def calculate_metric_hidden(prefix, start_num, end_num, is_observed=False): target_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/preds_target.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) origin_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/preds_origin.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) attack_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/preds_attack.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) hidden_wordpos_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/hidden_wordpos.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) with open(target_file, 'r') as f: preds_target = json.load(f) with open(origin_file, 'r') as f: preds_origin = json.load(f) with open(attack_file, 'r') as f: preds_attack = json.load(f) with open(hidden_wordpos_file, 'r') as f: hidden_wordpos = json.load(f) attack = [ torch.tensor(ix['caption_ix']).unsqueeze(0) for ix in preds_attack ] attack =, 0) target = [ torch.tensor(ix['caption_ix']).unsqueeze(0) for ix in preds_target ] target =, 0) hidden_pos = [ix['wordpos_ix'] for ix in hidden_wordpos] precision = [] recall = [] for idx in range(len(target)): hidden_pos[idx] = [ix - 1 for ix in hidden_pos[idx]] prec, rec = eval_pre_rec(target[idx, :], attack[idx, :], hidden_pos[idx], is_observed) precision.append(prec) recall.append(rec) return precision, recall
def calculate_metric(prefix, start_num, end_num): target_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/preds_target.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) origin_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/preds_origin.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) attack_file = 'save_dir/{}_{}_{}/preds_attack.json'.format( prefix, start_num, end_num) with open(target_file, 'r') as f: preds_target = json.load(f) with open(origin_file, 'r') as f: preds_origin = json.load(f) with open(attack_file, 'r') as f: preds_attack = json.load(f) attack = [ torch.tensor(ix['caption_ix']).unsqueeze(0) for ix in preds_attack ] attack =, 0) target = [ torch.tensor(ix['caption_ix']).unsqueeze(0) for ix in preds_target ] target =, 0) precision = [] recall = [] for idx in range(len(target)): prec, rec = eval_pre_rec(target[idx, :], attack[idx, :], []) precision.append(prec) recall.append(rec) #precision = precision / len(target) #recall = recall / len(target) return precision, recall
def attack(opt): loader = DataLoader(opt) opt.vocab_size = loader.vocab_size opt.seq_length = loader.seq_length rnn_net = models.setup(opt).cuda() rnn_net.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.pretrain_model)) if opt.caption_model == 'show_tell': net = getattr(inception, 'inception_v3')() net.load_state_dict( torch.load('data/imagenet_weights/inception_v3.pth')) model = inception_utils.combineNet(net, rnn_net) model.cuda() model.inception.eval() model.rnn_net.train() else: net = getattr(resnet, 'resnet101')() net.load_state_dict(torch.load('data/imagenet_weights/resnet101.pth')) model = resnet_utils.combineNet(net, rnn_net) model.cuda() model.resnet.eval() model.rnn_net.train() eval_kwargs = {'split': 'attack', 'dataset': opt.input_json} eval_kwargs.update(vars(opt)) split = eval_kwargs.get('split', 'attack') lang_eval = eval_kwargs.get('language_eval', 1) dataset = eval_kwargs.get('dataset', 'coco') n = 0 preds_origin = [] preds_attack = [] preds_target = [] hidden_wordpos = [] max_iters = 50 if not opt.is_ssvm else 10 lr = 1e-3 lamda = opt.lamda count = 0 eps_l2 = 0. rate = 0. precision = 0. recall = 0. print('lambda: ', opt.lamda, ' zeta: ', opt.slack) with open('data/wordPOS/noun.txt') as noun_file: noun = with open('data/wordPOS/verb.txt') as verb_file: verb = with open('data/wordPOS/adjective.txt') as adjective_file: adjective = with open('data/wordPOS/adverb.txt') as adverb_file: adverb = val_data = loader.val_data[opt.start_num:opt.end_num] print('using EM algorithm...') if not opt.is_ssvm else print( 'using structural SVM...') for i, info in enumerate(val_data): # attack image I ='data/images', info['file_path'])) # handle grayscale input images if len(I.shape) == 2: I = I[:, :, np.newaxis] I = np.concatenate((I, I, I), axis=2) if opt.caption_model == 'show_tell': I = resize(I, (299, 299)) I = torch.from_numpy(I.transpose([2, 0, 1])).float().cuda() else: I = I.astype('float32') / 255.0 I = torch.from_numpy(I.transpose([2, 0, 1])).cuda() img = I.clone() eps = torch.zeros_like(I).cuda() with torch.no_grad(): seq, _, _ = model(I, eps, opt=eval_kwargs, mode='sample') print('attack caption: ') eval_print_caption(loader, info, seq[:, 1:], preds_origin) # target images target_data = info['target'] target_seq = [] target_img = [] fake_attentions = [] epsilons = [] print('target