예제 #1
class CreateOutput(object):
    def __init__(self, instance):
        self.program = instance.program
        self.testcase = instance
        self.input_files = instance.input_files
        self.commandExecutor = CommandExecutor()
        self.failed = False
        self.eval_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../evaluate/safeexec')

    # Function to get resource limit for the testcase. During the creation of the testcase a Resource limit object with limits for various features
    # is also created (with default values if the instructor does not change this).
    # This function returns the dictionary mapping the attributes to their respective limits for this testcase.
    def get_resource_limit(self):
        return {'cpu_time':10, 'clock_time':10,
                    'memory': 32768, 'stack_size': 8192, 'child_processes': 0,
                    'open_files': 512, 'file_size': 1024,
        Solve this by actually retrieving the exact SafeExec object.
            resource = {}
            safeexec_obj = SafeExec.objects.get(testcase=self.testcase)
            attrs = ['cpu_time', 'clock_time', 'memory', 'stack_size', 'child_processes', 'open_files', 'file_size']
            for attr in attrs:
                val = getattr(safeexec_obj, attr)
                if val is not None:
                    resource[attr] = val
            return resource
        except SafeExec.DoesNotExist:
            return {'cpu_time':10, 'clock_time':10,
                    'memory': 32768, 'stack_size': 8192, 'child_processes': 0,
                    'open_files': 512, 'file_size': 1024,

    # Setup the output creator
    def setup(self):
        # create temporary directory.
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="solution", dir=self.eval_dir)

        currentDir = os.getcwd()

        # Copy program files and input files to the directory
        if self.program.program_files :
            extract_or_copy(src=self.program.program_files.file.name, dest=currentDir)
        if self.program.assignment.model_solution:
            extract_or_copy(src=self.program.assignment.model_solution.file.name, dest=currentDir)

        # write input file to temporary file.
        self.temp_input_d = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="input")
        if self.input_files:
            self.input = os.path.join(
            f = open(self.input, 'w')
            for a_line in self.input_files.file:
            # input file has been written now extract.
            extract_or_copy(src=self.input, dest=currentDir)
            self.input = ''

    # Run the program solution files and 
    def run(self):
        # Compile the solution. If there are errors then write it to the error file and return
        if compile_required(self.program.language):
            compiler_command = get_compilation_command(self.program)
            print "Compiling model solution. Compilation Command - " + compiler_command
            self.command_output = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
            if self.command_output.getReturnCode():
                # There was some error. Write it in database.
                print "Compilation of model solution failed."
                self.failed = True
                _, self.error_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="error", dir=self.temp_input_d)
                f = open(self.error_file, 'w')

                for a_line in self.command_output.get_stderr():

        # No errors and thus can continue. Run the solution
        execution_command = get_execution_command(self.program)
        print "Creating Output. Running following execution command - " + execution_command
        #if self.testcase.command_line_args:
        #    execution_command = execution_command + self.testcase.command_line_args
        if self.testcase.std_in_file_name:
            execution_command = execution_command + " < " + self.testcase.std_in_file_name
        self.command_output = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
        self.success = bool(self.command_output.getReturnCode())

        # Delete input files from current directory. And the program files
        dir_content = os.listdir('./')
        for a_file in dir_content:
            if self.is_program_file(a_file):

        if self.input:
            for a_file in get_file_name_list(name=self.input): # delete extracted files
                if os.path.isfile(a_file):

        # Write standard output to a file and save it in database.
        directory_content = os.listdir('./')

        _, self.std_out_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='output', dir="./")
        out_file = open(self.std_out_file, 'w')

        for a_line in ["\n".join(self.command_output.get_stdout())]:

        # There was some error. Write it in database.
        if self.command_output.getReturnCode():
            self.failed = True
            _, self.error_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="error", dir=self.temp_input_d)
            f = open(self.error_file, 'w')

            for a_line in self.command_output.get_stderr():

