예제 #1
    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            player (Player): The player associated with the session.

        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        if self.csessid:
            # An existing client sessid is registered, thus a matching
            # Client Session must also exist. Update it so the website
            # can also see we are logged in.
            csession = ClientSessionStore(session_key=self.csessid)
            if not csession.get("logged_in"):
                csession["logged_in"] = player.id

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #2
    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            player (Player): The player associated with the session.

        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        if self.csessid:
            # An existing client sessid is registered, thus a matching
            # Client Session must also exist. Update it so the website
            # can also see we are logged in.
            csession = ClientSessionStore(session_key=self.csessid)
            if not csession.get("logged_in"):
                csession["logged_in"] = player.id

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #3
    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

        player - the player associated with the session
        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #4
    def at_login(self, account):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            account (Account): The account associated with the session.

        self.account = account
        self.uid = self.account.id
        self.uname = self.account.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time.time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.account.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #5
    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

        player - the player associated with the session
        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #6
    def at_login(self, account):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            account (Account): The account associated with the session.

        self.account = account
        self.uid = self.account.id
        self.uname = self.account.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time.time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.account.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self):
     "Initiate to avoid AttributeErrors down the line"
     self.puppet = None
     self.player = None
     self.cmdset_storage_string = ""
     self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #8
class ServerSession(Session):
    This class represents a player's session and is a template for
    individual protocols to communicate with Evennia.

    Each player gets a session assigned to them whenever they connect
    to the game server. All communication between game and player goes
    through their session.


    def __init__(self):
        "Initiate to avoid AttributeErrors down the line"
        self.puppet = None
        self.player = None
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ""
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def __cmdset_storage_get(self):
        return [path.strip() for path in self.cmdset_storage_string.split(",")]

    def __cmdset_storage_set(self, value):
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ",".join(str(val).strip() for val in make_iter(value))

    cmdset_storage = property(__cmdset_storage_get, __cmdset_storage_set)

    def at_sync(self):
        This is called whenever a session has been resynced with the
        portal.  At this point all relevant attributes have already
        been set and self.player been assigned (if applicable).

        Since this is often called after a server restart we need to
        set up the session as it was.

        global _ObjectDB
        if not _ObjectDB:
            from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB as _ObjectDB

        if not self.logged_in:
            # assign the unloggedin-command set.
            self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_UNLOGGEDIN


        if self.puid:
            # reconnect puppet (puid is only set if we are coming
            # back from a server reload). This does all the steps
            # done in the default @ic command but without any
            # hooks, echoes or access checks.
            obj = _ObjectDB.objects.get(id=self.puid)
            obj.player = self.player
            self.puid = obj.id
            self.puppet = obj

    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            player (Player): The player associated with the session.

        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def at_disconnect(self):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when disconnecting this session.

        if self.logged_in:
            player = self.player
            if self.puppet:
            uaccount = player
            uaccount.last_login = timezone.now()
            # calling player hook
            self.logged_in = False
            if not self.sessionhandler.sessions_from_player(player):
                # no more sessions connected to this player
                player.is_connected = False
            # this may be used to e.g. delete player after disconnection etc

    def get_player(self):
        Get the player associated with this session

            player (Player): The associated Player.

        return self.logged_in and self.player

    def get_puppet(self):
        Get the in-game character associated with this session.

            puppet (Object): The puppeted object, if any.

        return self.logged_in and self.puppet

    get_character = get_puppet

    def get_puppet_or_player(self):
        Get puppet or player.

            controller (Object or Player): The puppet if one exists,
                otherwise return the player.

        if self.logged_in:
            return self.puppet if self.puppet else self.player
        return None

    def log(self, message, channel=True):
        Emits session info to the appropriate outputs and info channels.

            message (str): The message to log.
            channel (bool, optional): Log to the CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO channel
                in addition to the server log.

        if channel:
                cchan = settings.CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO
                cchan = ChannelDB.objects.get_channel(cchan[0])
                cchan.msg("[%s]: %s" % (cchan.key, message))
            except Exception:

    def get_client_size(self):
        Return eventual eventual width and height reported by the
        client. Note that this currently only deals with a single
        client window (windowID==0) as in a traditional telnet session.

        flags = self.protocol_flags
        width = flags.get("SCREENWIDTH", {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH)
        height = flags.get("SCREENHEIGHT", {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
        return width, height

    def update_session_counters(self, idle=False):
        Hit this when the user enters a command in order to update
        idle timers and command counters.

