def add_place(request): name = request.POST['name'] address = request.POST['address'] number = request.POST['number'] city = request.POST['city'] state = request.POST['state'] zipcode = request.POST['zip'] try: place = Place( name=name, street_address=address, room_number=number, city=city, state=state, zipcode=zipcode ) except: messages.error(request, "There was an error saving the place") return redirect('events:index') data = {} data['events'] = Event.objects.order_by('name').all() data['places'] = Place.objects.order_by('name').all() return render(request, 'events/schedule_event_form.html', data)
def get_or_create_place_id(self, street_address): """ Return the id of the event place corresponding to the street_address. Create the event place if not found. Espoo website does not maintain a place object with a dedicated id. This function tries to map the address to an existing place or create a new one if no place is found. """ address_data = clean_street_address(street_address) street_address = address_data.get('street_address', None) if not street_address: return espoo_loc_id = self.location_cache.get(street_address, None) if espoo_loc_id: return espoo_loc_id places = Place.objects.filter(street_address__icontains='%s' % street_address).order_by('id') place = places.first() # Choose one place arbitrarily if many. if len(places) > 1: self.logger.warning('Several tprek_id match the address "%s".' % street_address) if not place: origin_id = self._get_next_place_id("espoo") address_data.update({ 'publisher': self.organization, 'origin_id': origin_id, 'id': 'espoo:%s' % origin_id, 'data_source': self.data_source, }) place = Place(**address_data) # Cached the location to speed up self.location_cache.update({street_address:}) return
def save_place(self, info): args = dict(data_source=info['data_source'], origin_id=info['origin_id']) obj_id = "%s:%s" % (info['data_source'].id, info['origin_id']) try: obj = Place.objects.get(**args) obj._created = False assert == obj_id except Place.DoesNotExist: obj = Place(**args) obj._created = True = obj_id obj._changed = False skip_fields = ['id', 'position', 'custom_fields', 'publisher'] self._update_fields(obj, info, skip_fields) n = info.get('latitude', 0) e = info.get('longitude', 0) position = None if n and e: p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the position # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj.position = position # we may end up reinstating deleted locations whenever they are imported back and forth if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False obj._changed = True self._set_field(obj, 'publisher_id', info['publisher'].id) if obj._changed or obj._created: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed" logger.debug("%s %s" % (obj, verb)) return obj
def get_or_create_place_id(self, street_address): """ Return the id of the event place corresponding to the street_address. Create the event place if not found. Espoo website does not maintain a place object with a dedicated id. This function tries to map the address to an existing place or create a new one if no place is found. """ address_data = clean_street_address(street_address) street_address = address_data.get('street_address', None) if not street_address: return espoo_loc_id = self.location_cache.get(street_address, None) if espoo_loc_id: return espoo_loc_id places = Place.objects.filter(deleted=False, street_address__icontains='%s' % street_address).order_by('id') place = places.first() # Choose one place arbitrarily if many. if len(places) > 1: self.logger.warning('Several tprek_id match the address "%s".' % street_address) if not place: origin_id = self._get_next_place_id("espoo") address_data.update({ 'publisher': self.organization, 'origin_id': origin_id, 'id': 'espoo:%s' % origin_id, 'data_source': self.data_source, }) place = Place(**address_data) # Cached the location to speed up self.location_cache.update({street_address:}) return
def _import_unit(self, syncher, info): n = 0 e = 0 isPositionOk = True try: n = info['location']['coordinates'][0] # latitude e = info['location']['coordinates'][1] # longitude except: isPositionOk == False POSITIONERROR.append(info['id']) if isPositionOk: obj = syncher.get(str(info['id'])) obj_id = 'tpr:%s' % str(info['id']) if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=info['id']) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] try: self._save_translated_field_multilevel(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field_multilevel(obj, 'description', info, 'description') self._save_translated_field_multilevel(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' some multilanguage field is none') pass try: self._save_field(obj, 'info_url', info, 'www', max_length=1000) except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' info_url