        # If directory has any content left then make a tar, else set the outfile to the output file.
        if directory_content: # make a tar
            self.out_file = self.make_tar(directory_content + [self.std_out_file], self.std_out_file)
        else: # there are no other files standard output only.
            self.out_file = self.std_out_file

    def get_stdout_file_name(self):
        return os.path.basename(self.std_out_file)

    def get_stderr_file_name(self):
        return os.path.basename(self.error_file)

    def get_stderr_file_path(self):
        return self.error_file

    def make_tar(self, files, tarname):
        tarname = tarname + ".tar.bz2"
        output_files_tar = tarfile.open(name=tarname, mode="w:bz2")

        # Make tar file from all output files.
        for afile in files:
            if os.path.isfile(afile):
        return tarname

    def get_output(self):
        prev_dir = os.getcwd()

        return self

    def is_program_file(self, fname):
        filename = fname.split("/")[-1]
        if self.program.program_files and filename in get_file_name_list(self.program.program_files.file.name):
            return True
        elif self.program.assignment.model_solution and filename in get_file_name_list(self.program.assignment.model_solution.file.name):
            return True
        elif is_intermediate_files(filename,self.program,self.program.language):
            return True
            return False

    def clean_up(self):
        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_input_d, ignore_errors=True)
예제 #2
class CustomTestcase(object):
    def __init__(self, inputFile, program, submission):
        # Setting section of the testcase, submission to use, the input file given by the student and the command executor that runs the commands.
        self.program = program
        self.submission = submission
        self.inputFile = inputFile
        self.commandExecutor = CommandExecutor()
        self.eval_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../evaluate/safeexec')

    def get_resource_limit(self):
        # Return default values because there is no setting for custom testcase.
        return {'cpu_time':10, 'clock_time':10,
                'memory': 32768, 'stack_size': 8192, 'child_processes': 0,
                'open_files': 512, 'file_size': 1024,

    # Store the input file that student uploaded  
    def store_input_file(self, inputFile, dest):
        file_path = os.path.join(dest, inputFile.name.split('/')[-1])
        destination = open(file_path, 'wb+')

        # Work-around to support file and InMemoeryUploadedFile objects
        if hasattr(inputFile, 'chunks'):
            all_file = inputFile.chunks()
            all_file = inputFile

        # Write everything to the input file represented by destination object. Then return the full path of file name.
        for chunk in all_file:
        return file_path

    # Function to setup the environment (input file, solution files and submission files) before running the code.
    def setup(self):
        # This is the directory where the student program is copied to.
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="grader", dir=self.eval_dir)

        # Copy student solution files to tmp directory.
        extract_or_copy(src=self.submission.filePath.file.name, dest=self.temp_dir)

        # Another temp directory for running solution program. This is the directory where the solution program is copied to.
        self.solution_temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="solution", dir=self.eval_dir)
        directories = [a for a in os.listdir('./') if os.path.isdir(a)]
        if directories:
        currentDir = os.getcwd()

        # Extract the program file and the input file to the student directory, and the input file to the program directory as well.
        extract_or_copy(src=self.program.program_files.file.name, dest=currentDir)
        self.submittedFiles = get_file_name_list(name=self.submission.filePath.file.name)
        input_file = self.store_input_file(self.inputFile, currentDir)
        shutil.copy(src=input_file, dst=self.solution_temp_dir)

    # Function to compile the student program.
    def compile(self):
        self.exe_file = str(self.program.id)
        compiler_command = " ".join(pickle.loads(self.program.compiler_command)) + " -o " + self.exe_file
        self.compileResult = self.commandExecutor.executeCommand(command=compiler_command)

    # Function to run the student and model solution on the input file.
    def run(self):
        # Run student exe file.
        _, self.actual_stdout = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='./')
        os.chmod(self.actual_stdout, 0777)

        runStudentProgram = "./" + self.exe_file + " < " + self.inputFile.name
        self.actualOutput = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(

        # Run solution exe file.
        shutil.copy(src=self.program.exe_file_name.file.name, dst=self.solution_temp_dir)
        _, self.expected_stdout = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='./')
        os.chmod(self.expected_stdout, 0777)
        exe = self.program.exe_file_name.name.split('/')[-1]
        runSolutionProgram = "./" + exe + " < " + self.inputFile.name

        self.expectedOutput = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
        self.passed = self.testPassed()

