def generate(self, length, alpha, beta): ''' 解を生成 - @param {Integer} length 解の長さ - @param {Array} alpha - @param {Array} beta ''' # 制約条件を満たす解を生成 while True: x = "".join([str(random.randint(1, 6)) for i in range(length)]) result = eval.evaluate(x_str=x, mode="constraint", bias_alpha=alpha, bias_beta=beta, valiables=len(x)) if result.count(0) == len(result): break # 結果 self.value = { "x": x, "objective": eval.evaluate(x_str=x, bias_alpha=alpha, bias_beta=beta, valiables=len(x)) }
def renew(self, length, origin_harmony_list, alpha, beta, change_count=1): ''' 解の作り変え - @param {Integer} length, - @param {Array} origin_harmony_list 変更前となるharmonyのリスト - @param {Array} alpha - @param {Array} beta - @param {Number} change_count ''' # 対象となる解を決定 r = random.randint(0, len(origin_harmony_list) - 1) while True: # 新規解 newx = "" for i in range(length): if random.random() < self.R_A: if random.random() < self.R_P: # 既存の解を継承 newx = newx + origin_harmony_list[r].value["x"][i] else: # 既存の解をすこし変更して継承 add_num = (int(origin_harmony_list[r].value["x"][i]) - 1 + random.randint(-3, 3)) % 6 + 1 if add_num < 0: add_num += 6 newx = newx + str(add_num) else: # ランダムな継承 newx = newx + str(random.randint(1, 6)) result = eval.evaluate(x_str=newx, mode="constraint", bias_alpha=alpha, bias_beta=beta, valiables=len(newx)) if result.count(0) == len(result): break self.value = { "x": newx, "objective": eval.evaluate(x_str=newx, bias_alpha=alpha, bias_beta=beta, valiables=len(newx)) }
def createVirtualResult(x, vAlpha, vBeta, vGamma): ''' 仮設定から仮の結果を出力する - @param {String} x submitされた結果 - @param {Array} vAlpha 仮置きα - @param {Array} vBeta 仮置きβ - @param {Array} vGamma 仮置きγ ''' return { "objective": eval.evaluate(x_str=x, bias_alpha=vAlpha, bias_beta=vBeta, bias_gamma=vGamma, valiables=len(x), mode="objective"), "constraint": eval.evaluate(x_str=x, bias_alpha=vAlpha, bias_beta=vBeta, bias_gamma=vGamma, valiables=len(x), mode="constraint"), }
images, labels = images.cuda(), labels.cuda() labels = labels.view(-1) predictions = model_deterministic(images) loss = loss_func(predictions, labels) model_deterministic.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if i % 50 == 0: loss =[0] print('[%d / %d] Loss: %f' % ((epoch - 1) * len(train_loader) + i, epochs * len(train_loader), loss)) print('\nFinished Epoch %d' % epoch) acc = evaluate(model_deterministic, test_loader) print('Test Accuracy: %.2f\n' % (acc * 100)) model_deterministic.eval() state = model_deterministic.state_dict(), '') model_stochastic = Model(True) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model_stochastic.cuda() model_stochastic.eval() model_stochastic.load_state_dict(state) print('Stochastic Model Evaluation') acc = evaluate(model_stochastic, test_loader) print('Test Accuracy: %.2f\n' % (acc * 100))
def train(): ### CONFIGS ### batch_size = 25 lr = 0.0002 weight_decay = 1e-5 iter_i = 0 train_loss = 0. losses = [] accuracies = [] best_eval = 1.0e9 best_iter = 0 threshold = 1e-4 ################ train_data = list(sst_reader("data/sst/train.txt")) dev_data = list(sst_reader("data/sst/dev.txt")) test_data = list(sst_reader("data/sst/test.txt")) iters_per_epoch = len(train_data) // batch_size vocabulary = Vocabulary() glove = load_glove('data/sst/glove.840B.300d.sst.txt', vocabulary) t2i = OrderedDict({ p: i for p, i in zip([ "very negative", "negative", "neutral", "positive", "very positive" ], range(5)) }) # Build model model = build_model(vocabulary, t2i) initialize_model_(model) with torch.no_grad(): model.embed.weight.requires_grad = False model.embed.weight[1] = 0.0 optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode="min", factor=0.5, patience=5, verbose=True, cooldown=5, threshold=1e-4, min_lr=1e-5) model = while True: # when we run out of examples, shuffle and continue for batch in get_minibatch(train_data, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True): epoch = iter_i // iters_per_epoch model.train() x, targets, _ = prepare_minibatch(batch, model.vocab, device=device) mask = (x != 1) logits = model(x) loss, loss_optional = model.get_loss(logits, targets, mask=mask) model.zero_grad() train_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_norm=5.) optimizer.step() iter_i += 1 if iter_i % 100 == 0: train_loss = train_loss / 100 print(f"Epoch {epoch}, Iter {iter_i}, loss={train_loss}") losses.append(train_loss) train_loss = 0. if iter_i % iters_per_epoch == 0: dev_eval = evaluate(model, dev_data, batch_size=batch_size, device=device) print(f"Epoch {epoch} iter {iter_i}: dev {dev_eval['acc']}") # save