예제 #1
class MJPEGProxy:
    def __init__(self, listen_address, connect_address):
        self.log = logging.getLogger('MJPEGProxy')
        self.connect_address = connect_address
        self.listen_address = listen_address
        self.clients = []
        self.connection = None
        self.header = None
        self.sem = Semaphore(1)

    def run(self):

    def listen(self):
        server = eventlet.listen(self.listen_address)
        while True:
            connection, address = server.accept()
            self.add_client(connection, address)

    def proxy(self):
        while True:
            eventlet.sleep(0) # sem.release(); sem.acquire() doesn't yield?!
            if len(self.clients) == 0:
                if self.connection:



            data = ''
                data = self.connection.recv(1024)
                self.log.info("Timed out reading data from source.")

            if (len(data) == 0):
                self.log.info("No data recieved from source, forcing reconnect.");
                data = self.connect()

            for client in self.clients:
                except socket.error, err:
                    self.log.info("Client %s disconnected: %s [clients: %s]", client, err, len(self.clients))
예제 #2
class EntrypointWaiter(DependencyProvider):
    """Helper for `entrypoint_waiter`

    DependencyProvider to be manually (and temporarily) added to an existing
    container. Takes an entrypoint name, and exposes a `wait` method, which
    will return once the entrypoint has fired.
    def __init__(self, entrypoint):
        self.attr_name = '_entrypoint_waiter_{}'.format(entrypoint)
        self.entrypoint = entrypoint
        self.done = Semaphore(value=0)

    def worker_teardown(self, worker_ctx):
        entrypoint = worker_ctx.entrypoint
        if entrypoint.method_name == self.entrypoint:

    def wait(self):
예제 #3
파일: services.py 프로젝트: ahmb/nameko
class EntrypointWaiter(InjectionProvider):
    """Helper for `entrypoint_waiter`

    Injection to be manually (and temporarily) added to an existing container.
    Takes an entrypoint name, and exposes a `wait` method, which will return
    once the entrypoint has fired.

    def __init__(self, entrypoint):
        self.name = '_entrypoint_waiter_{}'.format(entrypoint)
        self.entrypoint = entrypoint
        self.done = Semaphore(value=0)

    def worker_teardown(self, worker_ctx):
        provider = worker_ctx.provider
        if provider.name == self.entrypoint:

    def wait(self):
예제 #4
파일: services.py 프로젝트: Costeijn/nameko
class EntrypointWaiter(DependencyProvider):
    """Helper for `entrypoint_waiter`

    DependencyProvider to be manually (and temporarily) added to an existing
    container. Takes an entrypoint name, and exposes a `wait` method, which
    will return once the entrypoint has fired.

    class Timeout(Exception):

    def __init__(self, entrypoint):
        self.attr_name = '_entrypoint_waiter_{}'.format(entrypoint)
        self.entrypoint = entrypoint
        self.done = Semaphore(value=0)

    def worker_teardown(self, worker_ctx):
        entrypoint = worker_ctx.entrypoint
        if entrypoint.method_name == self.entrypoint:

    def wait(self):
예제 #5
class ServiceEngine(Node):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.sessions = []
        self.garbageLoop = hub.spawn_after(1, self._garbageCollector)
        super(ServiceEngine, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.type = 'se'
        self.handover = None
        self.rsttcp = None
        self.lock = Semaphore()

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Service Engine node. HTTP engine on {}:{:d}'.format(self.ip, self.port) + \
            '. Attached to Access Switch {} port id {:d}'.format(self.datapath_id, self.port_id) if self.datapath_id else ''

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, ServiceEngine) and \
               self.name == other.name and \
               self.ip == other.ip and \
               self.port == other.port

    def setHandoverCallback(self, fn):
        self.handover = fn

    def setRSTCallback(self, fn):
        self.rsttcp = fn

    def _performHandover(self, sess):

    def _garbageCollector(self):
        for sess in self.sessions[:]:  # type: TCPSesssion
            if sess.state in [
                    TCPSesssion.STATE_CLOSED, TCPSesssion.STATE_TIMEOUT,
                self.logger.info('Removing finished session ' + str(sess))
        self.garbageLoop = hub.spawn_after(1, self._garbageCollector)

    def handlePacket(self, pkt, eth, ip, ptcp):
        Handles packet and returns the packet. Packet might change

        :param pkt:
        :param eth:
        :type eth: ethernet.ethernet
        :param ip:
        :type ip: ipv4.ipv4
        :param ptcp:
        :type ptcp: tcp.tcp
        for sess in self.sessions:  #type: TCPSesssion
            if sess.ip.src == ip.src and \
                    sess.ip.dst == ip.dst and \
                    sess.ptcp.src_port == ptcp.src_port and \
                    sess.ptcp.dst_port == ptcp.dst_port:
                pkt = sess.handlePacket(pkt, eth, ip, ptcp)

                if sess.handoverReady and not sess.handovered:
                        'Handover is ready on SE too. Requesting CNT to do the dirty stuff'
                    sess.handovered = True
                    return pkt, sess

                return pkt, None
            if sess.ip.dst == ip.src and \
                    sess.ip.src == ip.dst and \
                    sess.ptcp.src_port == ptcp.dst_port and \
                    sess.ptcp.dst_port == ptcp.src_port:
                pkt = sess.handlePacket(pkt, eth, ip, ptcp)
                return pkt, None

        # Create a new TCP session if the existin session is not found
        if ptcp.bits & tcp.TCP_SYN:
            sess = TCPSesssion(pkt, eth, ip, ptcp, self)
            return pkt, None
                'Unexpected non SYN packet arrived to processing')

            "Packet went through pipeline without match in SE {}:{}<->{}:{}".
            format(ip.src, ptcp.src_port, ip.dst, ptcp.dst_port))
        return pkt, None
예제 #6
class Coroutine(object):
    This class simulates a coroutine, which is ironic, as greenlet actually
    *is* a coroutine. But trying to use greenlet here gives nasty results
    since eventlet thoroughly monkey-patches things, making it difficult
    to run greenlet on its own.