field is empty!') pass try: self._save_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'municipality') except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' address_locality field is empty!') pass try: self._save_field(obj, 'telephone', info, 'phone') except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' telephone field is empty!') pass field_map = { 'address_zip': 'postal_code', 'address_postal_full': None, 'email': 'email', } for src_field, obj_field in field_map.items(): if not obj_field: continue val = info.get(src_field, None) if getattr(obj, obj_field) != val: setattr(obj, obj_field, val) obj._changed_fields.append(obj_field) obj._changed = True position = None if n and e: if == 'nt': p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system (WGS 84) else: p = Point(n, e, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system (WGS 84) if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) try: picture_url = info.get('picture_url', '').strip() except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' picture_url field is empty!') pass if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False replace_location(from_source='matko', by=obj) obj._changed_fields.append('deleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)
def get_or_create_place_id(self, street_address, lang, name='', url=''): """ Return the id of the event place corresponding to the street_address. Create the event place with the address, name and url if not found. Espoo website does not maintain a place object with a dedicated id. This function tries to map the address to an existing place or create a new one if no place is found. :param street_address: The exact street address of the location :type street_address: String :param lang: The language the strings are provided in :type lang: String :param name: Optional name for the location :type name: String :param url: Optional info URL for the location :type url: String :rtype: id for the location """ address_data = clean_street_address(street_address) street_address = address_data.get('street_address', None) if not street_address: return espoo_loc_id = self.location_cache.get(street_address, None) if espoo_loc_id: return espoo_loc_id address_lang = lang if address_lang not in ADDRESS_LANGUAGES: # pick the first preferred language (e.g. Finnish) if lang (e.g. English) has no address translations address_lang = ADDRESS_LANGUAGES[0] # do not use street addresses, we want metadata for espoo event locations too! filter_params = { 'data_source__in': (self.tprek_data_source, self.data_source), 'deleted': False, 'street_address_' + address_lang + '__icontains': street_address, } # prefer tprek, prefer existing event locations places = Place.objects.filter(**filter_params).order_by( '-data_source', '-n_events') place = places.first() # Choose one place arbitrarily if many. if len(places) > 1: logger.warning( 'Several tprek and/or espoo id match the address "{}".'.format( street_address)) if not place: origin_id = self._get_next_place_id("espoo") # address must be saved in the right language! address_data['street_address_' + address_lang] = address_data.pop('street_address') address_data.update({ 'publisher': self.organization, 'origin_id': origin_id, 'id': 'espoo:%s' % origin_id, 'data_source': self.data_source, 'name_' + lang: name, 'info_url_' + lang: url }) place = Place(**address_data) elif place.data_source == self.data_source: # update metadata in the given language if the place belongs to espoo: setattr(place, 'name_' + lang, name) setattr(place, 'info_url_' + lang, url) setattr(place, 'street_address_' + address_lang, street_address)[ 'name_' + lang, 'info_url_' + lang, 'street_address_' + lang ]) # Cached the location to speed up self.location_cache.update( {street_address:}) # location cache need not care about address language return
def _import_address(self, syncher, address_obj): # addresses have no static ids, just format the address cleanly origin_id = str(address_obj).replace(' - ', '-').replace(',', '').replace( ' ', '_').lower() obj = syncher.get(origin_id) obj_id = 'osoite:' + origin_id if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=origin_id) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] # we must construct the names and street addresses from the address object info = {} for lang in self.supported_languages: info['name_' + lang] = self.get_whole_address(address_obj, lang) info['street_address_' + lang] = self.get_street_address( address_obj, lang) info['municipality_' + lang] = getattr(address_obj.street.municipality, 'name_' + lang) \ or getattr(address_obj.street.municipality, 'name_fi') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'municipality') position = address_obj.location #print("[OSOITE.PY]: ---> POSITION: ", position) #position = None obj._changed = True if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position #position = None if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False # address has been reinstated, hip hip hooray! # there's no way we can find any events from other addresses that should now be in this address # so we cannot do address replace here (the way we do with tprek units) obj._changed_fields.append('deleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)