        # Idle time used for timeout calcs.
        self.cmd_last = time()

        # Store the timestamp of the user's last command.
        if not idle:
            # Increment the user's command counter.
            self.cmd_total += 1
            # Player-visible idle time, not used in idle timeout calcs.
            self.cmd_last_visible = self.cmd_last

    def data_in(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Send data User->Evennia. This will in effect execute a command
        string on the server.

        Note that oob data is already sent separately to the
        oobhandler at this point.

            text (str): A text to relay
            kwargs (any): Other parameters from the protocol.

        # from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        # text = timetrace(text, "ServerSession.data_in")

        # explicitly check for None since text can be an empty string, which is
        # also valid
        if text is not None:
            # this is treated as a command input
            # text = to_unicode(escape_control_sequences(text), encoding=self.encoding)
            # handle the 'idle' command
            if text.strip() == _IDLE_COMMAND:
            if self.player:
                # nick replacement
                puppet = self.puppet
                if puppet:
                    text = puppet.nicks.nickreplace(text, categories=("inputline", "channel"), include_player=True)
                    text = self.player.nicks.nickreplace(
                        text, categories=("inputline", "channels"), include_player=False
            cmdhandler(self, text, callertype="session", session=self)

    execute_cmd = data_in  # alias

    def data_out(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Send Evennia -> User

            text (str): A text to relay
            kwargs (any): Other parameters to the protocol.

        # from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        # text = timetrace(text, "ServerSession.data_out")

        text = text if text else ""
        if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not "raw" in kwargs:
            text = parse_inlinefunc(text, strip="strip_inlinefunc" in kwargs, session=self)
        if self.screenreader:
            global _ANSI
            if not _ANSI:
                from evennia.utils import ansi as _ANSI
            text = _ANSI.parse_ansi(text, strip_ansi=True, xterm256=False, mxp=False)
            text = _RE_SCREENREADER_REGEX.sub("", text)
        self.sessionhandler.data_out(self, text=text, **kwargs)

    # alias
    msg = data_out

    def __eq__(self, other):
        "Handle session comparisons"
        return self.address == other.address

    def __str__(self):
        String representation of the user session class. We use
        this a lot in the server logs.

        symbol = ""
        if self.logged_in and hasattr(self, "player") and self.player:
            symbol = "(#%s)" % self.player.id
            if hasattr(self.address, "__iter__"):
                address = ":".join([str(part) for part in self.address])
                address = self.address
        except Exception:
            address = self.address
        return "%s%s@%s" % (self.uname, symbol, address)

    def __unicode__(self):
        "Unicode representation"
        return u"%s" % str(self)

    # Dummy API hooks for use during non-loggedin operation

    def at_cmdset_get(self, **kwargs):
        A dummy hook all objects with cmdsets need to have


    # Mock db/ndb properties for allowing easy storage on the session
    # (note that no databse is involved at all here. session.db.attr =
    # value just saves a normal property in memory, just like ndb).

    def nattributes(self):
        return NAttributeHandler(self)

    def attributes(self):
        return self.nattributes

    # @property
    def ndb_get(self):
        A non-persistent store (ndb: NonDataBase). Everything stored
        to this is guaranteed to be cleared when a server is shutdown.
        Syntax is same as for the _get_db_holder() method and
        property, e.g. obj.ndb.attr = value etc.

            return self._ndb_holder
        except AttributeError:
            self._ndb_holder = NDbHolder(self, "nattrhandler", manager_name="nattributes")
            return self._ndb_holder

    # @ndb.setter
    def ndb_set(self, value):
        Stop accidentally replacing the db object

            value (any): A value to store in the ndb.

        string = "Cannot assign directly to ndb object! "
        string = "Use ndb.attr=value instead."
        raise Exception(string)

    # @ndb.deleter
    def ndb_del(self):
        "Stop accidental deletion."
        raise Exception("Cannot delete the ndb object!")

    ndb = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)
    db = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)

    # Mock access method for the session (there is no lock info
    # at this stage, so we just present a uniform API)
    def access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Dummy method to mimic the logged-in API."
        return True
예제 #9
 def __init__(self):
     """Initiate to avoid AttributeErrors down the line"""
     self.puppet = None
     self.account = None
     self.cmdset_storage_string = ""
     self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #10
class ServerSession(Session):
    This class represents an account's session and is a template for
    individual protocols to communicate with Evennia.

