

        elif len(history) < num_colors:
            for i in range(min(limit, remain), 0, -1):
                explore(remain - i, i, history)

    explore(num_picked, balls_per_color, [])
    denominator = eulerlib.binomial(num_colors * balls_per_color, num_picked)
    ans = fractions.Fraction(numerator[0], denominator)
    return float(format_fraction(ans, decimals))
예제 #10
파일: p106.py 프로젝트: wilsonify/euler
 def catalan(n):
     return eulerlib.binomial(n * 2, n) // (n + 1)
예제 #11
def test_binomial(input_n, input_k, expected_output):
    output = eulerlib.binomial(input_n, input_k)
    assert output == expected_output