예제 #1
    def test_timestamp_from_uuid(self):
        until = decimaltimestamp()
        uuid = uuid1()
        after = decimaltimestamp()
        uuid_timestamp = decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(uuid)
        self.assertLess(until, uuid_timestamp)
        self.assertGreater(after, uuid_timestamp)

        # Check timestamp_from_uuid() works with hex strings, as well as UUID objects.
예제 #2
    def test_decimaltimestamp_corresponds_with_decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(
        if os.getenv("TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION") in [
                "3.6", "3.7", "3.7-dev", "pypy3.5"
            self.skipTest("Somehow this fails on Travis dist:xenial.")

            # This is the weird error that happens in Python 3.7.1 on Travis Xenial dist.
            # Why does the second timestamp "happen" more than one second before the first?
            # Perhaps UUID1 doesn't actually use time.time() sometimes? Maybe it was a bug in v3.7.1?
FAIL: test_decimaltimestamp_corresponds_with_decimaltimestamp_from_uuid (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/build/johnbywater/eventsourcing/eventsourcing/tests/core_tests/test_utils.py", line 61,
  in test_decimaltimestamp_corresponds_with_decimaltimestamp_from_uuid
    self.assertLess(timestamp1, timestamp2)
AssertionError: Decimal('1561464862.322443') not less than Decimal('1561464861.100940')

        timestamp1 = decimaltimestamp()
        uuid_1 = uuid1()
        timestamp3 = decimaltimestamp()
        timestamp2 = decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(uuid_1)
        self.assertLess(timestamp1, timestamp2)
        self.assertLess(timestamp2, timestamp3)
    def test(self):
        # Check base class can be sub-classed.
        class Event(EventWithTimeuuid):

        # Check event has a UUID event_id.
        event = Event()
        self.assertIsInstance(event.event_id, UUID)

        # Check the event_id can't be reassigned.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            # noinspection PyPropertyAccess
            event.event_id = decimaltimestamp()

        # Check event can be instantiated with a given UUID.
        event_id = uuid1()
        event = Event(event_id=event_id)
        self.assertEqual(event.event_id, event_id)

        # Generate a series of timestamps.
        events = [Event() for _ in range(100)]
        timestamps = [decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(e.event_id) for e in events]

        # Check series doesn't decrease at any point.
        last = timestamps[0]
        for timestamp in timestamps[1:]:
            self.assertLessEqual(last, timestamp)
            last = timestamp

        # Check last timestamp is greater than the first.
        self.assertGreater(timestamps[-1], timestamps[0])
예제 #4
    def test_decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(self):
        # Check can convert a UUID to a Decimal.
        self.assertIsInstance(decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(uuid1()), Decimal)
        # Check can convert a UUID hex to a Decimal.
        self.assertIsInstance(decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(uuid1().hex), Decimal)

        # Generate a series of timestamps.
        timestamps = [decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(uuid1()) for _ in range(100)]

        # Check series doesn't decrease at any point.
        last = timestamps[0]
        for timestamp in timestamps[1:]:
            self.assertLessEqual(last, timestamp)
            last = timestamp

        # Check last timestamp is greater than the first.
        self.assertGreater(timestamps[-1], timestamps[0])
    def test(self):
        # Check base class can be sub-classed.
        class Event(EventWithTimeuuid):

        # Check event can be instantiated with an event_id.
        event_id = uuid1()
        event = Event(event_id=event_id)
        self.assertEqual(event.event_id, event_id)

        # Check event can be instantiated without an event_id.
        time1 = decimaltimestamp()
        event = Event()
        self.assertGreater(decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(event.event_id), time1)

        # Check the event_id can't be reassigned.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            # noinspection PyPropertyAccess
            event.event_id = decimaltimestamp()
    def test(self):
        with ExampleApplicationWithTimeuuidSequencedItems() as app:
            # Create entity.
            entity1 = app.start_entity()
            self.assertIsInstance(entity1.___initial_event_id__, UUID)
            expected_timestamp = decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(entity1.___initial_event_id__)
            self.assertEqual(entity1.__created_on__, expected_timestamp)
            self.assertTrue(entity1.__last_modified__, expected_timestamp)

            # Read entity from repo.
            retrieved_obj = app.repository[entity1.id]
            self.assertEqual(retrieved_obj.id, entity1.id)

            assert retrieved_obj.id not in app.repository
예제 #7
 def __last_modified__(self):
     return decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(self.___last_event_id__)
예제 #8
 def __created_on__(self):
     return decimaltimestamp_from_uuid(self.___initial_event_id__)