    # This function is called after run(), and checks the actual and the expected output.
    def testPassed(self):
        # At this point actual o/p is in self.actual_stdout and expected O/P is in self.expected_stdout.
        # compare them and display result on browser.

        if not (self.expectedOutput.returnCode == 0 and self.actualOutput.returnCode == 0):
            return False

        exp_op = iter(self.expectedOutput.get_stdout())
        act_op = iter(self.actualOutput.get_stdout())

        if len(self.expectedOutput.get_stdout()) > len(self.actualOutput.get_stdout()):
            return False

        for line1, line2 in zip(exp_op, act_op):
            if line1.strip() != line2.strip():
                return False
        for line2 in act_op:
            if line2.strip() != "":
                return False
        return True

    # This is the function called to get the result once the input file is uploaded.
    def getResult(self):
        # Setup the environment.
        # Compile the program.
        # If compilation is successful then run the program.
        if self.compileResult.returnCode == 0:
        # Clean up the temporary directories.
        return self

    # Function to clean up the temporary directories.
    def cleanUp(self):
        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
예제 #3
class CreateOutput(object):
    def __init__(self, instance):
        self.program = instance.program
        self.testcase = instance
        self.input_files = instance.input_files
        self.commandExecutor = CommandExecutor()
        self.failed = False
        self.eval_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../evaluate/safeexec')

    # Function to get resource limit for the testcase. During the creation of the testcase a Resource limit object with limits for various features
    # is also created (with default values if the instructor does not change this).
    # This function returns the dictionary mapping the attributes to their respective limits for this testcase.
    def get_resource_limit(self):
        return {
            'cpu_time': 10,
            'clock_time': 10,
            'memory': 32768,
            'stack_size': 8192,
            'child_processes': 0,
            'open_files': 512,
            'file_size': 1024,
        Solve this by actually retrieving the exact SafeExec object.
            resource = {}
            safeexec_obj = SafeExec.objects.get(testcase=self.testcase)
            attrs = ['cpu_time', 'clock_time', 'memory', 'stack_size', 'child_processes', 'open_files', 'file_size']
            for attr in attrs:
                val = getattr(safeexec_obj, attr)
                if val is not None:
                    resource[attr] = val
            return resource
        except SafeExec.DoesNotExist:
            return {'cpu_time':10, 'clock_time':10,
                    'memory': 32768, 'stack_size': 8192, 'child_processes': 0,
                    'open_files': 512, 'file_size': 1024,

    # Setup the output creator
    def setup(self):
        # create temporary directory.
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="solution", dir=self.eval_dir)

        currentDir = os.getcwd()

        # Copy program files and input files to the directory
        if self.program.program_files:
        if self.program.assignment.model_solution:

        # write input file to temporary file.
        self.temp_input_d = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="input")
        if self.input_files:
            self.input = os.path.join(
            f = open(self.input, 'w')
            for a_line in self.input_files.file:
            # input file has been written now extract.
            extract_or_copy(src=self.input, dest=currentDir)
            self.input = ''

    # Run the program solution files and
    def run(self):
        # Compile the solution. If there are errors then write it to the error file and return
        if compile_required(self.program.language):
            compiler_command = get_compilation_command(self.program)
            print "Compiling model solution. Compilation Command - " + compiler_command
            self.command_output = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
                command=compiler_command, limits=self.get_resource_limit())
            if self.command_output.getReturnCode():
                # There was some error. Write it in database.
                print "Compilation of model solution failed."
                self.failed = True
                _, self.error_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="error",
                f = open(self.error_file, 'w')

                for a_line in self.command_output.get_stderr():

        # No errors and thus can continue. Run the solution
        execution_command = get_execution_command(self.program)
        print "Creating Output. Running following execution command - " + execution_command
        #if self.testcase.command_line_args:
        #    execution_command = execution_command + self.testcase.command_line_args
        if self.testcase.std_in_file_name:
            execution_command = execution_command + " < " + self.testcase.std_in_file_name
        self.command_output = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
            command=execution_command, limits=self.get_resource_limit())
        self.success = bool(self.command_output.getReturnCode())

