def game_start(): # initialisations pygame.init() status = functions.Status() st = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(st.screen_size) pygame.display.set_caption(st.screen_name) func = functions.Fucntions(st, screens.get_func_surface(screen, st)) sqs = Squares(st, status, screens.get_sqs_surface(screen, st)) AI = AI_player.AI() # main loop while True: pygame.display.flip() events.check_events(sqs, status, AI) if status.is_game_active(): if sqs.update(): screens.update_screen(screen, sqs, func, status, st) elif status.is_game_over(): interface.game_over(screen, st) elif status.is_game_new(): interface.start(screen, st) elif status.is_game_renew(): AI_mode = status.new_AI status.refresh() status.game_status = status.ACTIVE sqs = Squares(st, status, screens.get_sqs_surface(screen, st)) st = Settings() if AI_mode: status.AI = True else: raise RuntimeError # this should never happen
def run_game(): pygame.init() # создание всех объектов (dt, clock, setting, animation, background_animation, screen, tiles, test, characters, healths, background_full, camera, idd) = challenging_objects() # основной цикл i = 0 S = 0 while True: # события events.check_events(test, setting, screen, characters, camera, animation, healths, idd) # столкновения test.collide(characters, tiles) if len(characters) > 0: for character in characters: character.collide(tiles) # отображение display.update_screen(setting, screen, test, characters, background_full, healths) test.update_test(dt) camera.move(characters, test) # счетчик времени для отображения dt = clock.tick(setting.fps)
def run_game(): """ Glowna funkcja gry """ size = int(input("Podaj ilosc pol w zakresie 3 - 10: ")) while (size < 3 or size > 10): size = int(input("Podaj ilosc pol w zakresie 3 - 10: ")) winCombo = int( input( "Podaj ilosc znakow w rzedzie wygrywajacych w zakresie od 3 do ilosci pol: " )) while (winCombo < 3 or winCombo > size): winCombo = int( input( "Podaj ilosc znakow w rzedzie wygrywajacych w zakresie od 3 do ilosci pol: " )) pg.init() #inicjalizacja fukcji biblioteki PyGame wd = window.Window(size, winCombo) #inicjalizacja okna gry wd.winArr() #stworzenie wygrywajacych ukladow wd.draw_area() #rysowanie planszy gm = game.Game(wd, winCombo) #inicjalizacja mechaniki gry while True: events.check_events(wd, gm, size) #sprawdzanie wydarzen wd.update_area(gm) #odswiezanie planszy pg.display.update() #wyswietlanie aktualnego stanu
def paint(self, lcoord, pattern, c, border, background): """ Fill an area defined by a border attribute with a tiled pattern. """ # 4-way scanline flood fill: # flood fill stops on border colour in all directions; it also stops on scanlines in fill_colour # pattern tiling stops at intervals that equal the pattern to be drawn, unless this pattern is # also equal to the background pattern. c, border = self.get_attr_index(c), self.get_attr_index(border) solid = (pattern is None) if not solid: tile = self.screen.mode.build_tile(pattern) if pattern else None back = self.screen.mode.build_tile(background) if background else None else: tile, back = [[c]*8], None bound_x0, bound_y0, bound_x1, bound_y1 = self.get_view() x, y = self.view_coords(*self.get_window_physical(*lcoord)) line_seed = [(x, x, y, 0)] # paint nothing if seed is out of bounds if x < bound_x0 or x > bound_x1 or y < bound_y0 or y > bound_y1: return self.last_point = x, y # paint nothing if we start on border attrib if self.screen.get_pixel(x,y) == border: return while len(line_seed) > 0: # consider next interval x_start, x_stop, y, ydir = line_seed.pop() # extend interval as far as it goes to left and right x_left = x_start - len(self.screen.get_until(x_start-1, bound_x0-1, y, border)) x_right = x_stop + len(self.screen.get_until(x_stop+1, bound_x1+1, y, border)) # check next scanlines and add intervals to the list if ydir == 0: if y + 1 <= bound_y1: line_seed = self.check_scanline(line_seed, x_left, x_right, y+1, c, tile, back, border, 1) if y - 1 >= bound_y0: line_seed = self.check_scanline(line_seed, x_left, x_right, y-1, c, tile, back, border, -1) else: # check the same interval one scanline onward in the same direction if y+ydir <= bound_y1 and y+ydir >= bound_y0: line_seed = self.check_scanline(line_seed, x_left, x_right, y+ydir, c, tile, back, border, ydir) # check any bit of the interval that was extended one scanline backward # this is where the flood fill goes around corners. if y-ydir <= bound_y1 and y-ydir >= bound_y0: line_seed = self.check_scanline(line_seed, x_left, x_start-1, y-ydir, c, tile, back, border, -ydir) line_seed = self.check_scanline(line_seed, x_stop+1, x_right, y-ydir, c, tile, back, border, -ydir) # draw the pixels for the current interval if solid: self.screen.fill_interval(x_left, x_right, y, tile[0][0]) else: interval = tile_to_interval(x_left, x_right, y, tile) self.screen.put_interval(self.screen.apagenum, x_left, y, interval) # allow interrupting the paint if y%4 == 0: events.check_events() self.last_attr = c