    Essentially think of this as a wrapper for eventlet's threads which has a
    run and sleep function similar to old school coroutines, meaning it won't
    start until told and when asked to sleep it won't wake back up without

    ALL = []

    def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        self.my_sem = Semaphore(0)   # This is held by the thread as it runs.
        self.caller_sem = None
        self.dead = False
        started = Event()
        self.id = 5

        def go():
            self.id = eventlet.corolocal.get_ident()
            self.my_sem.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)
                func(*args, **kwargs)
            # except Exception as e:
            #     print("Exception in coroutine! %s" % e)
                self.dead = True
                self.caller_sem.release()  # Relinquish control back to caller.
                for i in range(len(self.ALL)):
                    if self.ALL[i].id == self.id:
                        del self.ALL[i]


    def get_current(cls):
        """Finds the coroutine associated with the thread which calls it."""
        return cls.get_by_id(eventlet.corolocal.get_ident())

    def get_by_id(cls, id):
        for cr in cls.ALL:
            if cr.id == id:
                return cr
        raise RuntimeError("Coroutine with id %s not found!" % id)

    def sleep(self):
        """Puts the coroutine to sleep until run is called again.

        This should only be called by the thread which owns this object.
        # Only call this from its own thread.
        assert eventlet.corolocal.get_ident() == self.id
        self.caller_sem.release()  # Relinquish control back to caller.
        self.my_sem.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)

    def run(self):
        """Starts up the thread. Should be called from a different thread."""
        # Don't call this from the thread which it represents.
        assert eventlet.corolocal.get_ident() != self.id
        self.caller_sem = Semaphore(0)
        self.caller_sem.acquire()  # Wait for it to finish.
예제 #7
파일: pool.py 프로젝트: macboy80/bitHopper
class Pool(object):
    def __init__(self, min_size=0, max_size=4, track_events=False):
        if min_size > max_size:
            raise ValueError('min_size cannot be bigger than max_size')
        self.max_size = max_size
        self.sem = Semaphore(max_size)
        self.procs = proc.RunningProcSet()
        if track_events:
            self.results = coros.queue()
            self.results = None

    def resize(self, new_max_size):
        """ Change the :attr:`max_size` of the pool.

        If the pool gets resized when there are more than *new_max_size*
        coroutines checked out, when they are returned to the pool they will be
        discarded.  The return value of :meth:`free` will be negative in this
        max_size_delta = new_max_size - self.max_size
        self.sem.counter += max_size_delta
        self.max_size = new_max_size

    def current_size(self):
        """ The number of coroutines that are currently executing jobs. """
        return len(self.procs)

    def free(self):
        """ Returns the number of coroutines that are available for doing
        return self.sem.counter

    def execute(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        """Execute func in one of the coroutines maintained
        by the pool, when one is free.

        Immediately returns a :class:`~eventlet.proc.Proc` object which can be
        queried for the func's result.

        >>> pool = Pool()
        >>> task = pool.execute(lambda a: ('foo', a), 1)
        >>> task.wait()
        ('foo', 1)
        # if reentering an empty pool, don't try to wait on a coroutine freeing
        # itself -- instead, just execute in the current coroutine
        if self.sem.locked() and api.getcurrent() in self.procs:
            p = proc.spawn(func, *args, **kwargs)
            p = self.procs.spawn(func, *args, **kwargs)
            # assuming the above line cannot raise
            p.link(lambda p: self.sem.release())
        if self.results is not None:
        return p

    execute_async = execute

    def _execute(self, evt, func, args, kw):
        p = self.execute(func, *args, **kw)
        return p

    def waitall(self):
        """ Calling this function blocks until every coroutine 
        completes its work (i.e. there are 0 running coroutines)."""
        return self.procs.waitall()

    wait_all = waitall

    def wait(self):
        """Wait for the next execute in the pool to complete,
        and return the result."""
        return self.results.wait()

    def waiting(self):
        """Return the number of coroutines waiting to execute.
        if self.sem.balance < 0:
            return -self.sem.balance
            return 0

    def killall(self):
        """ Kill every running coroutine as immediately as possible."""
        return self.procs.killall()

    def launch_all(self, function, iterable):
        """For each tuple (sequence) in *iterable*, launch ``function(*tuple)``
        in its own coroutine -- like ``itertools.starmap()``, but in parallel.
        Discard values returned by ``function()``. You should call
        ``wait_all()`` to wait for all coroutines, newly-launched plus any
        previously-submitted :meth:`execute` or :meth:`execute_async` calls, to

        >>> pool = Pool()
        >>> def saw(x):
        ...     print "I saw %s!" % x
        >>> pool.launch_all(saw, "ABC")
        >>> pool.wait_all()
        I saw A!
        I saw B!
        I saw C!
        for tup in iterable:
            self.execute(function, *tup)

    def process_all(self, function, iterable):
        """For each tuple (sequence) in *iterable*, launch ``function(*tuple)``
        in its own coroutine -- like ``itertools.starmap()``, but in parallel.
        Discard values returned by ``function()``. Don't return until all
        coroutines, newly-launched plus any previously-submitted :meth:`execute()`
        or :meth:`execute_async` calls, have completed.

        >>> from eventlet import coros
        >>> pool = coros.CoroutinePool()
        >>> def saw(x): print "I saw %s!" % x
        >>> pool.process_all(saw, "DEF")
        I saw D!
        I saw E!
        I saw F!
        self.launch_all(function, iterable)

    def generate_results(self, function, iterable, qsize=None):
        """For each tuple (sequence) in *iterable*, launch ``function(*tuple)``
        in its own coroutine -- like ``itertools.starmap()``, but in parallel.
        Yield each of the values returned by ``function()``, in the order
        they're completed rather than the order the coroutines were launched.

        Iteration stops when we've yielded results for each arguments tuple in
        *iterable*. Unlike :meth:`wait_all` and :meth:`process_all`, this
        function does not wait for any previously-submitted :meth:`execute` or
        :meth:`execute_async` calls.

        Results are temporarily buffered in a queue. If you pass *qsize=*, this
        value is used to limit the max size of the queue: an attempt to buffer
        too many results will suspend the completed :class:`CoroutinePool`
        coroutine until the requesting coroutine (the caller of
        :meth:`generate_results`) has retrieved one or more results by calling
        this generator-iterator's ``next()``.

