예제 #1
def crunch(surf_file, net, w, s, d, dataloader: list, loss_key, acc_key, comm,
           rank, args):
        Calculate the loss values and accuracies of modified models in parallel
        using MPI reduce.

    f = h5py.File(surf_file, 'r+' if rank == 0 else 'r')
    losses, accuracies = [], []
    xcoordinates = f['xcoordinates'][:]
    ycoordinates = f['ycoordinates'][:] if 'ycoordinates' in f.keys() else None

    if loss_key not in f.keys():
        shape = xcoordinates.shape if ycoordinates is None else (
            len(xcoordinates), len(ycoordinates))
        losses = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        accuracies = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key] = losses
            f[acc_key] = accuracies
        losses = f[loss_key][:]
        accuracies = f[acc_key][:]

    # Generate a list of indices of 'losses' that need to be filled in.
    # The coordinates of each unfilled index (with respect to the direction vectors
    # stored in 'd') are stored in 'coords'.
    inds, coords, inds_nums = scheduler.get_job_indices(
        losses, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, comm)

    print('Computing %d values for rank %d' % (len(inds), rank))
    start_time = time.time()
    total_sync = 0.0

    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    if args.loss_name == 'mse':
        criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    elif args.loss_name == 'bce':
        criterion = nn.BCELoss()

    # Loop over all uncalculated loss values
    for count, ind in enumerate(inds):
        # Get the coordinates of the loss value being calculated
        coord = coords[count]

        # Load the weights corresponding to those coordinates into the net
        if args.dir_type == 'weights':
            net_plotter.set_weights(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, w, d,
        elif args.dir_type == 'states':
            net_plotter.set_states(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, s, d,

        # Record the time to compute the loss value
        loss_start = time.time()
        loss, acc = evaluation.eval_loss(net, criterion, dataloader, args.cuda)
        loss_compute_time = time.time() - loss_start

        # Record the result in the local array
        losses.ravel()[ind] = loss
        accuracies.ravel()[ind] = acc

        # Send updated plot data to the master node
        syc_start = time.time()
        losses = mpi.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)
        syc_time = time.time() - syc_start
        total_sync += syc_time

        # Only the master node writes to the file - this avoids write conflicts
        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key][:] = losses
            f[acc_key][:] = accuracies

            'Evaluating rank %d  %d/%d  (%.1f%%)  coord=%s \t%s= %.3f \t%s=%.2f \ttime=%.2f \tsync=%.2f'
            % (rank, count, len(inds), 100.0 * count / len(inds), str(coord),
               loss_key, loss, acc_key, acc, loss_compute_time, syc_time))

    # This is only needed to make MPI run smoothly. If this process has less work than
    # the rank0 process, then we need to keep calling reduce so the rank0 process doesn't block
    for i in range(max(inds_nums) - len(inds)):
        losses = mpi.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)

    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Rank %d done!  Total time: %.2f Sync: %.2f' %
          (rank, total_time, total_sync))

예제 #2
    inds, coords, inds_nums = scheduler.get_job_indices(losses, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, comm)
    print('Computing %d values for rank %d'% (len(inds), rank))
    start_time = time.time()
    total_sync = 0.0

    cce = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM)

    for count, ind in enumerate(inds):
        coord = coords[count]
        evaluation.set_weights(model, w, d, coord)

        print('Rank:%d computing' % (rank))
        loss_start = time.time()
        loss, acc = evaluation.eval_loss(model, cce, x_train, y_train, batch_size)
        loss_compute_time = time.time() - loss_start
        losses.ravel()[ind] = loss
        accuracies.ravel()[ind] = acc

        syc_start = time.time()
        losses = mpi.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)

        syc_time = time.time() - syc_start
        total_sync += syc_time

        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key][:] = losses
            f[acc_key][:] = accuracies
예제 #3
def crunch(surf_file, net, w, s, d, dataloader, loss_key, acc_key, comm, rank, args):
        Calculate the loss values and accuracies of modified models in parallel
        using MPI reduce.

    f = h5py.File(surf_file, 'r+' if rank == 0 else 'r')
    losses, accuracies = [], []
    xcoordinates = f['xcoordinates'][:]
    ycoordinates = f['ycoordinates'][:] if 'ycoordinates' in f.keys() else None

    if loss_key not in f.keys():
        shape = xcoordinates.shape if ycoordinates is None else (len(xcoordinates),len(ycoordinates))
        losses = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        accuracies = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key] = losses
            f[acc_key] = accuracies
        losses = f[loss_key][:]
        accuracies = f[acc_key][:]

    # Generate a list of indices of 'losses' that need to be filled in.
    # The coordinates of each unfilled index (with respect to the direction vectors
    # stored in 'd') are stored in 'coords'.
    inds, coords, inds_nums = scheduler.get_job_indices(losses, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, comm)

    print('Computing %d values for rank %d'% (len(inds), rank))
    start_time = time.time()
    total_sync = 0.0

    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    if args.loss_name == 'mse':
        criterion = nn.MSELoss()

    # Loop over all uncalculated loss values
    for count, ind in enumerate(inds):
        # Get the coordinates of the loss value being calculated
        coord = coords[count]

        # Load the weights corresponding to those coordinates into the net
        if args.dir_type == 'weights':
            net_plotter.set_weights(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, w, d, coord)
        elif args.dir_type == 'states':
            net_plotter.set_states(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, s, d, coord)

