def test_propogate_message(self): """Test the Hub test_propogate_message and its rejection of ceartain type of messages. """ # Messages that will be sent to all endpoints i.e dispatch messages and repies: result = hub.MessagingHub.propogate_message( frames.dispatch_message('endpoint_uid', 'sig', {})) self.assertEquals(result, True) result = hub.MessagingHub.propogate_message( frames.dispatch_reply_message('reply_to_uid', {})) self.assertEquals(result, True) # Messages that won't be propagated: result = hub.MessagingHub.propogate_message( frames.sync_message('hub-123')) self.assertEquals(result, False) result = hub.MessagingHub.propogate_message( frames.hub_present_message()) self.assertEquals(result, False) # Bad mesasge data received: result = hub.MessagingHub.propogate_message("") self.assertEquals(result, False) result = hub.MessagingHub.propogate_message([]) self.assertEquals(result, False)
def test_string_message_generation(self): """Test the messages generated by convertions provides by """ # Hub present, hub heart beat message: correct = ("HUB_PRESENT", json.dumps(dict(version=frames.PKG.version))) rc = frames.hub_present_message() self.assertEquals(rc, correct) # SYNC message: correct = ("SYNC", json.dumps({"from": "endpoint-12"})) rc = frames.sync_message("endpoint-12") self.assertEquals(rc, correct) correct = ("SYNC", json.dumps({"from": "hub-1"})) rc = frames.sync_message("hub-1") self.assertEquals(rc, correct) # Dispatch with/without reply uuid: sig = 'tea_time' endpoint_uid = '0987' reply_to_uid = '12345' data = dict(a=1) rc = frames.dispatch_message(endpoint_uid, sig, data, reply_to_uid) correct = ("DISPATCH", endpoint_uid, sig, json.dumps(dict(a=1)), reply_to_uid) self.assertEquals(rc, correct) rc = frames.dispatch_message(endpoint_uid, sig, data) correct = ("DISPATCH", endpoint_uid, sig, json.dumps(dict(a=1)), '0') self.assertEquals(rc, correct) # Dispatch reply: data = dict(answer=10) rc = frames.dispatch_reply_message(reply_to_uid, data) correct = ("DISPATCH_REPLY", reply_to_uid, json.dumps(dict(answer=10))) self.assertEquals(rc, correct)
def testTransceiverComms(self): """Test the functionality of the Transceiver class on which the Register builds. """ # The Hub is running at this point. Now I need to set up the low # level Transciever and the message handler. This will get passed # all traffic received from the Hub. This includes any messages # we sent, back to us for local distribution. # message_handler = signal.CallBack(TIMEOUT) tran = endpoint.Transceiver(TESTHUB.config['endpoint'], message_handler) self.to_stop.append(tran) # clean up if test fails # Start receiving messages from the Hub and send the sync_message ready # to being receiving: tran.start() # Send a message. test_message = ("hello", "there") tran.message_out(frames.sync_message('endpoint-1234')) tran.message_out(test_message) # We should now have received this back again: message_handler.wait() self.assertEquals(, test_message) # Make sure I can only send tuple/list messages: invalid = ["abc", 1, None, {}] for invalid_message in invalid: self.assertRaises(endpoint.MessageOutError, tran.message_out, invalid_message) # Tuple/List only tran.message_out(("Message", )) message_handler.wait() self.assertEquals(, ("Message", )) tran.message_out([ "Message", ]) message_handler.wait() self.assertEquals(, ("Message", ))