        If any coroutine raises an uncaught exception, that exception will
        propagate to the requesting coroutine via the corresponding ``next()``

        What I particularly want these tests to illustrate is that using this
        generator function::

            for result in generate_results(function, iterable):
                # ... do something with result ...

        executes coroutines at least as aggressively as the classic eventlet

            events = [pool.execute(function, *args) for args in iterable]
            for event in events:
                result = event.wait()
                # ... do something with result ...

        even without a distinct event object for every arg tuple in *iterable*,
        and despite the funny flow control from interleaving launches of new
        coroutines with yields of completed coroutines' results.

        (The use case that makes this function preferable to the classic idiom
        above is when the *iterable*, which may itself be a generator, produces
        millions of items.)

        >>> from eventlet import coros
        >>> import string
        >>> pool = coros.CoroutinePool(max_size=5)
        >>> pausers = [coros.Event() for x in xrange(2)]
        >>> def longtask(evt, desc):
        ...     print "%s woke up with %s" % (desc, evt.wait())
        >>> pool.launch_all(longtask, zip(pausers, "AB"))
        >>> def quicktask(desc):
        ...     print "returning %s" % desc
        ...     return desc

        (Instead of using a ``for`` loop, step through :meth:`generate_results`
        items individually to illustrate timing)

        >>> step = iter(pool.generate_results(quicktask, string.ascii_lowercase))
        >>> print step.next()
        returning a
        returning b
        returning c
        >>> print step.next()
        >>> print step.next()
        >>> print step.next()
        returning d
        returning e
        returning f
        >>> pausers[0].send("A")
        >>> print step.next()
        >>> print step.next()
        >>> print step.next()
        A woke up with A
        returning g
        returning h
        returning i
        >>> print "".join([step.next() for x in xrange(3)])
        returning j
        returning k
        returning l
        returning m
        >>> pausers[1].send("B")
        >>> print "".join([step.next() for x in xrange(4)])
        B woke up with B
        returning n
        returning o
        returning p
        returning q
        # Get an iterator because of our funny nested loop below. Wrap the
        # iterable in enumerate() so we count items that come through.
        tuples = iter(enumerate(iterable))
        # If the iterable is empty, this whole function is a no-op, and we can
        # save ourselves some grief by just quitting out. In particular, once
        # we enter the outer loop below, we're going to wait on the queue --
        # but if we launched no coroutines with that queue as the destination,
        # we could end up waiting a very long time.
            index, args = tuples.next()
        except StopIteration:
        # From this point forward, 'args' is the current arguments tuple and
        # 'index+1' counts how many such tuples we've seen.
        # This implementation relies on the fact that _execute() accepts an
        # event-like object, and -- unless it's None -- the completed
        # coroutine calls send(result). We slyly pass a queue rather than an
        # event -- the same queue instance for all coroutines. This is why our
        # queue interface intentionally resembles the event interface.
        q = coros.queue(max_size=qsize)
        # How many results have we yielded so far?
        finished = 0
        # This first loop is only until we've launched all the coroutines. Its
        # complexity is because if iterable contains more args tuples than the
        # size of our pool, attempting to _execute() the (poolsize+1)th
        # coroutine would suspend until something completes and send()s its
        # result to our queue. But to keep down queue overhead and to maximize
        # responsiveness to our caller, we'd rather suspend on reading the
        # queue. So we stuff the pool as full as we can, then wait for
        # something to finish, then stuff more coroutines into the pool.
            while True:
                # Before each yield, start as many new coroutines as we can fit.
                # (The self.free() test isn't 100% accurate: if we happen to be
                # executing in one of the pool's coroutines, we could _execute()
                # without waiting even if self.free() reports 0. See _execute().)
                # The point is that we don't want to wait in the _execute() call,
                # we want to wait in the q.wait() call.
                # IMPORTANT: at start, and whenever we've caught up with all
                # coroutines we've launched so far, we MUST iterate this inner
                # loop at least once, regardless of self.free() -- otherwise the
                # q.wait() call below will deadlock!
                # Recall that index is the index of the NEXT args tuple that we
                # haven't yet launched. Therefore it counts how many args tuples
                # we've launched so far.
                while self.free() > 0 or finished == index:
                    # Just like the implementation of execute_async(), save that
                    # we're passing our queue instead of None as the "event" to
                    # which to send() the result.
                    self._execute(q, function, args, {})
                    # We've consumed that args tuple, advance to next.
                    index, args = tuples.next()
                # Okay, we've filled up the pool again, yield a result -- which
                # will probably wait for a coroutine to complete. Although we do
                # have q.ready(), so we could iterate without waiting, we avoid
                # that because every yield could involve considerable real time.
                # We don't know how long it takes to return from yield, so every
                # time we do, take the opportunity to stuff more requests into the
                # pool before yielding again.
                yield q.wait()
                # Be sure to count results so we know when to stop!
                finished += 1
        except StopIteration:
        # Here we've exhausted the input iterable. index+1 is the total number
        # of coroutines we've launched. We probably haven't yielded that many
        # results yet. Wait for the rest of the results, yielding them as they
        # arrive.
        while finished < index + 1:
            yield q.wait()
            finished += 1
예제 #8
파일: pool.py 프로젝트: xowenx/eventlet
class Pool(object):
    def __init__(self, min_size=0, max_size=4, track_events=False):
        if min_size > max_size:
            raise ValueError('min_size cannot be bigger than max_size')
        self.max_size = max_size
        self.sem = Semaphore(max_size)
        self.procs = proc.RunningProcSet()
        if track_events:
            self.results = coros.queue()
            self.results = None

    def resize(self, new_max_size):
        """ Change the :attr:`max_size` of the pool.

        If the pool gets resized when there are more than *new_max_size*
        coroutines checked out, when they are returned to the pool they will be
        discarded.  The return value of :meth:`free` will be negative in this
        max_size_delta = new_max_size - self.max_size
        self.sem.counter += max_size_delta
        self.max_size = new_max_size

    def current_size(self):
        """ The number of coroutines that are currently executing jobs. """
        return len(self.procs)

    def free(self):
        """ Returns the number of coroutines that are available for doing
        return self.sem.counter

    def execute(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        """Execute func in one of the coroutines maintained
        by the pool, when one is free.

        Immediately returns a :class:`~eventlet.proc.Proc` object which can be
        queried for the func's result.