def _import_unit(self, syncher, info): obj = syncher.get(str(info['id'])) obj_id = 'tprek:%s' % str(info['id']) if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=info['id']) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] self._save_translated_field(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'description', info, 'desc') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'address_city') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'info_url', info, 'www', max_length=1000) self._save_field(obj, 'telephone', info, 'phone') field_map = { 'address_zip': 'postal_code', 'address_postal_full': None, 'email': 'email', } for src_field, obj_field in field_map.items(): if not obj_field: continue val = info.get(src_field, None) if getattr(obj, obj_field) != val: setattr(obj, obj_field, val) obj._changed_fields.append(obj_field) obj._changed = True n = info.get('latitude', 0) e = info.get('longitude', 0) position = None if n and e: p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) picture_url = info.get('picture_url', '').strip() if picture_url: self.set_image(obj, {'url': picture_url}) if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False # location has been reinstated in tprek, hip hip hooray! replace_location(from_source='matko', by=obj) obj._changed_fields.append('deleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)
def _import_unit(self, syncher, info): obj = syncher.get(str(info['id'])) obj_id = 'tprek:%s' % str(info['id']) if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=info['id']) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] self._save_translated_field(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'description', info, 'desc') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'address_city') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'info_url', info, 'www', max_length=1000) self._save_field(obj, 'telephone', info, 'phone') field_map = { 'address_zip': 'postal_code', 'address_postal_full': None, 'email': 'email', } for src_field, obj_field in field_map.items(): if not obj_field: continue val = info.get(src_field, None) if getattr(obj, obj_field) != val: setattr(obj, obj_field, val) obj._changed_fields.append(obj_field) obj._changed = True n = info.get('latitude', 0) e = info.get('longitude', 0) position = None if n and e: p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) picture_url = info.get('picture_url', '').strip() if picture_url: self.set_image(obj, {'url': picture_url}) if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False # location has been reinstated in tprek, hip hip hooray! replace_location(from_source='matko', by=obj) obj._changed_fields.append('undeleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)
def get_or_create_place_id(self, street_address, lang, name='', url=''): """ Return the id of the event place corresponding to the street_address. Create the event place with the address, name and url if not found. Espoo website does not maintain a place object with a dedicated id. This function tries to map the address to an existing place or create a new one if no place is found. :param street_address: The exact street address of the location :type street_address: String :param lang: The language the strings are provided in :type lang: String :param name: Optional name for the location :type name: String :param url: Optional info URL for the location :type url: String :rtype: id for the location """ address_data = clean_street_address(street_address) street_address = address_data.get('street_address', None) if not street_address: return espoo_loc_id = self.location_cache.get(street_address, None) if espoo_loc_id: return espoo_loc_id address_lang = lang if address_lang not in ADDRESS_LANGUAGES: # pick the first preferred language (e.g. Finnish) if lang (e.g. English) has no address translations address_lang = ADDRESS_LANGUAGES[0] filter_params = { 'deleted': False, 'street_address_'+address_lang+'__icontains': street_address, } places = Place.objects.filter(**filter_params).order_by('id') place = places.first() # Choose one place arbitrarily if many. if len(places) > 1: logger.warning('Several tprek_id match the address "{}".'