def testPublistSubscribeRegisterAbiltiesUsingFakeTransciever(self): """Test the publish-subscribe using a FakeTransceiver so there is no actual network traffic. """ class FakeTransceiver(object): def __init__(self, config={}, message_handler=None): self.config = config self.handler = message_handler self.started = False self.stopped = False self.msg_out = '' self.endpoint_uuid = "fakeendpoint-uuid" self.exit_time = threading.Event() def start(self): self.exit_time.clear() self.started = True def stop(self): self.exit_time.set() self.stopped = True def message_out(self, message): self.msg_out = message class TeaTimeHandler(signal.CallBack): def __call__(self, endpoint_uuid, data, reply_to): super(TeaTimeHandler, self).__call__( (endpoint_uuid, data, reply_to)) tea_time_handler = TeaTimeHandler() class RegisterUnderTest(endpoint.Register): """Add some method to test the hub_present handler and others""" hubpresent_called = False sync_called = False err = None def handle_hub_present_message(self, payload): self.hubpresent_called = True def handle_sync_message(self, payload): self.sync_called = True def unhandled_message(self, reason, message): self.err = (reason, message) # Use the fake transceiver an emulate hub-endpoint comms. ft = FakeTransceiver(TESTHUB.config['endpoint']) reg = RegisterUnderTest(transceiver=ft) self.assertEquals(reg.exit_time, False) # check the transceiver initial state: self.assertEquals(ft.stopped, False) self.assertEquals(ft.started, False) self.assertEquals(ft.msg_out, '') reg.start() self.assertEquals(ft.started, True) self.assertEquals(ft.stopped, False) # Now subscribe to the tea time message: reg.subscribe('tea_time', tea_time_handler) # No messages out yet: self.assertEquals(ft.msg_out, '') # This will result in a message out to the "hub", this will give it back # for local dispatch. In a real one it would travel to all other end points # as well: reg.publish('tea_time', dict(cake="sponge")) # No message in, however the DISPATCH message should be in the message_out dispatch_msg = frames.dispatch_message(reg.endpoint_uuid, 'tea_time', dict(cake="sponge")) self.assertEquals(ft.msg_out, dispatch_msg) # Now simulate the message in by calling the Register handle_message reg.message_handler(dispatch_msg) # Out tea_time signal callback should contain the data and None for the # reply_to field, as no reply was present: self.assertEquals(, (reg.endpoint_uuid, dict(cake="sponge"), None)) = None # Now simulate a dispatch for a signal not subscribed to: msg = frames.dispatch_message(reg.endpoint_uuid, 'ducks', dict(like="bread")) reg.message_handler(msg) self.assertEquals(, None) # Test that SYNC and HUB_PRESENT are handled correctly self.assertEquals(reg.sync_called, False) self.assertEquals(reg.hubpresent_called, False) reg.message_handler(frames.sync_message("hub-94837")) self.assertEquals(reg.sync_called, True) reg.message_handler(frames.hub_present_message()) self.assertEquals(reg.hubpresent_called, True) # Now unsubscribe and make sure the callback isn't called: # # Check the back is called: dispatch_msg = frames.dispatch_message(reg.endpoint_uuid, 'tea_time', dict(cake="sponge")) self.assertEquals(ft.msg_out, dispatch_msg) reg.message_handler(dispatch_msg) self.assertEquals(, (reg.endpoint_uuid, dict(cake="sponge"), None)) # now unsubscribe: = None reg.unsubscribe('tea_time', tea_time_handler) # Make sure no data is recived: msg = frames.dispatch_message(reg.endpoint_uuid, 'ducks', dict(like="bread")) reg.message_handler(msg) self.assertEquals(, None) # Test the unhandled message: msg = ["hello", "1234"] reg.message_handler(msg) self.assertEquals(, None) self.assertEquals(reg.err, ('unknown', msg)) # Malformed message should not blow up the message handler msg = ["DISPATCH", ""] reg.message_handler(msg) self.assertEquals(, None) self.assertEquals(reg.err, ('error', msg)) # Bad dispatch JSON msg = ["DISPATCH", "endpoint_uuid", "bob-sig", "{bad:json}", "0"] reg.message_handler(msg) self.assertEquals(, None) self.assertEquals(reg.err, ('error', msg)) # Done: reg.stop() self.assertEquals(ft.stopped, True) self.assertEquals(reg.exit_time(), False)