        >>> pool = Pool()
        >>> task = pool.execute(lambda a: ('foo', a), 1)
        >>> task.wait()
        ('foo', 1)
        # if reentering an empty pool, don't try to wait on a coroutine freeing
        # itself -- instead, just execute in the current coroutine
        if self.sem.locked() and api.getcurrent() in self.procs:
            p = proc.spawn(func, *args, **kwargs)
            p = self.procs.spawn(func, *args, **kwargs)
            # assuming the above line cannot raise
            p.link(lambda p: self.sem.release())
        if self.results is not None:
        return p

    execute_async = execute

    def _execute(self, evt, func, args, kw):
        p = self.execute(func, *args, **kw)
        return p

    def waitall(self):
        """ Calling this function blocks until every coroutine
        completes its work (i.e. there are 0 running coroutines)."""
        return self.procs.waitall()

    wait_all = waitall

    def wait(self):
        """Wait for the next execute in the pool to complete,
        and return the result."""
        return self.results.wait()

    def waiting(self):
        """Return the number of coroutines waiting to execute.
        if self.sem.balance < 0:
            return -self.sem.balance
            return 0

    def killall(self):
        """ Kill every running coroutine as immediately as possible."""
        return self.procs.killall()

    def launch_all(self, function, iterable):
        """For each tuple (sequence) in *iterable*, launch ``function(*tuple)``
        in its own coroutine -- like ``itertools.starmap()``, but in parallel.
        Discard values returned by ``function()``. You should call
        ``wait_all()`` to wait for all coroutines, newly-launched plus any
        previously-submitted :meth:`execute` or :meth:`execute_async` calls, to

        >>> pool = Pool()
        >>> def saw(x):
        ...     print("I saw %s!" % x)
        >>> pool.launch_all(saw, "ABC")
        >>> pool.wait_all()
        I saw A!
        I saw B!
        I saw C!
        for tup in iterable:
            self.execute(function, *tup)

    def process_all(self, function, iterable):
        """For each tuple (sequence) in *iterable*, launch ``function(*tuple)``
        in its own coroutine -- like ``itertools.starmap()``, but in parallel.
        Discard values returned by ``function()``. Don't return until all
        coroutines, newly-launched plus any previously-submitted :meth:`execute()`
        or :meth:`execute_async` calls, have completed.

        >>> from eventlet import coros
        >>> pool = coros.CoroutinePool()
        >>> def saw(x): print("I saw %s!" % x)
        >>> pool.process_all(saw, "DEF")
        I saw D!
        I saw E!
        I saw F!
        self.launch_all(function, iterable)

    def generate_results(self, function, iterable, qsize=None):
        """For each tuple (sequence) in *iterable*, launch ``function(*tuple)``
        in its own coroutine -- like ``itertools.starmap()``, but in parallel.
        Yield each of the values returned by ``function()``, in the order
        they're completed rather than the order the coroutines were launched.

        Iteration stops when we've yielded results for each arguments tuple in
        *iterable*. Unlike :meth:`wait_all` and :meth:`process_all`, this
        function does not wait for any previously-submitted :meth:`execute` or
        :meth:`execute_async` calls.

        Results are temporarily buffered in a queue. If you pass *qsize=*, this
        value is used to limit the max size of the queue: an attempt to buffer
        too many results will suspend the completed :class:`CoroutinePool`
        coroutine until the requesting coroutine (the caller of
        :meth:`generate_results`) has retrieved one or more results by calling
        this generator-iterator's ``next()``.

        If any coroutine raises an uncaught exception, that exception will
        propagate to the requesting coroutine via the corresponding ``next()``

        What I particularly want these tests to illustrate is that using this
        generator function::

            for result in generate_results(function, iterable):
                # ... do something with result ...

        executes coroutines at least as aggressively as the classic eventlet

            events = [pool.execute(function, *args) for args in iterable]
            for event in events:
                result = event.wait()
                # ... do something with result ...

        even without a distinct event object for every arg tuple in *iterable*,
        and despite the funny flow control from interleaving launches of new
        coroutines with yields of completed coroutines' results.

        (The use case that makes this function preferable to the classic idiom
        above is when the *iterable*, which may itself be a generator, produces
        millions of items.)

        >>> from eventlet import coros
        >>> import string
        >>> pool = coros.CoroutinePool(max_size=5)
        >>> pausers = [coros.Event() for x in range(2)]
        >>> def longtask(evt, desc):
        ...     print("%s woke up with %s" % (desc, evt.wait()))
        >>> pool.launch_all(longtask, zip(pausers, "AB"))
        >>> def quicktask(desc):
        ...     print("returning %s" % desc)
        ...     return desc

        (Instead of using a ``for`` loop, step through :meth:`generate_results`
        items individually to illustrate timing)