caption: ') for i_t, info_t in enumerate(target_data): I_t = os.path.join('data/images', info_t['file_path'])) # handle grayscale input images if len(I_t.shape) == 2: I_t = I_t[:, :, np.newaxis] I_t = np.concatenate((I_t, I_t, I_t), axis=2) if opt.caption_model == 'show_tell': I_t = resize(I_t, (299, 299)) I_t = torch.from_numpy(I_t.transpose([2, 0, 1])).cuda().float() else: I_t = I_t.astype('float32') / 255.0 I_t = torch.from_numpy(I_t.transpose([2, 0, 1])).cuda() target_img.append(I_t.clone()) eps_t = torch.zeros_like(I_t).cuda() with torch.no_grad(): seq_t, _, _ = model(I_t, eps_t, opt=eval_kwargs, mode='sample') eval_print_caption(loader, info_t, seq_t[:, 1:], preds_target) target_seq.append(seq_t) target_seq =, 0) # attack s_observed = target_seq[:, 1:] print('evaluate after attack: ') for idx, info_t in enumerate(target_data): tmp_obs, wordpos = select_observed(s_observed[idx, :], opt.num_observed, opt.times) for num, observed in enumerate(tmp_obs): epsilon = torch.ones_like(img).cuda() / 255. img = Variable(img, requires_grad=True) epsilon = Variable(epsilon, requires_grad=True) optimizer = optim.Adam([epsilon], lr=lr) tic = time.time() if not opt.is_ssvm: for _ in range(max_iters): qs, qs_inds = maxloglikelihood_e_step( model, img, epsilon, observed) epsilon = maxloglikelihood_m_step( model, optimizer, img, epsilon, observed, qs, qs_inds, lamda) else: epsilon = latent_structural_svm(model, optimizer, img, epsilon, observed, lamda, max_iters) # evaluate after attack eps_l2 += torch.norm(epsilon.view(-1), p=2) img = Variable(img, requires_grad=False) eps = Variable(epsilon.clone(), requires_grad=False) with torch.no_grad(): seq_f, _, _ = model(img, eps, opt=eval_kwargs, mode='sample') #res = (seq_f[:, 1:] - observed).squeeze() res = (seq_f[:, 1:] * (observed > 0).long() - observed).squeeze() eval_print_wordpos(loader, info_t, wordpos[num], s_observed[idx, :], seq_f[:, 1:], hidden_wordpos, res, noun, verb, adjective, adverb) print('') if torch.sum(res) == 0: count += 1 prec, rec = eval_pre_rec(s_observed[idx, :], seq_f[:, 1:].squeeze(), wordpos[num], True) print(prec, rec) precision += prec recall += rec epsilons.append(eps.clone()) #hamm_rate = eval_hamming_dist(observed, seq_f[:, 1:].squeeze(), wordpos[num]) #rate += hamm_rate eval_print_caption(loader, info, seq_f[:, 1:], preds_attack) tmp_total = (i + 1) * len(target_data) * opt.times print('{}/{}, average l2_norm: {}'.format(count, tmp_total, eps_l2 / tmp_total)) #print('hamming rate: {}'.format(rate / tmp_total)) print('precision: {}, recall: {}'.format(precision / tmp_total, recall / tmp_total)) torch.cuda.empty_cache() if not os.path.exists(opt.save_dir): os.makedirs(opt.save_dir) with open(os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'preds_origin.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(preds_origin, f) with open(os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'preds_target.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(preds_target, f) with open(os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'preds_attack.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(preds_attack, f) with open(os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'hidden_wordpos.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(hidden_wordpos, f) if opt.save_as_images: tmp_real = img.permute([1, 2, 0]).data.cpu().numpy()[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] #real_att_ = cv2.resize(attention[1].view(14, 14).data.cpu().numpy(), # tmp_real.shape[:2][::-1]) for idx in range(len(target_data)): #tmp_target = target_img[idx].permute([1, 2, 0]).data.cpu().numpy() tmp_fake = torch.clamp(img + epsilons[idx], 0, 1).permute( [1, 2, 0]).data.cpu().numpy()[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] noise = torch.abs(epsilons[idx]).permute( [1, 2, 0]).data.cpu().numpy() #fake_att_ = cv2.resize(fake_attention[1].view(14, 14).data.cpu().numpy(), # tmp_real.shape[:2][::-1]) cv2.imwrite('images/real_{}.png'.format(i), (255 * tmp_real).astype(int)) cv2.imwrite('images/fake_{}.png'.format(i), (255 * tmp_fake).astype(int)) max_value, min_value = np.max(noise), np.min(noise) noise = (noise - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) plt.imsave('images/noise_{}.png'.format(i), noise, format='png') for ix in range(len(fake_attention)): real_att_ = cv2.resize( fake_attention[ix].view(14, 14).data.cpu().numpy(), tmp_real.shape[:2][::-1]) fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(tmp_real) plt.imshow(255 * real_att_, alpha=0.85, cmap='viridis') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('images/img_{}_attention_{}.png'.format( i + 1, ix), format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)