        # Delete input files from current directory. And the program files
        dir_content = os.listdir('./')
        for a_file in dir_content:
            if self.is_program_file(a_file):

        if self.input:
            for a_file in get_file_name_list(
                    name=self.input):  # delete extracted files
                if os.path.isfile(a_file):

        # Write standard output to a file and save it in database.
        directory_content = os.listdir('./')

        _, self.std_out_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='output', dir="./")
        out_file = open(self.std_out_file, 'w')

        for a_line in ["\n".join(self.command_output.get_stdout())]:

        # There was some error. Write it in database.
        if self.command_output.getReturnCode():
            self.failed = True
            _, self.error_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="error",
            f = open(self.error_file, 'w')

            for a_line in self.command_output.get_stderr():

        # If directory has any content left then make a tar, else set the outfile to the output file.
        if directory_content:  # make a tar
            self.out_file = self.make_tar(
                directory_content + [self.std_out_file], self.std_out_file)
        else:  # there are no other files standard output only.
            self.out_file = self.std_out_file

    def get_stdout_file_name(self):
        return os.path.basename(self.std_out_file)

    def get_stderr_file_name(self):
        return os.path.basename(self.error_file)

    def get_stderr_file_path(self):
        return self.error_file

    def make_tar(self, files, tarname):
        tarname = tarname + ".tar.bz2"
        output_files_tar = tarfile.open(name=tarname, mode="w:bz2")

        # Make tar file from all output files.
        for afile in files:
            if os.path.isfile(afile):
        return tarname

    def get_output(self):
        prev_dir = os.getcwd()

        return self

    def is_program_file(self, fname):
        filename = fname.split("/")[-1]
        if self.program.program_files and filename in get_file_name_list(
            return True
        elif self.program.assignment.model_solution and filename in get_file_name_list(
            return True
        elif is_intermediate_files(filename, self.program,
            return True
            return False

    def clean_up(self):
        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_input_d, ignore_errors=True)
예제 #4
class TestCase(object):
    def __init__(self, testcase, program_result):
        self.testcase = testcase
        self.program_result = program_result
        self.name = testcase.name
        self.stdInFile = str(testcase.std_in_file_name)
        self.commandExecutor = CommandExecutor()

    # Function to get resource limit for the testcase. During the creation of the testcase a Resource limit object with limits for various features
    # is also created (with default values if the instructor does not change this).
    # This function returns the dictionary mapping the attributes to their respective limits for this testcase.
    def get_resource_limit(self):
            resource = {}
            safeexec_obj = SafeExec.objects.get(testcase=self.testcase)
            attrs = ['cpu_time', 'clock_time', 'memory', 'stack_size', 'child_processes', 'open_files', 'file_size']
            for attr in attrs:
                val = getattr(safeexec_obj, attr)
                if val is not None:
                    resource[attr] = val
            return resource
        except SafeExec.DoesNotExist:
            return {}

    # Function to make a tarfile of all output files and return the name of this file.
    def make_tar(self):
        # Create the file containing std output with a certain pattern in its name. "standardOutput_testcase-id"
        stdoutFileName = "standardOutput_" + str(self.testcase.id)
        shutil.move(self.std_out, stdoutFileName)
        outputfiles = [stdoutFileName]

        # Set the name of the tarfile which is going to contain the output files.
        tarname = "output_file_" + str(self.testcase.id) + ".tar.bz2"
        outputFilesTar = tarfile.open(name=tarname, mode="w:bz2")

        # Add the std output file and all the other files that were created by the student solution (typically the files to which the student solution
        # wrote to other than the std output) to the tarfile.
        for afile in outputfiles + self.output_files:
            if os.path.isfile(afile):
        return tarname

    # Function which is going to run the execution command on the input file of the testcase. Note that compilation if needed is done at the section
    # level itself.
    def run(self, exeCommand):
        # Create the output file to capture the std output in the current directory.
        _, self.std_out = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.chmod(self.std_out, 0777)
        command = exeCommand

        # Add the command line arguments if any.
        if self.testcase.command_line_args:
            command = command + self.testcase.command_line_args

        # Then redirect the std input to the input file.
        if os.path.isfile(self.stdInFile):
            command = command + " < " + self.stdInFile