    Each account gets a session assigned to them whenever they connect
    to the game server. All communication between game and account goes
    through their session.


    def __init__(self):
        """Initiate to avoid AttributeErrors down the line"""
        self.puppet = None
        self.account = None
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ""
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def __cmdset_storage_get(self):
        return [path.strip() for path in self.cmdset_storage_string.split(",")]

    def __cmdset_storage_set(self, value):
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ",".join(str(val).strip() for val in make_iter(value))

    cmdset_storage = property(__cmdset_storage_get, __cmdset_storage_set)

    def at_sync(self):
        This is called whenever a session has been resynced with the
        portal.  At this point all relevant attributes have already
        been set and self.account been assigned (if applicable).

        Since this is often called after a server restart we need to
        set up the session as it was.

        global _ObjectDB
        if not _ObjectDB:
            from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB as _ObjectDB

        super(ServerSession, self).at_sync()
        if not self.logged_in:
            # assign the unloggedin-command set.
            self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_UNLOGGEDIN


        if self.puid:
            # reconnect puppet (puid is only set if we are coming
            # back from a server reload). This does all the steps
            # done in the default @ic command but without any
            # hooks, echoes or access checks.
            obj = _ObjectDB.objects.get(id=self.puid)
            obj.account = self.account
            self.puid = obj.id
            self.puppet = obj
            # obj.scripts.validate()

    def at_login(self, account):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            account (Account): The account associated with the session.

        self.account = account
        self.uid = self.account.id
        self.uname = self.account.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time.time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.account.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def at_disconnect(self, reason=None):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when disconnecting this session.

        if self.logged_in:
            account = self.account
            if self.puppet:
            uaccount = account
            uaccount.last_login = timezone.now()
            # calling account hook
            self.logged_in = False
            if not self.sessionhandler.sessions_from_account(account):
                # no more sessions connected to this account
                account.is_connected = False
            # this may be used to e.g. delete account after disconnection etc
            # remove any webclient settings monitors associated with this
            # session
            MONITOR_HANDLER.remove(account, "_saved_webclient_options", self.sessid)

    def get_account(self):
        Get the account associated with this session

            account (Account): The associated Account.

        return self.logged_in and self.account

    def get_puppet(self):
        Get the in-game character associated with this session.

            puppet (Object): The puppeted object, if any.

        return self.logged_in and self.puppet

    get_character = get_puppet

    def get_puppet_or_account(self):
        Get puppet or account.

            controller (Object or Account): The puppet if one exists,
                otherwise return the account.

        if self.logged_in:
            return self.puppet if self.puppet else self.account
        return None

    def log(self, message, channel=True):
        Emits session info to the appropriate outputs and info channels.

            message (str): The message to log.
            channel (bool, optional): Log to the CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO channel
                in addition to the server log.

        cchan = channel and settings.CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO
        if cchan:
                cchan = ChannelDB.objects.get_channel(cchan["key"])
                cchan.msg("[%s]: %s" % (cchan.key, message))
            except Exception:

    def get_client_size(self):
        Return eventual eventual width and height reported by the
        client. Note that this currently only deals with a single
        client window (windowID==0) as in a traditional telnet session.

        flags = self.protocol_flags
        width = flags.get("SCREENWIDTH", {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH)
        height = flags.get("SCREENHEIGHT", {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
        return width, height

    def update_session_counters(self, idle=False):
        Hit this when the user enters a command in order to update
        idle timers and command counters.

