예제 #1
파일: Euler70.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
def checkperm(x,y):
    xa = int2array(x)
    ya = int2array(y)
    isperm = True
    for elem in xa:
        if elem in ya:
            isperm = False
    return isperm
예제 #2
파일: Euler52.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
def checkdigits(t):
    check = 0
    ar = int2array(t[0])
    br = int2array(t[1])
    if len(ar) == len(br):
        for ii in range(len(ar)):
            if ar[ii] != br[ii]:
            if ii == len(ar)-1:
                check = 1
    return check
예제 #3
파일: Euler51.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
def replaceprime(prime):
    findall = lambda my_list: [i for i, x in enumerate(my_list) if x == '1']
    ndig = len(int2array(prime))
    pgroup = []
    replacement_dig = make_palindrome_half(ndig-1)
    # Ignore the last replacement rule, it is '0000'
    for reprule in replacement_dig[:-1]:
        # Run replacement for all integers
        subgroup = []
        newprime = int2array(prime)
        for cint in range(10):
            for ind in findall(reprule):
                newprime[ind] = cint
            # Check that the length is the same
            if len(newprime) == len(int2array(array2int(newprime))):
    return pgroup
예제 #4
파일: Euler16.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
from eulermath import int2array

if __name__ = "__main__":
    # nexp = 15 # Test case, should give 26
    nexp = 1000

    print "The sum of the digits in 2^", nexp, "is:", sum(int2array(2**nexp))
예제 #5
파일: Euler34.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
import math
from eulermath import int2array

# Applies the factorial to each element in a list
def facArray(arr):
    newarr = []
    for i in arr:
    return newarr

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Find the upper bound we need to go to
    for ii in range(2, 10):
        ninestr = int("9"*ii)
        ninetotal = sum(facArray(int2array(ninestr)))
        if (ninetotal < ninestr):
            print "max bound = ", ninestr
            nmax = ninestr

    totalsum = 0
    n = 3
    while (n < nmax):
        intarr = int2array(n)
        intsum = sum(facArray(intarr))
        if intsum == n:
            print intsum
            totalsum += intsum
        n += 1
예제 #6
파일: Euler20.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
import math
from eulermath import int2array

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # n = 10 # Test case, should give 27
    n = 100

    # print math.factorial(n)
    myarray = int2array(math.factorial(n))
    sumdigits = 0
    # print myarray
    for x in myarray:
        sumdigits += x

    print "The sum of the digits of", (str(n)+"!"), "is:", sumdigits
예제 #7
파일: Euler37.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
def truncateRL(num):
    arr = int2array(num)
    tnum = array2int(arr)
    return tnum
예제 #8
파일: Euler49.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
# Find the one other sequence of 4-digit permuted increasing primes
#  The first is; 1487, 4817, 8147 (difference is 3330)
from eulermath import (isprime, int2array, array2int,
                       find_primes_in_list, find_arithemetric_series)
from itertools import permutations, combinations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Start by finding all 4-digit primes
    print "Finding arithemetric series of primes between 1001 and 9999:"
    exclude = []
    for trial in xrange(1001, 9999, 2):
        if trial not in exclude:
            if isprime(trial):
                # Find the permutations of this number
                tp = permutations(int2array(trial))
                # Get the unique values and sort them
                tpl = list(set([array2int(x) for x in tp]))
                tpp = find_primes_in_list(tpl)
                tpn = []
                for x in tpp:
                    if x > 1000:
                # Exclude the others
                for p in tpn:
                # Find any arithemetric series of length 3 in the prime list
                aseries = find_arithemetric_series(tpn, 3)
                if len(aseries) > 0:
                    print aseries
                    for series in aseries:
                        print series
예제 #9
파일: Euler74.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
def nextterm(n):
    return sum(map(factorial, int2array(n)))
예제 #10
파일: Euler79.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
    return trimmed

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Import the data
    sub = []
    p123 = []
    p12 = []
    p23 = []
    p1 = []
    p2 = []
    p3 = []
    fnames = open('Euler79.dat')
    for line in fnames:
        val = int2array(int(line))
        # All values
        # Single values
        # Pairs

    # Flatten out the sublist and take all unique elements
    fsl = list(set([x for arr in sub for x in arr]))
    # this length is the shortest password size
예제 #11
파일: Euler57.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
def haslongnum(frac):
    ln = 0
    if len(int2array(frac.numerator)) > len(int2array(frac.denominator)):
        ln = 1
    return ln
예제 #12
파일: Euler30.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
# Applies the power operator to each element in a list
def powArray(arr, mypow):
    newarr = []
    for i in arr:
    return newarr

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # npow = 4 #Test case, should give 19316 = 1634 + 8208 + 9474
    npow = 5
    # nmax = 10**6 # Old upper bound, set arbitrarially
    # Find the upper bound we need to go to
    for ii in range(2, 10):
        ninestr = int("9"*ii)
        ninetotal = sum(powArray(int2array(ninestr), npow))
        if (ninetotal < ninestr):
            print "max bound = ", ninestr
            nmax = ninestr

    totalsum = 0
    n = 2
    while (n < nmax):
        intarr = int2array(n)
        intsum = sum(powArray(intarr, npow))
        if intsum == n:
            print intsum
            totalsum += intsum
        n += 1
예제 #13
파일: Euler25.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
from eulermath import int2array

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # ndigmax = 3 # Test case, should give the 12th term, 144
    ndigmax = 1000

    ndigs = 1
    a = 1
    b = 1
    n = 2  # Current term number
    while ndigs < ndigmax:
        nb = b + a
        a = b
        b = nb
        n += 1
        ndigs = len(int2array(b))
        # print n, b

    print "The first term to have over", ndigmax,
    "digits is the", n, "th term = ", b
예제 #14
파일: Euler56.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
# Find the maximum digit sum of a^b, where a,b <= 100

from eulermath import int2array

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nmax = 100
    smax = 0
    for a in range(1, nmax+1):
        for b in range(1, nmax+1):
            p = a**b
            s = sum(int2array(p))
            # print "%d^%d = %d, digit sum = %d" % (a,b,p,s)
            if s > smax:
                smax = s
                # print "found a larger sum"
        print "%d/%d complete" % (a, nmax)

    print "The maximum digit sum is: %d" % (smax)
예제 #15
파일: Euler65.py 프로젝트: KEClaytor/Euler
# Find the sum of the digits in the numerator
#  for the 100th convergent of the continued
#  fraction for e

from fractions import Fraction
from eulermath import int2array, frac2str, makecontfrac

def convterms_e(n):
    enot = [0]*n
    for x in range(n):
        if x == 0:
            enot[x] = 2
        elif (x+2) % 3 == 1:
            enot[x] = 2*((x+2)/3)
            enot[x] = 1
    return enot

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print convterms_e(10)
    print makecontfrac(convterms_e(10))
    t100 = makecontfrac(convterms_e(100))
    snd = sum(int2array(t100.numerator))
    print ("The sum of the digits in the numerator of the " +
           "100th convergent of e is: %d" % (snd))