best model parameters compare_score = dev_eval["loss"] if "obj" in dev_eval: compare_score = dev_eval["obj"] scheduler.step(compare_score) # adjust learning rate if (compare_score < (best_eval * (1 - threshold))) and iter_i > (3 * iters_per_epoch): best_eval = compare_score best_iter = iter_i if not os.path.exists('sst_results/default'): os.makedirs('sst_results/default') ckpt = { "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(), "best_eval": best_eval, "best_iter": best_iter } path = os.path.join('sst_results/default', ""), path) if iter_i == (iters_per_epoch * 25): path = os.path.join('sst_results/model', "") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)["state_dict"]) print("# Evaluating") dev_eval = evaluate(model, dev_data, batch_size=25, device=device) test_eval = evaluate(model, test_data, batch_size=25, device=device) print("best model iter {:d}: " "dev {} test {}".format(best_iter, dev_eval['acc'], test_eval['acc'])) return losses, accuracies
def repl(): print ( '\nInterpreter\n' 'Author: Sean Frischmann\n' 'Class: Cse 305\n' ) env = dict() env['stack'] = list() env['global'] = dict() env['active'] = list() env['global']['bindings'] = dict() env['global']['closures'] = list() env['global']['binded closures'] = dict() env['inactive'] = list() mode = 'default' buf = '' isSpace = False isNested = False apply_count = 0 temp_buf = [] temp_position = [] active_env = 0 closure_count = 0 user_input = '' while True: position=0 if apply_count > 0: if isNested: isNested = False env['inactive'] = list() if len(temp_buf) != 0: buf = temp_buf[0] temp_buf.pop(0) position = temp_position[0] temp_position.pop(0) position += 1 apply_count += -1 active_env += -1 if len(env['active']) != 0: env['active'].pop(0) elif mode == 'default': buf = input('repl> ') else: buf = input(' ') while position < len(buf): if buf[position] == '"': if mode == 'closure': mode = 'closure-string' elif mode == 'closure-string': mode = 'closure' elif mode == 'string': mode = 'default' else: mode = 'string' if buf[position] == '{': closure_count = closure_count + 1 mode = 'closure' if (buf[position] == ' ') and (mode == 'default'): isSpace = True else: user_input = user_input + buf[position] if isSpace or position == len(buf)-1: if user_input == 'apply': topValue = env['stack'][0] if topValue[0] == '<': topValue = primitives.get_not_local(topValue) if topValue == ':closure:': temp_buf.insert(0, buf) temp_position.insert(0, position) closureValue = env['global']['closures'][0] env['active'].insert(0,{}) env['active'][0]['bindings'] = dict() env['active'][0]['binded closures'] = dict() if isinstance(closureValue, dict): isNested = True linked_env = [] for val in closureValue.values(): linked_env = linked_env + val env['inactive'] = linked_env env['inactive'].insert(0,env['active'][0]) for val in closureValue.keys(): closureValue = val buf = closureValue env['global']['closures'].pop(0) env['stack'].pop(0) active_env += 1 else: buf = ':error:' + buf[position+1:len(buf)] user_input = '' apply_count += 1 isSpace = False position = 0 continue elif user_input == 'load': if len(env['stack']) > 0 and (env['stack'][0])[0] == '"': try: inputFile = env['stack'][0] inputFile = inputFile.replace('"','') if position == len(buf)-1: buf = buf[position+1:len(buf)] else: buf = buf[position:len(buf)] buf = load(inputFile)+' '+':true:'+buf env['stack'].pop(0) user_input = '' position = 0 continue except: user_input = ':false:' continue elif mode == 'string': user_input = user_input + '\n' elif mode == 'default': evaluater.evaluate(user_input,env, active_env, isNested) user_input = '' isSpace = False if buf[position] == '}' and mode == 'closure': closure_count = closure_count - 1 if closure_count == 0: isFrontValid = True isEndValid = True isMore = True if user_input[1] != ' ': isFrontValid = False temp = ':error:'+user_input[2:len(user_input)] user_input = temp if user_input[len(user_input)-2] != ' ': isEndValid = False if isFrontValid: temp = ':error:'+user_input[1:len(user_input)] user_input = temp if (position+1) < len(buf): if buf[position+1] != ' ': if isFrontValid: isFrontValid = False temp = ':error:'+user_input[1:len(user_input)] user_input = temp else: isMore = True if isFrontValid and isEndValid: closure.createClosure(user_input, env, active_env) if isMore: position = position+1 else: buf = user_input + buf[position+1:len(buf)] position = -1 mode = 'default' user_input = '' position = position+1 if mode == 'default' and (apply_count == 0): print_list(env['stack'])