        # Idle time used for timeout calcs.
        self.cmd_last = time.time()

        # Store the timestamp of the user's last command.
        if not idle:
            # Increment the user's command counter.
            self.cmd_total += 1
            # Account-visible idle time, not used in idle timeout calcs.
            self.cmd_last_visible = self.cmd_last

    def update_flags(self, **kwargs):
        Update the protocol_flags and sync them with Portal.

            key, value - A key:value pair to set in the
                protocol_flags dictionary.

            Since protocols can vary, no checking is done
            as to the existene of the flag or not. The input
            data should have been validated before this call.

        if kwargs:

    def data_out(self, **kwargs):
        Sending data from Evennia->Client

            text (str or tuple)
            any (str or tuple): Send-commands identified
                by their keys. Or "options", carrying options
                for the protocol(s).

        self.sessionhandler.data_out(self, **kwargs)

    def data_in(self, **kwargs):
        Receiving data from the client, sending it off to
        the respective inputfuncs.

            kwargs (any): Incoming data from protocol on
                the form `{"commandname": ((args), {kwargs}),...}`
            This method is here in order to give the user
            a single place to catch and possibly process all incoming data from
            the client. It should usually always end by sending
            this data off to `self.sessionhandler.call_inputfuncs(self, **kwargs)`.
        self.sessionhandler.call_inputfuncs(self, **kwargs)

    def msg(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Wrapper to mimic msg() functionality of Objects and Accounts.

            text (str): String input.

            any (str or tuple): Send-commands identified
                by their keys. Or "options", carrying options
                for the protocol(s).

        # this can happen if this is triggered e.g. a command.msg
        # that auto-adds the session, we'd get a kwarg collision.
        kwargs.pop("session", None)
        kwargs.pop("from_obj", None)
        if text is not None:
            self.data_out(text=text, **kwargs)

    def execute_cmd(self, raw_string, session=None, **kwargs):
        Do something as this object. This method is normally never
        called directly, instead incoming command instructions are
        sent to the appropriate inputfunc already at the sessionhandler
        level. This method allows Python code to inject commands into
        this stream, and will lead to the text inputfunc be called.

            raw_string (string): Raw command input
            session (Session): This is here to make API consistent with
                Account/Object.execute_cmd. If given, data is passed to
                that Session, otherwise use self.
            Other keyword arguments will be added to the found command
            object instace as variables before it executes.  This is
            unused by default Evennia but may be used to set flags and
            change operating paramaters for commands at run-time.

        # inject instruction into input stream
        kwargs["text"] = ((raw_string,), {})
        self.sessionhandler.data_in(session or self, **kwargs)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Handle session comparisons"""
            return self.address == other.address
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __hash__(self):
        Python 3 requires that any class which implements __eq__ must also
        implement __hash__ and that the corresponding hashes for equivalent
        instances are themselves equivalent.

        return hash(self.address)

    def __ne__(self, other):
            return self.address != other.address
        except AttributeError:
            return True

    def __str__(self):
        String representation of the user session class. We use
        this a lot in the server logs.

        symbol = ""
        if self.logged_in and hasattr(self, "account") and self.account:
            symbol = "(#%s)" % self.account.id
            if hasattr(self.address, "__iter__"):
                address = ":".join([str(part) for part in self.address])
                address = self.address
        except Exception:
            address = self.address
        return "%s%s@%s" % (self.uname, symbol, address)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s" % str(self)

    # Dummy API hooks for use during non-loggedin operation

    def at_cmdset_get(self, **kwargs):
        A dummy hook all objects with cmdsets need to have


    # Mock db/ndb properties for allowing easy storage on the session
    # (note that no databse is involved at all here. session.db.attr =
    # value just saves a normal property in memory, just like ndb).

    def nattributes(self):
        return NAttributeHandler(self)

    def attributes(self):
        return self.nattributes

    # @property
    def ndb_get(self):
        A non-persistent store (ndb: NonDataBase). Everything stored
        to this is guaranteed to be cleared when a server is shutdown.
        Syntax is same as for the _get_db_holder() method and
        property, e.g. obj.ndb.attr = value etc.

            return self._ndb_holder
        except AttributeError:
            self._ndb_holder = NDbHolder(self, "nattrhandler", manager_name="nattributes")
            return self._ndb_holder