def loop(self): """ Run read-eval-print loop until control returns to user after a command. """ try: while True: self.last_mode = state.basic_state.parse_mode, state.basic_state.auto_mode if state.basic_state.parse_mode: try: # may raise Break events.check_events() self.handle_basic_events() # returns True if more statements to parse if not statements.parse_statement(): state.basic_state.parse_mode = False except error.RunError as e: self.trap_error(e) except error.Break as e: # ctrl-break stops foreground and background sound state.console_state.sound.stop_all_sound() self.handle_break(e) elif state.basic_state.auto_mode: try: # auto step, checks events self.auto_step() except error.Break: # ctrl+break, ctrl-c both stop background sound state.console_state.sound.stop_all_sound() state.basic_state.auto_mode = False else: self.show_prompt() try: # input loop, checks events line = console.wait_screenline(from_start=True) self.prompt = not self.store_line(line) except error.Break: state.console_state.sound.stop_all_sound() self.prompt = False continue # change loop modes if self.switch_mode(): break except error.RunError as e: self.handle_error(e) self.prompt = True except error.Exit: raise except error.Reset: raise except Exception as e: if debug.debug_mode: raise debug.bluescreen(e)
def files(self, pathmask): """ Write directory listing to console. """ # forward slashes - file not found # GW-BASIC sometimes allows leading or trailing slashes # and then does weird things I don't understand. if b'/' in bytes(pathmask): raise error.RunError(error.FILE_NOT_FOUND) if not self.path: # undefined disk drive: file not found raise error.RunError(error.FILE_NOT_FOUND) drivepath, relpath, mask = self._native_path_elements(pathmask, path_err=error.FILE_NOT_FOUND) path = os.path.join(drivepath, relpath) mask = mask.upper() or b'*.*' # output working dir in DOS format # NOTE: this is always the current dir, not the one being listed dir_elems = [join_dosname(*short_name(path, e)) for e in self.cwd.split(os.sep)] console.write_line(self.letter + b':\\' + b'\\'.join(dir_elems)) fils = [] if mask == b'.': dirs = [split_dosname((os.sep+relpath).split(os.sep)[-1:][0])] elif mask == b'..': dirs = [split_dosname((os.sep+relpath).split(os.sep)[-2:][0])] else: all_names = safe(os.listdir, path) dirs = [filename_from_unicode(n) for n in all_names if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, n))] fils = [filename_from_unicode(n) for n in all_names if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, n))] # filter according to mask dirs = filter_names(path, dirs + [b'.', b'..'], mask) fils = filter_names(path, fils, mask) if not dirs and not fils: raise error.RunError(error.FILE_NOT_FOUND) # format and print contents output = ( [(b'%-8s.%-3s' % (t, e) if (e or not t) else b'%-8s ' % t) + b'<DIR>' for t, e in dirs] + [(b'%-8s.%-3s' % (t, e) if e else b'%-8s ' % t) + b' ' for t, e in fils]) num = state.console_state.screen.mode.width // 20 while len(output) > 0: line = b' '.join(output[:num]) output = output[num:] console.write_line(line) # allow to break during dir listing & show names flowing on screen events.check_events() console.write_line(b' %d Bytes free' % self.get_free())
def list_line(line, newline=True): """ Print a line from a program listing or EDIT prompt. """ # no wrap if 80-column line, clear row before printing. # flow of listing is visible on screen events.check_events() # replace LF CR with LF line = line.replace('\n\r', '\n') cuts = line.split('\n') for i, l in enumerate(cuts): # clear_line looks back along wraps, use clear_rest_of_line instead clear_rest_of_line(state.console_state.row, 1) write(str(l)) if i != len(cuts)-1: write('\n') if newline: write_line() # remove wrap after 80-column program line if len(line) == state.console_state.screen.mode.width and state.console_state.row > 2: state.console_state.screen.apage.row[state.console_state.row-3].wrap = False
def run(self, command, run, quit, wait): """ Interactive interpreter session. """ if command: self.store_line(command) self.loop() if run: # position the pointer at start of program and enter execute mode flow.jump(None) state.basic_state.parse_mode = True state.console_state.screen.cursor.reset_visibility() try: try: while True: self.loop() if quit and state.console_state.keyb.buf.is_empty(): break except error.Exit: # pause before exit if requested if wait: signals.video_queue.put(signals.Event(signals.VIDEO_SET_CAPTION, 'Press a key to close window')) signals.video_queue.put(signals.Event(signals.VIDEO_SHOW_CURSOR, False)) state.console_state.keyb.pause = True # this performs a blocking keystroke read if in pause state events.check_events() finally: # close interfaces signals.video_queue.put(signals.Event(signals.VIDEO_QUIT)) signals.message_queue.put(signals.Event(signals.AUDIO_QUIT)) # persist unplayed tones in sound queue state.console_state.tone_queue_store = [ signals.save_queue(q) for q in signals.tone_queue] # close files if we opened any devices.close_files() devices.close_devices() except error.Reset: # delete state if resetting state.delete()