        >>> step = iter(pool.generate_results(quicktask, string.ascii_lowercase))
        >>> print(step.next())
        returning a
        returning b
        returning c
        >>> print(step.next())
        >>> print(step.next())
        >>> print(step.next())
        returning d
        returning e
        returning f
        >>> pausers[0].send("A")
        >>> print(step.next())
        >>> print(step.next())
        >>> print(step.next())
        A woke up with A
        returning g
        returning h
        returning i
        >>> print("".join([step.next() for x in range(3)]))
        returning j
        returning k
        returning l
        returning m
        >>> pausers[1].send("B")
        >>> print("".join([step.next() for x in range(4)]))
        B woke up with B
        returning n
        returning o
        returning p
        returning q
        # Get an iterator because of our funny nested loop below. Wrap the
        # iterable in enumerate() so we count items that come through.
        tuples = iter(enumerate(iterable))
        # If the iterable is empty, this whole function is a no-op, and we can
        # save ourselves some grief by just quitting out. In particular, once
        # we enter the outer loop below, we're going to wait on the queue --
        # but if we launched no coroutines with that queue as the destination,
        # we could end up waiting a very long time.
            index, args = tuples.next()
        except StopIteration:
        # From this point forward, 'args' is the current arguments tuple and
        # 'index+1' counts how many such tuples we've seen.
        # This implementation relies on the fact that _execute() accepts an
        # event-like object, and -- unless it's None -- the completed
        # coroutine calls send(result). We slyly pass a queue rather than an
        # event -- the same queue instance for all coroutines. This is why our
        # queue interface intentionally resembles the event interface.
        q = coros.queue(max_size=qsize)
        # How many results have we yielded so far?
        finished = 0
        # This first loop is only until we've launched all the coroutines. Its
        # complexity is because if iterable contains more args tuples than the
        # size of our pool, attempting to _execute() the (poolsize+1)th
        # coroutine would suspend until something completes and send()s its
        # result to our queue. But to keep down queue overhead and to maximize
        # responsiveness to our caller, we'd rather suspend on reading the
        # queue. So we stuff the pool as full as we can, then wait for
        # something to finish, then stuff more coroutines into the pool.
            while True:
                # Before each yield, start as many new coroutines as we can fit.
                # (The self.free() test isn't 100% accurate: if we happen to be
                # executing in one of the pool's coroutines, we could _execute()
                # without waiting even if self.free() reports 0. See _execute().)
                # The point is that we don't want to wait in the _execute() call,
                # we want to wait in the q.wait() call.
                # IMPORTANT: at start, and whenever we've caught up with all
                # coroutines we've launched so far, we MUST iterate this inner
                # loop at least once, regardless of self.free() -- otherwise the
                # q.wait() call below will deadlock!
                # Recall that index is the index of the NEXT args tuple that we
                # haven't yet launched. Therefore it counts how many args tuples
                # we've launched so far.
                while self.free() > 0 or finished == index:
                    # Just like the implementation of execute_async(), save that
                    # we're passing our queue instead of None as the "event" to
                    # which to send() the result.
                    self._execute(q, function, args, {})
                    # We've consumed that args tuple, advance to next.
                    index, args = tuples.next()
                # Okay, we've filled up the pool again, yield a result -- which
                # will probably wait for a coroutine to complete. Although we do
                # have q.ready(), so we could iterate without waiting, we avoid
                # that because every yield could involve considerable real time.
                # We don't know how long it takes to return from yield, so every
                # time we do, take the opportunity to stuff more requests into the
                # pool before yielding again.
                yield q.wait()
                # Be sure to count results so we know when to stop!
                finished += 1
        except StopIteration:
        # Here we've exhausted the input iterable. index+1 is the total number
        # of coroutines we've launched. We probably haven't yielded that many
        # results yet. Wait for the rest of the results, yielding them as they
        # arrive.
        while finished < index + 1:
            yield q.wait()
            finished += 1
예제 #9
class Coroutine(object):
    This class simulates a coroutine, which is ironic, as greenlet actually
    *is* a coroutine. But trying to use greenlet here gives nasty results
    since eventlet thoroughly monkey-patches things, making it difficult
    to run greenlet on its own.

    Essentially think of this as a wrapper for eventlet's threads which has a
    run and sleep function similar to old school coroutines, meaning it won't
    start until told and when asked to sleep it won't wake back up without

    ALL = []

    def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        self.my_sem = Semaphore(0)  # This is held by the thread as it runs.
        self.caller_sem = None
        self.dead = False
        started = Event()
        self.id = 5

        def go():
            self.id = eventlet.corolocal.get_ident()
            self.my_sem.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)
                func(*args, **kwargs)
            # except Exception as e:
            #     print("Exception in coroutine! %s" % e)
                self.dead = True
                self.caller_sem.release()  # Relinquish control back to caller.
                for i in range(len(self.ALL)):
                    if self.ALL[i].id == self.id:
                        del self.ALL[i]


    def get_current(cls):
        """Finds the coroutine associated with the thread which calls it."""
        return cls.get_by_id(eventlet.corolocal.get_ident())

    def get_by_id(cls, id):
        for cr in cls.ALL:
            if cr.id == id:
                return cr
        raise RuntimeError("Coroutine with id %s not found!" % id)

    def sleep(self):
        """Puts the coroutine to sleep until run is called again.

        This should only be called by the thread which owns this object.
        # Only call this from its own thread.
        assert eventlet.corolocal.get_ident() == self.id
        self.caller_sem.release()  # Relinquish control back to caller.
        self.my_sem.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)

    def run(self):
        """Starts up the thread. Should be called from a different thread."""
        # Don't call this from the thread which it represents.
        assert eventlet.corolocal.get_ident() != self.id
        self.caller_sem = Semaphore(0)
        self.caller_sem.acquire()  # Wait for it to finish.
예제 #10
class TCPSession():


    EVENT_RETRANSMISSION = "retransmission"
    EVENT_TIMEOUT = "timeout"
    EVENT_KEEPALIVE = "keepalive"

    RETRANSMISSION_RETRIES = 5  # USE 15 in prod
    QUIET_TIMER = 5 # Notused
    KEEPALIVE_TIMER = 10 # default 60
    IDLE_TIMER = 5 # Notused default 30
    TIMEOUT_TIMER = 5  # USE 120 in prod


    def __init__(self, datapath, src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port, seq, direction, in_port=None, src_mac=None, dst_mac=None, tcp_opts=None, pkt=None):
        self.datapath = datapath
        self.timers = {
            'retransmission': None,
            'timeout': None,
            'keepalive': None,
            'keepalive_interval': None,

        self.src_mac = src_mac
        self.dst_mac = dst_mac
        self.src_ip = src_ip
        self.src_port = src_port
        self.dst_ip = dst_ip
        self.dst_port = dst_port
        self.last_sent_chunk_size = 0
        self.sent_acked = False
        self.received_acked = False
        self.lastRetransmission = self.RETRANSMISSION_TIMER
        self.retransmissionRetries = 0
        self.inEvent = Semaphore()
        self.event = None
        self.keepalive_sent = False
        self.keepalive_count = 0

        if direction == self.DIRECTION_INBOUND:
            self.in_port = in_port
            self.direction = self.DIRECTION_INBOUND
            self.state = self.STATE_LISTEN
            self.source_seq = seq
            self.dst_seq = self._generate_seq()
            self.last_received_seq = seq
            self.last_sent_seq = self.dst_seq
            self.tcp_opts = tcp_opts
            self.initial_pkt = pkt