        # Execute the resulting command with the appropriate resource limits and the output file created above.
        self.testResults = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(

        # Check if the testcase has passed.
        self.passed = self.test_passed()

        # Incase the testcase has not passed the attrs dictionary below holds needed error messages and return code for the testcase.
        attrs = {'error_messages': "".join(self.testResults.stderr),
                 'return_code': int(self.testResults.returnCode),
                 'test_passed': self.passed}
        # This dictionary is used to filter out any existing testcase result for the submission so as to update it with the new results in attrs above.
        filter_attrs = {'test_case': self.testcase, 'program_result': self.program_result}

        # If any Testcase Results exist with the filter_attrs attributes, then update if with the new attributes.
        # Remove the older output file.
        # Else if none exist, then store the current result with the filter_attrs added to the attrs dictionary.
            obj = TestcaseResult.objects.filter(**filter_attrs)
            test_result = obj[0:1].get()
            default_storage.delete(test_result.output_files.path) # Remove older file.
        except TestcaseResult.DoesNotExist:
            test_result = TestcaseResult.objects.create(**attrs)

        # Make a tar file of the std output file and the other files which have been written to by the student submission.
        # Update the test result (updated or newly created) with this tar file as the output file.
        tar_name = self.make_tar()
        test_result.output_files.save(tar_name, File(open(tar_name)))
        return self

    # Function to check if the student submission has passed the testcase.
    def test_passed(self):
        # Create a temporary directory and copy the expected output of the testcase to this file.
        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="grader_op_files")
        extract_or_copy(src=self.testcase.output_files.file.name, dest=temp_dir)
        std_output_file = str(self.testcase.std_out_file_name)

        # Other output files are stored in this variable.
        self.output_files = os.listdir(temp_dir)

        # Now check for the status of the testcase. Call compare_output().
        is_passed = False
        print "Testcase return code is - ", self.testResults.returnCode
        if self.testResults.returnCode == 0: # Exited normally.
            is_passed = self.compare_output(temp_dir, std_output_file)

        # Remove the temporary directory and return the status of the testcase.
        shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        return is_passed

    # Function to compare output of the standard output file and the actual output.
    # Takes as input the actual output file and expected output in that order.
    def compare_output(self, temp_dir, std_output_file):
        if not self.compare_file(os.path.join(temp_dir, std_output_file), self.std_out):
            return False

        for afile in self.output_files: # compare all O/P files.
            if not self.compare_file(afile, afile.split('/')[-1]):
                return False
        return True

    # Function to compare 2 files.
    # Takes as input the expected output and actual output file in that order.
    def compare_file(self, expectedop, actualop):
        # If the actual output is not valid return false.
        if not os.path.isfile(actualop):
            return False

        # Open both the files and see if they have the same length. If true proceed else return false.
        file1 = open(expectedop)
        file2 = open(actualop)

        if(len(list(file1)) > len(list(file2))):
            return False
        file1 = open(expectedop)
        file2 = open(actualop)
        # Compare the 2 files line by line.
        for line1, line2 in zip(file1, file2):
            if line1.strip() != line2.strip():
                return False

        for line2 in file2:
            if line2.strip() != "":
                return False
        return True
예제 #5
class TestCase(object):
    def __init__(self, testcase, program_result):
        self.testcase = testcase
        self.program_result = program_result
        self.name = testcase.name
        self.stdInFile = str(testcase.std_in_file_name)
        self.commandExecutor = CommandExecutor()

    # Function to get resource limit for the testcase. During the creation of the testcase a Resource limit object with limits for various features
    # is also created (with default values if the instructor does not change this).
    # This function returns the dictionary mapping the attributes to their respective limits for this testcase.
    def get_resource_limit(self):
            resource = {}
            safeexec_obj = SafeExec.objects.get(testcase=self.testcase)
            attrs = [
                'cpu_time', 'clock_time', 'memory', 'stack_size',
                'child_processes', 'open_files', 'file_size'
            for attr in attrs:
                val = getattr(safeexec_obj, attr)
                if val is not None:
                    resource[attr] = val
            return resource
        except SafeExec.DoesNotExist:
            return {}