        # Record the time to compute the loss value
        loss_start = time.time()
        loss, acc = evaluation.eval_loss(net, criterion, dataloader, args.cuda)
        loss_compute_time = time.time() - loss_start

        # Record the result in the local array
        losses.ravel()[ind] = loss
        accuracies.ravel()[ind] = acc

        # Send updated plot data to the master node
        syc_start = time.time()
        losses     = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)
        syc_time = time.time() - syc_start
        total_sync += syc_time

        # Only the master node writes to the file - this avoids write conflicts
        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key][:] = losses
            f[acc_key][:] = accuracies

        print('Evaluating rank %d  %d/%d  (%.1f%%)  coord=%s \t%s= %.3f \t%s=%.2f \ttime=%.2f \tsync=%.2f' % (
                rank, count, len(inds), 100.0 * count/len(inds), str(coord), loss_key, loss,
                acc_key, acc, loss_compute_time, syc_time))

    # This is only needed to make MPI run smoothly. If this process has less work than
    # the rank0 process, then we need to keep calling reduce so the rank0 process doesn't block
    for i in range(max(inds_nums) - len(inds)):
        losses = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)

    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Rank %d done!  Total time: %.2f Sync: %.2f' % (rank, total_time, total_sync))

예제 #4
def crunch(surf_file, net, w, s, d, dataloader, loss_key, acc_key, comm, rank,
        Calculate the loss values and accuracies of modified models in parallel using MPI reduce.
        Input (major): 
             net, data,
             rank: index of the machine in the distributed system 
        Output: the loss values and save in surf_file
        Dependency: scheduler.get_job_indices, net_plotter.set_weights, evaluation.eval_loss
    print('----------STILL ALIVE # 01')
    print('-----------------------surf_file path', surf_file)
    f = h5py.File(
        surf_file, 'r+' if rank == 0 else
        'r')  # check https://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/quick.html for h5py files
    print('----------STILL ALIVE # 02')
    losses, accuracies = [], []
    xcoordinates = f['xcoordinates'][:]
    ycoordinates = f['ycoordinates'][:] if 'ycoordinates' in f.keys() else None

    if loss_key not in f.keys():
        shape = xcoordinates.shape if ycoordinates is None else (
            len(xcoordinates), len(ycoordinates))
        losses = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        accuracies = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key] = losses
            f[acc_key] = accuracies
        losses = f[loss_key][:]
        accuracies = f[acc_key][:]

    # Generate a list of indices of 'losses' that need to be filled in.
    # The coordinates of each unfilled index (with respect to the direction vectors
    # stored in 'd') are stored in 'coords'.
    # RS: Utilize distributed computation, since inds are split into multiple machines comm;
    # Key idea: the main job is to evaluate the losses of multiple models, which can be done in parallel
    inds, coords, inds_nums = scheduler.get_job_indices(
        losses, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, comm)

    print('Computing %d values for rank %d' % (len(inds), rank))
    start_time = time.time()
    total_sync = 0.0

    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    if args.loss_name == 'mse':
        criterion = nn.MSELoss()

    # Loop over all uncalculated loss values. inds is defined a few lines above
    # RS: I suspect that the for loop is not sequential but parallel; when enumerating inds, automatically split into multiple GPUs.
    for count, ind in enumerate(inds):
        # Get the coordinates of the loss value being calculated
        coord = coords[count]

        # Load the weights corresponding to those coordinates into the net
        # RS: e.g. if coord = 0.5 in 1d case, then we obtain net = 0.5 (model_1 + model_2).
        if args.dir_type == 'weights':
            net_plotter.set_weights(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, w, d,
        elif args.dir_type == 'states':
            net_plotter.set_states(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, s, d,

        # Compute the loss value, and record the time
        loss_start = time.time()
        loss, acc = evaluation.eval_loss(net, criterion, dataloader, args.cuda)
        loss_compute_time = time.time() - loss_start

        # Record the result in the local array
        losses.ravel()[ind] = loss
        accuracies.ravel()[ind] = acc

        # Send updated plot data to the master node
        # RS: I'm confused: why syncing during the for loop? I thought the process is:
        # every GPU computes its own data points (e.g. 10 on GPU-1 + 8 on GPU-0), then they combine. But this code says they sync at each loop, why?
        # For 1-GPU, this part probably does not matter (not sure whether 8 threads play a role in distributed computation)
        syc_start = time.time()
        losses = mpi.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)
        syc_time = time.time() - syc_start
        # print('----sync time of this part:', syc_time )  # print the time to sync
        total_sync += syc_time

        # Only the master node writes to the file - this avoids write conflicts
        if rank == 0:
            f[loss_key][:] = losses
            f[acc_key][:] = accuracies

        # print syc_time to check
            'Evaluating rank %d  %d/%d  (%.1f%%)  coord=%s \t%s= %.3f \t%s=%.2f \ttime=%.2f \tsync=%.2f'
            % (rank, count, len(inds), 100.0 * count / len(inds), str(coord),
               loss_key, loss, acc_key, acc, loss_compute_time, syc_time))

    # This is only needed to make MPI run smoothly. If this process has less work than
    # the rank0 process, then we need to keep calling reduce so the rank0 process doesn't block
    for i in range(max(inds_nums) - len(inds)):
        losses = mpi.reduce_max(comm, losses)
        accuracies = mpi.reduce_max(comm, accuracies)

    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Rank %d done!  Total time: %.2f Sync: %.2f' %
          (rank, total_time, total_sync))