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s:%s:%d:%s:%d" % (self.datapath.id, self.src_ip, self.src_port, self.dst_ip, self.dst_port)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s Connection from %s:%d to %s:%d on datapath %d" % (self.direction, self.src_ip, self.src_port, self.dst_ip, self.dst_port, self.datapath.id)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__str__() == other.__str__()

    def generateSYNACK(self):
        pkt = packet.Packet()
        t = tcp.tcp(src_port=self.dst_port, dst_port=self.src_port, seq=self.dst_seq, ack=self.source_seq+1, offset=0, bits=(tcp.TCP_SYN | tcp.TCP_ACK), window_size=28960, csum=0, urgent=False,
                    option=[x for x in self.tcp_opts if type(x) is not tcp.TCPOptionTimestamps])
        ip = ipv4.ipv4(version=4, header_length=5, tos=0, total_length=0, identification=0, flags=0, offset=0, ttl=255, proto=6, csum=0, src=self.dst_ip, dst=self.src_ip, option=None)
        e = ethernet.ethernet(dst=self.src_mac, src=self.dst_mac, ethertype=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)



        actions = [self.datapath.ofproto_parser.OFPActionOutput(self.in_port, 0)]

        ofp = self.datapath.ofproto
        ofp_parser = self.datapath.ofproto_parser

        res = ofp_parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=self.datapath, buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
                                in_port=self.datapath.ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, actions=actions, data=pkt.data)

        print 'We have sent TCP SYN ACK'

    def generateKeepalive(self):
        pkt = packet.Packet()
        t = tcp.tcp(src_port=self.dst_port, dst_port=self.src_port, seq=self.last_sent_seq + self.last_sent_chunk_size, ack=self.last_received_seq, offset=0,
                    bits=tcp.TCP_ACK, window_size=28960, csum=0, urgent=False)
        ip = ipv4.ipv4(version=4, header_length=5, tos=0, total_length=0, identification=0, flags=0, offset=0, ttl=255,
                       proto=6, csum=0, src=self.dst_ip, dst=self.src_ip, option=None)
        e = ethernet.ethernet(dst=self.src_mac, src=self.dst_mac, ethertype=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)



        actions = [self.datapath.ofproto_parser.OFPActionOutput(self.in_port, 0)]

        ofp = self.datapath.ofproto
        ofp_parser = self.datapath.ofproto_parser

        res = ofp_parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=self.datapath, buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
                                      in_port=self.datapath.ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, actions=actions, data=pkt.data)

        print 'We have sent keepalive'

    def terminate(self):
        # SEND FIN ACK
        pkt = packet.Packet()
        t = tcp.tcp(src_port=self.dst_port, dst_port=self.src_port, seq=self.last_sent_seq + self.last_sent_chunk_size + 1, ack=self.last_received_seq + 1,
                    offset=0, bits=(tcp.TCP_ACK|tcp.TCP_FIN), window_size=28960, csum=0, urgent=False)
        ip = ipv4.ipv4(version=4, header_length=5, tos=0, total_length=0, identification=0, flags=0, offset=0, ttl=255, proto=6, csum=0, src=self.dst_ip, dst=self.src_ip, option=None)
        e = ethernet.ethernet(dst=self.src_mac, src=self.dst_mac, ethertype=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)



        actions = [self.datapath.ofproto_parser.OFPActionOutput(self.in_port, 0)]

        ofp = self.datapath.ofproto
        ofp_parser = self.datapath.ofproto_parser

        res = ofp_parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=self.datapath, buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
                                      in_port=self.datapath.ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, actions=actions, data=pkt.data)

        print 'We have sent TCP FIN, ACK'

    def reset(self):
        # SEND FIN ACK
        pkt = packet.Packet()
        t = tcp.tcp(src_port=self.dst_port, dst_port=self.src_port, seq=self.last_sent_seq + self.last_sent_chunk_size + 1, ack=self.last_received_seq + 1,
                    offset=0, bits=(tcp.TCP_RST), window_size=28960, csum=0, urgent=False)
        ip = ipv4.ipv4(version=4, header_length=5, tos=0, total_length=0, identification=0, flags=0, offset=0, ttl=255, proto=6, csum=0, src=self.dst_ip, dst=self.src_ip, option=None)
        e = ethernet.ethernet(dst=self.src_mac, src=self.dst_mac, ethertype=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)



        actions = [self.datapath.ofproto_parser.OFPActionOutput(self.in_port, 0)]

        ofp = self.datapath.ofproto
        ofp_parser = self.datapath.ofproto_parser

        res = ofp_parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=self.datapath, buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
                                      in_port=self.datapath.ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, actions=actions, data=pkt.data)

        print 'We have sent TCP RST to an inconsistent TCP state'

    def ack(self):
        if self.keepalive_sent:
            self.keepalive_sent = False
            self.keepalive_count = 0

    def handleRetransmission(self):
        print 'Retranmsission occured'
        if self.inEvent.acquire(timeout=1):
            self.event = self.EVENT_RETRANSMISSION
            self.retransmissionRetries += 1
            self.lastRetransmission *= self.RETRANSMISSION_TIMER_MULTIPLIER

            if self.retransmissionRetries > self.RETRANSMISSION_RETRIES:
                print 'Reached maximum level of retransmissions, closing TCP connection'
                if self.state == self.STATE_SYN_RECEIVED:
            self.event = None
            print 'failed to handle retransmission event, this should not happen'

    def handleKeepalive(self):
        print 'Keepalive occured'
        if self.inEvent.acquire(timeout=1):
            self.event = self.EVENT_KEEPALIVE
            self.keepalive_sent = True
            self.keepalive_count += 1
            if self.keepalive_count > self.KEEPALIVE_RETRIES:
            self.event = None
            print 'Failed to handle keepalive event, this should not happen'

    def handleTimeout(self):
        print 'Timeout occured, closing connection'
        if self.inEvent.acquire(timeout=1):
            self.event = self.EVENT_TIMEOUT
            self.event = None
            print 'Failed to handle timeout event, this should not happen'

    def clearTimers(self):
        for key, thr in self.timers.iteritems():
            if self.event is not key:
                if thr is not None:
                    self.timers[key] = None