    # @ndb.setter
    def ndb_set(self, value):
        Stop accidentally replacing the db object

            value (any): A value to store in the ndb.

        string = "Cannot assign directly to ndb object! "
        string += "Use ndb.attr=value instead."
        raise Exception(string)

    # @ndb.deleter
    def ndb_del(self):
        """Stop accidental deletion."""
        raise Exception("Cannot delete the ndb object!")

    ndb = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)
    db = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)

    # Mock access method for the session (there is no lock info
    # at this stage, so we just present a uniform API)
    def access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Dummy method to mimic the logged-in API."""
        return True
예제 #11
class ServerSession(Session):
    This class represents a player's session and is a template for
    individual protocols to communicate with Evennia.

    Each player gets a session assigned to them whenever they connect
    to the game server. All communication between game and player goes
    through their session.

    def __init__(self):
        "Initiate to avoid AttributeErrors down the line"
        self.puppet = None
        self.player = None
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ""
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def __cmdset_storage_get(self):
        return [path.strip() for path in self.cmdset_storage_string.split(',')]

    def __cmdset_storage_set(self, value):
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ",".join(
            str(val).strip() for val in make_iter(value))

    cmdset_storage = property(__cmdset_storage_get, __cmdset_storage_set)

    def at_sync(self):
        This is called whenever a session has been resynced with the
        portal.  At this point all relevant attributes have already
        been set and self.player been assigned (if applicable).

        Since this is often called after a server restart we need to
        set up the session as it was.

        global _ObjectDB
        if not _ObjectDB:
            from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB as _ObjectDB

        if not self.logged_in:
            # assign the unloggedin-command set.
            self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_UNLOGGEDIN


        if self.puid:
            # reconnect puppet (puid is only set if we are coming
            # back from a server reload). This does all the steps
            # done in the default @ic command but without any
            # hooks, echoes or access checks.
            obj = _ObjectDB.objects.get(id=self.puid)
            obj.player = self.player
            self.puid = obj.id
            self.puppet = obj

    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            player (Player): The player associated with the session.

        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def at_disconnect(self):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when disconnecting this session.

        if self.logged_in:
            sessid = self.sessid
            player = self.player
            if self.puppet:
            uaccount = player
            uaccount.last_login = timezone.now()
            # calling player hook
            self.logged_in = False
            if not self.sessionhandler.sessions_from_player(player):
                # no more sessions connected to this player
                player.is_connected = False
            # this may be used to e.g. delete player after disconnection etc

    def get_player(self):
        Get the player associated with this session

            player (Player): The associated Player.

        return self.logged_in and self.player

    def get_puppet(self):
        Get the in-game character associated with this session.

            puppet (Object): The puppeted object, if any.

        return self.logged_in and self.puppet

    get_character = get_puppet

    def get_puppet_or_player(self):
        Get puppet or player.

            controller (Object or Player): The puppet if one exists,
                otherwise return the player.

        if self.logged_in:
            return self.puppet if self.puppet else self.player
        return None

    def log(self, message, channel=True):
        Emits session info to the appropriate outputs and info channels.

            message (str): The message to log.
            channel (bool, optional): Log to the CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO channel
                in addition to the server log.

        if channel:
                cchan = settings.CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO
                cchan = ChannelDB.objects.get_channel(cchan[0])
                cchan.msg("[%s]: %s" % (cchan.key, message))
            except Exception:

    def get_client_size(self):
        Return eventual eventual width and height reported by the
        client. Note that this currently only deals with a single
        client window (windowID==0) as in a traditional telnet session.

        flags = self.protocol_flags
        width = flags.get('SCREENWIDTH', {}).get(0,
        height = flags.get('SCREENHEIGHT',
                           {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
        return width, height

    def update_session_counters(self, idle=False):
        Hit this when the user enters a command in order to update
        idle timers and command counters.

        # Store the timestamp of the user's last command.
        if not idle:
            # Increment the user's command counter.
            self.cmd_total += 1
            # Player-visible idle time, not used in idle timeout calcs.
            self.cmd_last_visible = time()

    def data_in(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Send data User->Evennia. This will in effect execute a command
        string on the server.

