def get_data(self): """ Test the eWAY auth complete functionality. """ customer = Customer() customer.first_name = "Joe" customer.last_name = "Bloggs" = "*****@*****.**" customer.address = "35 rue de la fédération, Somewhere ACT".decode( 'utf-8') customer.postcode = "2609" customer.invoice_description = "Testing" customer.invoice_reference = "INV120394" = "AU" credit_card = CreditCard() credit_card.holder_name = '%s %s' % ( customer.first_name, customer.last_name, ) credit_card.number = "4444333322221111" credit_card.expiry_month = 10 credit_card.expiry_year = 12 credit_card.verification_number = "123" credit_card.ip_address = "" return [customer, credit_card]
def test_client(self): customer = Customer() customer.first_name = "Joe" customer.last_name = "Bloggs" = "*****@*****.**" customer.address = "123 Someplace Street, Somewhere ACT" customer.postcode = "2609" customer.invoice_description = "Testing" customer.invoice_reference = "INV120394" = "AU" credit_card = CreditCard() credit_card.holder_name = '%s %s' % ( customer.first_name, customer.last_name, ) credit_card.number = "4444333322221111" credit_card.expiry_month = 10 credit_card.expiry_year = 12 credit_card.verification_number = "123" credit_card.ip_address = "" if customer.is_valid() and credit_card.is_valid(): response = self.eway_client.authorize(Decimal("10.08"), credit_card=credit_card, customer=customer, reference="123456") self.failUnless(response.success)
def get_data(self): """ Test the eWAY auth complete functionality. """ customer = Customer() customer.first_name = "Joe" customer.last_name = "Bloggs" = "*****@*****.**" customer.address = "35 rue de la fédération, Somewhere ACT".decode('utf-8') customer.postcode = "2609" customer.invoice_description = "Testing" customer.invoice_reference = "INV120394" = "AU" credit_card = CreditCard() credit_card.holder_name = '%s %s' % (customer.first_name, customer.last_name,) credit_card.number = "4444333322221111" credit_card.expiry_month = 10 credit_card.expiry_year = 12 credit_card.verification_number = "123" credit_card.ip_address = "" return [customer, credit_card]
def payment(request): # TODO logging needs to be added into here msg = '' form = '' t = loader.get_template('payment.html') message = '' if request.session.get("order_id", None): order = Order.objects.get(pk=request.session.get("order_id", 0)) else: raise ValueError("Order not found") '''-------------------------------paypal-------------------------------------------------''' if request.POST.get("paypalcheckout.x", None): if float(order.getShippingCharged()) != 0: msgg = common.getResponse(order) if msgg['ACK'] == 'Success': return HttpResponseRedirect( "" % msgg['TOKEN']) else: msg = msgg '''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''' elif request.POST: rp = request.POST.copy() if rp.get("editmyorder"): return HttpResponseRedirect("cart.html") form = CreditCardForm(rp) if form.is_valid(): profile = order.user.get_profile() shipping = profile.shipping_set.all() billing = profile.billing_set.all() customer = Customer() names = form.cleaned_data.get("name") firstname = names[0] lastname = names[1] customer.first_name = firstname customer.last_name = lastname = billing[0].email customer.address = billing[0].address customer.postcode = billing[0].postcode customer.invoice_description = "Order from eastbourneart" customer.invoice_reference = order.getOrderNumber() = billing[0].country #op = CreditPayment() credit_card = CreditCard() #op.type = form.cleaned_data.get("type") credit_card.number = form.cleaned_data.get("number") credit_card.expiry_month = form.cleaned_data.get("expiryMonth") credit_card.expiry_year = form.cleaned_data.get("expiryYear") credit_card.holder_name = '%s %s' % ( firstname, lastname, ) credit_card.verification_number = form.cleaned_data.get("CVV") credit_card.ip_address = request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"] amount = float(order.total_charged) if customer.is_valid() and credit_card.is_valid(): #17019375 eway_client = EwayPaymentClient('17019375', config.REAL_TIME_CVN, True) response = eway_client.authorize(Decimal(str(amount)), credit_card=credit_card, customer=customer) if response.status.lower() == 'true': order.status = OrderStatus.objects.get( status__iexact=settings.TXT_SHOP_ORDER_STATUS_ORDERED) payment = True t = loader.get_template('orderconfirmationemail.html') d = { "profile": profile, "shipping": shipping[0], "billing": billing[0], 'payment': payment } c = RequestContext(request, common.commonDict(d, request)) msg = t.render(c) email = EmailMultiAlternatives( 'EASTBOURNEART Order Received - Order ' + order.getOrderNumber(), msg, '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**',]) email.attach_alternative(msg, "text/html") email.send() '''---------------------------------------inventory----------------------------------------------''' pos = order.productorder_set.all() for x in pos: if x.product.inventory: x.product.inventory -= x.quantity if x.product.inventory <= x.product.maximum_quantity_wholesale: t = loader.get_template('productinshort.html') c = RequestContext(request, {'product': x.product}) msg = t.render(c) send_mail( 'EASTBOURNEART Product In Short - Product ' + x.product.title, msg, '*****@*****.**', [ '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' ], fail_silently=False) '''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''' '''coupon = request.session.get('coupon') coupons = Coupon.objects.all() for x in coupons: r = x if x.checkCode(coupon) else None''' #if r: #r.addUsed(coupon) # send_mail('EASTBOURNEART Order Received - Order '+ order.getOrderNumber(), msg, '*****@*****.**', [], fail_silently=False) request.session["order_id"] = None request.session['coupon'] = '' return HttpResponseRedirect("success%s.html" % else: message = response.error else: return HttpResponse("ERROR: %s" % "Please supply all required infomation") else: form = CreditCardForm() country = request.session.get("shippingcountry", None) postcode = request.session.get("shippingpostcode", None) weight = order.getTotalWeight() try: if country.strip().lower() == "australia": price = postAustralia(getBoxes(order), getBoxWeight(order), postcode, order.getTotal()) else: price = postInternational(getBoxes(order), getBoxWeight(order), postcode, country, order.getTotal()) if not price: price = "?" price = 0.00 if price == 'free' else price except Exception, e: price = "?"