    def setTimers(self):
        if self.direction == self.DIRECTION_INBOUND:
            if self.state == self.STATE_SYN_RECEIVED:
                thr = eventlet.spawn_after(self.lastRetransmission, self.handleRetransmission)
                self.timers['retransmission'] = thr
                print 'Setting Retransmission timer'
                if self.timers['timeout'] is None:
                    # if not none, timer is already running
                    thr = eventlet.spawn_after(self.TIMEOUT_TIMER, self.handleTimeout)
                    self.timers['timeout'] = thr
                    print 'Setting Timeout timer'
            elif self.state == self.STATE_ESTABLISHED:
                if self.keepalive_sent:
                    thr = eventlet.spawn_after(self.KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL, self.handleKeepalive)
                    self.timers['keepalive_interval'] = thr
                    print 'Setting Keepalive interval timer'
                    thr = eventlet.spawn_after(self.KEEPALIVE_TIMER, self.handleKeepalive)
                    self.timers['keepalive'] = thr
                    print 'Setting Keepalive timer'
            elif self.state == self.STATE_CLOSED:

    def setState(self, state):
        print self.__repr__() + 'State transition ' + self.state + ' -> ' + state
        self.state = state

    def handlePacket(self, pkt):
        protocol = pkt.get_protocol(tcp.tcp)

        if self.direction == self.DIRECTION_INBOUND:
            if self.state == self.STATE_LISTEN:
                if (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_SYN):
                    # S1
                    # Going to SYN received state
                    self.received_acked = True
                    print 'Received packet without active session, ignoring, should return RST'
            if self.state == self.STATE_SYN_RECEIVED:
                if (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_FIN):
                    self.last_received_seq = protocol.seq
                elif (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_RST):
                elif (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_ACK):
                    # S6
                    # Going to established state
                    if protocol.ack == self.last_sent_seq + 1 and protocol.seq == self.source_seq + 1:
                        self.last_received_seq = protocol.seq
                        self.sent_acked = True
            if self.state == self.STATE_ESTABLISHED:
                if (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_FIN):
                    self.last_received_seq = protocol.seq
                    self.received_acked = False
                    self.sent_acked = False
                elif (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_RST):
                    # TODO handle RST
                elif (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_ACK):
                    print 'Was Acked, probably keepalive'
                    self.last_received_seq = protocol.seq
                    self.received_acked = False
                    self.received_acked = True
                    # TODO standard data transfer, might need for the HTTP GET parsing if GET is long
            if self.state == self.STATE_LAST_ACK and (protocol.bits & tcp.TCP_ACK):

    def _generate_seq():
        uint32_t_max = np.iinfo(np.uint32)
        return random.randint(0, uint32_t_max.max)
예제 #11
class DTestQueue(object):

    The DTestQueue class maintains a queue of tests waiting to be run.
    The constructor initializes the queue to an empty state and stores
    a maximum simultaneous thread count ``maxth`` (None means
    unlimited); a ``skip`` evaluation routine (defaults to testing the
    ``skip`` attribute of the test); and an instance of DTestOutput.
    The list of all tests in the queue is maintained in the ``tests``
    attribute; tests may be added to a queue with add_test() (for a
    single test) or add_tests() (for a sequence of tests).  The tests
    in the queue may be run by invoking the run() method.

    def __init__(self, maxth=None, skip=lambda dt: dt.skip,
        Initialize a DTestQueue.  The ``maxth`` argument must be
        either None or an integer specifying the maximum number of
        simultaneous threads permitted.  The ``skip`` arguments is
        function references; it should take a test and return True if
        the test should be skipped.  The ``output`` argument should be
        an instance of DTestOutput containing a notify() method, which
        takes a test and the state to which it is transitioning, and
        may use that information to emit a test result.  Note that the
        notify() method will receive state transitions to the RUNNING
        state, as well as state transitions for test fixtures; callers
        may find the DTestBase.istest() method useful for
        differentiating between regular tests and test fixtures for
        reporting purposes.

        # Save our maximum thread count
        if maxth is None:
            self.sem = None
            self.sem = Semaphore(maxth)

        # Need to remember the skip routine
        self.skip = skip

        # Also remember the output
        self.output = output

        # Initialize the lists of tests
        self.tests = set()
        self.waiting = None
        self.runlist = set()

        # No initial resource manager...
        self.res_mgr = resource.ResourceManager()

        # Need locks for the waiting and runlist lists
        self.waitlock = Semaphore()
        self.runlock = Semaphore()

        # Set up some statistics...
        self.th_count = 0
        self.th_event = Event()
        self.th_simul = 0
        self.th_max = 0

        # Place to keep any exceptions we encounter within dtest
        # itself
        self.caught = []

        # We're not yet running
        self.running = False

    def add_test(self, tst):
        Add a test ``tst`` to the queue.  Tests can be added multiple
        times, but the test will only be run once.

        # Can't add a test if the queue is running
        if self.running:
            raise DTestException("Cannot add tests to a running queue.")

        # First we need to get the test object
        dt = test._gettest(tst)

        # Add it to the set of tests

    def add_tests(self, tests):
        Add a sequence of tests ``tests`` to the queue.  Tests can be
        added multiple times, but the test will only be run once.

        # Can't add a test if the queue is running
        if self.running:
            raise DTestException("Cannot add tests to a running queue.")

        # Run add_test() in a loop
        for tst in tests:

    def dot(self, grname='testdeps'):
        Constructs a GraphViz-compatible dependency graph with the
        given name (``testdeps``, by default).  Returns the graph as a
        string.  The graph can be fed to the ``dot`` tool to generate
        a visualization of the dependency graph.  Note that red nodes
        in the graph indicate test fixtures, and red dashed edges
        indicate dependencies associated with test fixtures.  If the
        node outline is dotted, that indicates that the test was
        skipped in the most recent test run.