        Note that oob data is already sent separately to the
        oobhandler at this point.

            text (str): A text to relay
            kwargs (any): Other parameters from the protocol.

        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "ServerSession.data_in")

        #explicitly check for None since text can be an empty string, which is
        #also valid
        if text is not None:
            # this is treated as a command input
            #text = to_unicode(escape_control_sequences(text), encoding=self.encoding)
            # handle the 'idle' command
            if text.strip() == _IDLE_COMMAND:
            if self.player:
                # nick replacement
                puppet = self.player.get_puppet(self.sessid)
                if puppet:
                    text = puppet.nicks.nickreplace(text,
                    text = self.player.nicks.nickreplace(
                        categories=("inputline", "channels"),
            cmdhandler(self, text, callertype="session", sessid=self.sessid)

    execute_cmd = data_in  # alias

    def data_out(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Send Evennia -> User

            text (str): A text to relay
            kwargs (any): Other parameters to the protocol.

        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "ServerSession.data_out")

        text = text if text else ""
        if _INLINEFUNC_ENABLED and not "raw" in kwargs:
            text = parse_inlinefunc(text,
                                    strip="strip_inlinefunc" in kwargs,
        if self.screenreader:
            global _ANSI
            if not _ANSI:
                from evennia.utils import ansi as _ANSI
            text = _ANSI.parse_ansi(text,
            text = _RE_SCREENREADER_REGEX.sub("", text)
        session = kwargs.pop('session', None)
        session = session or self
        self.sessionhandler.data_out(session, text=text, **kwargs)

    # alias
    msg = data_out

    def __eq__(self, other):
        "Handle session comparisons"
        return self.address == other.address

    def __str__(self):
        String representation of the user session class. We use
        this a lot in the server logs.

        symbol = ""
        if self.logged_in and hasattr(self, "player") and self.player:
            symbol = "(#%s)" % self.player.id
            if hasattr(self.address, '__iter__'):
                address = ":".join([str(part) for part in self.address])
                address = self.address
        except Exception:
            address = self.address
        return "%s%s@%s" % (self.uname, symbol, address)

    def __unicode__(self):
        "Unicode representation"
        return u"%s" % str(self)

    # Dummy API hooks for use during non-loggedin operation

    def at_cmdset_get(self, **kwargs):
        A dummy hook all objects with cmdsets need to have


    # Mock db/ndb properties for allowing easy storage on the session
    # (note that no databse is involved at all here. session.db.attr =
    # value just saves a normal property in memory, just like ndb).

    def ndb_get(self):
        A non-persistent store (ndb: NonDataBase). Everything stored
        to this is guaranteed to be cleared when a server is shutdown.
        Syntax is same as for the _get_db_holder() method and
        property, e.g. obj.ndb.attr = value etc.

            return self._ndb_holder
        except AttributeError:

            class NdbHolder(object):
                "Holder for storing non-persistent attributes."

                def all(self):
                    return [
                        val for val in self.__dict__.keys()
                        if not val.startswith['_']

                def __getattribute__(self, key):
                    # return None if no matching attribute was found.
                        return object.__getattribute__(self, key)
                    except AttributeError:
                        return None

            self._ndb_holder = NdbHolder()
            return self._ndb_holder

    def ndb_set(self, value):
        Stop accidentally replacing the db object

            value (any): A value to store in the ndb.

        string = "Cannot assign directly to ndb object! "
        string = "Use ndb.attr=value instead."
        raise Exception(string)

    def ndb_del(self):
        "Stop accidental deletion."
        raise Exception("Cannot delete the ndb object!")

    ndb = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)
    db = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)

    # Mock access method for the session (there is no lock info
    # at this stage, so we just present a uniform API)
    def access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Dummy method to mimic the logged-in API."
        return True
예제 #12
 def cmdset(self):
     return CmdSetHandler(self, True)
예제 #13
class ServerSession(Session):
    This class represents a player's session and is a template for
    individual protocols to communicate with Evennia.

