예제 #1
"""An example file showing how to run a simulation."""

import numpy as np
import opendeplete

import example_geometry

# Load geometry from example
geometry, lower_left, upper_right = example_geometry.generate_problem()

# Create dt vector for 5.5 months with 15 day timesteps
dt1 = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60  # 15 days
dt2 = 5.5 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60  # 5.5 months
N = np.floor(dt2 / dt1)

dt = np.repeat([dt1], N)

# Create settings variable
settings = opendeplete.OpenMCSettings()

settings.openmc_call = "openmc"
# An example for mpiexec:
# settings.openmc_call = ["mpiexec", "openmc"]
settings.particles = 1000
settings.batches = 100
settings.inactive = 40
settings.lower_left = lower_left
settings.upper_right = upper_right
settings.entropy_dimension = [10, 10, 1]

settings.power = 2.337e15 * 4  # MeV/second cm from CASMO
예제 #2
def test_full(run_in_tmpdir):
    """Full system test suite.

    Runs an entire OpenMC simulation with depletion coupling and verifies
    that the outputs match a reference file.  Sensitive to changes in

    This test runs a complete OpenMC simulation and tests the outputs.
    It will take a while.


    n_rings = 2
    n_wedges = 4

    # Load geometry from example
    geometry, lower_left, upper_right = generate_problem(n_rings, n_wedges)

    # OpenMC-specific settings
    settings = openmc.Settings()
    settings.particles = 100
    settings.batches = 10
    settings.inactive = 0
    space = openmc.stats.Box(lower_left, upper_right)
    settings.source = openmc.Source(space=space)
    settings.seed = 1
    settings.verbosity = 1

    # Create operator
    chain_file = Path(__file__).parents[2] / 'chain_simple.xml'
    op = openmc.deplete.Operator(geometry, settings, chain_file)
    op.round_number = True

    # Power and timesteps
    dt1 = 15. * 24 * 60 * 60  # 15 days
    dt2 = 1.5 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60  # 1.5 months
    N = floor(dt2 / dt1)
    dt = np.full(N, dt1)
    power = 2.337e15 * 4 * JOULE_PER_EV * 1e6  # MeV/second cm from CASMO

    # Perform simulation using the predictor algorithm
    openmc.deplete.PredictorIntegrator(op, dt, power).integrate()

    # Get path to test and reference results
    path_test = op.output_dir / 'depletion_results.h5'
    path_reference = Path(__file__).with_name('test_reference.h5')

    # If updating results, do so and return
    if config['update']:
        shutil.copyfile(str(path_test), str(path_reference))

    # Load the reference/test results
    res_test = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5(path_test)
    res_ref = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5(path_reference)

    # Assert same mats
    for mat in res_ref[0].mat_to_ind:
        assert mat in res_test[0].mat_to_ind, \
            "Material {} not in new results.".format(mat)
    for nuc in res_ref[0].nuc_to_ind:
        assert nuc in res_test[0].nuc_to_ind, \
            "Nuclide {} not in new results.".format(nuc)

    for mat in res_test[0].mat_to_ind:
        assert mat in res_ref[0].mat_to_ind, \
            "Material {} not in old results.".format(mat)
    for nuc in res_test[0].nuc_to_ind:
        assert nuc in res_ref[0].nuc_to_ind, \
            "Nuclide {} not in old results.".format(nuc)

    tol = 1.0e-6
    for mat in res_test[0].mat_to_ind:
        for nuc in res_test[0].nuc_to_ind:
            _, y_test = res_test.get_atoms(mat, nuc)
            _, y_old = res_ref.get_atoms(mat, nuc)

            # Test each point
            correct = True
            for i, ref in enumerate(y_old):
                if ref != y_test[i]:
                    if ref != 0.0:
                        correct = np.abs(y_test[i] - ref) / ref <= tol
                        correct = False

            assert correct, "Discrepancy in mat {} and nuc {}\n{}\n{}".format(
                mat, nuc, y_old, y_test)

    # Compare statepoint files with depletion results

    t_test, k_test = res_test.get_eigenvalue()
    t_ref, k_ref = res_ref.get_eigenvalue()
    k_state = np.empty_like(k_ref)

    n_tallies = np.empty(N + 1, dtype=int)

    # Get statepoint files for all BOS points and EOL
    for n in range(N + 1):
        statepoint = openmc.StatePoint("openmc_simulation_n{}.h5".format(n))
        k_n = statepoint.k_combined
        k_state[n] = [k_n.nominal_value, k_n.std_dev]
        n_tallies[n] = len(statepoint.tallies)
    # Look for exact match pulling from statepoint and depletion_results
    assert np.all(k_state == k_test)
    assert np.allclose(k_test, k_ref)

    # Check that no additional tallies are loaded from the files
    assert np.all(n_tallies == 0)
예제 #3
파일: test.py 프로젝트: smharper/openmc
def problem():
    n_rings = 2
    n_wedges = 4

    # Load geometry from example
    return generate_problem(n_rings, n_wedges)