        # Helper to generate node and edge options
        def mkopts(opts):
            # If there are no options, return an empty string
            if not opts:
                return ''

            # OK, let's do this...
            return ' [' + ','.join(['%s="%s"' % (k, opts[k])
                                    for k in opts]) + ']'

        # Now, create the graph
        nodes = []
        edges = []
        for dt in sorted(self.tests, key=lambda dt: str(dt)):
            # Get the real test function
            tfunc = dt.test

            # Make the node
            opts = dict(label=r'%s\n%s:%d' %
                        (dt, tfunc.func_code.co_filename,
            if dt.state:
                opts['label'] += r'\n(Result: %s)' % dt.state
            if (dt.state == FAIL or dt.state == XFAIL or dt.state == ERROR or
                dt.state == DEPFAIL):
                opts['color'] = 'red'
            elif isinstance(dt, test.DTestFixture):
                opts['color'] = 'blue'
            if dt.state == SKIPPED:
                opts['style'] = 'dotted'
            elif dt.state == DEPFAIL:
                opts['style'] = 'dashed'
            nodes.append('"%s"%s;' % (dt, mkopts(opts)))

            # Make all the edges
            for dep in sorted(dt.dependencies, key=lambda dt: str(dt)):
                opts = {}
                if (isinstance(dt, test.DTestFixture) or
                    isinstance(dep, test.DTestFixture)):
                    opts.update(dict(color='blue', style='dashed'))
                if dt._partner is not None and dep == dt._partner:
                    opts['style'] = 'dotted'

                edges.append('"%s" -> "%s"%s;' % (dt, dep, mkopts(opts)))

        # Return a graph
        return (('strict digraph "%s" {\n\t' % grname) +
                '\n\t'.join(nodes) + '\n\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(edges) + '\n}')

    def run(self, debug=False):
        Runs all tests that have been queued up.  Does not return
        until all tests have been run.  Causes test results and
        summary data to be emitted using the ``output`` object
        registered when the queue was initialized.

        # Can't run an already running queue
        if self.running:
            raise DTestException("Queue is already running.")

        # OK, put ourselves into the running state
        self.running = True

        # Must begin by ensuring we're monkey-patched

        # OK, let's prepare all the tests...
        for dt in self.tests:

        # Second pass--determine which tests are being skipped
        waiting = []
        for dt in self.tests:
            # Do we skip this one?
            willskip = self.skip(dt)

            # If not, check if it's a fixture with no dependencies...
            if not willskip and not dt.istest():
                if dt._partner is None:
                    if len(dt._revdeps) == 0:
                        willskip = True
                    if len(dt._revdeps) == 1:
                        willskip = True

            # OK, mark it skipped if we're skipping
            if willskip:

        # OK, last pass: generate list of waiting tests; have to
        # filter out SKIPPED tests
        self.waiting = set([dt for dt in self.tests if dt.state != SKIPPED])

        # Install the capture proxies...
        if not debug:

        # Spawn waiting tests

        # Wait for all tests to finish
        if self.th_count > 0:

        # OK, uninstall the capture proxies
        if not debug:

        # Now we go through and clean up all left-over resources

        # Walk through the tests and output the results
        cnt = {
            OK: 0,
            UOK: 0,
            SKIPPED: 0,
            FAIL: 0,
            XFAIL: 0,
            ERROR: 0,
            DEPFAIL: 0,
            'total': 0,
            'threads': self.th_max,
        for t in self.tests:
            # Get the result object
            r = t.result

            # Update the counts
            cnt[r.state] += int(r.test)
            cnt['total'] += int(r.test)

            # Special case update for unexpected OKs and expected failures
            if r.state == UOK:
                cnt[OK] += int(r.test)
            elif r.state == XFAIL:
                cnt[FAIL] += int(r.test)

                # Emit the result messages
                self.output.result(r, debug)
            except TypeError:
                # Maybe the output object is written to the older
                # standard?

        # Emit summary data

        # If there were resource tearDown exceptions, emit data about
        # them
        msgs = self.res_mgr.messages
        if msgs:

        # If we saw exceptions, emit data about them
        if self.caught:

        # We're done running; re-running should be legal
        self.running = False

        # Return False if there were any unexpected OKs, unexpected
        # failures, errors, or dependency failures
        if (cnt[UOK] > 0 or
            (cnt[FAIL] - cnt[XFAIL]) > 0 or
            cnt[ERROR] > 0 or cnt[DEPFAIL] > 0 or
            len(self.res_mgr.messages) > 0):
            return False

        # All tests passed!
        return True

    def _spawn(self, tests):
        Selects all ready tests from the set or list specified in
        ``tests`` and spawns threads to execute them.  Note that the
        maximum thread count restriction is implemented by having the
        thread wait on the ``sem`` Semaphore after being spawned.

        # Work with a copy of the tests
        tests = list(tests)

        # Loop through the list
        while tests:
            # Pop off a test to consider
            dt = tests.pop(0)

            with self.waitlock:
                # Is test waiting?
                if dt not in self.waiting:

                # OK, check dependencies
                elif dt._depcheck(self.output):
                    # No longer waiting

                    # Place test on the run list
                    with self.runlock:

                    # Spawn the test
                    self.th_count += 1
                    spawn_n(self._run_test, dt)

                # Dependencies failed; check if state changed and add
                # its dependents if so
                elif dt.state is not None:
                    # No longer waiting

                    # Check all its dependents.  Note--not trying to
                    # remove duplicates, because some formerly
                    # unrunnable tests may now be runnable because of
                    # the state change

    def _run_test(self, dt):
        Execute ``dt``.  This method is meant to be run in a new

        Once a test is complete, the thread's dependents will be
        passed back to the spawn() method, in order to pick up and
        execute any tests that are now ready for execution.

        # Acquire the thread semaphore
        if self.sem is not None:

        # Increment the simultaneous thread count
        self.th_simul += 1
        if self.th_simul > self.th_max:
            self.th_max = self.th_simul

        # Save the output and test relative to this thread, for the
        # status stream
        status.setup(self.output, dt)

        # Execute the test
            dt._run(self.output, self.res_mgr)
            # Add the exception to the caught list

            # Manually transition the test to the ERROR state
            dt._result._transition(ERROR, output=self.output)

        # OK, done running the test; take it off the run list
        with self.runlock:

        # Now, walk through its dependents and check readiness

        # All right, we're done; release the semaphore
        if self.sem is not None:

        # Decrement the thread count
        self.th_simul -= 1
        self.th_count -= 1

        # If thread count is now 0, signal the event
        with self.waitlock:
            if len(self.waiting) == 0 and self.th_count == 0:

            # If the run list is empty, that means we have a cycle
            with self.runlock:
                if len(self.runlist) == 0:
                    for dt2 in list(self.waiting):
                        # Manually transition to DEPFAIL
                        dt2._result._transition(DEPFAIL, output=self.output)

                    # Emit an error message to let the user know what
                    # happened
                    self.output.info("A dependency cycle was discovered.  "
                                     "Please examine the dependency graph "
                                     "and correct the cycle.  The --dot "
                                     "option may be useful here.")

                    # Now, let's signal our event