    Each player gets a session assigned to them whenever they connect
    to the game server. All communication between game and player goes
    through their session.

    def __init__(self):
        "Initiate to avoid AttributeErrors down the line"
        self.puppet = None
        self.player = None
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ""
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def __cmdset_storage_get(self):
        return [path.strip() for path in self.cmdset_storage_string.split(',')]

    def __cmdset_storage_set(self, value):
        self.cmdset_storage_string = ",".join(str(val).strip() for val in make_iter(value))
    cmdset_storage = property(__cmdset_storage_get, __cmdset_storage_set)

    def at_sync(self):
        This is called whenever a session has been resynced with the
        portal.  At this point all relevant attributes have already
        been set and self.player been assigned (if applicable).

        Since this is often called after a server restart we need to
        set up the session as it was.

        global _ObjectDB
        if not _ObjectDB:
            from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB as _ObjectDB

        if not self.logged_in:
            # assign the unloggedin-command set.
            self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_UNLOGGEDIN


        if self.puid:
            # reconnect puppet (puid is only set if we are coming
            # back from a server reload). This does all the steps
            # done in the default @ic command but without any
            # hooks, echoes or access checks.
            obj = _ObjectDB.objects.get(id=self.puid)
            obj.player = self.player
            self.puid = obj.id
            self.puppet = obj

    def at_login(self, player):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when the session becomes authenticated.

            player (Player): The player associated with the session.

        self.player = player
        self.uid = self.player.id
        self.uname = self.player.username
        self.logged_in = True
        self.conn_time = time()
        self.puid = None
        self.puppet = None
        self.cmdset_storage = settings.CMDSET_SESSION

        if self.csessid:
            # An existing client sessid is registered, thus a matching
            # Client Session must also exist. Update it so the website
            # can also see we are logged in.
            csession = ClientSessionStore(session_key=self.csessid)
            if not csession.get("logged_in"):
                csession["logged_in"] = player.id

        # Update account's last login time.
        self.player.last_login = timezone.now()

        # add the session-level cmdset
        self.cmdset = CmdSetHandler(self, True)

    def at_disconnect(self):
        Hook called by sessionhandler when disconnecting this session.

        if self.logged_in:
            player = self.player
            if self.puppet:
            uaccount = player
            uaccount.last_login = timezone.now()
            # calling player hook
            self.logged_in = False
            if not self.sessionhandler.sessions_from_player(player):
                # no more sessions connected to this player
                player.is_connected = False
            # this may be used to e.g. delete player after disconnection etc

    def get_player(self):
        Get the player associated with this session

            player (Player): The associated Player.

        return self.logged_in and self.player

    def get_puppet(self):
        Get the in-game character associated with this session.

            puppet (Object): The puppeted object, if any.

        return self.logged_in and self.puppet
    get_character = get_puppet

    def get_puppet_or_player(self):
        Get puppet or player.

            controller (Object or Player): The puppet if one exists,
                otherwise return the player.

        if self.logged_in:
            return self.puppet if self.puppet else self.player
        return None

    def log(self, message, channel=True):
        Emits session info to the appropriate outputs and info channels.

            message (str): The message to log.
            channel (bool, optional): Log to the CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO channel
                in addition to the server log.

        if channel:
                cchan = settings.CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO
                cchan = ChannelDB.objects.get_channel(cchan[0])
                cchan.msg("[%s]: %s" % (cchan.key, message))
            except Exception:

    def get_client_size(self):
        Return eventual eventual width and height reported by the
        client. Note that this currently only deals with a single
        client window (windowID==0) as in a traditional telnet session.

        flags = self.protocol_flags
        width = flags.get('SCREENWIDTH', {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH)
        height = flags.get('SCREENHEIGHT', {}).get(0, settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
        return width, height

    def update_session_counters(self, idle=False):
        Hit this when the user enters a command in order to update
        idle timers and command counters.

        # Idle time used for timeout calcs.
        self.cmd_last = time()

        # Store the timestamp of the user's last command.
        if not idle:
            # Increment the user's command counter.
            self.cmd_total += 1
            # Player-visible idle time, not used in idle timeout calcs.
            self.cmd_last_visible = self.cmd_last

    def update_flags(self, **kwargs):
        Update the protocol_flags and sync them with Portal.

            key, value - A key:value pair to set in the
                protocol_flags dictionary.

