예제 #1
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, teleport=False, movable_collisions=False):
    robot = problem.robot

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    #initial_bq = Pose(robot, get_pose(robot))
    initial_bq = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'), get_group_conf(robot, 'base'))
    init = [
        ('BConf', initial_bq),
        ('AtBConf', initial_bq),
        Equal(('PickCost',), scale_cost(1)),
        Equal(('PlaceCost',), scale_cost(1)),
    ] + [('Sink', s) for s in problem.sinks] + \
           [('Stove', s) for s in problem.stoves] + \
           [('Connected', b, d) for b, d in problem.buttons] + \
           [('Button', b) for b, _ in problem.buttons]
    for arm in ARM_NAMES:
    #for arm in problem.arms:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf), ('HandEmpty', arm), ('AtAConf', arm, conf)]
        if arm in problem.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
    for body in problem.movable:
        pose = Pose(body, get_pose(body))
        init += [('Graspable', body), ('Pose', body, pose),
                 ('AtPose', body, pose)]
        for surface in problem.surfaces:
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface)]
            if is_placement(body, surface):
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    goal = [AND]
    if problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_conf = Pose(robot, problem.goal_conf)
        init += [('BConf', goal_conf)]
        goal += [('AtBConf', goal_conf)]
    goal += [('Holding', a, b) for a, b in problem.goal_holding] + \
                     [('On', b, s) for b, s in problem.goal_on] + \
                     [('Cleaned', b)  for b in problem.goal_cleaned] + \
                     [('Cooked', b)  for b in problem.goal_cooked]

    stream_map = {
        'sample-pose': get_stable_gen(problem),
        'sample-grasp': from_list_fn(get_grasp_gen(problem)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),
        'plan-base-motion': from_fn(get_motion_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),
        'MoveCost': move_cost_fn,
        'TrajPoseCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
        'TrajArmCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
        'TrajGraspCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
        stream_map['plan-base-motion'] = empty_gen(),
    # get_press_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #2
파일: run.py 프로젝트: m1sk/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, teleport=False, movable_collisions=False):
    robot = problem.robot

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {
        'world': 'world',

    world = 'world'
    initial_bq = Pose(robot, get_pose(robot))
    init = [
        ('BConf', initial_bq), # TODO: could make pose as well...
        ('AtBConf', initial_bq),
        ('AtAConf', world, None),
        ('AtPose', world, world, None),
    ] + [('Sink', s) for s in problem.sinks] + \
           [('Stove', s) for s in problem.stoves] + \
           [('Connected', b, d) for b, d in problem.buttons] + \
           [('Button', b) for b, _ in problem.buttons]
    #for arm in ARM_JOINT_NAMES:
    for arm in problem.arms:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf),
                 ('HandEmpty', arm), ('AtAConf', arm, conf), ('AtPose', arm, arm, None)]
        if arm in problem.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
    for body in problem.movable:
        pose = Pose(body, get_pose(body))
        init += [('Graspable', body), ('Pose', body, pose),
                 ('AtPose', world, body, pose)]
        for surface in problem.surfaces:
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface)]
            if is_placement(body, surface):
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    goal = ['and']
    if problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_conf = Pose(robot, problem.goal_conf)
        init += [('BConf', goal_conf)]
        goal += [('AtBConf', goal_conf)]
    goal += [('Holding', a, b) for a, b in problem.goal_holding] + \
                     [('On', b, s) for b, s in problem.goal_on] + \
                     [('Cleaned', b)  for b in problem.goal_cleaned] + \
                     [('Cooked', b)  for b in problem.goal_cooked]

    stream_map = {
        'sample-pose': get_stable_gen(problem),
        'sample-grasp': from_list_fn(get_grasp_gen(problem)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),

        'plan-base-motion': from_fn(get_motion_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)),
        #'plan-base-motion': empty_gen(),
        'BTrajCollision': fn_from_constant(False),
    # get_press_gen(problem, teleport=teleport)

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
예제 #3
def pddlstream_from_state(state, teleport=False):
    task = state.task
    robot = task.robot
    # TODO: infer open world from task

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {
        'base': 'base',
        'left': 'left',
        'right': 'right',
        'head': 'head',

    #base_conf = state.poses[robot]
    base_conf = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'),
                     get_group_conf(robot, 'base'))
    scan_cost = 1
    init = [
        ('BConf', base_conf),
        ('AtBConf', base_conf),
        Equal(('MoveCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('PickCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('PlaceCost', ), 1),
        Equal(('ScanCost', ), scan_cost),
        Equal(('RegisterCost', ), 1),
    holding_arms = set()
    holding_bodies = set()
    for attach in state.attachments.values():
        init += [('Grasp', attach.body, attach.grasp),
                 ('AtGrasp', attach.arm, attach.body, attach.grasp)]
    for arm in ARM_NAMES:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf), ('AtAConf', arm, conf)]
        if arm in task.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
        if arm not in holding_arms:
            init += [('HandEmpty', arm)]
    for body in task.get_bodies():
        if body in holding_bodies:
        # TODO: no notion whether observable actually corresponds to the correct thing
        pose = state.poses[body]
        init += [
            ('Pose', body, pose),
            ('AtPose', body, pose),
            ('Observable', pose),