def run_game(): pygame.init() ai_set = Settings() bullet_grp = Group() aliens_grp = Group() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_set.screen_width, ai_set.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invadors") screen.fill(ai_set.bg_color) button = Button(screen, ai_set, "Play") stats = GameStats(ai_set, screen) ai_ship = Ship(screen) ai_alien = Alien(screen) # Mathematics of number of aliens and formation. x_space = (ai_set.screen_width - 2 * (ai_alien.rect.width)) aliens_per_line = x_space / (2 * (ai_alien.rect.width)) create_fleet(screen, aliens_per_line, ai_alien, aliens_grp) while True: check_events(ai_ship, screen, ai_set, bullet_grp, button) screen.fill(ai_set.bg_color) ai_ship.draw_ship() draw_bullets(bullet_grp, aliens_grp, ai_set, stats) if (ai_set.game_active == 1): if (len(aliens_grp) == 0): bullet_grp.empty() create_fleet(screen, aliens_per_line, ai_alien, aliens_grp) recenter_ship(ai_ship) for every_b in bullet_grp.sprites(): every_b.update_bullet() else: button.draw_button() draw_fleet(aliens_grp, ai_set, ai_ship) stats.show_stats() pygame.display.flip()
wall = Wall(settings, screen) particles = Group() events.create_gas(settings, screen, particles, wall) #Sets clock (used for fixed FPS) and timer (used to count collision rate) clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 1000) info = Info(settings, screen) info.prep_collisions() keepGoing = True while keepGoing: clock.tick(30) #30 FPS events.check_events(screen, settings, particles, info, wall) particles.clear(screen, background) for particle in particles: particle.update(wall) #updates vel and pos if particle.collision: info.collision_rate += 1 particle.collision = False screen.fill(settings.bg_color) #cleans screen particles.draw(screen) wall.draw(screen) info.prep(wall, total_kinetic_energy(particles), len(particles))
def get_agent_and_check_events(account): agent = create_agent(account) check_events(account) return agent
def run_game(): # initialize fonts clock = pygame.time.Clock() # initialize sound mixer pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 512) pygame.mixer.init() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) # to hold all tiles from the map platforms_top = Group() platforms_bottom = Group() left_walls = Group() right_walls = Group() # actual game objects floor_tiles = Group() brick_tiles = Group() mystery_tiles = Group() pole = Group() fireballs = Group() pipes = Group() metal_tiles = Group() coins = Group() # background objects clouds = Group() hills = Group() bushes = Group() castle = Group() # create a viewport and pass all objects into it for # easier management viewport = Group() entity_gamemaster = EntityGameMaster() enemy_gamemaster = EnemyGameMaster() gui = GUI(screen) mario = Mario(screen, entity_gamemaster, gui) # create our map level and all objects within it map = Map(screen, 'resources/map.txt', platforms_top, platforms_bottom, left_walls, right_walls, floor_tiles, brick_tiles, mystery_tiles, pole, clouds, hills, bushes, pipes, metal_tiles, castle, enemy_gamemaster, mario, entity_gamemaster) # pass all objects groups into viewport so that they get updated with mario x movement creating a scrolling effect viewport.add(platforms_top) viewport.add(platforms_bottom) viewport.add(left_walls) viewport.add(right_walls) viewport.add(floor_tiles) viewport.add(brick_tiles) viewport.add(mystery_tiles) viewport.add(pole) viewport.add(clouds) viewport.add(hills) viewport.add(bushes) viewport.add(pipes) viewport.add(metal_tiles) viewport.add(castle) viewport.add(entity_gamemaster.fireflowers) viewport.add(entity_gamemaster.mushrooms) viewport.add(entity_gamemaster.one_up_mushrooms) viewport.add(entity_gamemaster.starmen) viewport.add(enemy_gamemaster.goombas) viewport.add(enemy_gamemaster.koopas) pygame.mixer.Channel(5).play( pygame.mixer.Sound('resources/sounds/themesong.wav')) while True: screen.fill(LIGHTBLUE) entity_gamemaster.update() e.check_events(mario, platforms_top, screen, fireballs, viewport) e.check_collisions(screen, mario, platforms_top, platforms_bottom, left_walls, right_walls, fireballs, mystery_tiles, brick_tiles, entity_gamemaster, viewport) # each collision part is independently handled------------------ platforms_top.update() platforms_bottom.update() left_walls.update() right_walls.update() # -------------------------------------------------------------- # actual game objects, images, sprites, etc..d.................. floor_tiles.update() brick_tiles.update() coins.update() mystery_tiles.update() pole.update() clouds.update() hills.update() bushes.update() pipes.update() metal_tiles.update() castle.update() enemy_gamemaster.update() fireballs.update(platforms_top, left_walls, right_walls, enemy_gamemaster) # ------------------------------------------------------------- mario.update(viewport, pole) gui.show_score() pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60)
def get_agent_and_check_events (account): agent = create_agent(account) check_events(account) return agent