            Since protocols can vary, no checking is done
            as to the existene of the flag or not. The input
            data should have been validated before this call.

        if kwargs:

    def data_out(self, **kwargs):
        Sending data from Evennia->Client

            text (str or tuple)
            any (str or tuple): Send-commands identified
                by their keys. Or "options", carrying options
                for the protocol(s).

        self.sessionhandler.data_out(self, **kwargs)

    def data_in(self, **kwargs):
        Receiving data from the client, sending it off to
        the respective inputfuncs.

            kwargs (any): Incoming data from protocol on
                the form `{"commandname": ((args), {kwargs}),...}`
            This method is here in order to give the user
            a single place to catch and possibly process all incoming data from
            the client. It should usually always end by sending
            this data off to `self.sessionhandler.call_inputfuncs(self, **kwargs)`.
        self.sessionhandler.call_inputfuncs(self, **kwargs)

    def msg(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Wrapper to mimic msg() functionality of Objects and Players.

            text (str): String input.

            any (str or tuple): Send-commands identified
                by their keys. Or "options", carrying options
                for the protocol(s).

        # this can happen if this is triggered e.g. a command.msg
        # that auto-adds the session, we'd get a kwarg collision.
        kwargs.pop("session", None)
        if text is not None:
            self.data_out(text=text, **kwargs)

    def execute_cmd(self, raw_string, **kwargs):
        Do something as this object. This method is normally never
        called directly, instead incoming command instructions are
        sent to the appropriate inputfunc already at the sessionhandler
        level. This method allows Python code to inject commands into
        this stream, and will lead to the text inputfunc be called.

            raw_string (string): Raw command input
            Other keyword arguments will be added to the found command
            object instace as variables before it executes.  This is
            unused by default Evennia but may be used to set flags and
            change operating paramaters for commands at run-time.

        # inject instruction into input stream
        kwargs["text"] = ((raw_string,), {})
        self.sessionhandler.data_in(self, **kwargs)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        "Handle session comparisons"
            return self.address == other.address
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __str__(self):
        String representation of the user session class. We use
        this a lot in the server logs.

        symbol = ""
        if self.logged_in and hasattr(self, "player") and self.player:
            symbol = "(#%s)" % self.player.id
            if hasattr(self.address, '__iter__'):
                address = ":".join([str(part) for part in self.address])
                address = self.address
        except Exception:
            address = self.address
        return "%s%s@%s" % (self.uname, symbol, address)

    def __unicode__(self):
        "Unicode representation"
        return u"%s" % str(self)

    # Dummy API hooks for use during non-loggedin operation

    def at_cmdset_get(self, **kwargs):
        A dummy hook all objects with cmdsets need to have


    # Mock db/ndb properties for allowing easy storage on the session
    # (note that no databse is involved at all here. session.db.attr =
    # value just saves a normal property in memory, just like ndb).

    def nattributes(self):
        return NAttributeHandler(self)

    def attributes(self):
        return self.nattributes

    def ndb_get(self):
        A non-persistent store (ndb: NonDataBase). Everything stored
        to this is guaranteed to be cleared when a server is shutdown.
        Syntax is same as for the _get_db_holder() method and
        property, e.g. obj.ndb.attr = value etc.

            return self._ndb_holder
        except AttributeError:
            self._ndb_holder = NDbHolder(self, "nattrhandler", manager_name="nattributes")
            return self._ndb_holder

    def ndb_set(self, value):
        Stop accidentally replacing the db object

            value (any): A value to store in the ndb.

        string = "Cannot assign directly to ndb object! "
        string = "Use ndb.attr=value instead."
        raise Exception(string)

    def ndb_del(self):
        "Stop accidental deletion."
        raise Exception("Cannot delete the ndb object!")
    ndb = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)
    db = property(ndb_get, ndb_set, ndb_del)

    # Mock access method for the session (there is no lock info
    # at this stage, so we just present a uniform API)
    def access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Dummy method to mimic the logged-in API."
        return True