    # Function to make a tarfile of all output files and return the name of this file.
    def make_tar(self):
        # Create the file containing std output with a certain pattern in its name. "standardOutput_testcase-id"
        stdoutFileName = "standardOutput_" + str(self.testcase.id)
        shutil.move(self.std_out, stdoutFileName)
        outputfiles = [stdoutFileName]

        # Set the name of the tarfile which is going to contain the output files.
        tarname = "output_file_" + str(self.testcase.id) + ".tar.bz2"
        outputFilesTar = tarfile.open(name=tarname, mode="w:bz2")

        # Add the std output file and all the other files that were created by the student solution (typically the files to which the student solution
        # wrote to other than the std output) to the tarfile.
        for afile in outputfiles + self.output_files:
            if os.path.isfile(afile):
        return tarname

    # Function which is going to run the execution command on the input file of the testcase. Note that compilation if needed is done at the section
    # level itself.
    def run(self, exeCommand):
        # Create the output file to capture the std output in the current directory.
        _, self.std_out = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.chmod(self.std_out, 0777)
        command = exeCommand

        # Add the command line arguments if any.
        if self.testcase.command_line_args:
            command = command + self.testcase.command_line_args

        # Then redirect the std input to the input file.
        if os.path.isfile(self.stdInFile):
            command = command + " < " + self.stdInFile

        # Execute the resulting command with the appropriate resource limits and the output file created above.
        self.testResults = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(

        # Check if the testcase has passed.
        self.passed = self.test_passed()

        # Incase the testcase has not passed the attrs dictionary below holds needed error messages and return code for the testcase.
        attrs = {
            'error_messages': "".join(self.testResults.stderr),
            'return_code': int(self.testResults.returnCode),
            'test_passed': self.passed
        # This dictionary is used to filter out any existing testcase result for the submission so as to update it with the new results in attrs above.
        filter_attrs = {
            'test_case': self.testcase,
            'program_result': self.program_result

        # If any Testcase Results exist with the filter_attrs attributes, then update if with the new attributes.
        # Remove the older output file.
        # Else if none exist, then store the current result with the filter_attrs added to the attrs dictionary.
            obj = TestcaseResult.objects.filter(**filter_attrs)
            test_result = obj[0:1].get()
                test_result.output_files.path)  # Remove older file.
        except TestcaseResult.DoesNotExist:
            test_result = TestcaseResult.objects.create(**attrs)

        # Make a tar file of the std output file and the other files which have been written to by the student submission.
        # Update the test result (updated or newly created) with this tar file as the output file.
        tar_name = self.make_tar()
        test_result.output_files.save(tar_name, File(open(tar_name)))
        return self

    # Function to check if the student submission has passed the testcase.
    def test_passed(self):
        # Create a temporary directory and copy the expected output of the testcase to this file.
        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="grader_op_files")
        std_output_file = str(self.testcase.std_out_file_name)

        # Other output files are stored in this variable.
        self.output_files = os.listdir(temp_dir)

        # Now check for the status of the testcase. Call compare_output().
        is_passed = False
        print "Testcase return code is - ", self.testResults.returnCode
        if self.testResults.returnCode == 0:  # Exited normally.
            is_passed = self.compare_output(temp_dir, std_output_file)

        # Remove the temporary directory and return the status of the testcase.
        shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        return is_passed

    # Function to compare output of the standard output file and the actual output.
    # Takes as input the actual output file and expected output in that order.
    def compare_output(self, temp_dir, std_output_file):
        if not self.compare_file(os.path.join(temp_dir, std_output_file),
            return False

        for afile in self.output_files:  # compare all O/P files.
            if not self.compare_file(afile, afile.split('/')[-1]):
                return False
        return True

    # Function to compare 2 files.
    # Takes as input the expected output and actual output file in that order.
    def compare_file(self, expectedop, actualop):
        # If the actual output is not valid return false.
        if not os.path.isfile(actualop):
            return False

        # Open both the files and see if they have the same length. If true proceed else return false.
        file1 = open(expectedop)
        file2 = open(actualop)

        if (len(list(file1)) > len(list(file2))):
            return False

        file1 = open(expectedop)
        file2 = open(actualop)

