예제 #1
def specify(manager, options):
    """Return the list of operations and expected output given the input catalogue."""

    # Require many local variables here
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

    # parse input option list
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--start', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--end', required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args(options)

    # process a whole number of days
    startday = int(days_since_epoch(datetime_numeric.parse(args.start)))
    endday = int(days_since_epoch(datetime_numeric.parse(args.end)))

    # find items in catalogue grouped by day
    lstinput = manager.references_groupbyday(INPUTNAME, subsetindex=0)
    auxinput = manager.references_groupbyday(INPUTNAME, subsetindex=1)

    # the main output dataset
    dataset = manager.newdataset()

    # list of subsets (one for each command pattern)
    subsets = [dataset.newsubset([spec.outputpattern]) for spec in SUBSETSPECS]

    # iterate over subsets
    for subsetindex, subset in enumerate(subsets):

        # process each day
        for dayindex in range(startday, endday + 1):

            # convert to datetime object for formatting etc
            day = epoch_plus_days(dayindex)

            # loop over LST files for this day
            inputs = []
            for lstreference in lstinput[dayindex]:

                # find AUX file matching the LST file
                lsttime = manager.match(lstreference).time
                print 'day {0} time {1}'.format(dayindex, lsttime)
                auxreference = next(
                    reference for reference in auxinput[dayindex]
                    if manager.match(reference).time == lsttime)

                # append pair
                inputs.extend([lstreference, auxreference])

            # build output filename
            outputs = [subset.newfiletime(day)]

            # Append this operation to make it
            dataset.newoperation(inputs, outputs, SUBSETSPECS[subsetindex])
예제 #2
    def time_at_index(self, operationindex):
        """Compute the mid-point of given month number since epoch and return as datetime object.
           This is needed because HadCRUT4 uses midmonth values on the time axis."""

        year = datetime_numeric.parse(self.epoch).year
        total = 12 * year + operationindex
        t0 = datetime(total / 12, 1 + (total % 12), 1)
        t1 = datetime((total + 1) / 12, 1 + ((total + 1) % 12), 1)
        halfmonth = (t1 - t0) / 2
        return t0 + halfmonth
예제 #3
    def operation_indices_for_input_entry(self, entry):
        """Returns a list of operation indices requiring the given input."""

        if entry.time:

            epochtime = datetime_numeric.parse(self.epoch)
            return [(12 * (entry.time.year - epochtime.year) +
                     (entry.time.month - epochtime.month))]


            # Non-time references assumed to apply at all steps
            return range(self.count())
예제 #4
    def parsetime(t):
        """Utility to allow convenience of strings for indicating start and end rather than datetime objects."""

        if isinstance(t, datetime):

            return t

        elif isinstance(t, str):

            return datetime_numeric.parse(t)


            raise ValueError('Input parameter to StepAnnual is of unexpected type - should be datetime object or string')
예제 #5
def load_object(obj):
    """JSON conversion method for reading catalogue from file.
       If there is module and class metadata, recreate the class instance.

    if isinstance(obj, dict) and (CLASSID in obj):

        # get type of new class ready to build and split into module and class names
        [modulename, classname] = obj[CLASSID].rsplit('.', 1)

        if (modulename == 'datetime') and (classname == 'datetime'):

            # special case for datetime objects
            return datetime_numeric.parse(obj[DATETIMEVALUEKEY])


            # retrieve class type to build
            class_to_make = getattr(importlib.import_module(modulename),

            # build parameter dictionary and recurse if needed
            parameters = dict((k, load_object(v)) for k, v in obj.iteritems())

            # remove the unwanted metadata
            del parameters[CLASSID]

            # build it
            return class_to_make(**parameters)

    elif isinstance(obj, list):

        # recurse into list too
        return [load_object(v) for v in obj]

    elif isinstance(obj, unicode):

        # ensure local encoding is used
        return str(obj)


        # not dealing with a class type - just return it
        return obj