.format(street_address)) if not place: origin_id = self._get_next_place_id("espoo") # address must be saved in the right language! address_data['street_address_'+address_lang] = address_data.pop('street_address') address_data.update({ 'publisher': self.organization, 'origin_id': origin_id, 'id': 'espoo:%s' % origin_id, 'data_source': self.data_source, 'name_'+lang: name, 'info_url_'+lang: url }) place = Place(**address_data) elif place.data_source == self.data_source: # update metadata in the given language if the place belongs to espoo: setattr(place, 'name_'+lang, name) setattr(place, 'info_url_'+lang, url) setattr(place, 'street_address_'+address_lang, street_address)['name_'+lang, 'info_url_'+lang, 'street_address_'+lang]) # Cached the location to speed up self.location_cache.update({street_address:}) # location cache need not care about address language return
def get_or_create_place_id(self, street_address, lang, name='', url=''): """ Return the id of the event place corresponding to the street_address. Create the event place with the address, name and url if not found. Espoo website does not maintain a place object with a dedicated id. This function tries to map the address to an existing place or create a new one if no place is found. :param street_address: The exact street address of the location :type street_address: String :param lang: The language the strings are provided in :type lang: String :param name: Optional name for the location :type name: String :param url: Optional info URL for the location :type url: String :rtype: id for the location """ address_data = clean_street_address(street_address) street_address = address_data.get('street_address', None) if not street_address: return espoo_loc_id = self.location_cache.get(street_address, None) if espoo_loc_id: return espoo_loc_id filter_params = { 'deleted': False, 'street_address_' + lang + '__icontains': street_address, } places = Place.objects.filter(**filter_params).order_by('id') place = places.first() # Choose one place arbitrarily if many. if len(places) > 1: self.logger.warning('Several tprek_id match the address "%s".' % street_address) if not place: origin_id = self._get_next_place_id("espoo") address_data.update({ 'publisher': self.organization, 'origin_id': origin_id, 'id': 'espoo:%s' % origin_id, 'data_source': self.data_source, 'name_' + lang: name, 'info_url_' + lang: url }) place = Place(**address_data) elif place.data_source == self.data_source: # update metadata in the given language if the place belongs to espoo: setattr(place, 'name_' + lang, name) setattr(place, 'info_url_' + lang, url) setattr(place, 'street_address_' + lang, street_address)[ 'name_' + lang, 'info_url_' + lang, 'street_address_' + lang ]) # Cached the location to speed up self.location_cache.update({street_address:}) return
def do(self): logger.debug("cron job starting for: FB") #get the event worker for heltech try: ew = EventWorker.objects.get( page_name="HEL Tech") #assume one worker for hel tech except ObjectDoesNotExist: logger.error("No event workers configured, cannot check events!") return except MultipleObjectsReturned: logger.error( "Multiple workers found, do not know which one to run yet!") return graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token=ew.page_token, version="2.1") #get the page events and the database events fb_events = graph.get_connections(id=ew.page_id, connection_name="events") db_events = Event.objects.all() for event in fb_events['data']: try: e = Event.objects.get(eid=event['id']) except ObjectDoesNotExist: e = Event() ep = EventParser(event, ew.parse_speakers) ep.parse() #exists, lets update the participant count ac = graph.get_object(id=event['id'], fields='attending_count') e.attending_count = ac['attending_count'] or 0 # fetch the cover photo cover = graph.get_object(id=event['id'], fields=['cover']) try: e.cover_uri = cover['cover']['source'] except KeyError: e.cover_uri = "" # fill in the data e.eid = ep.eid e.title = ep.title e.start_time = ep.start_time e.end_time = ep.end_time e.programme = ep.programme e.description = ep.description e.punchline = ep.punchline #add the place try: p = Place.objects.get( except ObjectDoesNotExist: p = Place() = p.streetaddr = ep.addr = p #that's all for now # fill the speakers if ew.parse_speakers: edt = parser.parse(e.start_time) now = if edt >= now or ( not Speaker.objects.filter(event__eid=e.eid).exists()): (count, thedict) = speakers = Speaker.objects.filter( event__eid=e.eid).delete() logger.debug("deleted: " + str(count) + " speakers, details: " + str(thedict)) for speaker in ep.speakers: org = None sobj = Speaker() if speaker['org']: try: org = Organisation.objects.get( name=speaker['org']) except ObjectDoesNotExist: org = Organisation() = speaker['org'] speaker = Speaker(full_name=speaker['name'], title=speaker['title'], role=speaker['role'], organisation=org, event=e)