    init += [('Scannable', body) for body in task.rooms + task.surfaces]
    init += [('Registerable', body) for body in task.movable]
    init += [('Graspable', body) for body in task.movable]
    for body in task.get_bodies():
        supports = task.get_supports(body)
        if supports is None:
        for surface in supports:
            p_obs = state.b_on[body].prob(surface)
            cost = revisit_mdp_cost(0, scan_cost,
                                    p_obs)  # TODO: imperfect observation model
            init += [('Stackable', body, surface),
                     Equal(('LocalizeCost', surface, body), clip_cost(cost))]
            #if is_placement(body, surface):
            if is_center_stable(body, surface):
                if body in holding_bodies:
                pose = state.poses[body]
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    for body in task.get_bodies():
        if state.is_localized(body):
            init.append(('Localized', body))
            init.append(('Uncertain', body))
        if body in state.registered:
            init.append(('Registered', body))

    goal = And(*[('Holding', a, b) for a, b in task.goal_holding] + \
           [('On', b, s) for b, s in task.goal_on] + \
           [('Localized', b) for b in task.goal_localized] + \
           [('Registered', b) for b in task.goal_registered])

    stream_map = {
        from_gen_fn(get_ik_ir_gen(task, teleport=teleport)),
        from_fn(get_motion_gen(task, teleport=teleport)),
        from_test(get_in_range_test(task, VIS_RANGE)),
        from_test(get_in_range_test(task, REG_RANGE)),
        accelerate_list_gen_fn(from_gen_fn(get_vis_base_gen(task, VIS_RANGE)),
        accelerate_list_gen_fn(from_gen_fn(get_vis_base_gen(task, REG_RANGE)),

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal)
예제 #4
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Khodeir/pddlstream
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem,
    robot = problem.robot

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {
        '@sink': 'sink',
        '@stove': 'stove',

    #initial_bq = Pose(robot, get_pose(robot))
    initial_bq = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'),
                      get_group_conf(robot, 'base'))
    init = [
        ('BConf', initial_bq),
        ('AtBConf', initial_bq),
        Equal(('PickCost',), 1),
        Equal(('PlaceCost',), 1),
    ] + [('Sink', s) for s in problem.sinks] + \
           [('Stove', s) for s in problem.stoves] + \
           [('Connected', b, d) for b, d in problem.buttons] + \
           [('Button', b) for b, _ in problem.buttons]
    for arm in ARM_NAMES:
        #for arm in problem.arms:
        joints = get_arm_joints(robot, arm)
        conf = Conf(robot, joints, get_joint_positions(robot, joints))
        init += [('Arm', arm), ('AConf', arm, conf), ('HandEmpty', arm),
                 ('AtAConf', arm, conf)]
        if arm in problem.arms:
            init += [('Controllable', arm)]
    for body in problem.movable:
        pose = Pose(body, get_pose(body), init=True)  # TODO: supported here
        init += [('Graspable', body), ('Pose', body, pose),
                 ('AtPose', body, pose), ('Stackable', body, None)]
        for surface in problem.surfaces:
            if is_placement(body, surface):
                init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]
    for body, ty in problem.body_types:
        init += [('Type', body, ty)]

    bodies_from_type = get_bodies_from_type(problem)
    goal_literals = []
    if problem.goal_conf is not None:
        goal_conf = Conf(robot, get_group_joints(robot, 'base'),
        init += [('BConf', goal_conf)]
        goal_literals += [('AtBConf', goal_conf)]
    for ty, s in problem.goal_on:
        bodies = bodies_from_type[get_parameter_name(ty)] if is_parameter(
            ty) else [ty]
        init += [('Stackable', b, s) for b in bodies]
        goal_literals += [('On', ty, s)]
    goal_literals += [('Holding', a, b) for a, b in problem.goal_holding] + \
                     [('Cleaned', b)  for b in problem.goal_cleaned] + \
                     [('Cooked', b)  for b in problem.goal_cooked]
    goal_formula = []
    for literal in goal_literals:
        parameters = [a for a in get_args(literal) if is_parameter(a)]
        if parameters:
            type_literals = [('Type', p, get_parameter_name(p))
                             for p in parameters]
                Exists(parameters, And(literal, *type_literals)))
    goal_formula = And(*goal_formula)

    custom_limits = {}
    if base_limits is not None:
        custom_limits.update(get_custom_limits(robot, problem.base_limits))

    stream_map = {
        from_gen_fn(get_stable_gen(problem, collisions=collisions)),
        from_list_fn(get_grasp_gen(problem, collisions=collisions)),
        #'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_gen(problem, collisions=collisions)),
        from_test(get_cfree_traj_pose_test(robot, collisions=collisions)),
        #'test-cfree-traj-grasp-pose': from_test(get_cfree_traj_grasp_pose_test(problem, collisions=collisions)),

        #'MoveCost': move_cost_fn,
    #stream_map = DEBUG

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal_formula)