        # Compare the 2 files line by line.
        for line1, line2 in zip(file1, file2):
            if line1.strip() != line2.strip():
                return False

        for line2 in file2:
            if line2.strip() != "":
                return False
        return True
예제 #6
class CustomTestcase(object):
    def __init__(self, inputFile, program, submission):
        # Setting section of the testcase, submission to use, the input file given by the student and the command executor that runs the commands.
        self.program = program
        self.submission = submission
        self.inputFile = inputFile
        self.commandExecutor = CommandExecutor()
        self.eval_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../evaluate/safeexec')

    def get_resource_limit(self):
        # Return default values because there is no setting for custom testcase.
        return {
            'cpu_time': 10,
            'clock_time': 10,
            'memory': 32768,
            'stack_size': 8192,
            'child_processes': 0,
            'open_files': 512,
            'file_size': 1024,

    # Store the input file that student uploaded
    def store_input_file(self, inputFile, dest):
        file_path = os.path.join(dest, inputFile.name.split('/')[-1])
        destination = open(file_path, 'wb+')

        # Work-around to support file and InMemoeryUploadedFile objects
        if hasattr(inputFile, 'chunks'):
            all_file = inputFile.chunks()
            all_file = inputFile

        # Write everything to the input file represented by destination object. Then return the full path of file name.
        for chunk in all_file:
        return file_path

    # Function to setup the environment (input file, solution files and submission files) before running the code.
    def setup(self):
        # This is the directory where the student program is copied to.
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="grader", dir=self.eval_dir)

        # Copy student solution files to tmp directory.

        # Another temp directory for running solution program. This is the directory where the solution program is copied to.
        self.solution_temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="solution",

        directories = [a for a in os.listdir('./') if os.path.isdir(a)]
        if directories:
        currentDir = os.getcwd()

        # Extract the program file and the input file to the student directory, and the input file to the program directory as well.
        self.submittedFiles = get_file_name_list(
        input_file = self.store_input_file(self.inputFile, currentDir)
        shutil.copy(src=input_file, dst=self.solution_temp_dir)

    # Function to compile the student program.
    def compile(self):
        self.exe_file = str(self.program.id)
        compiler_command = " ".join(pickle.loads(
            self.program.compiler_command)) + " -o " + self.exe_file
        self.compileResult = self.commandExecutor.executeCommand(

    # Function to run the student and model solution on the input file.
    def run(self):
        # Run student exe file.
        _, self.actual_stdout = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='./')
        os.chmod(self.actual_stdout, 0777)

        runStudentProgram = "./" + self.exe_file + " < " + self.inputFile.name
        self.actualOutput = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
            command=runStudentProgram, limits=self.get_resource_limit())

        # Run solution exe file.
        _, self.expected_stdout = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='./')
        os.chmod(self.expected_stdout, 0777)
        exe = self.program.exe_file_name.name.split('/')[-1]
        runSolutionProgram = "./" + exe + " < " + self.inputFile.name

        self.expectedOutput = self.commandExecutor.safe_execute(
            command=runSolutionProgram, limits=self.get_resource_limit())
        self.passed = self.testPassed()

    # This function is called after run(), and checks the actual and the expected output.
    def testPassed(self):
        # At this point actual o/p is in self.actual_stdout and expected O/P is in self.expected_stdout.
        # compare them and display result on browser.

        if not (self.expectedOutput.returnCode == 0
                and self.actualOutput.returnCode == 0):
            return False

        exp_op = iter(self.expectedOutput.get_stdout())
        act_op = iter(self.actualOutput.get_stdout())

        if len(self.expectedOutput.get_stdout()) > len(
            return False

        for line1, line2 in zip(exp_op, act_op):
            if line1.strip() != line2.strip():
                return False

        for line2 in act_op:
            if line2.strip() != "":
                return False
        return True

    # This is the function called to get the result once the input file is uploaded.
    def getResult(self):
        # Setup the environment.
        # Compile the program.
        # If compilation is successful then run the program.
        if self.compileResult.returnCode == 0:
        # Clean up the temporary directories.
        return self

    # Function to clean up the temporary directories.
    def cleanUp(self):
        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)